Top 8 Apps Similar to No Message Interception Demo

OtrSMS - Encrypted SMS 1.2
Minti Studio
SMS interceptors can read whatever youwriteinyour SMS. But with this app, what they get is rubbishandnonsense.Some companies purchased corporate license. App name andiconcanbe customized. Drop us an email for details.The recipient must install this app beforereceivingencryptedSMS.OTR stands for Off-the-Record. It provides notonlystrongencryption, but also deniability. Using OtrSMS,userscancommunicate with their friends by sending SMS just likechattingina private environment. No one will be able tomonitortheconversation content.The operations are quite similar to normal SMSapplications,sousers will find it's very handy. The main differenceis thatusersneed to enter a password for a new OTR contact. Therecipientmustenter the same one. This password is just used tofacilitatekeyestablishment process.The encrypted text length will be average 1.3 to 1.4timestheoriginal text length.*Note: All the SMS sent before the new OTR contact'sresponsearesent in clear, without encryption. Although the UI isonlyinEnglish at the moment, it can send SMS in any language.Please drop us an email to [email protected] foranysuggestionsor inquiries. Thank you!
No Message Interception 2.0
Ovid Software
An app jewell, who, veryefficiently,ensuresyou of your constitutional right toprivacy.Why to buy this app with a price less than a coffe cup?Istheresomething new, something special?1. What is new?Well, nothing is new under the sun. During the second worldwar,thegermans used The Enigma encoding system. I don't knowwhatalgorithmexactley they used but, i do know the effect:aninnocent, banalmessage for interceptors.This app does the same: it generates a recommendation foraplacewhere you can eat well, using a word or a sentence knownonlybyyou and the receiving person.2. What is special?To understand how this encoding method works, i tell youthat:Icreated this sophisticated encoding algorithm and yet,iCANNOTdecode your message, without knowing the keywordorkeysentence.First of all, the word or sentence which you use to encode isNOTAPASSWORD. What is the difference?There is a big one:A text protected with a password compares a input stringwithaspecific word or words, if they don't match theaccessisdenied.So, if i want to read your protected text, i just downloadoneof1000s of programms from Internet, which looks for thepasswordinthe encoded text (it has to be stored somewhere there,becausetheprotection module needs to compare with it) or, it uses alooptogenerate millions of characters combinations until oneofthemmatches the password and the access is granted.But IS NOT THE CASE with this app, which, I truly hope youintendtobuy right now. And below I tell you why:a.) The word or sentence that you use to encode is not storedinthetwo phones (sender and receiver) nor in therecommendationfordinner, lunch, whatever, it is stored only in yourbrains, so,itcannot be found by any program in the world.b.) The code is written with protection againstautomatictextinput.c.) If someone tries to decode with some other word(s)thanthesentence or word used when was encoded, the algorithmallowsalwaysto do that, but the result will be a garbageofunintelligiblestring of characters.d.) It does not use ASCII code or other standard computercodesforcharacters, nor uses fixed lengths for words or identicalcodeforthe same letter, so, trust me, it cannot be decoded withthoseoldfashioned methods.Finaly, two important notes:1. The app needs obviously the permission to use yourcontactlistand sending and reading messages. If the app stopped toworkwhenyou try to access contacts or to send or to read messages,thenitis because you did not give the permissions.2. When you write your message, use only characters fromUSkeyboard,the other ones will be ignored.
Intercept phone calls 1.1.1
Amalgam Apps
With this application you can block unwanted calls. Forget thespam!
Ghost SMS 1.0
This app is used in order tointercepttextmessages. It started as a project to simply take alist ofphonenumbers, and then intercept the text messages so thattheyaren'tcluttering the regular SMS's inbox. Mostly for thingslikeads orspam texts, which you still want to receive, but don'twantthemshowing up in your texts box.It has grown and matured, to the point where it can be usedasanentire SMS conversation holder. It can send SMS's, anditcanreceive them. It's not *yet* meant to be able toreplaceyournormal SMS app (and it never really was, but it'sgrowing), butitcertainly works for the purpose described above...tointercepttexts that you don't want showing up in yourSMSinbox.While building it, I suspected that people want to usethisforprivate communications. Just to be able to keep theirtextstocertain people kind of hidden. As such, the app requires aloginbydefault. You can bypass this, by long holding theskull(afterputting in your user credentials) and the appwillauto-login.There is a lot more on the way. The ability to keep anentireSMSthread off the record (no history), auto-responding,smsblocking,and sending a text to someone at a specific dateandtime. It willgrow, but in the mean time, it's nice forredirectingSMS's tosomewhere other than your normal inbox, and evenbeingable to chata bit.There are a couple of things I'm stilling ironingout:ie:automatically updating the view when an SMS comes in,andtheability to remove an SMS thread, and possiblyevenindividualmessages, but remember.... it's not done yet.
Bandhu Phone 2.0.5
• The “BANDHU PHONE” is aSmartphoneapplication that specifically designed for home andbusiness usersto work remotely as well as in-house. This Appequipped as a3G/4G/Wi-Fi dialer with HD voice capabilities.Itbrings Mobile VoIPsimple, hassle-free and provide a convenientcommunicationguaranteeTechnical Specifications:• Protocol: Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).• Supported Softswitches: Any RFC 3261standardSIPsoftswitches.• Supported Codecs: g729, AMR, GSM and g711.• Network Profile & Provisioning: The “BANDHU PHONEDialer”having the scope of using operator wise network profile. Sothatyou dont need to buy individual opcode or brand forindividualoperator/network or country• Supported Platforms: Symbian and Android. iPhone version isondevelopmentSupported SoftSwitchesAny RFC 3261standard SIP softswitches.Main features• Making and receiving SIP calls• Internet connection over WIFI, 4G,3G or EDGE• Making and receiving SIP calls from behind any VoIPobstruction/firewalls• Enhanced Address Book• Redial button• Caller ID• Call status• Destination , rate• Time, call status logs• Sending and receiving SMS over SIP protocol• Multiple active calls support• Echo cancellation• Summary window showing last call cost and duration• Balance Display• IVR Support• Loudspeaker• Hold• Audio control• DNS SRV• STUN support with STUN discovery• Built-in tunnel for passing through VoIP obstruction• Digits Interception (Dialer pops up once dialing from thephone’s“Dial pad” or choosing a number from the phone’s“Contactlist”)
SmartVoice 3.0.1
• The “SmartVoice” is a Smartphoneapplicationthat specifically designed for home and business usersto workremotely as well as in-house. This App equipped as a3G/4G/Wi-Fidialer with HD voice capabilities.It brings Mobile VoIPsimple,hassle-free and provide a convenient communicationguaranteeTechnical Specifications:• Protocol: Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).• Supported Softswitches: Any RFC 3261standardSIPsoftswitches.• Supported Codecs: g729, AMR, GSM and g711.• Network Profile & Provisioning: The “SmartVoice Dialer”havingthe scope of using operator wise network profile. So thatyou dontneed to buy individual opcode or brand forindividualoperator/network or country• Supported Platforms: Symbian and Android. iPhone version isondevelopmentSupported SoftSwitchesAny RFC 3261standard SIP softswitches.Main features• Making and receiving SIP calls• Internet connection over WIFI, 4G,3G or EDGE• Making and receiving SIP calls from behind any VoIPobstruction/firewalls• Enhanced Address Book• Redial button• Caller ID• Call status• Destination , rate• Time, call status logs• Sending and receiving SMS over SIP protocol• Multiple active calls support• Echo cancellation• Summary window showing last call cost and duration• Balance Display• IVR Support• Loudspeaker• Hold• Audio control• DNS SRV• STUN support with STUN discovery• Built-in tunnel for passing through VoIP obstruction• Digits Interception (Dialer pops up once dialing from thephone’s“Dial pad” or choosing a number from the phone’s“Contactlist”)
Vigilant Secure 2.23.4
Vigilant Secure is an extremelysecure,trustworthy and hardened app for private and securecommunication.Using a mix of the most tested and trusted encryptionalgorithms,from Symmetric (3DES, 192 bits; AES, 256 bits) toAsymmetric (RSA,2048/4096 bits) and also SHA-2 as a scramblingfunction and PBKDF(Scrypt). End-to-end encryption is a defaultsetting on ourproducts, protecting customer data and privacy, andblocking allexternal interception and monitoring attempts.Vigilant Secure uses mobile security industry bestpracticesincluding; on transit and at rest data encryption anddatabaseencryption, multiple security layers with severalprotections toavoid remote access, tracking and keeping log filesencrypted.Cryptographic Agility is also a reality for VigilantSecure App,which means that we are ready to improve and evolve ourencryptionalgorithms as the industry evolves, keeping user datasafe and atthe same time raising the bar on security.Reliability is key to any product, no matter where you are ontheglobe you will never have to worry about geographicallimitations.Vigilant Secure is hosted geographically anddistributed globallyin top tier Datacenters, using the mostadvanced standards in theindustry. Secure communication with yourpeers is as simple asconnecting to the Internet.Having secure messaging, calls, chat and more could not beeasierand safer with Vigilant Secure!Please contact us to learn more at http://www.vigilantgroup.usoremail us [email protected]
SafeChat v2.1.2
Verba volant scripta manent. The wordsarelostin the air, the script remains. With Safe Chat we wantedtooverturnthis literary principle, it is precisely designedforthis. Themessages exchanged shall be as the words ... do nothaveto staytrack, indeed even more we did not want them to bewrittenon anysupport ...How did we do?An application where you texting with one or more people atthesametime also in a totally secure. No anonymous connection,thesoftwareis based on the latest technology of streaming p2p usetheprotocolrtmfp adobe. The message is encrypted on the devicevsbefore beingsent over the network, so anyone interceptingyourmessage you willfind only a series of letters andnumbersincomprehensible. Themessage will arrive at the Serveralways inencrypted form, which inturn will deliver to theaddressee, inthis case only you and theserver will know to whom themessage isdirected, no one will knowwho you're texting. The serverwillmanage to turn recipients andsenders with simple random IDcreatedand run-time, these same idwill cease to exist whenevertheconnection will be closed, noreference to vs mobile number ortherecipient, our app does notneed permissions on your contactlist.In order when the messagewill get it will be decrypted onthedevice, without being saved inany history or memory.The principle we use is the same as using mobilephonesequippedwith CyperChip ie a microchip that encrypts yourvoicebefore it istransmitted via GSM, then travel through thechannelsencrypted soeven if intercepted it will beincomprehensible. Who islistening,vs. the interlocutor anchegliequipped with a mobilephone withCyperChip will be able to hear yourclear words that havebeendeciphered by ChiperChip.The problem is that a cell can further encrypt theGSMfrequencycosts no less than 2000 €SafeChat Use one of the most securesymmetricencryptionalgorithms 3DES (triple-DES), SafeChat can bedefinedwithout doubtamong the best app developed and lessvulnerable interms ofsecurity. And if were to flee from the phone,yourconversationsheld on SafeChat can never be retrieved,simplybecause I've neverbeen saved on the device vs, it on theserverthat allowsstreaming. And 'that's the strength ofSafeChat