Top 14 Apps Similar to SQLite Relational Manager

SQLite Manager 1.3.6
John Li
View and edit SQLite database on yourAndroiddevice, features:********** 'SQLite Database Manager' available on Android, MacandiOS **********New User Guide on Youtube:* Now we support view and edit ROOT mode database viaIn-apppurchase(New in-app 'Edit Root Mode Database', you phone must be rootedtouse this feature)* Build-in File Manager to find SQLite database* View database tables with paging results (change page sizeinmenu)* Edit SQL with shortcut buttons and Run SQL* All SQL support (CRUD)* SQL will automatically save to history* Share SQL and Result CSV with others* Easily Delete Row , Update Row, Update FIeld, Copy/CloneRowData,* Check Database Info, size ,version , encoding...* Open sqlite database From Dropbox* Open sqlite database from Email attachmentWant even more professional features? You can find my superpowerfull "Sqlite Manager Pro" edition here: and questions welcome send me email, you can find'EmailDeveloper' link on this page.)
Memento Database 4.13.3
Track and organize anything with the extremelycustomizabledatabase.
PortoDB Database 2.4.4
A very simple database application
Easy Database 21.3.03
Easy Database
Manage all your data on your device without wireless internetormobile.
SQLite Editor
Speed Software
Allows you to edit and delete records inanySQLite database on your phone. For root users, lists allinstalledapps which have local internal databases. You can thenselect anapp and edit any of its databases.Fully integrated with Root Explorer. When browsing files inRootExplorer, selecting a database file automatically launches thisappinstead of the database viewer that is built intoRootExplorer.Non-root users can browse and edit databases on the SD card.Data is displayed in a smooth scrollable grid and records canbefiltered on any field value.To quickly get to regularly accessed databases you can eitheraddthem to the bookmarks list or look on the recentlyaccessedtab.
Connect2SQL: A SQL Client 3.0.2+build43.1
Cantil Software
Connect2SQL is an all-in-one MySQL client,SQLServer client, Sybase client, and Postgres client for Android.Itallows you to remotely connect to MySQL, Microsoft SQL, Sybase,andPostgreSQL servers directly from your phone or tablet. Executeanycommand with the help of basic SQL syntax highlighting and viewtheresults in a fully scrollable grid. Save commonly usedSQLstatements and review the history of SQL statementsexecuted.This application works as a...MySQL ClientSQL Server Client (Microsoft SQL)Sybase Client (ASE only)Postgres ClientFEATURES- Pattern lock security w/ encrypted data- Full execution availability- Quick keys [shortcuts]- Save queries per connection- History of queries executed- Placeholders for dynamic saved queries- Scrollable results with clipboard copy- Basic SQL syntax highlighting- Multiple ResultSet compatible- Built in paginationREQUEST FEATURES/SUPPORTRequest features or assistance at: Use app with care. It does not have limitations onsuchcommands as DROP, TRUNCATE, DELETE, etc. Anything you do willbedone directly on the server. If you are not sure how, what,who,SQL is... this tool is probably not for you...
Root Explorer 4.12.3
The ultimate file manager for rooted devices. The original andstillthe best.
Your app idea 3.1.0
Bootstrap application to help developer startanew android application.What you can find inside :* Implemented UI Patterns- Material Design- Navigation Drawer, NavigationView,CoordinatorLayout,AppBarLayout, ToolBar (AppCompatActivity)- List/Detail (fragment)- Cardview- Pull To Refresh- Spinner in ToolBar- Contextual toasts with SnackBar* Improove UX- Fragment transition- Different layouts in landscape mode- No splashscreen (because anti-pattern)* Architecture- Dependency injection with Dagger- RxJava for asking permissions and network requests* Persistence- Sqlite Database : manage creation/upgrade of database usingsqlscripts- ContentProvider examples- AsyncTaskLoader and CursorLoader* Network- Json Request with Retrofit and okhttp- SyncAdapter- Retrieve posts from wordpress website* Geoloc- Localization with Google Play Services- Geocoder example, Distance compute, sort by distance* Promote your app- Link to the application on Google Play Store foraddingrating/comments- ChangeLog screen (can show what's new since previous versionordisplay full changelog)* Monetize your app- Integration of admob- Donation screen (paypal)* Others- User sign in (facebook, google+- PreferencesFragmentCompat- Eula (End User Licence Agreement) : accept/refuse Eula onfirsttime or just display.- Multidex enabled.
SQLite Editor and Compiler 1.3.3
A valuable SQLite editor for your Android device
SQLTool Pro Database Editor 1.6.5
Nic Raboy
MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, and Sybasedatabaseclient
SailformsPro Relational DB 2.0.27c
A Relational Database for Sailforms
Smart Reference Manager Trial 1.1
With Smart Reference Manager you caneasilywrite down your notes about what you read and study,organized byseveral criteria, like sources and authors.This is not an app for academics, but for all of us who liketostudy and learn, and want a way to keep track of things. Wecouldsay this is a Knowledge Manager.Use for:- Register text notes easily;- Find notes in no time;- Swiping navigation;- Organize data by authors, sources, publications, themes,subjectsand knowledge areas;- Instant list filtering;- Data backup to your desktop;- Really easy and nice to use;Here are some useful questions and answers.1. What do you mean by sources?Sources are the documents to which you want to reference. Canbeall sorts you things, like an article, a book chapter, a book,avideo, etc.2. And publications?Publications are the sources parents. For instance, source maybea book chapter, and the publication the book itself; or sourcemaybe an article, and the publication the respective journalormagazine.3. How can I filter notes easily?If you want, for example, to see all the notes in a source,justgo to the sources list, and click the one you want. Similarly,tohave all notes related to some author, just go to the authorslist,long-click in the name, and select Notes. Another example:toselect all notes in a subject, go to the theme lists, andclickthat subject.4. How to edit, for instance, a source or an author?Go to the sources or authors list, long-click the item,andchoose Edit.5. What about Knowledge Areas?Just an optional extra layer for your referencesorganization.These can be the broadest areas that you separate yourcontentwith. Using Knowledge is just like having separated apps,one foreach area. Go to the sources or authors list, long-click theitem,and choose Edit.6. Can I backup my data?Yes! Go to Settings | Backup, and click Save data to card.This will save to sd card, in directory Smart ReferenceManager,a copy of your database namedsmartreferencemanager.db.sqlite.Then, you can save the filewherever you want, or even inspect itand change it with an sqliteeditor. However, do not change thedirectory and file names andlocations, if you want to use theimport facility.To retrieve a database use Import data from card. But becareful.Importing the database means you are completely replacingthe datawith the card file. If you have manipulated the file andmade somemistake, you can lose all your data! Remember also that ifyou doan import of an old file, you lose data introduced meanwhile.So,use with care.Smart Mobile Life.
DroidEdit (free code editor) 1.23.6
DroidEdit Free - a free source code editor for Android
SQL mini 1.8
SQLite of Android can be used frominteractivecommand line.It can use from both Program sauce and Direct command.The Variable and Arrays can be used as anoriginalfunction.The query result is storable not only in text output butarrayvariable.SQL-mini is executed in interpreter mode.It is compatible with mutual with source code of theAndroid-BasicSQLmode,and Some control commands can be used.*SQL file opened should always close at the end.