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Sirmione 4.4.10
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The official app includes all the information you need aboutthetownyou live in, and is the best way to find out what's goingon:fromnotifications of arts, cultural and sporting events,toinformationon services for both local people and visitors."iTown"is the firstand only pioneering communication tool aimedatcreating a network ofItalian towns, and enabling sharingofevents, promotions andmagazines in local areas. Also: √Searchesin all languages, evenoffline The app recognises yourdevice'slanguage setting and showsall categories and keyinformation inyour chosen language √ Eventsin your town and other"iTown" townsGli utenti potranno essereinformati sui principalieventi attornoa loro con aggiornamento intempo reale di data,orario egeolocalizzazione √ Detailedgeolocalised profiles Getinformationon major events in your localarea with real-timeupdates on dates,times and geolocation √Promotions and profilesshared with other"iTown" apps No need todownload a new app everytime you want tofind a nearby company orpromotion, you'll findthem all in the"Showcase" network √ Magazinesin pdf format thatcan also beviewed offline Download pdf magazinesfrom the"news-stand" sectionand view them offline anywhere, at anytime √Up-to-date weatherinformation Plan your day according totheweather forecast √ Keepup to date with push notificationsGetinformation and updatesdirectly and in real time, and you’llnevermiss out on anythingagain √ Communicate via notificationsActivelyparticipate ininitiatives such as urban environment,wastemanagement, safety,roads, health, etc. by sendingnotifications Anda lot more iscoming...
Attraverso l'applicazione potretescoprireitrattamenti che offrono le terme della provinciadiBrescia(Sirmione, Boario e Vallio) e tutta l'offerta wellnessconacquatermale. Potrete conoscere i percorsi turisticieciclo-pedonaliche si snodano tra il Lago di Garda, Lago d'IseoeLago d'Idro e lenostre montagne e trovare le principalistruttureturistichesituati nelle località termali.Lasciarsi alle spalle i ritmi frenetici della vita moderna.Lasalutedel corpo e della mente è l’obiettivo. Modernepiscinetermali,trattamenti curativi ed estetici, prodotti dibellezzaderivati dalleacque e dai fanghi del lago sono, invece,glistrumenti.Le Terme di Sirmione, dalla grande tradizione, e lemodernetermedella provincia di Brescia, come le recentementerinnovateTerme diBoario o le Terme di Vallio, sono concepite peroffrireagli ospitil’opportunità di rilassarsi e ritrovareenergia,armoniapsico-fisica e bellezza. Il tutto in unambienteincantevole,romantico e raffinato, in nome delle virtùterapeutichedell’acquatermale.BRESCIA... DOVE TUTTO E' POSSIBILEThrough theapplicationyouwill discover that offer spa treatments in theprovince ofBrescia(Sirmione, Boarium and Vallio) and the entirewellnessoffer withthermal water. You will learn about the touristroutesandcycle-paths that wind their way between Lake Garda, LakeIseoandLake Idro, our mountains and find the main touristfacilitieslocatedat spas. Leave behind the hectic pace of modern life. The health ofbodyandmind is the goal. Modern thermal pools, healthandbeautytreatments, beauty products derived from the water and mudofthelake are, however, tools.The Terme di Sirmione, a great tradition, and modern spaintheprovince of Brescia, such as the recently renewed BoarioortheTerme di Vallio, are designed to offer guests theopportunitytorelax and regain energy, mental and physical harmonyandbeauty.All in a lovely setting, romantic and refined, in thenameof thetherapeutic properties of thermal water. BRESCIA ... WHERE EVERYTHING AND 'POSSIBLE