Top 19 Games Similar to Pathfinder CT ACG

3.5 City Generator 2.0
City generator based off the the tables and algorithms listed inthe3.5 SRD (d20 gaming system). This application will allow youtogenerate settlements for your adventures. Generated citieswillhave economy statistics, race and class demographics, powercenterdetails, and authority statistics. Some basic customizationisallowed currently, and more will be added in future versions.Ifyou play Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, or any d20 system,thisutility is an invaluable resource for world building and offthecuff settlement creation. No longer do you need to makemultipledice rolls just to generate one settlement. Simply make afew basicselections, and your city or town will be generated andpresentedto you.
Pathfinder Spellbook Lite
Checkout the Pro version for NO ads andFASTERupdates for new spells, sources, and classes!---------------------------------------------Spellbook for Pathfinder is a quick way to find spells,learnspells, memorize spells, and track daily spell usage. The appisupdated to include all the new classes and spells also withotheruseful features for tracking spell use and memorizedspells.* Multiple spellbook support to track all yourcharacterprofiles.* Add spells to your spellbook with the touch of a button.* Memorize daily spells feature to easily choosespellseveryday.* Track daily spell usage to easily visualize number of spellscastby level.* Control what sources to use for spell lists.* Search realtime for spells.* Quick filters for all class spells, class spells by level,andspells by school.Like us on Facebook! includes all spells from the following books/sources:* PFRPG Core* APG* Advanced Class Guide* Advanced Race Guide* Horror Adventures (Locked in Lite)* Inner Sea Gods* Inner Sea Magic* Inner Sea Races* Monster Codex* Mythic Adventures* Occult Adventures (Locked in Lite)* Technology Guide* Ultimate Combat* Ultimate Intrigue (Locked in Lite)* Ultimate Magic* AP 102* AP 107* AP 29* AP 30* AP 35* AP 42* AP 50* AP 55* AP 56* AP 62* AP 64* AP 65* AP 67* AP 68* AP 69* AP 71* AP 74* AP 77* AP 78* AP 80* AP 81* AP 82* AP 84* AP 86* AP 89* AP 91* AP 93* AP 95* AP 99* Advanced Class Origins* Agents Of Evil* Andoran* Animal Archive* Arcane Anthology* Armor Masters Handbook* Black Markets* Blood Of* Blood Of The Elements* Blood Of The Moon* Blood Of The Night* Book Of The Dammed V1* Book Of The Damned V2* Champions Of Balance* Champions Of Corruption* Champions Of Purity* Cheliax Empire Of Devils* Chronicle Of The Righteous* Classic Treasures* Cohorts &* Condition Cards* Demon Hunter's Handbook* Demons Revisited* Dirty Tactics Toolbox* Dragon Empires Primer* Dragonslayer's Handbook* Dungeoneers Handbook* Dungeons Of Golarion* Dwarves Of Golarion* Faction Guide* Faiths & Philosophies* Faiths Of Corruption* Faiths Of Purity* Familiar Folio* Giant Hunters Handbook* Gnomes Of Golarion* Goblins Of Golarion* Haunted Heroes Handbook* Heroes Of The Streets* Heroes Of The Wild* Horsemen Of The Apocalypse* Humans Of Golarion* Inner Sea Intrigue* Inner Sea Monster Codex* Inner Sea World Guide* Knights Of The Inner Sea* Kobolds Of Golarion* Legacy Of Dragons* Lost Kingdoms* Magic Tactics Toolbox* Magical Marketplace* Melee Tactics Toolbox* Monster Summoner's Handbook* Mythic Origins* Occult Mysteries* Occult Origins* Occult Realms* Orcs Of Golarion* Osirion, Legacy Of Pharaohs* PFS* Paizo Blog* Path Of The Hellknight* Pathfinder Society Field Guide* Pathfinder Society Primer* People Of The North* People Of The River* People Of The Sands* People Of The Stars* Pirates Of The Inner Sea* Quests And Campaigns* Ranged Tactics Toolbox* Rival Guide* RotRL-AE-Appendix* Sargava* Spymaster's Handbook* The Dragon's Demand* The HarrowHandbook* Undead Slayer's HandbookSection 15: Copyright Notice - Paizo Spells DatabasePaizo Spells Database. Copyright 2016 Mike Chopswil
ProDnD Dungeon Generator 2.5.70
GENERATE, MANAGE, SHARE, and EDIT your own DUNGEONS fortabletoprole playing
City Encounters 1.1
A fantasy role playing utility generating random encounters forcityadventures.
Fifth Edition Character Sheet 1.80
Multiple page character sheet and character creator forfifthedition.
Real Sheet: Pathfinder + Dices 1.1
RPG Pathfinder - Character SheetThe first original sheet app, fully editable!NOW WITH DICE TABLE INTEGRATED!Application features:- Text fields for each section and row- Zoom capabilities- Internal data memory- Send your sheet by email- Save your sheet in Photo Roll- Share your sheet by any installed application(Whats Up, Facebook, Twitter, Printer apps, etc..)- DICE TABLE======================================- Simple and intuitive:open the application and your personal sheet will be onthefrontpage!...and NO advertising!
Pathfinder Spellbook
Pathfinder Spellbook is a quick way tolookupspells, learn spells, memorize spells, and track daily spellusage.The app is updated to include all the new classes andspells.Pathfinder Spellbook also includes other useful featuresfortracking spell use and memorized spells.* Multiple spellbook support to track all yourcharacterprofiles.* Add spells to your spellbook with the touch of a button.* Memorize daily spells feature to easily choosespellseveryday.* Track daily spell usage to easily visualize number of spellscastby level.* Control what sources to use for spell lists.* Search realtime for spells.* Quick filters for all class spells, class spells by level,andspells by school.Like us on Facebook! includes all spells from the following books/sources:* PFRPG Core* APG* Advanced Class Guide* Advanced Race Guide* Horror Adventures* Inner Sea Gods* Inner Sea Magic* Inner Sea Races* Monster Codex* Mythic Adventures* Occult Adventures* Technology Guide* Ultimate Combat* Ultimate Intrigue* Ultimate Magic* AP 102* AP 107* AP 29* AP 30* AP 35* AP 42* AP 50* AP 55* AP 56* AP 62* AP 64* AP 65* AP 67* AP 68* AP 69* AP 71* AP 74* AP 77* AP 78* AP 80* AP 81* AP 82* AP 84* AP 86* AP 89* AP 91* AP 93* AP 95* AP 99* Advanced Class Origins* Agents Of Evil* Andoran* Animal Archive* Arcane Anthology* Armor Masters Handbook* Black Markets* Blood Of* Blood Of The Elements* Blood Of The Moon* Blood Of The Night* Book Of The Dammed V1* Book Of The Damned V2* Champions Of Balance* Champions Of Corruption* Champions Of Purity* Cheliax Empire Of Devils* Chronicle Of The Righteous* Classic Treasures* Cohorts &* Condition Cards* Demon Hunter's Handbook* Demons Revisited* Dirty Tactics Toolbox* Dragon Empires Primer* Dragonslayer's Handbook* Dungeoneers Handbook* Dungeons Of Golarion* Dwarves Of Golarion* Faction Guide* Faiths & Philosophies* Faiths Of Corruption* Faiths Of Purity* Familiar Folio* Giant Hunters Handbook* Gnomes Of Golarion* Goblins Of Golarion* Haunted Heroes Handbook* Heroes Of The Streets* Heroes Of The Wild* Horsemen Of The Apocalypse* Humans Of Golarion* Inner Sea Intrigue* Inner Sea Monster Codex* Inner Sea World Guide* Knights Of The Inner Sea* Kobolds Of Golarion* Legacy Of Dragons* Lost Kingdoms* Magic Tactics Toolbox* Magical Marketplace* Melee Tactics Toolbox* Monster Summoner's Handbook* Mythic Origins* Occult Mysteries* Occult Origins* Occult Realms* Orcs Of Golarion* Osirion, Legacy Of Pharaohs* PFS* Paizo Blog* Path Of The Hellknight* Pathfinder Society Field Guide* Pathfinder Society Primer* People Of The North* People Of The River* People Of The Sands* People Of The Stars* Pirates Of The Inner Sea* Quests And Campaigns* Ranged Tactics Toolbox* Rival Guide* RotRL-AE-Appendix* Sargava* Spymaster's Handbook* The Dragon's Demand* The HarrowHandbook* Undead Slayer's HandbookSection 15: Copyright Notice - Paizo Spells DatabasePaizo Spells Database. Copyright 2016 Mike Chopswil
ProD&D Initiative Tracker
The BEST tabletop RPG character conditon, initiative &HPtracker!
Squire - Character Manager
Shane Herd
Role-playing character manager that automatically calculatesallmodifiers.
Knights of Pen & Paper +1 2.35
Set out on a grand adventure in this turn-based, retrostyle,pixel-art RPG!
PF RPG Crafting Calculator 1.2
Lightweight crafting calculator for the Pathfinder RPG.
Battle Helper 4.0
Paul Metcalf
Useful for Pathfinder and Dungeons and Dragons specifically,storescurrent list, you can save or duplicate PC or Creatures ortheentire encounter simple, but effective role playing aid foranymaster. stats included for PCs and Creatures: Name,Initiativevalue, Initiative mod, HP, Max HP, AC, Flat Footed,Touch, StatusEffect, the status effects I have put in are: Blinded,Bloodied,Confused, Dazed, Dazzled, Disabled, Entangled, Fatigued,Helpless,KnockedDown, Paralyzed, Poisoned, Prone, Stunned,Unconscious,Also, here's a link to the desktop versions, not alwaysup to date,it's v3.9 at the momentPC:
Arcane Quest 2 RPG 2.9.0
Explore the dungeons with this board game rpg, in classictabletopstyle!
La Defensa de Barnklaw 1.4.0
BARNKLAWDescubre una ciudad dura y peligrosa cuyos habitantes sonlosresponsables de protegerla.Mercenarios despiadados, poderosas hechiceras y ladronessinescrúpulos con los que deberás arriesgarte a colaborar.¿Cuál será la próxima amenaza? Las hordas de orcos que habitanlafrontera del Imperio, un ser de ultratumba que alguienhadespertado accidentalmente…¿O esta vez se trata de un complot para hacerse con el poder?ENFRENTA DESAFÍOS ÚNICOSUna historia que despertará tu imaginación llevándote por unmundolleno de magia, extrañas criaturas y espaciosevocadores.Disfruta de una trama con multitud de opciones, sorpresasyantagonistas que tienen su propia personalidad.FORJA TU PERSONAJEPodrás elegir cómo quieres que evolucione tu personaje, conunaprogresión donde la calidad importa más que la cantidad.Y ganarás nuevos objetos, rasgos y estados que siemprepodrásutilizar y que tendrán un papel en la historia.CARACTERÍSTICAS* Librojuego de elige tu propia aventura.* ¡Tan divertido como un juego de rol!* Textos ágiles y ritmo trepidante.* Una interfaz limpia e intuitiva.* Mecánicas sencillas que conoces bien.Empieza a jugar y descubre cuál será tu papel en… ¡La DefensadeBarnklaw!BARNKLAWDiscover a hard and dangerous city whose inhabitants areresponsiblefor protecting it.ruthless mercenaries, powerful sorceresses and unscrupulousthieveswith whom you must take risks to collaborate.What will be the next threat? The hordes of Orcs that inhabittheborder of the Empire, a being from beyond the grave thatsomeonehas accidentally awakened ...Or this time it is a plot to seize power?CHALLENGES FACING ONLYA story that will awaken your imagination taking you through aworldfull of magic, strange creatures and evocative spaces.Enjoy a plot with lots of options, surprises and antagoniststhathave their own personality.FORGE YOUR CHARACTERYou can choose how you want your character to evolve, withaprogression where quality matters more than quantity.And you'll gain new objects, features and states you can alwaysuseand will have a role in history.CHARACTERISTICS* Gamebook to choose your own adventure.* As much fun as an RPG!* Text agile and fast pace.* A clean and intuitive interface.* Mechanical simple that you know well.Start playing and find out what will be your role in ... theDefenseBarnklaw!
Dungeon Legends - PvP Action MMO RPG Co-op Games 3.21
Help your people! Join the fight against the SkeletonBoss,andbecome the best hero in the dungeons. Live a realadventurewiththis online Action MMORPG game. Enjoy Dungeon Legendsfor free,anddiscover an endless world of battles, quests, andepiccreatures.Dungeon Legends is a hack & slash game optimizedformobiledevices. A classic ARPG experience adapted to touchscreens.Fightagainst other players in the pvp multiplayer modeslike theArena,and become a legend of the dungeons. Go over thedungeonslookingfor incredible adventures, and legendary treasures,or askfor helpto overcome the quests of the onlinecooperativemultiplayer mode.Join a clan and fight the most epicbattles toconquer thedungeons. Adapt your hero to your gameplay.Turn yourDwarf into anepic warrior, a healer, a hunter or aprotector. Trainyour hero inthe adventure quests, and fight otherheroes in theonline pvpmultiplayer arena. 🐲 BUILD YOUR OWNADVENTURE It was along timeago, but Dwarfs remember the SkeletonBoss. He attackedthevillages with his army of goblins, skeletons,trolls, andbalrogs.But Dwarfs do not surrender, they fear nothing,and theycooperatedto hunt their enemies, and battle that army.Dwarfsdefeated theSkeleton Boss, and force him to hide in theancientDungeons. Now,the Skeleton Boss is back. He is summoning anarmy toleave hisprison, and take revenge on the Dwarfs. TheSkeleton Bossiswaiting in his throne, deep in the Dungeons.The onlyhope fortheDwarfs is to find him, cooperate, and hunt him beforeherecovershis power. 🔮DISCOVER AN ENDLESS ADVENTURE RPG GAMEEachquest inthis Action RPG is unique. Unleash your arcane powers,andhack andslash the evil creatures with a good strategy toobtainlegendaryrewards. Hunt the evil in the campaign or take partonthemultiplayer battles onlines. ⚔️ FIGHT IN THEONLINEMULTIPLAYERARENA Fight epic PvP battles with other heroes, ortheonlinemultiplayer modes. Enter the arena alone or with friends,andproveyou are the best evil hunter in the dungeons. 🏆PARTICIPATEINPVE/PVP EVENTS Help your fellows dwarves in the PvEevents,andcompete with them in the PvP battles. Each week there isanewopportunity to prove yourself as the best dwarf. 🎮 ENJOYATRUEACTION RPG GAME This mmorpg controls are designedfortouchscreens. Hack & Slash game mechanics adapted tomobiledevices.🎁SHARE YOUR ADVENTURES ONLINE Explore theonlinemultiplayer coopadventures with your friends. Cooperate withotherepic heroesonline to complete the hardest quests or fightagainstthem in theonline multiplayer PvP arena. ⭐️ AWESOMEFEATURES: -Play a trueAction RPG adventure - Enjoy the Hack &Slashmechanics - Fightin epic multiplayer battles against otherheroesonline - Joinother heroes to complete the online coop quests- PlayPvP fightsin the dungeons - Participate in weekly PvE events- Teamup withyour friends in the online coop adventure - PvEevents,PvPbattles, online multiplayer battles, and coop battles canbeplayedfor free If you are looking for a new hack & slashgameandmobile action rpg game, this mmorpg adventure game will beyournewfavourite RPG, action MMO, online RPG, and PvP game. Willyoubethe best dwarf? Be prepared for amazing bossbattles,legendaryonline PvE quests, coop multiplayer levels full ofaction,and anew world full of arcane magic. Please note: - ThisepicMMORPGgame is free to play, but in-apps items can be purchasedwithrealmoney. To restrict in-app purchases adjust the settingsonyourdevice. - Dungeon Legends is an online ARPG game, andrequiresanInternet connection to play. --- Likethegame: Join theOfficialForum:
Pixel Dungeon ML
Rodrigo Pan
Pixel Dungeon ML is a traditional roguelike and pixeled game
Hyper Heroes: Marble-Like RPG 1bbb10831.2208240940
Unique Action RPG. Fast-paced Pinball Hero Gameplay.
Legendary Team 3.01
Pick your heroes and fight in an actionpackedteam RPG on your mobile.Equip your team, unlock new abilities and unleash powerful skillstoenter the battle. Show off your legendary team!Travel through five continents and fight epic battlesagainstmonstrous bosses to gain experience and collect powerfularmor. AnMMO-like character progressionallows each hero on your team to level up and progress throughtheirindividual skill trees. In the PVP Battle Arena, youchallenge otherplayers' teams andprove how legendary your team is. The unique skilled-basegame,combined with action packed RPG, makes you undefeatable!Features:- Choose heroes among different classes such as the warrior,priest,monk, paladin, sinlord, wizard, rogue or the hunter.- Mobilize your own team, equip your heroes and get ready forthebattle- Enhance your progress with individual skill trees- Enter amazing PvP and PvE battles- Battle your way through five different continents with dozensoflevels- Build or join a guild with private chat system- Climb up the leaderboard- Discover a unique art style- And tons of hidden Easter EggsFollow us on Facebook:
Adventures of Mana 1.1.2
Relive the excitement of Final Fantasy Adventure―