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Global Giving Advisors
GGA advises individuals andfamiliesonstrategic and effective philanthropy. We help identifygoalsandstrategies, structure grant making initiatives,analyzegivingoptions, and evaluate results. We work with legalandfinancialadvisors, investment counselors and wealth managerstointegrateinnovative philanthropic solutions for theirclients'throughindependent, impartial fee-based advice. GGA servestheneeds ofclients around the globe.While it can be a challenge to maximize thebenefitsofphilanthropy, Global Giving Advisors, LLC works with itsclientstodevelop individualized philanthropic portfolios whichenhancethehuman, intellectual, social and financial impactofphilanthropysuited to the client goal and objectives. Weareexperienced atlooking at opportunities from both quantitativeandqualitativeperspectives and have substantial knowledge ofAfricandevelopmentinitiatives and microfinance.A former investment banker, Liz has over fifteenyearsofexperience in the philanthropic world. Liz's astuteabilitytocommunicate combined with being a resourceful,imaginative,anddecisive problem-solver has made her a desiredcommodity onNYCnot-for-profit boards. She has served on numerousnon-profitboardsand has volunteered for many non-profitorganizations in NYC.Inthe last several years, Liz has focused oninnovativedevelopmentand educational initiatives in Africa. She hastraveledextensivelywithin Africa and other developingcountries.Liz holds an MBA from UCLA and a BA from Pomona College.The ProcessIt is easy to give away money, but difficult to do sowell.Thereare three types of philanthropy: philanthropy thatfeelsgood;philanthropy that looks good; and philanthropy thatdoesgood. AtGlobal Giving Advisors, LLC we believe that achievingthethird typeof philanthropy leads directly to the other two. Weknowit requiresa strategic approach that begins with a definedmissionand resultsin measurable outcomes.