Top 23 Apps Similar to PAPAGO! GPS Navigation SG&MY

導航PAPAGO! Taiwan PRO s1.001.066
*Please note: The latest version removes the functionofsynchronizing attractions in Golife, and all saved attractionswilldisappear after the update!
導航PAPAGO! 體驗版(授權卡專用) s1.001.052
*Please note: Due to Google's requirement for a moresecureoperating system, we will no longer support models below 7.0.It isrecommended to upgrade or transfer the system to Android 7orabove, sorry for any inconvenience caused
樂客導航王N5 Pro(可離線)
*本產品是為了手機與安卓平版裝置所開發,請勿使用於車載裝置或其他不符規格的硬體上*「樂客導航王N5」重磅推出,感受新一代導航引擎帶來的流暢體驗。* 順暢的操作體驗,感受新引擎帶來流暢無比的導航與地圖瀏覽體驗。* 同時多路徑規劃,依狀況選擇最省錢省時的路徑方案。* 導航路況搶先看,顏色標示擁塞路況讓您輕鬆迴避。* 收錄完整測速照相資料,每月熱燙更新,再也不怕吃罰單。* 勤崴國際科技提供全台最豐富準確的地圖資料。* 道路位置校正功能,遇到高架與平面道路重疊時,可自行校正所在位置。* 全台收入約 30 萬筆景點、500 萬筆地址。* 獨家「樂客鍵盤」,快拼輸入讓搜尋超輕鬆。* N3 用戶符合條件皆可免費升級為 N5。*請注意本產品是為了手機與安卓平版裝置所開發的軟體,請勿將其使用於車載裝置或其他不符規格的硬體上,若裝於不適合的裝置上發生問題請您洽詢該裝置的硬體供應商。【使用條件】作業系統需為 Android4.0以上記憶體需為1GB RAM以上主程式約 18MB,需保留 3GB以上空間下載安裝圖資目前支援解析度如下:HD:960 X 540WXGA:1080 X 720、1184 X 720、1188 X 720、1208 X 720、1280 X 720Full HD:1776 X 1080、1812 X 1080、1920 X 1080、1952 X 1536、2392X14402K, WQXGA:2560 X 1440、2560 X 1532【Facebook 粉絲專頁】【樂客導航王客服信箱】[email protected]【客服專線】02-23630582 (週一至週五 10:00-17:30)
PAPAGO! GPS Navigation ID 11.007.021
PAPAGO! GPS Navigation is finallyonAndroid!With PAPAGO! you can transform your android device intoaprofessional navigation system.-FEATURES•Intelligent Search Function•Simple, User Friendly Interface•Fast Route Calculation•Comprehensive Map Data•No need to Connect to Internet (Wi-Fi/3G)•Automatic and Free Map Download-POWERFUL SOFTWARE FUNCTIONS•Multi Navigation Mode: 2D/3D/Split Screen•Road Elevation Display•Inside Tunnel Simulation•Portrait/Landscape Dual Mode Support•Auto Zooming the Map by Speed•Day and Night Map Mode•Speed Camera Alarm•Built-in 3D Buildings-ADVANCE•Built-in 3D landmarks•Junction Views (realistic view of motorway interchangesandexits)Please let us know if any feedback. Please email to [email protected] Wewillsolve it as soon as possible.◎Q&A•No GPS signal on device?1.Please make sure Location Services are working. On your device,goto Settings > Location > GPS satellites.2.Remove the handset restricting if there's any.3.Some vehicles have a heat reflective shield embedded inthewindscreen, which may prevent your iPhone from locatingyourcurrent position.4.Your device must be outdoors to locate your current position.•Why the battery draining so fast?1.GPS navigation system need to set the backlight always on, so100%full battery can be used for 1.5 hours.•Why the navigation system not support AGPS?1.Because the accuracy of AGPS is not reliable enough, soPAPAGO!will not use AGPS signal.•How to recover My List?1. Please make a copy of NaviM11ID/SAVE/PPGPOIX7.DAT beforeupdatingmap data.2. Recover PPGPOIX7.DAT back after you finish updating newmapdata.
PAPAGO! GPS Navigation HK&MO 11.007.001
PAPAGO! GPS Navigation is finallyonAndroid!With PAPAGO! you can transform your android device intoaprofessional navigation system.-FEATURES•Intelligent Search Function•Simple, User Friendly Interface•Fast Route Calculation•Comprehensive Map Data•No need to Connect to Internet (Wi-Fi/3G)•Free Map Download-POWERFUL SOFTWARE FUNCTIONS•Intelligent Search Function•Multi Navigation Mode: 2D/3D/Split Screen•Road Elevation Display•Inside Tunnel Simulation•Portrait/Landscape Dual Mode Support•Auto Zooming the Map by Speed•Day and Night Map Mode•Speed Camera Alarm•Built-in 3D Buildings-ADVANCE•Built-in 3D landmarks•Junction Views (realistic view of motorway interchangesandexits)Please let us know if any feedback. Please email to [email protected]. Wewillsolve it as soon as possible.◎Q&A•No GPS signal on device?1.Please make sure Location Services are working. On your device,goto Settings > Location > GPS satellites.2.Remove the handset restricting if there's any.3.Some vehicles have a heat reflective shield embedded inthewindscreen, which may prevent your iPhone from locatingyourcurrent position.4.Your device must be outdoors to locate your current position.•Why the battery draining so fast?1.GPS navigation system need to set the backlight always on, so100%full battery can be used for 1.5 hours.•Why the navigation system not support AGPS?1.Because the accuracy of AGPS is not reliable enough, soPAPAGO!will not use AGPS signal.•How to recover My List?1. Please make a copy of NaviM11HK/SAVE/PPGPOIX7.DAT beforeupdatingmap data.2. Recover PPGPOIX7.DAT back after you finish updating newmapdata.
Polnav mobile Navigation 3.8.8
Your Idea Choice for GPS Navigation App. Download it NOW!
PAPAGO! GPS Navigation PH 11.007.041
PAPAGO! GPS Navigation is finallyonAndroid!With PAPAGO! you can transform your android device intoaprofessional navigation system.-FEATURES•Intelligent Search Function•Simple, User Friendly Interface•Fast Route Calculation•Comprehensive Map Data•No need to Connect to Internet (Wi-Fi/3G)•Automatic and Free Map Download-POWERFUL SOFTWARE FUNCTIONS•Multi Navigation Mode: 2D/3D/Split Screen•Road Elevation Display•Inside Tunnel Simulation•Portrait/Landscape Dual Mode Support•Auto Zooming the Map by Speed•Day and Night Map Mode•Speed Camera Alarm•Built-in 3D Buildings-ADVANCE•Built-in 3D landmarks•Junction Views (realistic view of motorway interchangesandexits)Please let us know if any feedback. Please email to [email protected] Wewillsolve it as soon as possible.◎Q&A•No GPS signal on device?1.Please make sure Location Services are working. On your device,goto Settings > Location > GPS satellites.2.Remove the handset restricting if there's any.3.Some vehicles have a heat reflective shield embedded inthewindscreen, which may prevent your iPhone from locatingyourcurrent position.4.Your device must be outdoors to locate your current position.•Why the battery draining so fast?1.GPS navigation system need to set the backlight always on, so100%full battery can be used for 1.5 hours.•Why the navigation system not support AGPS?1.Because the accuracy of AGPS is not reliable enough, soPAPAGO!will not use AGPS signal.•How to recover My List?1. Please make a copy of NaviM11PH/SAVE/PPGPOIX7.DAT beforeupdatingmap data.2. Recover PPGPOIX7.DAT back after you finish updating newmapdata.
樂客導航王全3D Pro 正式版(可離線)
★本月新開幕景點/店家★新年新氣象!去年有沒有做個美好Ending呢?沒有的話爭取今年有個美好的開始!愛吃日料的看這裡,燒肉的名門赤虎來台啦,主打手工現切肉,還有頂級日本和牛套餐!拉麵控別錯過LamigoLaman,特色台灣拉麵任君品嚐。老字號港茶名店檀島香港茶餐廳在台北開第一家外帶店,經典港點帶著走,快去嚐鮮吧!號稱全台最美的咖啡館卡啡那CAFFAINA新開幕,百款法式甜點與手沖咖啡,好吃又好拍!夜市又有新選項,安和國際觀光夜市開幕囉,愛逛夜市的別錯過!★門牌更新★本次更新重點在桃園市蘆竹區等公文整編;台中市太平區等一般門牌整編且提供整編前後門牌圖資以便用戶查詢;以及台南市、桃園市、高雄市三縣市門牌新增暨修正。★道路更新★本次更新重點在台南市-新吉工業區107年12月12日全區道路完工啟用:安南及安定區交界處的新吉工業區,是繼樹谷園區、柳營科工區及永康科技園區開發完成後,新開發的優質工業區,區內配置廿、卅及四十公尺計畫道路,總長度十公里,可快速銜接國八系統交流道轉國道一號,通車後有利車輛運輸及在地發展。【特色】● 獨家3D立體實境導航,上橋轉彎一目瞭然。(可離線) ● 全新3D高速導航引擎可同時多種路徑規劃。(可離線)●即時路況顯示(需連網使用)。 ● 雲端聲控導航系統 (需連網使用)。 ● 收錄全台超過50 萬筆景點、620 萬筆地址。●提供LBS店家優惠資訊。【詳細說明】「樂客導航王全3D」是全台唯一全3D立體導航軟體,業界領先3D圖資,3D立體地標、建物以及獨家立體標誌及立體指引,帶給您賽車級的實境導航體驗及視覺震撼。獨家3D立體高速導航引擎提供多條路徑規劃及前方即時路況之高畫質影像、測速照相提醒,以及智慧雲端聲控導航,除了導航之外,樂客導航王更提供景點、店家圖文評價、吃喝玩樂等LBS店家資訊。*請注意!本產品是為了手機/平版裝置所開發的軟體,請勿將其使用於任何車載系統或其他不符規格的裝置上。【功能說明】獨家全3D立體實景導航 ● 全省3D立體地標及3D立體建物、立體指引、橋樑。●獨家3D標誌(台北市示範區),包括:路樹、紅綠燈、捷運站等。 ● 提供多種測速照相提醒,超速時警示圖將放大閃爍提醒。 聲控導航●用說的就能導航,會學習的雲端聲控導航系統 (需連網使用)。 智慧型輸入 ●POI名稱跟地址可隨意輸入,智慧模糊輸入您想要去的地址或景點簡稱 多路徑規劃●採用新一代3D高速導航引擎,可同時規劃多條路徑方案,視用戶狀況選擇最適宜路線。 路況即時通●透過高速的4G網路,即時提供前方路況高畫質影像、交通事件訊息 ● 提供紅黃綠的顏色標示即時交通路況。 LBS 周邊優惠●提供景點星等、評論、獨家優惠訊息、店家資料等,輕鬆將周邊資訊一手帶著走。 即時路況●導航沿途路段以紅、黃、綠顏色標示交通狀況,用戶可依路況研判行車路線。●導航過程中,主動提示前方高畫質路況影像、交通事件,用戶可依路況自行迴避●主動提醒突發路況及災變(落石坍方、車輛改道、道路施工...等),讓您選擇是否改道。 獨家3D立體高架橋樑●清楚的獨家高架道路指引,上下橋一目了然。 我的行程 ●提供專題行程懶人包,還能在樂客網上自行編排旅遊行程,匯入手機立即出發!道路位置校正 ● 導航時能自選橋上橋下,再也不會傻傻分不清~3D車輛圖示 ●導航車標不僅有汽車,還可變換成機車、大貨車...讓導航更加身歷其境! 【使用條件】需保留4GB以上空間下載主程式及圖資安裝【Facebook 粉絲專頁】【樂客導航王客服信箱】[email protected] 【樂客導航王客服專線】 02-23630582(服務時間:週一至週五10:00~12:00、13:30~17:30,週末及國定假日公休)
PAPAGO! GPS Navigation TH 11.007.081
PAPAGO! GPS Navigation is finally on Android!With PAPAGO! you can transform your android device intoaprofessional navigation system.-FEATURES•Intelligent Search Function•Simple, User Friendly Interface•Fast Route Calculation•Comprehensive Map Data•No need to Connect to Internet (Wi-Fi/3G)•Free Map Download-POWERFUL SOFTWARE FUNCTIONS•Intelligent Search Function•Multi Navigation Mode: 2D/3D/Split Screen•Road Elevation Display•Inside Tunnel Simulation•Portrait/Landscape Dual Mode Support•Auto Zooming the Map by Speed•Day and Night Map Mode•Speed Camera Alarm•Built-in 3D Buildings-ADVANCE•Built-in 3D landmarks•Junction Views (realistic view of motorway interchangesandexits)Please let us know if any feedback. Please email to [email protected] Wewillsolve it as soon as possible.◎Q&A•No GPS signal on device?1.Please make sure Location Services are working. On your device,goto Settings > Location > GPS satellites.2.Remove the handset restricting if there's any.3.Some vehicles have a heat reflective shield embedded inthewindscreen, which may prevent your device from locatingyourcurrent position.4.Your device must be outdoors to locate your current position.•Why the battery draining so fast?1.GPS navigation system need to set the backlight always on, so100%full battery can be used for 1.5 hours.•Why the navigation system not support AGPS?1.Because the accuracy of AGPS is not reliable enough, soPAPAGO!will not use AGPS signal.•How to recover My List?1. Please make a copy of NaviM11TH/SAVE/PPGPOIX7.DAT beforeupdatingmap data.2. Recover PPGPOIX7.DAT back after you finish updating newmapdata.
BackCountry Navigator TOPO GPS
Download topo maps for an offlineoutdoornavigator! Use your phone or tablet as an offroad topomappinghandheld GPS with the bestselling outdoor navigation appforAndroid! Explore beyond cell coverage for hiking andotherrecreation.Download topo maps for the US and many other countries inadvance,so you won't need cell coverage for navigation. Use storagememoryfor maps.New: Android Wear support to see navigation at a glanceonwristUse GPS waypoints from GPX or KML files, or enter yourowncoordinates using longitude/latitude, UTM, MGRS, or gridreference.Using GOTO makes a waypoint a locus for navigation.This uses many publicly available map sources as freedownloads.Some additional content available as an in apppurchase:-Accuterra Topo Map Source for $19.99/year. This can bepurchasedand used with or in instead of the free sources.- Boundary maps for 12 western states from the Bureau ofLandManagement(BLM) Overlay for topo maps valued by hunters.-GMU boundaries in some states-Lake Contours in several states.-Content from US TrailMaps including:-ATV, Whitewater, and Equestrian Trail MapsSee the menu under More-> "Purchasing AddOns". They can beshownon top of topo maps.You may try the DEMO version to make sure you like the maps inyourcountry.About topo (topographic) maps: Topo maps show terrain throughcolorand contours, and are useful for navigation offroad. Topo mapsandGPS can be used for hiking, hunting, kayaking, snowshoeing,&backpacker trails.You can create your own maps with Mobile Atlas Creator, or specifyacustom tile server. Built in sources include:OpenStreetMaps from MapQuestOpenCycleMaps showing terrain worldwideUS Topo Maps from Caltopo and the USGSUSTopo: Aerial Photography with markup.Canada Topo Maps from ToporamaMarine maps: NOAA RNC Nautical Charts (coastal)USGS Color Aerial photographyTopographic Maps of Spain and ItalyTopo maps of New ZealandJapan GSI maps.Many of the above sources are generally free to use.Use offline topo maps and GPS on hiking trails without cellservice.The GPS in your Android phone can get its position fromGPSsatellites, and you don’t have to rely on your data plan togetmaps. Have more fun and safe GPS navigation inthebackcountry.Use as a geocaching navigator by getting a pocket queryasGPX.Besides geocaching, use GPS for recording tracks and GPSwaypointson your trip, all the while tracking your GPS quest ontopographicmaps. It may replace your Garmin handheld GPS.Here are some of the outdoor GPS activities BackCountryNavigatorhas been used for:As a hiking GPS both on hiking trails and off trail.Camping trips to find that perfect camping site or the way backtocamp with GPS.Hunting trips for hunting wild game in rugged areas.Doing recon for a hunt or as your hunting GPSFishing: make it your fishing GPS.Search and Rescue (SAR).Trekking the Pacific Crest trail or other long term hiking.Kayak and canoe treks on inland lakes and streams or marine,coastalwaters.Backpacker trips: using topo maps of wilderness areas andnationalforests for navigation on trails with the GPS in yourrucksack orbackpack.Find your own ways to have fun in the outdoors. Be a maverickbyventuring beyond cell service boundaries with your GPS. Becomeapro at navigation with GPS for the outdoors.BackCountry Navigator has been on WM devices and preloaded ontheTrimble Nomad outdoor rugged device. This Android version ismoreflexible, featured, and fun. Create a memory with maps.For a one time fee, this a great addition to the outdoor gearyoubought at Cabelas, REI, or another outdoor store. Many havefoundthe Android GPS in a phone or tablet to substitute for aGarmin GPSor Magellan GPS, such as the Garmin GPS units Montana,Etrex, orOregon. Android can be your handheld GPS.
Sygic Car Connected Navigation 18.6.2
Display your navigation onto your car's screen via MirrorLinkorSYNC®3
Whether on holiday, taking a weekend triporheading off somewhere as yet unfamiliar – with NAVIGON, you canbesure of getting there quickly and safely! Transform yourSmartphoneinto a full-performance mobile navigation system thatincludesonboard maps so that you can always find your way – evenwhen nointernet connection1 is available.Important: Following installation, the app needs further data(maps,etc.) which have to be loaded via WiFi (WLAN).*** Scope of function ***- Support of 18 languages- Onboard map material: only save the road maps on yourSmartphonethat you really need. That way, you save on memory spaceand cannavigate even when no internet connection isavailable.- Intelligent address entry, including voice entry(1): thanks tothefirst-class, simplified address entry, which can be operatedusingthe keypad or via voice input, you can find your destinationevenmore quickly.- Precise voice commands, including street names: so that youcanconcentrate on driving the car.- The latest traffic reports(1, 2): avoid annoyingjamsautomatically.- Hazard warnings(1, 2): you can choose to receive alerts ofdangerspots such as mobile speed traps.- POI search: find your destination even without enteringtheaddress directly – locally, Community-based or usingAugmentedReality.- Real signage and road sign displays: you always have anoverviewthanks to photo-realistic views of junctions and roadsigns.- Dynamic lane assistant: at junctions where the exit is unclearoron motorway exits, be guided into the right lane everytime.- Speed assistant: NAVIGON warns you visually or audibly if youareexceeding the permitted speed limit.- Optimal route: choose the right option for you, from up tothreesuggested routes.- Route planning: plan longer trips with several destinationsenroute.- Expanded pedestrian navigation: navigate to your destinationonfoot too – or use Urban Guidance1,2 if you also want toincludepublic transport.- Many other in-app purchases possible: alternative petrolstations,3D maps showing mountains and valleys, and muchmore.*** Maps ***- Latest Map Guarantee for the latest HERE maps(3)(formerlyNavteq), with the following coverage: AL, AN, AT, BA, BE,BG, BY,CH, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GI, GR, HR, HU, IE, IM, IS,IT, LI,LT, LU, LV, MC, MD, ME, ME, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RK, RO, SE,SI, SM,RS, SK, TR, UK, VA- NAVIGON FreshMaps(2): For a one-off payment, you get thelatestmap updates from experts up to four times a year, for twoyears! Itmeans that your app is always up-to-date, containing thelatestchanges to the road network and any amount of new pointsofinterest.*** Please note the following ***The correct positioning of your Smartphone in the vehicleisimportant for optimum GPS reception. For that reason, werecommendthe Garmin Smartphone Universal Mount with additionalUSBconnection so that you can also charge your Smartphone duringyourtrip. Continuous use of GPS can shorten battery life. Availableinspecialist stores or directly from the Garmin also note our FAQ area at version of NAVIGON can require up to 3.4GB of freememory(depending on the number of maps you download). Due to thehighdata volume, we recommend using WiFi (WLAN). On first startupashort data connection (ca. 25kB) is mandatory to registeryourproductNAVIGON wishes you a lot of fun from your navigation!(1)To be able to provide you with the latest reports at alltimes,some functions require an internet connection (e.g. trafficreportsor speed camera alerts). However, the navigation systemitself,including address search, speed display, driving laneassistant andmuch more, does not require the internet.(2)Available as an additional in-app purchase.(3)You get the maps most up-to-date at the time you purchasetheapp
Easy Auto PRO 1.0
Easy Auto Easy solution for make driving easier and saferThenewtool which lets us access all important settingsduringourdriving. It has such an easy interface where you'll findeasywhatto do ★SELECT THE NAVIGATOR: Quick access to GoogleMapsservice.★PHONE YOUR CONTACTS: Open the dial without havinganaccident ordistractions. ★MUSIC ACCESS: Quickly access toyourmusic. Soconnect your mobile easily to your car speakers.★FINDYOUR CARLAST LOCATION: After each driving, save yourlocation,you'll besaving your current location to easy remember theplacewhere youlast parked your car.You can alternate between3differentsearching modes: Google Maps, Radar View and 3DaugmentedRealityView ★AND MORE OPTIONS: Customize you backgroundinterface,yourbutton's colors, language. ★VERY EASY TO USE. Thistool isdesignedfor your comfort and it'll try to bring you thebestdrivingexperience ★MOST IMPORTANT. We are open to you! We areopento anysuggestions or improvements you could think would bebetterto theapp =D! Thank you for downloading this app. Enjoy theapp,and rateus to make us improve.
Air Navigation Pro 8.3.301.311101617
Fly safely and easily with our flight planning &realtimenavigation app !
GOLiFEMOVE,將社群、路況與導航做一個全新的結合,希望透過大家的力量,將用路環境變得更為人性,更為安全。最新-國道計程收費率先推出,提醒您:程式更新完成後,請立即開啟App為您重新下載圖資,以啟動國道計程估算機制。熱心的您,可以透過GOLiFEMOVE,回報任何道路狀況給所有GOLiFEMOVE用戶知道:您可以描述這個路段的塞車情況;或是拍照告訴其他人有車禍,注意有車輛拋錨或有掉落物,提醒大家小心;讓大家知道您所在位置的天氣如何?也可告訴遊客這間餐廳現在完全沒有座位,請大家不要再來排隊...等。除了路況分享,使用者只要遇到錯誤的地圖資料,也可以透過這個平臺立刻回報,GOLiFEMOVE圖資團隊會在最短時間內驗證修改,在每月的圖資更新將這些修正發佈,讓大家都能時刻擁有最正確的地圖。您可以自行決定是否要將行車位置公開,在團體出遊時,能獲知其他夥伴的位置,不怕跟丟。即使迷路,也因為其他朋友都知道你的位置,而能快速會合,這樣就不用爲了要跟車而造成危險駕駛的行為,讓用路更加安全。也可透過聊聊天功能,分享你此刻的心情短語。立刻免費下載全新GOLiFE MOVE,全台順暢趴趴走!注意:本服務需透過網路連線,取用行動數據服務時將會被收取費用,收取費用請洽您所屬的電信廠商。GOLiFE 客服信箱[email protected]客服專線02-2796-2337 週一至週五 9:00-12:00、13:30-17:30《例假日與國定假日除外》產品諮詢或回饋意見 粉絲專頁若您有使用上的問題,歡迎來信或來電,我們將誠摯為您服務。GOLiFE MOVE,thecommunity, traffic and navigation combine to make a newhopethrough everyone's effort to become more user-friendly way withtheenvironment more secure.Latest - State Road metered pioneered, to remind you: theprogramupdate is complete, open the App for you to immediatelyre-downloadmap data to estimate the meter starts national highwaysystem.Enthusiastic You can, through GOLiFE MOVE, return anyroadconditions to all GOLiFE MOVE users to know: You can describethissection of traffic congestion; or pictures to tell other peopleina car accident, a vehicle broke down or pay attention tofallingobjects, reminded everyone Be careful;? let everyone knowhow theweather in your location can also tell visitors thisrestaurant nowno seat, please do not come line up ... and soon.In addition to sharing the road, as long as the userencountersan error map information, you can also use this platformto returnimmediately, GOLiFE MOVE map data verification team willmodify theshort time in a month Map Update will publish theseamendments, sothat everyone can always have the most accuratemaps.You can decide whether you want to open driving position, inthegroup outings can be informed of the location of otherpartners,are not afraid with the lost. Even lost, but also becauseotherfriends know your location, and can quickly join, so do notkeepthe car for dangerous driving causing the behavior, so usetheroads safer. Also available through the chat function, shareyourfeelings at the moment phrase.Now free download new GOLiFE MOVE, Taiwan smoothlyaroundanywhere!Note: This service needs through a network connection,mobiledata access will be charged when the service charge, pleasecontactyour telecom vendor belongs.GOLiFE Customer [email protected] Service02-2796-2337 Monday to Friday 9:00-12:00,13:30-17:30"exceptweekends and public holidays."Product advice or feedback Fan Page you have questions about this, please email or call, wewillsincerely serve you.
樂客導航王全3D(30 天體驗版)
Provide Taiwan's exclusive full 3D stereonavigation,voice-activated navigation, multiple route planningoptions,real-time traffic images ahead, speed camera reminders,storeinformation and exclusive discounts and other richinformation! The30-day trial version allows you to try it first,and buy it after agood review!
CamSam PLUS 3.7.7
CamSam PLUS - The speed and red light camera warning system!
eago Pro 1.6.0
eago,智慧車聯網平台,規劃包含路況主動通知(如鄰近路段壅塞/事故/施工等、即時路況分享、停車繳費提醒、愛車資訊(如驗車/保險)、道路救援、出遊建議、電話呼叫行動祕書…等服務,成為車主全方位的行車管家!官方網站: eago Pro 第1版功能:**eago Pro享有金級會員的權限,盡情享用各項功能****eago Pro不含PAPAGO導航服務,需要PAPAGO的部分可購買eago+**1)測速照相即時提醒2)停車場資訊,包含動態的剩餘格位資訊3)加油站,隨時加油趴趴走!4)路況結合路況提醒,使用更貼心5)路況提醒:事先錄製您生活中的常用路線讓eago透過手機預先告知您路線上的交通狀況通勤、上下學、購物等預定路線的行車資訊一手掌握6)周遭路況通知預先知道周遭路況資訊,避免您誤入事故路段7)提供未來兩個月觀光活動8)爆路況:您也可以為智慧交通盡一份心力9)會員、愛車登錄:提醒您要記得驗車、付費10)您可以透過積點換取未來需要付費使用之功能服務持續新增中,敬請期待!eago 客服:電話:02-2656-1968 # 507信箱:[email protected]若您使用上有任何問題&寶貴建議,歡迎直接來電或來信,我們將竭誠為您解決問題。
Maverick: GPS Navigation 2.8
Off-road GPS navigator with offline maps support, compass andtrackrecording.
Maps, Navigation & Directions
Maps, Navigation & Directions lets youplanyour trips, route your travel and find restaurants nearby.Find yourcurrent location or search for an address andnavigate.Whether you need city, satellite, traffic, public transit,cyclingor even hiking maps, you can always find your location withMaps,Navigation & Directions uses the fastes link to popularMapsapplication!Maps, Navigation & Directions: World best knowMapsapplication.Travel around the world and navigate using any methodoftransportation:• Route planner for cars, bikes and walking to anyglobaladdress• GPS navigation with local traffic help you find the fastesttriproute• Voice GPS for step-by-step travel directions from the mosttrustedmaps• Location tracker via GPS (latitude, longitude) or IP-addressifavailable• Itinerary manager for bus schedules, nearby hotels and more• Navigation maps with GPS for city, traffic and publictransportroutesMAPS - Maps range from satellite maps to bike maps and streetview.Traffic conditions and transit maps are also available:• Street view – See exteriors for museums, restaurantsandmore• Traffic maps – See current traffic conditions to avoidtrafficjams• Cycling map with bike routes and contour lines - Plan yournextcycling tour• Walking maps – Explore your city on-foot withdetailedwalk-friendly maps• Hiking GPS – Find hiking trails or plan your nextbackpackingtrip• Satellite view – Enjoy the view from the space• Maps, Navigation & DirectionsTRANSIT – Get Maps, Navigation & Transit for Over 15,000Towns& Cities:• Bus routes & tracker – Get directions and maps in over15Kareas• Train station locations and schedules• Bike paths for cycling• Subway maps and stationsFIND NEAR ME – Search to Find:• Food near you• Hotels• Bars near you• Gas stations• ATMs• Addresses (street name & house number, city)• Nearby city and neighborhood zip codesPlaces Around Me: Find hotels, restaurants, shopping,museums,stations, hospitals and more ‘near me’REAL TIME TRAFFIC:• get the best real time traffic information and see traffic flowonthe roads to get you faster to the destinationGAS PRICES• find the bes price of gas on your route or nearestgasstationMAPS COVERAGE:Maps of New York, NYMaps of Los Angeles, CAMaps of Chicago, ILMaps of Brooklyn, NYMaps of Queens, NYMaps of Houston, TXMaps of Manhattan, NYMaps of Philadelphia, PAMaps of Phoenix, AZMaps of San Antonio, TXMaps of Bronx, NYMaps of San Diego, CAMaps of Dallas, TXMaps of San Jose, CAMaps of East San Gabriel Valley, CAMaps of Austin, TXMaps of Jacksonville, FLMaps of San Francisco, CAMaps of Indianapolis, INMaps of Columbus, OHMaps of Fort Worth, TXMaps of Charlotte, NCMaps of Detroit, MIand many many more
eago+ (舊用戶限定版) 1.0.2
請確認是否為2016/07/08以前下載eago+付費版App用戶會員。若為付費用戶,則可以當初註冊會員帳號登入,若仍無法登入,請您提供購買的google帳號與連絡方式,mail至信箱[email protected]提供確認與開通。請注意,此版本PAPAGO已整合在eago+程式中,不用分別安裝!eago,智慧車聯網平台,豐富的測速照相、停車場、加油站資訊!包含與PAPAGO合作的行車導航、路況主動通知(如鄰近路段壅塞/事故/施工等)、即時路況分享、停車繳費提醒、愛車資訊(如驗車/保險)、道路救援、出遊建議、電話呼叫行動祕書…等服務,成為車主全方位的行車管家!官方網站: 功能:1)測速照相即時提醒2)停車場資訊,包含動態的剩餘格位資訊3)加油站,隨時加油趴趴走!4)路況+導航功能結合路況提醒之PAPAGO導航,使用更貼心5)路況提醒:事先錄製您生活中的常用路線讓eago透過手機預先告知您路線上的交通狀況通勤、上下學、購物等預定路線的行車資訊一手掌握6)周遭路況通知預先知道周遭路況資訊,避免您誤入事故路段7)提供未來兩個月觀光活動8)爆路況:您也可以為智慧交通盡一份心力9)會員、愛車登錄:提醒您要記得驗車、付費10)您可以透過積點換取未來需要付費使用之功能服務持續新增中,敬請期待!eago 客服:電話:02-2796-2337信箱:[email protected]若您使用上有任何問題&寶貴建議,歡迎直接來電或來信,我們將竭誠為您解決問題。
MioMap Taiwan
MioMapTaiwan,讓您的手機不需要連線也能使用導航地圖與軟體,獨家附近逛逛瀏灠模式及關鍵字POI搜尋,讓您隨時方便查詢目的地,強大快速的運算功能,內建六種不同的路徑規劃建議與國道里程收費計算,提供您一目瞭然的最佳選擇。(建議付費購買前,請先下載安裝試用版)產品主要特色:✓內建六種路徑規劃,同時顯示四種路徑規劃✓關鍵字搜尋✓即時路況與繞道建議(需網路連線服務)✓國道里程收費計算✓分割畫面資訊選單✓旅程計畫✓辨別切換高架/平面道路✓尋找目的地附近停車場✓高快速道路出入口指引(Junction View)✓固定式測速照相警示✓道路速限標示與超速提示✓適用版本:Android 2.3以上版本 (目前尚未支援Android 5.X)✓支援解析度:480 x 800 / 480x272 / 800x480 / 960x540 / 1024x600 /1280x720/ 1280x800 / 1920x1080付費升級MioMap Pro Taiwan功能:✓完整導航功能✓TTS語音播報功能(Turn-by-Turn)✓不支援廠牌(如有更新以官網為準):MioMap Pro Taiwan不支援 ASUS PhonePad、ASUS MEMOPadFHD10 (wifi) 、LGE988 G Pro、INFOCUS IN815、LG G3、HTC New1 mini,HTCE9 PLUS購買方式:✓詳情請上
Navigation HUD PRO 11.3
Navigation on windshield using HUD app