Top 8 Apps Similar to PACo / SMS and MMS private

bizCard Manager/SMS MMS vCard 2.1.2
Send and receive business cards (vCard) via SMS, MMS and ashumanreadable text SMS. Business cards (vCards) exchange iscompatiblewith the most recent smartphones (Android, iPhone, Nokia)and evengood old Nokia phones!MMS SUPPORT=============It's possible to send vCards via MMS messages since version2.0.0.You can send MMS vCards to the most recent smartphones likeiPhone,Nokia or other Android based devices.HUMAN READABLE SMS TEXT SUPPORT=================================Need to send contact to friend or colleague and you are notsurewhether she or he is able to receive SMS or MMS vCard? Justsend itquickly in plain SMS text message using the new SMS TEXTmessagingservice.OLD NOKIA SMS vCards SUPPORT===========================Back in the days Nokia SMS vCard standard was the most widelyusedbusiness card exchange format. And it is the bizCard Managerwhobrings it to your Android device today. You can send andreceiveNokia SMS vCards.VCARD FILES (*.vcf) MANAGER=========================Use bizCard Manager as your advanced vCards files (*.vcf)manager.Open vCards (*.vcf) directly from your e-mail or devicestorage,review information included and accept or discard it.PLEASE DON'T FORGET===================LET ME KNOW if you have any ideas how to improve the app (emailmewith any sugestions).PLEASE CONTACT ME if you have any issues (MMS APN settingsetc.).We can fix it together.Do even more (full version specs):==========================Perform direct actions on received card's detail - call phone,sende-mail, ... without need to accept it into your contactlist.Full featured manager - you never lost any receivedbusinesscard. bizCard Manager keeps them all for you until youaccept ordiscard them.Share business cards directly from your contacts.Select business card details that will be included justbeforeyou send each card.Supporting multiple accounts (accept contact intoselectedaccount).Supported languages: EN, DE, CZ, SK.
SMS/MMS & Call Logs to Email 1.2
Pepper Labs
This app allows you to backup and shareyourSMS/MMS and call logs to your email, dropbox, evernote andothercloud services.Features:1. Export your SMS and MMS messages in text format to youremail,dropbox, evernote and other cloud services.2. Export your Call Logs in text format to your email,dropbox,evernote and other cloud services.3. Export your SMS and MMS messages in CSV format to youremail,dropbox, evernote and other cloud services.4. Export your Call Logs in CSV format to your email,dropbox,evernote and other cloud services.Note: Evernote and Dropbox are separate apps and shouldbedownloaded separately.More features are coming, so please stay tune.
Advanced Call Blocker 2.1.38
Sale starting August 13th: Only 99 cents(save$1)!Important: SMS and MMS blocking does not work on Android4.4+(KitKat) devices. Call blocking may not work on certainversions ofKitKat (4.4.2_r1 through 4.4.3).Easy to use Call, SMS and MMS blocking app• Block unwanted calls and text messages• User friendly UI makes Advanced Call Blocker easy to setupanduse• Many features and options allow you to block one number,ormillions of numbers with only a few clicks• One time fee, no recurring charges• NO root access needed, NO internet permission required• Ability to block SMS, MMS, incoming and outgoing phone calls3 Ways to Block Calls:• Answer and End Call - caller is not sent to voicemail• Send to Voicemail - caller is sent directly to voicemail• Silence - the ringer and vibrate are disabled while the callringsfor the durationFully customizable Filters allow you to:• Block unknown and private (restricted) numbers• Block numbers that are not listed in your contacts• Block individual numbers that you add to the block list- Easily add numbers from anywhere on your phone: Contacts,Contactgroups, Call log, Text messaging or type the numberyourself- Import or export your block list• Block ranges of numbers by using a wildcard, for example 800*or800555*• Block area codes using the North American NumberingPlanAssociation (NANPA) database (US/CAN)• Block invalid and/or international numbers• Exception list allows you to never block certain numbers• Exception Only mode allows you to block all numbers EXCEPTtheones in your exception list• Block messages sent from e-mail addresses with the abilitytoallow e-mail messages from contactsFully customizable preferences allow you enable or disableeachfeature:• Show notifications in the status bar when a call or messageisblocked• Remove blocked calls from the Android call log• Send automatic text message replies to blocked numbers• View detailed history of blocked calls and read blockedmessages(MMS messages cannot be saved)• Reply to blocked SMS messages from within the app• Move SMS messages to the Android text messaging app• Display a callers location when a call is allowed (US/CAN)• Widget to quickly block the last incoming call• Silence first ring (and vibrate) of each incoming call soyouphone will never hear blocked callsAnd much more!
TextLock - Encrypted Messages 1.1
Have you ever been afraid thatsomeonemightread your messages or emails on your phone?Have you wanted to be able to send private messages thateveryonecanread, yet no one can understand?Well, you're in luck, because with TextLock, you candoexactlythat.TextLock uses a modified and a much more secure versionoftheVigenère cipher so that your messages are encrypted in awaythatcannot be decrypted by even the most powerful ofcomputers.Onceyou enter your message and set a password, you cansharetheencryption with whoever you want, through any sort ofsocialmediaand only the people with the password will be able todecryptit.You can send encrypted messages on a group chat, so thatthepeoplewith a password understand it, while the rest are left inthedark.It is the most simple solution to your privacyproblems.Are you still going to risk sending yourmessageswithoutencrypting them?
Encrypt text with CryptMax 1.2
OVERVIEW:A simple, minimalistic, user friendly app, that allowsyoutoencrypt text¹ using a secret key² into a ciphertext andthensendit via SMS, social apps or simply copy and paste itwhereveryouwant. This app uses AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)toencrypttext, so far the only working way of breaking AESwithoutknowingthe secret key is by brute force which can take up toa fewbillionyears for a good password.If you want to read an encrypted text message youshouldfirstknow the secret key and the key length(128, 192 or256),withoutknowing them you can't decrypt the ciphertext andreadit.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------USAGE:The usage of this app is pretty straightforward,howevertwothings are worth mentioning:1. CHANGING THE KEY LENGTH is done by pressingthe"AES-###"button at the top of the app, where ### is the bitlengthof thesecret key, it can be set to 128, 192 or 256. Differentkeysizesencrypt text differently even with the same key.2. PASTING TEXT³ can be done simply by long pressingthetextfield.*You can encrypt text with this app multiple timesusingdifferentsecret key and key size.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DISCLAIMER:1. The developer of this app distances himself fromthecontentsof the encrypted messages made by its users. Usinganykindencryption for criminal activity is illegal.AES(AdvancedEncryption Standard) also known as Rijndael developedbytheBelgian cryptographers Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen isthemostwidely used symmetric-key encryption algorithm todayandisavailable for free use in many apps.2. In case of a published practical cryptographic"break"fasterthan a brute force against AES, the developer of thisappmustchange the encryption algorythm within a week,howeverthedeveloper will not be responsible for anypreviousencryptedmessages that can be broken.3. The developer of this app is not responsible if aciphertextissomehow decrypted using the secret key (or the samebitstream)by anunwanted third party, the secret key can beuncovered inmultipleways for example using a malicious software(keylogger) orbeingleaked by one of the original users. So far thefastestmethod ofbreaking an AES ciphertext, having only theciphertext,is a bruteforce attack, so using strong passwords ishighlyrecommended.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE_1: The text can be written in any language andinanyalphabet that is widely used today, allUnicode/UTF-8characterscan be used.NOTE_2: The key also accepts all Unicode/UTF-8characters,thestrength of the secret key is determined by itslength andthevariety of different characters that are beingused.NOTE_3: Pasting the ciphertext into the text fieldistherecommended way of inputting a ciphertext. Simply copythetextmessage from the SMS or any other app.NOTE_4: Encrypt text with this app and enjoysafecommunicationwith you friends and colleagues.
SMS Sync for iMessages 6.0
Use SMS Sync for Apple Messagestonatively integrate your text messages with your Mac using theAppleMessages app.• Easiest way to text online with your Mac. SMS SyncforApple Messages lets you see and reply to all of your textsthroughthe Apple Messages app.• Text message (SMS) and group text (MMS) with friendsfromyour Macbook without ever picking up your Android phone.Sendand receive texts through your Mac with the Apple Messages appyouare already familiar with.• Leave your Android at home. Great for studentsatschool, designers and developers at work, professionalsduringoffice meetings, or for anyone glued to their Macbook allday.• No need to get an iPhone. Syncs your Mac with yourownAndroid phone number. Great for Mac users who lovetheirAndroid.• Fully sync your messages. SMS Sync for AppleMessagessyncs messages between your Android phone and Mac viaAppleMessages. Just log into Apple Messages with your SMS Syncaccountand your SMS and MMS messages will sync with yourAndroidphone.• SMS Sync for Apple Messages securely routes yourtextmessages between your phone and your Mac. All communicationbetweenyour phone and your Mac is fully encrypted.How to Get Started:1) Download the app on your Android phone and createanaccount.2) You will then receive setup instructions for your Mac tosyncApple Messages with your Android phone #.3) Once your account is setup on Apple Messages, you can sendandreceive texts to all of your Android contacts fromyourcomputer.• Only app on the Play Store that integrates SMS, MMS andGroupMessaging with Apple Messages app.* SMS Sync for Apple Messages does NOT integrate withiMessage.iMessage is a proprietary protocol developed by Apple, so3rd partydevelopers are NOT ALLOWED to integrate with theirprivateplatform.All product and company names used are trademarks orregisteredtrademarks of their respective holders. Use of them doesnot implyany affiliation with or endorsement by them. SMS Sync forAppleMessages is developed by FortifiedLabs, Inc and is not in anywayaffiliated with Apple, Inc.
Ace Messenger - Free SMS & MMS 1.1.1
Ace SMS is a colorful and responsiveMaterialDesign tool for text messaging.Here’s why we think you’ll love it• Material Design: Ace SMS is the most beautiful textmessengeravailable• Themes: many colors provided• Dual Sim: support dual sim card• Emoji: very smooth emoji for chat fun• Night Mode: Like to have dark themes? So do we.• Quick Reply: Reply to messages without having to leave whatyou'redoing• MMS: For when words just aren't enough• Search: find your SMS easily• Security: Ace SMS is protected against the Stagefright MMSexploiton Android• Completely free: No pay• NO ADS~~~~Enjoy it~
Power sms Text messaging 1.0
Mostly when your working is hard intheofficeor when you are attending a meeting in the office thenyoucannotexert your attention at your mobile or you cannot seemessingatyour device sometime you lose your important contact orwhenyoucannot see your device then their may create a confusioninyourmind might their be SMS on device ,or you are offlinefromyourfriends and family members do not worry about this ,wecreateanapp free by using of which you may sent SMS through yourPCortablet without using your android device .this sent yourSMSmostsecurely and quickly ,this is easier and time time saveryouhaveno need to check your mobile after every notification, youcanalsomade your group using this app , you can easily send yourSMS,MMSand any picture and you can also save your picture SMS,MMSorpicture