Top 5 Games Similar to SAFE Arbitre

Soccer Referee 1.0.3
As a referee you can use this app during matches to: - keep trackoftime - keep track of score - keep track of cards Let us knowwhatyou think of the app
Sports Arbitrage 1.2.0
Joe Senyah
Sports Arbitrage does all ofthecomplexmathematical calculations, so you don't have to!Star Features:(Dutching) Arbitrage Calculator, allowing the usertocalculate‘guaranteed profitable’ opportunities for 2 waymarketssuch asTennis and Basketball as well as 3 way markets suchasFootballsimply and effectively.(Hedging) Arbitrage Calculator, allowing the user toeasilytestout hedging (back/lay) opportunities on 2 waymarketswithprovision for commission on both the back and the layside ofamarket.Instant odds conversion between Fractional/DecimalandMoneylineodds, simply enter any one of the odds types andtheequivalentvalues will be automatically generated,uponcalculation.An expertly designed user interface compromising 5separateandfully functional calculators with clear andsimpleinstructions,along with accurate and concise textualsummariesaccompanying thenumerically generated results indicatingwhether anarbitrageopportunity is possible given the entered priceson thespecificarbitrage calculator in use.It’s advisable that all users fully ensuretheyfamiliarisethemselves with Sports arbitrage terminology ingeneralbeforeattempting to use this tool on the tradingmarkets.Other Information:This tool was designed on Android Devices runningAndroidversionsof 4.2.2 and above and will work well and has beentestedon mostAndroid models from 2.3 Gingerbread and above.On some of the older Android versions such as 2.3Gingerbread,thenative virtual keyboards may not display thedecimal point onthenumeric keypad so you may have to use analternativevirtualkeyboard.This product was designed using Adobe Air.
RefTool SemiPro v3.3
Soccer referee tool
Secure Odds - n1 Arbitrage App 1.1
With secure odds you may alwayswin.Makecertain profit from sports betting by placing surebets,alsocalled arbitrage bets or arbitrage betting. We scan allbookiestofind a secure bet to invest your money. Why wait a yearfor asmallpercent raise on your money in the bank, when you caninvestinsecure bets and earn money immediately!Each outmode is backed with mathematical advantage, awinisguaranteed. The winning bet will cover all losing betsandthebettor can make a profit.We try to stay ahead with bookies, updating our secure betstobeup to date and precise, we take no responsibility forthedataaccuracy. Please note that sometimes we mayreceiveinaccurateinformation from bookmakers about their currentoddsvalues, or oursure bet may expire before placing a bet.THIS IS FULL VERSION.BUY IT ONCE, AND USE IT FOREVER WITHOUT SUBSCRIPTIONS!!!
Surebets Arbitrage Betting 2.0
locoti UG
With this free app you can findSurebetswhereever and when ever you want.You can choose between different Surebets and combinewiththeodds of your established bookmaker.Any other questions? Go on reading:There are a variety of online bookmakers. Theyofferbesidesfootball many other different sportbettings.Here you can bet on a particular outcome of the game.Usually win, draw or defeat.The bookmaker sets this for every situation a so-calledfixedodd.This determines how much profit you can reach.In the non-arrival, you lose your whole bet.It doesn't matter for the bookmaker which team winorloose,because he puts the odds so firmly that he achievedonaverage 5% -20% profit.Now, like a bookmaker you can also combine your ownbetsondifferent bookmakers. In the right combination youcanachieveprofits up to 20% of your bet.Of course an individual analysis is very complex and sowedecidedto realize a free service which analyze and show youthemost optimalcombinations.This app shows you on which game with which odds youhavetobet.In addition to this app, we offer our service onouronlineplatform fun and enjoy your winnings!