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Glamour France
Téléchargez gratuitementl’applicationGlamour!Chic, drôle, connectée… Glamour, c’est le magazine modedesfillescurieuses, aussi créatives qu’audacieuses, etsurtout,stylées entoutes circonstances.Son ADN ?Du chic tous les jours. Des people bien lookés, du shoppingmodequifait envie, de l’info décalée, des idées pour avancer,desbeautytips, un ton, du lol. Bref, le BFF des trentenaires.Retrouvez :- Les articles les plus consultés et les plus partagés- Les « Vu & Lu » : pour s’informer de manièresérieuseoudécalée en temps réel- Les Vidéos : pour ne pas rater les meilleures vidéos du webProfitez aussi de la « Sélection Mag » :- Des articles issus du magazine du mois, avec encoreplusdeconseils, de mode, de style, de beauté !- Facilement identifiables grâce au picto « SELECTION MAG »Deux articles « Sélection Mag » de votre choix voussontofferts!Ensuite, il vous suffira de sélectionner l’offre quivousconvient:- Numéro à l’unité (0,99€)- Abonnement mensuel (0,99€)- Abonnement annuel (9,99€)Note : l'achat et les abonnements effectués sur votreiPhonesontmaintenant disponibles sur tous vos supports(web,smartphone,tablette) pour vous permettre de retrouver laglobalitédel'édition digitale à tout moment et partout !Vos remarques et suggestions sont les bienvenues : n'hésitezpasànous en faire part à [email protected] Glamour!Chic, funny, connected ... Glamour is the fashionmagazinecuriousgirls also qu'audacieuses creative, and above all,stylishat alltimes.His DNA?Chic everyday. Lookes much celebrity, fashion shoppingthatmakesenvy, shifted info, ideas to move forward, the beautytips, atone,lol. In short, the BFF their thirties.Find:- The most popular articles and more divided- The "Seen & Lu" to learn in a serious manner or shiftedinrealtime- The Videos: not to miss the best videos from the webTake advantage of the "Select Tray"- Articles from the magazine of the month, with evenmoreadvice,fashion, style, beauty!- Easily identifiable thanks to the pictogram "SELECT MAG"Two articles "Select Tray" of your choice you are offered!Then, simply select the offer that suits you:- Unit Number (€ 0.99)- Monthly subscription (€ 0.99)- Annual subscription (€ 9.99)Note: the purchase and subscriptions made on your iPhonearenowavailable on all your media (web, smartphone, tablet) toallowyouto recover the entirety of the digital edition at anytimeandeverywhere!Your comments and suggestions are welcome: please let [email protected]
Glamour Brasil 3.4.8
O aplicativo da Glamour está ainda melhoremais completo. Além de todo conteúdo da revista, no nosso appvocêterá a partir de agora notícias diárias na tela do seusmartphoneou tablet. Para te ajudar a encontrar o conteúdo quedeseja,organizamos nosso conteúdo por temas. Se quer saber sobreModa,Beleza, Celebridades, Lifestyle, Amor e Sexo, corra ebaixejá!Se você já é assinante da edição impressa, basta usar seu loginparater acesso à edição digital sem custo adicional. Se você aindanãotem seu login, acesse:ão conseguimos dar retorno de seu review. Pedimos a gentilezadecomunicar-se conosco através de email ou de nossa Centraldeatendimento telefônico.E-mail: [email protected]: 4003-9393 (de segunda a sexta-feira, das 8 às 21horas.Aos sábados, das 8 às 15 horas)The Glamour oftheapplication is even better and more complete. Besides allmagazinecontent in our app you will from now on daily news onyoursmartphone or tablet screen. To help you find the content youwant,we organize our content by topics. If you want to knowaboutFashion, Beauty, Celebrities, Lifestyle, Love and Sex, runanddownload now!If you are already subscribed to the print edition, just useyourlogin to access the digital edition at no additional cost. Ifyoudo not have your login, pleasevisit: can not give return their review. We kindly ask you tocommunicatewith us via email or phone our call center.E-mail: [email protected]: 4003-9393 (Monday to Friday, from 8 to 21 pm OnSaturdays,from 8 to 15 hours.)