Top 21 Apps Similar to eecTalk

Wellativity LLC- Daily Breaths
Created by Scott A. Morofsky,Wellativity,withcommunication at its core, offers a unique conceptofbecoming“in-powered” to a healthier way of being. Fromitstwelveprinciples to The Daily Breath audio program you willclearawaynegative crossover afflictions and increaseyourbreathingawareness to improve overall wellness. The recordingsarevariedsituations and experiences that when listened towillreconditionyour breathing patterns. As you consciouslybreathe,your body,mind and spirit are intertwined and your lifeistransformed onebreath at a time!On mental, emotional, and spiritual levels the recordingsaremuchlike other inspirational audios. When we hear passagesthatweidentify with as truth, we are uplifted in countlessways.TheDaily Breath audios will most definitely uplift yourspiritswhilealso offering a unique and valuable dimensionthatWellativitycalls “being in-powered.” Having been personallyandprofessionallyinvolved in spiritual, therapeutic, health,fitness,and recoverymodalities for almost 30 years, Scott A.Morofskyincorporates apractical application of breathingconditioning inall of the abovegenres. He refers to many everydaysituations andenvironments inthe messages. They include healthclubs, food,shopping, driving,exercise, codependency, substanceabuse,relationships, family,work-related situations, safety,personalloss, handlingsuccess/failure, preventing injury, and manymore. Ifyou listen toThe Daily Breath on a daily, weekly, or anyotherregular basis andyou recognize yourself in similaraforementionedsituations, it iscertain that you will let yourbreathingconditioning effortlesslywork toward healthier andmoreinner-connected living.Wellativity’s Daily Breath app offersmanyways to improve thequality of your breathing. The first stepis, ofcourse, to beginlistening. The program is designed to followacalendar year of oneaudio recording a day however the more youhearthe moreconditioned your breathing will become. Whether youareaware of itor not, the quality of your respiration willbeimproving not onlywith each conscious breath you take but alsowitheach time youhear the words breathe, inhale, exhale,breathing,breath, and SoBreathe It. Moreover, you’ll notice thisfilteringout into yourlife. For example, when you see or hear thesewords asyou gothrough your days, you will naturally take fullerbreathsmore andmore often. This means higher levels of oxygenthroughoutyourbody, which ultimately translates into healthierandstrongerfunctions on all levels. FEATURES - An overviewofWellativity’sTwelve Principles -Over 50 professionallyrecordedaudio DailyBreaths -7 topic category sections relevant toevery daylife-Categories are continuous play -Soothing backgroundmusicthatrelaxes as you listen CATEGORYOPTIONSGeneralHealth/Wellness/FitnessLove/Relationship/FamilySpiritualityStress Management/StressReduction/MeditationTraveling/CommutingWork/Money Download this appnow and starttransforming your lifeone breath at a time! The DailyBreath Audioscopyright © 2014Scott A. Morofsky Voice recordingartist TraciGodfrey
SPA Software. Salon management 2
SNB Solutions
SNB SPA & Salon Management isasoftwarebased on the latest high technologies in thecloudforadministration and management of spa centers and beautysalons.Weoffer a work tool designed and created to fulfill yourmainneedsin mind. Easy to use, fast, accessible from any device atanytimewithout having to be physically in your facility.Some of the main features:- Multilingual.- Automatic optimization of schedulingtreatmentsandtherapies.- Individual and personalized access to agendaforeachemployee.- History log of your customers preferences and therapies.- Newsletter, meeting reminder and auto confirmation.- Multi-currency.- Utility and profit reports of your spa or salon.- Automatic calculation of commissions for your employees.- Currency exchange rate history reports.- Customer's services history reports.For more information request demo on our website.
Il Centro Sportivo Cristo Re è situatonelcuore del quartiere Trieste Salario a Roma.La nostra struttura offre ai propri Soci: 3 sale Fitness , 1salaIndoor Cycling, 1 sala attrezzi powered by Technogym®,piscinasemiolimpionica , 2 campi di calcio a 5, 1 campo da BasketePallavolo 1 campo di tennis.Cardio-Fitness, Fitness, Indoor Cycling, Pilates, Zumba® eAcqua:non solo definizioni di lezioni ma attività vere, svolte inSala ein Vasca tutti i giorni da collaboratori altamentequalificati e sucui il Centro Sportivo Cristo Re punta con grandeenergia.Attraverso il lavoro quotidiano che svolgiamo in tutte lenostreSale potrai apprezzare l’attenzione che prestiamo altuobenessere.La App vi permette di essere sempre aggiornati e avere unamiglioreinterazione con il nostro Centro Sportivo. Potretecomodamenteaccedere ai seguenti servizi:NEWS E PROMOZIONITutte le nostre promozioni, news ed eventiNOTIFICHE PUSH CORSIDescrizione, foto, orari e gallerie fotografiche dellanostraofferta sportivaPALINSESTO CORSI INTERATTIVOVisualizzazione giornaliera corsi divisi per fascia oraria.Dettaglicorso: data, ora, sala; disponibilità corso condivisionesocial,aggiunta al calendario telefono, aggiunta a preferitiSISTEMA DI PRENOTAZIONE INTEGRATO CON IL SISTEMAGESTIONALEINFORYOUGestione prenotazioni con sistema web based. Limiteorarioiscrizione, numero partecipanti massimo, lista diattesa.INFOPOINTTipologia e scadenza abbonamento, scadenza certificato medicoedaltre info utili.The Sports CenterChristthe King is located in the heart of Aurelio in Rome.Our facility offers its members: 3 Fitness rooms, 1 roomIndoorCycling, 1 room with equipment powered by Technogym,semi-Olympicpool, two soccer fields 5, 1 basketball court andvolleyball 1tennis court.Cardio-Fitness, Fitness, Indoor Cycling, Pilates, Zumba andWater:not only definitions of lessons but actual work, carried outinroom and bath every day by highly qualified and on which theSportsCenter Cristo Rey tip with great energy . Through the dailywork wedo in all our rooms you will appreciate the attention youpay toyour well-being.The App allows you to stay current and have better interactionwithour Sports Centre. You can easily access thefollowingservices:NEWS AND PROMOTIONSAll our promotions, news and eventsPUSH NOTIFICATION COURSESDescription, photos, schedules and photo galleries of oursportsofferSCHEDULE COURSES INTERACTIVEShow Today courses divided by time band. Course details: date,time,room; availability over sharing company, added to thecalendarphone, adding to favoritesRESERVATION SYSTEM WITH INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM INFORYOUBooking management with web based system. Hourly limitenrollment,maximum number of participants, the waiting list.INFOPOINTSubscription type and maturity, expiration medical certificateandother useful info.
ASA with Emergency Center 4.0.43
My911, Inc.
ASA is a multifunctional platformthatresideson the users smartphone device with connectivity totheuserspersonal and health information stored in a secureHIPAAcompliantcloud environment. The platform offers users a PreandPostEmergency service along with Health and Wellnessmonitoringandcommunication capabilities for individuals of allagesandconditions.ASA comes with complete Emergency Center integration,youwillalways be cared for 7/24.The ASA Health and Wellness Continuum is an agnosticaggregatorofhundreds of Bluetooth, ANT + and Wi-Fi devices thatcaptureandcommunicate vital personal readings. With theASAPHRusers/patients can store this information for theirownpersonalrecord and/or for sharing specific datawithonescaregiver/clinician/insurance carrier/hospital. InadditionASAprovides storage and connectivity to the users PHRswhileservingas a conduit or data highway for that usertonumerousHealth-Clouds, allowing that user the ability to sharethespecificdata between themselves anduserapprovedcaregiver/clinicians/insurance carriers/hospitals.No matter your location you can manage your healthandwellnessinformation is right at your fingertips. Whether it befromyourcell phone or on the internet using your own PersonalHealthRecord(PHR), your health and wellness information isalwaysthere.Supported non-invasive health and wellnessdevices(ContinuaSupported Devices, ANT+, BlueTooth, and Wi-Fi)include:WeighingScale, Pedometer, Pulse Oximeter, BloodPressureMonitor,Thermometer, Cardiovascular, Strength, IndependentLivingActivityHub, Peak Flow Monitor, and Glucose Meter. All ASAHealthusershave Automatic notification and emergency response,generatedwhenusing approved health and wellness devices. Each userhastheoption to customize their own personal andcriticalthresholds,ensuring they are looked after no matterthelocation.Supported Health and Wellness devices.Partial list of supported health devices see own private Online Personal Health Record thatcanseamlesslyintegrate with any of your other online HealthRecordaccounts orHealth Care Network Ecosystem.Allows for all recorded health information to be displayedinPM360and can be shared with that users Care Network.Integrate with multiple Care Network ConnectorsincludingWithings,fitBit, CareNet, BlueButton companies, andmanymore.Caregivers, Physicians, Hospitals, Insurance Companies:* Can get access to all their approved patients data* Can do manual health and wellness data entry for any oralloftheir approved patientsSummary of features:• Multi Health and Wellness device simultaneous monitoring(seelistof some of devices supported Critical Threshold notification (critical tiesyoudirectly inwith emergency response personnel)• Complete Online Personal Health Record (PHR)withCaregivermanagement options• Easy integration with other PHR's like Withings, FitBitandmuchmore• SOS direct to emergency response personnel• Impact detectionforVehicle/Motorcycle/Outdoor/PersonalFalling-Down PLUS OBDDongleinterface (monitoring for airbagdeployment and OBDerrors),supports ELM327 OBD2 Dongle's• Unlimited automated contact notificationwithSOS/Impact/AirbagDeployment/Health• Tracking (single and group, geo-fencing)• Emergency Text-To-Speech (optional)• Traffic Alerts• Weather and other Environmental Alerts
Activ Physiotherapy 4.1.1
Multispecialty clinic that specializesinthemanagement of pain, and maintaining as well youroverallhealth& wellness using both eastern &westernmedicine.
Health-IQ 1.0
Did you know that blueberries will improveyourskin or that a 20 minute will help you feel more rested thanonethat’s 60 minutes? The transition to college isn’t justacademic,you’ve gotta take care of yourself, now more than ever.HealthIQ ishere to help--with a treasure trove of tips and tricksto stayhealthy and happy while at college. And the best part? Youcan winBIG CASH PRIZES every semester!Unlike stale pamphlets and boring compulsory seminars,HealthIQwas developed for students by students and featuresbeautiful (andsometimes cheeky) content and quizzes that willchallenge you.Topics you’ll learn about--Yeah, this is that fun andcheekycontent we’re talking about!Foods you can eat to get the most out of your workout andlookgoodSleep and stress management techniquesHow to minimize the negative effects of substance useWays to navigate sexual consent and be an effective bystanderADDITIONAL APP FEATURES AND BENEFITS:Campus Challenges: a scavenger hunt where you’ll earn rewardsfordoing healthy things like getting your flu shot or visitingthecounseling center.Personal Wellness Assessment: Take a personalized riskassessmentand track your progress as you learn moreCampus Resources: All of your campus’ health resources optimizedformobileHealthIQ is free for all, but only students who are enrolledatsubscriber institutions will be able to earn cash prizes. Notsureif your school is participating? Shoot us a message or askyourhealth center.
GoliveAssist 1.1
Remote continuous care is now within reach
QAthlete 10.2.48
QAthlete Personal offers athletes an inside view into theircardiacand metabolic systems, measuring their readiness to trainthrough acomprehensive ECG wave assessment. Daily cardiacmeasurements helpto easily track the effects of training on thebody's readiness,stress levels and recovery patterns. Training zoneintensity rangesare a unique feature to QAthlete Personal,providing athletes withrecommendations for the maximum heart ratefor the day. The data isupdated daily, allowing athletes to managetheir training,maximizing the benefits of each session. MainFeatures: - QAthletePersonal is the only system available todaythat has the ability toquickly, non-stressfully, and non-invasivelyassess the functionalstate of an athlete, providing a comprehensiveview of theirrecovery state. - QAthlete Personal delivers accuratetrainingguidance based on the cardiac readiness analysis. Thecardiacreadiness calculation is based on physical and mentalstress,recovery pattern and adaptation reserve levels. - QAthletePersonaldefines training zones for workout intensity based on yourcurrentcardiac state. - The aerobic and anaerobic readinessratingsprovide a detailed view of the body's adaptation forexercise,while the trends indicate the position on thesupercompensationcurve. - The recovery pattern tracks your body'sability to recoverand helps in identifying recovery techniques thatfit you best.Additional Features: - Daily Steps and active Caloriecounter - GPSmapping of Running, Cycling and Driving - Creates Fooddiary of allyour meals with food photo snapping - Set daily goalsfor Steps,Sleep time and Hydration - Observe trends over time withallvariables to track wellness - Uses Instant Fitness for yourhomeworkouts - Uses Sleep Time to monitor your sleep cycles -UsesInstant Heart Rate to monitor your heart beats - Built insupportof third party wearable devices and health apps - AppleHealth Appintegration Emotional and Physical Stress Level Features:-Quantify your level of stress using heart data - Feel betterandlive longer with less stress! - See how you react todifferentstressors - Athletes: track recovery to increaseperformance -Follow your progress over time! - Personalizedalgorithm tailors toYOUR heart - More accurate with everymeasurement! BONUS FEATURESIN PRO: - Never lose your data withunlimited storage! - Turn thephone sideways for historical graphsElite level sport requires anelite level training solution.QAthlete's easy-to-use, interactivesoftware was specially designedto support the sport andperformance goals of athletes, teams andsport professionals. Goalsand guidance are structured around uniquepersonal data such asability, age, gender and fitness level.Workout, nutrition andweight management plans are then tailored toan athlete's preciseneeds and automatically scheduled.Understanding your body isessential to any fitness undertaking andQAthlete assessmentsprovide the knowledge for preventative healthcare and safertraining. This results-based package is a customizedsolutiondesigned for unparalleled athleticism and overallhealthmanagement. The QAthlete app is supported in conjunctionwithQAthlete Information Center. The QAthlete app is fullyfunctionalwith required QAthlete Patient Monitoring server license.A previewof the functionality can be viewed using the defaultlogininformation. * Some features not available in all countries.*Continued use of GPS and Smart Bluetooth running in thebackgroundcan dramatically decrease battery life. * QAthletePersonalrequires additional hardware accessories. See website fordetails.
Village Clubs 3.0.6
The Village Health Clubs & Spas offers you the ideal blendofFun, Fitness and Relaxation in Phoenix, Scottsdale,NorthScottsdale and Chandler. Learn more at Life’s Better at The Village with our new app. •Designed tohelp you make the most of your membership, you candiscover: •Current group exercise schedules for each of our fourclubs in theValley • Choose your favorite classes, book them andshare withfriends Plus: • Book tennis courts, racquetball courts,squashcourts • Register for Cycle and Kinesis classes • Memberaccountmanagement directly in the app The Village Health Clubs& Spasoffers you the ideal blend of Fun, Fitness and RelaxationinPhoenix, Scottsdale, North Scottsdale and Chandler. Learn
Advance Health Services 1.0
At AHS we have provided exceptionalspinecareand neck and back pain relief for over 50 years. Today, weareaphysical medicine facility providingpainmanagement,rehabilitation, massage therapy, diagnostic testinganda fullrange of therapeutic treatments designed for wholebodywellnessand strength.
Parkpoint Health Club 4.0.7
Welcome to Parkpoint Health Clubs! We have been locally ownedandoperated for over 30 years, providing Sonoma County withawelcoming, healthy community at our three North Baylocations.Parkpoint membership includes access to our fitnessclasses led bycertified instructors and motivating personaltrainers, swimmingpools, saunas, steam rooms, state-of-the-artequipment, and muchmore. We also love to support local food and artin our healthclubs and at our club events. You’ll feel right athome with ourfriendly staff and welcoming environment. Use theseconvenient appfeatures as an extra benefit to your membership: •SELECTION ALOCATION - Do you use more than 1 location? Switch backand forthbetween locations! • ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT - See yourupcomingreservations on your phone and check-in at the front desk.Severaloptions for self-service to update account information. •CLASSSCHEDULES - Check out the schedule to BOOK A CLASS! Usetheadvanced search option to hone in on classes taught byyourfavorite instructor. • RESERVATIONS - See your bookingsandregistrations at a glance. • OUT OF PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS?Noproblem. Purchase and manage your sessions on the app. Usingyourcredit card on file makes payment quick and easy. • REGISTERFROPROGRAMS – Register yourself or your family members •SELECTEQUIPMENT - Choose a specific bike, Pilates machine, etc.ifallowed by facility • SPREAD THE WORD - Share your enthusiasmviasocial media or invite a friend to join you in class! • FEEDBACK-Send your Feedback on the App or Feedback on facility.
Live Young Sky Lakes Wellness 2.8.7
At the Sky Lakes Wellness Center, weofferavariety of services including our WeightManagementProgram,Mindful Meals Cooking Classes, stressmanagementclasses,introductory yoga and introductory circuittraining. (Seedetailsbelow.)You can learn about these and more by downloading ourMobileApp,which will help you reschedule missed classes, registerforcourses,schedule appointments, and receive exciting newsandupdates fromthe Sky Lakes Wellness Center!Weight Management Program:With personalized medical oversight from amultidisciplinaryteam,combined with group classes that support thecore of thelearning,the Live Young Weight Management Program isunique amongweightloss programs. Clients are supported by a weightlossteamcomprised of a board certified weight loss physician,adietitian,a behavioral therapist, and a nurse, each withdistinctskills andtraining to maximize every participant'ssuccess.Interested participants can attend a free informationalsessiontolearn about the details of the year-long programthatfeaturesindividual visits with all providers and groupclasses.Unlike fad diets that result in a frustrating cycle ofweightlossand regain, the Live Young Weight ManagementProgramincorporatesevidence-based practices from those who havesucceededwith long-termweight loss. In a medically-supervisedenvironment,the Programstrives to help participants makesustainable lifestylechanges byapproaching wellness in a holisticmanner, as opposed toa quick-fixdiet. By combining instruction ontopics ranging fromnutrition,physical activity, stress management,mindfulness, andincreasedconfidence to make healthy lifestylechanges, employeeswill be setup for long-term success, helpingthem feel better, bemoreproductive, and miss work less often.Mindful Meals Cooking Classes:From learning how the carbohydrates we cook impact ourriskofdiabetes, to cooking to prevent cancer, to learningsimpleandaffordable techniques that will please the wholefamily,thesesessions will teach you cooking skills that youcanuseforever.Led by Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator,JenniferLehman,these hands-on cooking classes will teach you tastyrecipesandinspire a new cooking style. You will build yourconfidence inthekitchen, inspiring change through food education,andultimatelyempowering you to eat for your health!How to Increase Joy and Decrease Stress --StressManagementClasses:By learning about and practicing tools such asmindfulnessandrelaxation exercises, this course will enhanceyourcommunicationand listening skills, reduce your professionalandpersonalanxiety, and help you create a healthy work/lifebalance.Led by aLicensed Professional Therapist, JeanetteRutherford, youwilllearn strategies and techniques to increase yourawareness ofyourrelationship with yourself and others. Experientialas wellasdidactic activities will be used to increase the joyanddecreasethe stress in your life!Introductory YogaandIntroductory Circuit Training:A great way to get started in both of these practices inasafe,non-threatening environment.
Vidant Wellness Center 107.10.1
Vidant Wellness Center is based on thenotionthat good health doesn't happen by chance, but is the resultoffocused efforts to develop a healthy lifestyle. VidantWellnessCenter targets factors that have a direct impact on yourchances ofdeveloping heart disease, cancer and other conditionsthat threatenyour health. Our programs help you avoid or managetheseillnesses.We take pride in all of our centers, equipping them with thelatestfitness technology, staffing them with the mosttalentedprofessionals and maintaining an atmosphere that iswelcoming toeveryone. Although each center maintains its ownidentity, all areunified by a common goal: to improve the qualityof life throughwellness, disease management and fun.As a subsidiary of Vidant Health, Vidant Wellness Center hasaccessto the technology and leadership of a major academicmedicalcenter.
Spa Booking 1.0
Spa booking Application is ademoapplication,with the spa center list and the massages list.Usercan select theneeded massage and they can book an appointmentviathisapplication. This application also shows the near byspabranchesand their location in map. User can view the galleryandreviews toget the detailed information.Its a ready to use spa application withcompletemanagementsystem. Mainly designed for spa centers.All the data's given in the application are samplefordemopurpose.
Stress Relief Adult Color Book 12.0.9
Relax & explore your creative skills with the StressReliefColoring for Adults.
Centro DR
Centro DR è l'app ufficiale deicentrifitnessCentro DR. Se sei iscritto e vuoi restare in contattocon latuapalestra, prenotare corsi, consultare gli orari dellelezioni,lenews o i video, questa è l'app che fa per te.Se non sei ancora iscritto a Centro DR, potrai conoscere meglioefarconoscere anche ai tuoi amici le offerte e e leopportunitàoffertedai centri fitness Centro DR.Alcune caratteristiche di Centro DR:- Autenticazione diretta dell’utente tramite lecredenzialiforniteall’iscrizione al centro- Informazioni sul centro, indirizzo, mappa, storia,oraridiapertura, attività svolte, caratteristiche del centro- News e promozioni- Video del centro- Calendari corsi e lezioni del centro, con personaltraineredinformazioni sulle lezioni- Lezioni prenotabili nel centro- Gestione prenotazioni con inserimento in lista d'attesa- Funzione “Le mie prenotazioni”, per unpromemoriadelleprenotazioni future presso il centro- Gestione multi-centro, con sedi e informazioni separateperognisedeSe frequenti Centro DR non puoi fare a meno diquest'app!Seancora non conosci Centro DR, scaricala per saperne dipiù!Centro DR is powered by MyGymmit - www.gymmit.comDR center istheofficialapp of fitness centers Center DR. If you are writingandwant tokeep in touch with your gym, book courses, seeclassschedules,news or videos, this is the app for you.If you are not yet registered on Center DR, you can learnmoreandmake known to your friends and and offers theopportunitiesofferedby fitness centers Center DR.Some features of DR Centre:- Direct user authentication using the credentials providedtotheenrollment center- Information on the center, address, map, history,hoursofoperation, activities, characteristics of the center- News and promotions- Video of the center- Calendars courses and lessons of the center, withpersonaltrainersand course information- Lessons booked in the center- Manage bookings with inclusion on the waiting list- Function "My bookings" for a reminder of future reservationsatthecenter- Management of multi-center, with offices andseparateinformationfor each locationIf you frequent Centre DR you can not do without this app!Ifyoustill do not know DR Center, download it to find out more!DR center is powered by MyGymmit -
Accademia BPS 2.2
The daily immersion in the various commitments that lifepropinaoften ...
InstantPHR 1.0.1
Imagine a world where vital health information is as accessible asatext message—right there in the palm of your hand. TheInstantPHRapp makes that accessibility a reality for people everyday.Whether managing a chronic condition, providing data duringamedical emergency or just trying to monitor calories andweightloss, InstantPHR is easy and effective. , This powerful appis likehaving a virtual office visit without all the paper. And thebestpart? You have a copy of the same medical data your providerhasavailable at your fingertips. So when you do have anappointment,you save time and energy by focusing on your immediateneeds, notbackground information. With InstantPHR you can: Accessyour healthinformation 24/7, all in one place • Manage and trackyour family’shealth • Use tools to help you meet your health goals• Connectpersonal health devices like fitness trackers, glucometersandblood pressure monitors • Print and share health records withyourclinicians and caregivers • Message your care team privatelyandsecurely Learn more about InstantPHR’s features: STOREINFORMATIONIN ONE PLACE A snapshot of a year in the health of afamily mayinclude general practitioners, specialists, labs andmore.InstantPHR gives you ONE PLACE to store the data from alltheseseparate care givers and facilities. This app securelycaptures itall, including allergies, conditions, procedures,immunizations,family history and emergency contacts. MANAGE YOURFAMILY’S HEALTHIs registering for camp or sports a chore becauseyou can’t findimmunization records for your child? No more trips tothe doctor topay for copies, InstantPHR lets you simply point andclick your waythrough the application. With the ability to grantaccess tomultiple parties, the InstantPHR app is ideal for childrenofelderly parents who may be monitoring care from afar.Thisunprecedented access and communication has endlesspossibilitieswhen managing family care. ACHIEVE YOUR HEALTH GOALSWith toolslike action plans and wellness logs, you and your doctorcan easilywork together to meet your health goals. These toolsallow you totrack health data and observations outside of thedoctor’s officeso your doctor can better monitor your health andgive you the bestguidance on the steps to take to reach your goalsand improve youroverall health. InstantPHR’s action plans haveassigned tasks in aneasy-to-follow to-do list format so you knowexactly what you needto do. EASILY SHARE AND PRINT HEALTH RECORDSInstantPHR makes yourlife easier by allowing you to download, printand share yourhealth records with trusted family members andclinicians. SECURELYCOMMUNICATE WITH YOUR CARE TEAM WithInstantPHR’s mobile app youcan easily contact your care teamanytime through the securemessage center. COLLECT PERSONAL HEALTHDEVICE DATA InstantPHRconnects to hundreds of devices such asfitness trackers, bloodpressure and blood glucose monitors allowingyou to easily uploadand record important data so you and yourdoctor can better monitoryour health. YOUR HEALTH INFORMATION ISKEPT SAFE AND SECURE Thesecurity of your personal healthinformation is of the utmostimportance to us. InstantPHR iscertified to meet the requirementsof federal laws regarding thecollection, storage, use anddissemination of personallyidentifiable information and protectedhealth information (PHI). TheInstantPHR mobile app is availableonly to patients of doctors orhospitals using Get Real Health’sInstantPHR technology. If youhaven’t received an invitation fromyour doctor or hospital, contactus at [email protected] andwe’ll let you know if yourcurrent provider offers InstantPHR totheir patients. *Certainfeatures may not be included in yourversion of InstantPHR® and noguarantees are made as to theavailability of any of the contentdisplayed or described within.
Dr Quik Pro 1.6
Dr Quik
This is the second app by doctorquikteam.While the first app was exclusively designed for patient’sneedsand requirements, this pro version is to cater to the businessend.This is the most apt app for doctors, hospitals, diagnosticsandwellness centres.If you are a doctor, doctor quik pro helps you manageyourschedule quite effortlessly. You can check, update or cancelyourschedule merely by clicking once at the icon. The patient canalsoeasily share his electronic health record with you.There is a similar but very remarkable interface forhealthcareproviders like hospitals and diagnostics where allpatient activityhas been synced in a first of its kind MMP (mobilemanagement ofpatients). If the number of patients is not loo largefor ahospital on a given day, this mobile interface formanagingpatients works remarkably well.
ActiveBalance 6.2.55
VitalScan Personal offers persons aninsideviewinto their cardiac and metabolic systems, measuringtheirreadinessto train through a comprehensive ECG waveassessment.Daily cardiacmeasurements help to easily track theeffects oftraining on thebody's readiness, stress levels andrecoverypatterns.Training zone intensity ranges are a uniquefeaturetoActiveBalance Personal, providing persons withrecommendationsforthe maximum heart rate for the day. The data isupdateddaily,allowing persons to manage their training, maximizingthebenefitsof each session.Main Features:- ActiveBalance Personal is the only system available todaythathasthe ability to quickly, non-stressfully, andnon-invasivelyassessthe functional state of an person, providing acomprehensiveview oftheir recovery state.- ActiveBalance Personal delivers accurate training guidancebasedonthe cardiac readiness analysis. The cardiacreadinesscalculation isbased on physical and mental stress,recoverypattern and adaptationreserve levels.- ActiveBalance Personal defines training zones forworkoutintensitybased on your current cardiac state.- The aerobic and anaerobic readiness ratings provide adetailedviewof the body's adaptation for exercise, while thetrendsindicate theposition on the supercompensation curve.- The recovery pattern tracks your body's ability torecoverandhelps in identifying recovery techniques that fit youbest.Emotional and Physical Stress Level Features:- Quantify your level of stress using heart data- Feel better and live longer with less stress!- See how you react to different stressors- persons: track recovery to increase performance- Follow your progress over time!- Personalized algorithm tailors to YOUR heart- More accurate with every measurement!Additional Features:- Daily Steps and active Calorie counter- GPS mapping of Running, Cycling and Driving- Creates Food diary of all your meals with foodphotosnapping- Set daily goals for Steps, Sleep time and Hydration- Observe trends over time with all variables totrackwellness- Uses Instant Fitness for your home workouts- Uses Sleep Time to monitor your sleep cycles- Uses Instant Heart Rate to monitor your heart beats- Built in support of third party wearable devicesandhealthapps- Apple Health App integrationBONUS FEATURES IN PRO:- Never lose your data with unlimited storage!- Turn the phone sideways for historical graphsElite level sport requires an elite leveltrainingsolution.ActiveBalance's easy-to-use, interactive softwarewasspeciallydesigned to support the sport and performance goalsofpersons,teams and sport professionals. Goals and guidancearestructuredaround unique personal data such as ability, age,genderandfitness level. Workout, nutrition and weight managementplansarethen tailored to an person's precise needsandautomaticallyscheduled.Understanding your body is essential to anyfitnessundertakingand ActiveBalance assessments provide theknowledgeforpreventative health care and safer training.Thisresults-basedpackage is a customized solution designedforunparalleledathleticism and overall health management.The ActiveBalance app is supported in conjunctionwithActiveBalanceInformation Center.The ActiveBalance app is fully functionalwithrequiredActiveBalance Patient Monitoring server license. Apreviewof thefunctionality can be viewed using thedefaultlogininformation.* Some features not available in all countries.* Continued use of GPS and Smart Bluetooth running inthebackgroundcan dramatically decrease battery life.* ActiveBalance Personal requires additionalhardwareaccessories.See website for details.
Centro Kinesi 1.0.2
Il Centro Kinesi è unastrutturasanitariaprivata che si occupa dal 1991 diriabilitazione,fisioterapia,visite specialistiche e benessere. Lastruttura,organizzata su unospazio di 700 mq, è dotata delle piùmoderneattrezzature e siavvale di personale specializzato ecostantementeaggiornato.Sono attive collaborazioni sia interne che esterneconprimariprofessionisti del settore sanitario (diagnostica evisitemedichespecialistiche) per offrire il più ampio orientamentoalcliente,in assenza di tempi di attesa.Collabora con l’Università di Verona la quale hariconosciutolastruttura come centro di qualità facendone sededitirociniouniversitario per la fisioterapia.L’obiettivo del Centro Kinesi è di aiutare lepersonenelraggiungimento e mantenimento della salute nellevariecondizionifisio-patologiche offrendo programmi personalizzatiingrado dirispondere a tutte le esigenze.Il metodo del Centro Kinesi si basa su criteri diefficaciaedefficienza propri dei moderni sistemi di gestionedellasalutedelle persone. Prevede sempre un’attenta valutazioneclinicadelcaso, elaborazione di un programma di trattamento sullabasedellaletteratura scientifica e dell’esperienza e la verificaalterminedello stesso, il tutto nel rispetto delle esigenzeedaspettativedel cliente e per la migliore riuscitadeltrattamento.Centre Kinesis isaprivatehealth center that deals since 1991forrehabilitation,physiotherapy, specialist visits and well-being.Thestructure,organized on an area of ​​700 square meters, isequippedwith themost modern equipment and employs qualified staffandconstantlyupdated.Active collaboration both internally and externallywithleadinghealthcare professionals (diagnostic and medicalspecialist)toprovide broad guidance to the client, without havingtowait.She collaborates with the University of Verona whichhasrecognizedthe structure as a center of quality makingtheapprenticeshipcollege for physiotherapy.The goal of the Center Kinesis is to help people inachievingandmaintaining health in differentphysio-pathologicalofferingcustomized programs that can meet allthe needs.The method of Centre Kinesis is based on criteriaofeffectivenessand efficiency of its modern management systemsofhealth. Alwaysinvolves a careful clinical evaluation of thecase,developing atreatment program based on the scientificliteratureand theexperience and testing at the end of the same, allinaccordancewith the needs and expectations of the customer andforthe successof the treatment .