Top 9 Apps Similar to Free Assessment 中英數個人能力評核

HK Liberal Studies 香港通識教育網 2.1.6
為老師及同學提供即時的通識教育資訊Provideimmediateinformation for teachers and students ofgeneraleducation
看CNN學英語:品牌故事 3.6
CNN主播專訪全球品牌企業,與你分享CEO的成功之路! 「看CNN學英語-品牌故事」 ◆ 看樂高如何從瀕臨破產浴火重生?◆台灣之光「珍奶」、「小籠包」征服外國人的胃 ◆ 從代工到MIT台灣精品,捷安特的品牌之路◆平價時尚正流行,Uniqlo紅遍全球的秘密本篇共含11課,為《CNN主播教你說英語企業品牌故事+CEO專訪》互動版電子書,提供免費試閱課程一篇。購買完整版後,您可以下載及閱讀完整互動版課程內容。目錄: -鼎泰豐的小籠包傳奇(試閱) - 樂高從玩積木到娛樂王國 - 捷安特從代工廠到世界知名品牌 - 專訪趨勢科技執行長陳怡樺-專訪OSIM總裁 - UNIQLO的平價時尚哲學 CNN專訪社長 柳井正 - 利樂包的食品保鮮革命 - 春水堂珍珠奶茶-Facebook 十週年,未來動向受矚目! - 從「漢堡」大學看麥當勞的員工訓練哲學 「看CNN學英語」產品特色-全國唯一CNN官方授權的新聞影片教材 - 外語系教授大力推薦的影音互動式學習法 -涵蓋名人專訪、商業財經、流行科技、休閒旅遊等領域- 專業CNN記者、主播教你輕鬆聽懂英語新聞 -訓練英聽,準備托福、多益考試的最佳利器! 互動功能介紹: ☑全文朗讀/單句播放/單句重複 ☑ 英中/中/英字幕切換 ☑英漢字典/朗讀發音 ☑ 重點單字表列 ☑ 字級放大/縮小 ☑ 全螢幕播放☑收起/展開影片「看CNN學英語」系列APP是由LiveABC開發製作,本系列產品包含16支不同主題的APP,總計160+段精選課程。想體驗豐富多元的主題、道地純正的外語環境嗎?「看CNN學英語」是您英語學習的最佳好幫手。LiveABC互動英語教學集團創立以來持續研發數位學習內容,累積了豐富數位出版經驗,並成為經濟部『中堅企業重點輔導對象』唯一數位出版廠商,同時也是台灣第一家獲得『數位學習教材品質認證AAA級』最高榮譽的出版廠商,LiveABC擁有先進的技術與多媒體製作團隊,搭配專業的國內外教材編輯團隊,精心研發互動式多媒體語言學習產品,為數位學習的領導品牌,讓學習者能夠體驗「LearningIsVery Easy with LiveABC」。 更多學習資訊請上LiveABC官網:粉絲頁:讀者服務信箱: [email protected]
Little Fox English 2.2.6
Download the Little Fox app, and enjoy300animated stories and songs that are available for FREE. Plus,thereis a new free story every day! As kids read our leveledstories andsongs, they build English vocabulary and fluency in anatural,authentic way.[Features of a subscription to the Little Fox app]- Over 310 songs that allow children to learn simple Englishphrasesand numbers. Songs include The Alphabet Song and Mary Had aLittleLamb.- Over 3,400 animated stories for children, with 70 originalseriesand 650 classics. Animated series include fiction such asmysteriesand fantasies, as well as non-fiction such as scienceandbiography, and more!- A structured learning environment for ESL/ELL students so theycangradually progress from levels 1-9.- A new story is released each day, Monday through Friday!- Quizzes to test comprehension- Text and translation are provided for every story and song.- A reader’s “Bookshelf” to store and organize favorites- To see which stories and songs children have watched, parentscanuse the Learning Log to check their progress. There areseparateLearning Logs and Bookshelves for each child.- One parent user, plus up to three child users- Little Fox website subscribers can use our app withoutanyadditional cost.[Awards]- 2015, 2016 Korea EduAward, Elementary School EnglishEducationCategory- 2015 Education Software Review Awards, UpperElementaryCategory- 2015 Korea Education Sector Elementary EnglishEducationAward- 2014 Teachers’ Choice Award, for the Family & fortheClassroom- 2013 National Parenting Publications Awards, Gold Winner- 2013 Interactive Media Awards, Best in Class- 2003 Korea Software Industry Association (KOSA) PrimeMinister’sCommendation- 2002 39th Bologna Children’s Book Fair, New Media Prize- 2001 Korea Digital Contents, Grand Prize Winner andGoldWinner[Subscription Details]- A Little Fox app subscription is offered on a monthlybasis,$24.99 per month, and the payment is charged to GoogleWalletaccounts.- All payments follow Google Wallet policy and refunds cannotbemade for subscriptions.[App Access Permissions Notice]* Required Access PermissionsThe following permissions in the stated areas are required tousethis app.- Storage: to store content thumbnails temporarily- Device ID: to store Learning Log data (not user-specific)- Device/App history: to maximize services and check errors* Optional Access PermissionsThe following areas and permissions are optional:- Photos/Camera: to set up user account profile picture- Google ID: to send PUSH messages for devices with OS version4.1or older
James Chow
You can download this app and get theupdatedinformation from
信通 iKNOW 2.0
"Xintong" is a teaching resource platform for professionalgeneraleducation, life and social sciences. It must show basicknowledgeof society and current affairs, so that students can gainafoothold in Hong Kong and understand the community, countryandglobal development. The professional resources arewidelyrecognized by the academic circles, and they are the choiceofconfidence.
Pinocchio - Animated storybook 5
★ The best gift for children 3-7 ★■ “Every time you tell a lie, your nose will grow!”-PinocchioPinocchio was a naughty little puppet made by a poor Italianwoodcarver named Geppetto. One day, A fairy tells Pinocchio thathecould be a real boy if he learns how to be brave andhonest.Otherwise his nose will grow every time he tells a lie…WillPinocchio become a real boy?[Tips]Step 1 : Watch and listen [Listen to the story]Step 2 : Repeat after listening to the [Chant]Step 3 : Understand the meaning of the sentencewith[Explanation]
看CNN學英語:時尚生活 3.6
CNN主播專訪全球品牌企業,與你分享CEO的成功之路! 「看CNN學英語-時尚生活」 ◆專訪Channel首席設計師「卡爾.拉格斐」◆一支錶憑什麼要價百萬?探究其中的工藝價值 ◆ 探訪全球頂級的香檳、白蘭地釀造過程◆與全球精品設計師學習頂尖時尚思維本篇共含11課,為《CNN主播教你說英語企業品牌故事+CEO專訪》互動版電子書,提供免費試閱課程一課。購買完整版後,您可以下載及閱讀完整互動版課程內容。目錄:-俐落與優雅的結合 亞曼尼的經典美學(試閱) - 造訪頂級香檳的故鄉—庫克家族 -卡洛琳娜‧海萊拉的時尚王國-香奈兒首席設計師卡爾‧拉格斐 - 未來派設計大師柯拉尼 - 義大利Pinarello的頂級自行車 -探究百萬名錶的工藝價值-豪雅錶的時尚哲學 - 皮耶‧艾爾梅為甜點注入時尚元素 - 紅底鞋的時尚哲學 -百年釀造人頭馬干邑的誕生「看CNN學英語」產品特色- 全國唯一CNN官方授權的新聞影片教材 -外語系教授大力推薦的影音互動式學習法-涵蓋名人專訪、商業財經、流行科技、休閒旅遊等領域 -專業CNN記者、主播教你輕鬆聽懂英語新聞-訓練英聽,準備托福、多益考試的最佳利器! 互動功能介紹: ☑ 全文朗讀/單句播放/單句重複☑ 英中/中/英字幕切換☑英漢字典/朗讀發音 ☑ 重點單字表列 ☑ 字級放大/縮小 ☑ 全螢幕播放☑收起/展開影片「看CNN學英語」系列APP是由LiveABC開發製作,本系列產品包含16支不同主題的APP,總計160+段精選課程。想體驗豐富多元的主題、道地純正的外語環境嗎?「看CNN學英語」是您英語學習的最佳好幫手。LiveABC互動英語教學集團創立以來持續研發數位學習內容,累積了豐富數位出版經驗,並成為經濟部『中堅企業重點輔導對象』唯一數位出版廠商,同時也是台灣第一家獲得『數位學習教材品質認證AAA級』最高榮譽的出版廠商,LiveABC擁有先進的技術與多媒體製作團隊,搭配專業的國內外教材編輯團隊,精心研發互動式多媒體語言學習產品,為數位學習的領導品牌,讓學習者能夠體驗「LearningIsVeryEasy with LiveABC」。 更多學習資訊請上LiveABC官網:粉絲頁:讀者服務信箱: [email protected]
儿童英语故事 1.0
Chinaihs Inc.
《儿童英语故事》收集了40个经典英语故事。这些故事难度适中,非常适合小学生阅读以及锻炼英语听力,给儿童学习英语打下纯正音质基础。让我们用耳朵聆听世界,感受美好!《儿童英语故事》共分4章,每章10个故事。每个故事播放的同时,可以选择双语、英语或汉语文字显示。第一章01 母鸡和小女孩02 小美人鱼公主03 皇帝的新装……09 花儿对春天的问候10 可怕的国王第二章01 老橡树最后的梦02 幸福的夫妇03 阴影……09 卖火柴的小女孩10 樵夫和赫尔墨斯第三章01 茶壶02 祖母03 跳高者……09 亲密的两口子10 谦卑的小蒲公英之美第四章01 幸福之家02 火石03 一枚先令的旅程……09 了不起的公鸡10 冰雪女王
行動逢甲 Ver 2.1.11
『行動逢甲』是由逢甲大學資訊處所開發,目的是讓大眾可以更方便、更即時的了解逢甲大學的最新消息與活動。逢甲的師生更可以透過本系統來操作部分的校務系統。功能特色:- 網路分機:VOIP 的網路分機,只要校內有分機的都可以申請。- 校園訊息:提供使用者取得校園各單位相關訊息,並可以將你關注的訊息分享到社群網站。- MyFCU:提供逢甲師生使用 MyFCU相關之功能。包含公文簽核、Apps應用服務、點名與註記、課表、考程表、撥款明細、課程檢索。- 校園電台:收聽校內數位廣播電台,包含通識沙龍與各類的演講實況轉播。- 圖書館服務:提供圖書館最新消息、館藏查詢以及圖書館服務資訊。- 交通:提供到逢甲大學交通靜態文字說明,及動態的路徑規劃指引。- 校園介紹:提供校園各建築物介紹以及動態的路徑規劃指引。- 校園行事曆:提供逢甲大學相關之行事曆。- 緊急電話:提供逢甲大學重要緊急電話清單。- 設定:設定逢甲大學 NID及社交網站的帳號密碼,避免日後重複輸入。"Action Chia" isdevelopedby Feng Chia University Information premises, the purposeis to letthe public can be more convenient, more immediateunderstanding ofthe latest news and events from Feng ChiaUniversity. Chia teachersand students but also part of the schoolsystem to operate throughthis system.Features:- Network Extension: VOIP network extension, as long as there isanextension of the school may apply.- Campus Information: Provides the user to obtainrelevantinformation units on campus, and you can share the messageofconcern to the community website.- MyFCU: Chia students to use MyFCU provide relatedfunctions.Contains documents signoff, Apps application services,naming andannotation, curriculum, examination schedules, fundingdetails,course retrieval.- Campus Radio: listen to digital radio stations oncampus,including the Liberal salon with a variety oflivepresentations.- Library Services: Library News, collections and libraryserviceinformation inquiries.- Transportation: Transportation provided to Feng ChiaUniversity,static text and dynamic path planning guidelines.- Campus presentations: each building on campus presentationsanddynamic path planning guidelines.- Campus Calendar: The calendar provides relevant FengChiaUniversity.- Emergency telephone: provide an important list ofemergencytelephone Feng Chia University.- Settings: Set account passwords Feng Chia University, NIDandsocial networking sites, to avoid duplication of input inthefuture.