Top 20 Apps Similar to ProductividApp

ForceManager mobile CRM 3.59.2
Work from anywhere with CRM, Sales and Leads from ForceManager
Saphi 6.2
Comprehensive program focused on health and wellness. All inoneplace!
Dommuss - family organization 4.8.1
The app to share calendar, lists, menus and more with your coupleorfamily
Invoice, estimates , receipts. Tropic Invoice Free 2.61 (2020)
Create invoices and quotes on the spot—no need to wait until yougetback to the office With Tropic Invoice, you have in your handstheability to create bills and estimates for your clients in asimpleway, with absolutely professional results that will leave agreatimpression. Refrigeration technicians, customs arrangements,civilengineering, lawyers, small businesses, various creditsales...thepossibilities are endless. Invoices and quotes aresimilar to thosecreated by traditional systems, but now you cancarry them with you,create new ones quickly, and send them to yourclients or even printthem on the spot. By combining the multimediapower of your devicewith the billing system, not only do you getenriched multimediadocuments, but also a completeaccounts-receivable helper (included)like the ones used intraditional accounting systems. - Invoices,Quotes/Estimates andAccount Receivable in one program - Produce aninvoice, quote orestimate, send it to the client by email,messaging etc. withoutreturning to the office - Easily send accountstatements to clients- Attach pictures or audio notes to invoices,client and estimates.Speed up your operations without writing longnotes - Send photosor multimedia files to the client - Print inbluetooth wirelessprinters (ESC/POS standard required) -Statements, balance agingreports, transactions and other accountsreceivable reports. -Support for debits and credits - Multiplecurrencies formats, datesand amounts - Backup, Restore, Import andExport Data - Severallanguages available - Manage several companiesin the same program- Contact the customer with ease using the meansavailable to yourdevice - Assign a geographical GPS point to aclient, allowing theuse of services installed in the device (Maps®,Waze® etc) - Designyour logo and stamps in simple form - Capturecustomer signatureusing the computer screen *Languages. English,Español, 中國傳統的,kreyòl ayisyen. *Incluye NCF para RepublicaDominicana fakti ,bòdwo. Languages supported for Haiti
Cuentas Plan General Contable 1.0.1
Detallado cuadro de cuentas del actualPlanGeneral de Contabilidad con inclusión de las definicionesyrelaciones contables de cada cuenta y subgrupo contable.La herramienta esta respaldada por, uno de los portales dereferencia paraprofesionales de la contabilidad, donde cualquierusuario tiene asu disposición información adicional sobre losprocedimientos decontabilización.Detalle de cada cuenta contable:- Código contable- Título- Descripción- Movimientos al debe- Movimientos al haber- Cuentas relacionadas, por ejemplo desde la 430 podemos saltar alacuenta 705 directamente- Marcado o desmarcado de una cuenta como favorita,posteriormentepodremos acceder directamente a dicha cuenta desde lasección defavoritas.- Acceso directo a más información en la webAcceso a la información de cada cuenta:a) Navegando a través de los grupos y subgrupos contables.b) Si la hemos marcado como una cuenta favorita desde el listadodefavoritas.c) Utilizando el sistema de búsqueda que permite localizarunadeterminada cuenta a partir de su nombre o de sucódigocontable.Otras características:- Asesorías de proximidad, la aplicación integra los datosdecontacto de la red de asesorías de proximidad integradas enelentorno área de pymes. Partiendo de la informacióndegeolocalización del terminal se muestra la información decontactoda la asesoría más cercana.- Alertas de interés, la aplicación esta preparada pararecibiralertas del entorno Área de Pymes – – – – de interés en el ámbitode la gestión depequeñas y medianas empresas.Detailed accounts ofthecurrent box General Accounting Plan including definitionsandaccounting records of each account and sub-accounts.The tool is supported by the,one of the portals of reference foraccounting professionals, whereany user has available informationon accounting procedures.Detail of each ledger account:- Accounting Code- Title- Description- Movements to be- Movements to be- Related Accounts, for example can jump from 430 to 705directlyaccount- Marked or unmarked as favorite an account, then we can godirectlyto that account from favorite section.- Direct access to more information on the webAccess to information for each account:a) Navigating through accounting groups and subgroups.b) If we have marked as favorite account from the listoffavorites.c) Using the search system to locate a specific account fromyourname or account code.Other Features:- Advising of proximity, the application integrates datafromcontact proximity advisory network integrated into theenvironmentSME area. Based on the location information of theterminaldisplays contact information gives the nearestcounseling.- Alerts of interest, the application is ready to receivealertsarea SMEs environment - - - of interest in the field of managementofsmall and medium enterprises.
TecGuard 43.0
App of integral management of technicians and installers ofsecuritycompanies
TIMP 6.2.12
Manage your reservations
RizePoint Mobile-Auditor 10.2.11
RizePoint Mobile Auditor optimizes quality andoperationsaudits.Save time by streamlining the audit process,andeliminateadditional data entry by instantly uploadingauditresults.RizePoint Mobile Auditor seamlessly syncs withRizePoint, aSaaSapplication that securely collects data from MobileAuditorandconsolidates, correlates, and organizesinformationintointelligent, actionable reports and correctiveactionworkflows.This allows the right people, at the right time,toreceive alertsas critical issues arise, identify trends as soonasthey appear,and manage corrective actions through completion.TheRizePointEULA is available here:
Parsable 7.5.28
Parsable Inc
Connected Worker™
EASE Audits 3.00.0
Mobile Plant Floor Audit Solution for Manufacturers
To Do Lists for Google Tasks C 1.19.18t
CloudTasks: daily task reminder and checklist
Factorial 1.11.11
Human Resources Software
Bésame FM Radio
Prisa Radio
Bésame accompanies you at all times. 97
Consultorio is the ideal application to manage your patientsandappointments.
Xpenditure Expense Management
Join 100,000+ professionals across 60countrieswho manage their expenses with Xpenditure.Simply snap your receipt, submit in real-time and manage andexportyour expense reports in just a few clicks. Withseamlessintegration with your accounting or ERP package, expensemanagementhas never been easier!How Xpenditure Transforms Your Expenses:• Capture and Digitize Receipts: snap your receipts and never loseareceipt again• Submit Expenses on the Go: submit expenses and receipts viaemail,webcam, Dropbox, Evernote, manually or the Xpendituremobileapp• Save Time with Smart Scanning: our OCR tech reads and extractsallthe relevant info from your receipts• Create Expenses: Xpenditure automatically creates expenseswhenscanning receipts. Just add extra info such as project,category,payment method and more• Track Mileage: easily track your travel with our GoogleMapsintegration• Match Credit Card Statements: simply snap your creditcardstatement and our smart tech will match expenseswithtransactions• Easy & Secure Approvals: add your approvers, controllersandCFOs for an integrated and secure approval flow.• Set Compliancy Rules: Create categories, projects, tripsandexpense rules for your employees for more accurateexpensemanagement• Analyse Expenses in Real-Time: with detailed andcustomizableexpense reports that you can download• Integrate with Accounting: seamlessly integrate withyouraccounting software including QuickBooks Online, Sage One,Xero,Exact, FreshBooks, Debitoor and more• Integrate with ERP: including SAP, Oracle, MicrosoftDynamics& Navision, JD Edwards, Netsuite• Migrate from other expense apps: Easily switch from yourcurrentexpense management system (such as Excel, Concur, Expensify,..) toXpenditure
ProntoForms - Mobile Forms
ProntoForms is the global leader inautomatingmobile workflows. The ProntoForms mobile solution makesit easy forremote workers to collect data on a mobile device,access companydata in the field, and automatically share theresults withback-office systems, cloud services, and people. Wemake itpossible for companies to track, analyze, and continuouslyimproveprocesses.Platform Elements:The Mobile Forms AppAutomate business tasks through powerful data access, collectionanddelivery.Integrations & WorkflowsSeamlessly connect and route data across systems, cloudservices,and people.Analytics & ReportingTrack and measure field operations to optimizebusinessperformance.
Nozbe Personal 3.21
Nozbe – organize your work and get everything done!
Freedcamp 4.7.2
Get your task lists organized with our state of the artprojectmanagement app
GTD Simple 2.3.1389224-pro
MD Lab
GTD SIMPLE - TODO list and Task Manager with Getting Things Done
SOS Respira 3.0.25
An obstruction of the airway caused by a foreign body orbychokingoccurs when a piece of food or an objectbecomesaccidentallytrapped in the respiratory tracts, preventingair fromreaching thelungs. Early recognition of the situation andpromptaction bythose nearby can prevent the victim from suffocatingandavoid afatal outcome. Choking is a medical emergencythatrequiresimmediate treatment.
With the SOSrespira app you willlearnhow toidentify and deal with a foreign body obstructing theairwayinvictims of all ages (adults,childrenandinfants). 
SOSrespira uses videos and diagrams toprovideyouwith a simple guide to learning the correct sequence ofactionsandmaneuvers to resolve cases of choking. 
SOSrespirais basedonthe latest International GuidelinesforCardiopulmonaryResuscitation issued by the EuropeanResuscitationCouncil (ERC)and the American Heart Association (AHA),published inOctober2015. 
SOSrespira could be especiallyuseful forparents,carers and anybody working in the hospitalityindustry,seniorcitizen and education centers, all environments inwhichthere is agreater possiblity of witnessing someonechoking.Healthcareprofessionals and teachers can also use it as asupporttool intheir classes. 
This theoretical knowledge isnosubstitutefor appropriate and regular practical training inLifeSupport, butit could help you to save lives. 
Thisinitiativeforms partof the accident prevention programs promotedand led byFUNDACIÓNMAPFRE.
SOSrespira was designed by specialistsassociatedwith theSpanish Society of Emergency Medicine (SEMES) andFundaciónMapfre.It is endorsed by the Spanish CouncilofCardiopulmonaryResuscitation (CERCP) and the Spanish SocietyofEmergency Medicine(SEMES).