Top 8 Games Similar to ClimbinGym legacy

Prilep Bouldering Topo 1.0
A bouldering guide to this fledgling newareainMacedonia. A vast granite boulder-field filled withinstantclassicsand unclimbed lines for all abilities. This guidecollectsknownascents to date and will keep the app up to date asmorelines areclimbed. Please visit our dedicated site to logyourascents and helpkeep this guide up to date.The App contains useful information on how to get there,wheretostay and comprehensive hand-drawn maps to help you findyourwayaround if you don't want to use roaming-data while you areinthearea.Application Features:* Introduction, travel and accommodation info* Online and Offline Maps* Parking and Approach information for each Sector* Sector Planner with colour coded grade bands for problemsineachsector* 245 Problems are documented with over 100 boulder-topos.Please note that you will need to download the topos asthesearenot included so that the initial download can be assmallaspossible. You will be prompted to download the topos whentheappfirst loads up, for the best possible experience, pleasemakesureyou are on Wi-Fi when you download.
Rock Climbing Dictionary 1.0
This application is a dictionary of allthingshaving to do with Rock Climbing. We have includedabbreviations,lingo, urban slang, definitions, and many more RockClimbing terms.This is a great application to gain insight andknowledge, and tohave at your disposal.
ex - Klettern und Bouldern 1.0
Dies ist die große App mit den meisten Funktionen, die Du auchinunserem Online-Portal findest.Folgende Features sind in der App enthalten:- Viele Berichte rund ums Klettern, Bouldern und Bergsteigen- Kletterer kennenlernen und mit Freunden kommunizieren- Kletterforum für alle Deine Fragen rund um den Bergsport- Internationale Routendatenbank mit über 70.000Kletterrouten- Dein persönliches Tourenbuch (Ticklist) mitstatistischerAuswertungAuf findest Du viele weitere Funktionenrundums Klettern. Du kannst Dein Klettertraining mit deminteraktivenTrainingsplan optimieren, Fotogalerien mit DeinenKletterfotoserstellen und vieles mehr.________________________________________________________________Werbemails sind unerwünscht und werden nicht beantwortet.Advertising mails are undesirable and will not be answered.This is the great appofCommunity with most features that you can findinour online portal.The following features are included in the app:- Many reports around climbing, bouldering and mountaineering- Climbers to meet and communicate with friends- Climbing Forum for all your questions about mountain sports- International Route database with over 70,000climbingroutes- Your personal tour book (ticklist) with statistical analysisOn you can find many more featuresaroundclimbing. You can purchase your climbing training withtheinteractive training schedule create, optimize photo gallerieswithyour climbing photos and much more.________________________________________________________________Promotional emails are unwanted and will not be answered.Advertising messages are undesirable and will not be answered.
Cl-app! 1.1.11
Cl-app! is an Android featured ticklist app that intends to helpyoukeeping track of your climbing improvements. You can insertclimbingareas that you have visited and routes that you climbedthere.Various metadata for can be saved for areas and routes likegrade,height, exposition, climb style, and so on. New ascents canbeentered including the type of the ascent, like on sight, flash,redpoint, lead or top rope. The information entered will be usedtocalculate several statistics. Each area keeps track of itsclimbedheight and all the ascents that happened there, furthermoreanoverall value for your climbing fitness (OCF) is calculated onallof your ascents. This value relates for each ascent the last20ascents' grade and ascent style. Only the best 40% of the last20ascents are taken into account. Since release 1.0.2 alsotheoverall climbing robustness (OCR) value is calculated. It islikeOCF calculated for the last 20 ascents and depicts yourstabilitywhile climbing (if you have very easy ascents and veryhard onesmixed up). Stability in this case means standard deviationandunlike OCF all the last 20 ascents are taken in account.SinceVersion 1.0.7 you can choose between different periods of 10,20,30, 50 and 100 ascents.The app uses GPS for locating yourroutesand the internal Android camera app to get pictures of yourroutes.Located routes can be displayed in a map. The app featuresvarioussettings and is localized for English and German language.The appis intended to help you keeping track of which routes youclimbed,especially the statistical values shouldn't be taken toserious.They only give you a hint about what is going on right now.Theremight also be changes in the future for the formulas that areusedi.e. the number of ascents at one route will be taken intoaccount,so that routes that are climbed very often receive lesspoints.Have fun and enjoy! ++ I came up with an idea on how to dealwithindoor routes already. So just follow these steps: 1. Addyourindoor gym as new area 2. Add a new route, an call it afteritsgrade. 3. Each time you climb a route of this grade in thisgym,you simply add an ascent to your route (call it 6a i.e.) 4.Youwill get less points, when you repeat one route a lot, sothistakes in account that indoor climbing is easier most of thetime :)++ Version 1.1.0 features a completely new layout and offersdirectaccess to the main features for you. ++ Version 1.1.2features anew diary activity where you get information on when youclimbedwhat route. The information is aggregated on year/month/daybasis.You can access it in the options menu of the area/route list++ Besure to backup cl-app! regularly with the internalbackupmechanism, so that no higher influence leads to data loss.Aautomated backup feature will be implemented in future. Tags:clappcl-app cl-app! climb rock climbing ticklist sports statisticsdiaryfitness improvement health training outdoor route mountainpeakactivity free time wall alpine
bAppG 1.1.0
BappG is a mobile application which houses various guides boulder.
Hang Timer 1.0
Hang Timer is a unique app helping climbersorbouldering monkeys train on a fingerboard or hangboard tohonetheir death grip skills.Hang Timer is simple to use with a fantastic graphicinterface.It also has distinctive audio triggers enabling you totrainwithout the need to look at the screen meaning you can simplyputyour device nearby or in you pocket while you work out.To get started just set the four parameters then clickthecentral clock to start training.The four parameters are:1. Hang Time - The time in seconds you wish to hang. Default issetto 7.2. Rest Time - The time in seconds you wish to rest. Default issetto 3.3. Set Total - Choose the total number of sets you wish todo.Default is 6.4. Recover Time - Pick the number of minutes you requireforrecovery time. Default is 3.Hit the clock to start and hit it again to stop the timer atanypoint during training.Once recovery time is up Hang Timer will automatically startthesequence again for your next hold.Hang Timer's sponsors are leaders in the climbing world andhavebeen carefully selected for you. Please visit our sponsorswebsitesby tapping on their logo on the main screen.Please support this app by rating 5.Many thanks and enjoy!
Climbing app 2.1
Climbing app
Climbing App es una aplicación pensadaparatodos los amantes de la escalada.Climbing app tiene fotos panorámicas y de pie de via de altacalidade interactivas.En ella podrás encontrar reseñas detalladas así comotambiénaproximaciones en coche y a pie hasta los sectores, parkingsyparedes.Climbing app cuenta con un buscador diseñado paraencontrarsectores, paredes y vías de manera fácil y rápida,evitando quecargues con una montaña de libros de reseñas.La base de datos de Climbing app es dinámica ycompletamenteactualizable. Con la ayuda de todos podremos crear labase de datosde escalada más precisa y completa nunca antes vista.Colaboraenviando información a [email protected] la base de datos encontrarás sectores completos y otros queaúnno lo están. Los sectores incompletos contienen muchainformaciónde GPS para que, por más que no tengan reseñas, sepasexactamentedonde se encuentran las paredes. Nunca más te perderásen lamontaña!!!Climbing App isdesignedfor all lovers of climbing application.Climbing app has panoramic foot via high quality,interactivephotos.Here you can find detailed reviews as well as approaches by carandwalk to the fields, car parks and walls.Climbing app has a search engine designed to find areas, wallsandroads quickly and easily, avoiding you load a mountain ofbooksreviews.The database Climbing app is dynamic and fully upgradeable.Witheveryone's help we can create the database climbing moreaccurateand complete than ever before. Collaborates sendinginformation [email protected] the database you'll find entire sectors and others that arenot.Incomplete sectors contain much information of GPS for that,evenwith no reviews, you know exactly where the walls. You neverloseyou on the mountain !!!
BoulderApp 1.0.1
Die BoulderApp ist ein kostenloses Tool mitdemDu Boulder finden, erstellen und teilen kannst. Wir haben zumStartschon über 400 Hallen in Deutschland gespeichert, auf dieIhrzugreifen könnt um euch zu Informieren.„... die besten Moves entstehen in Deinem Kopf, der Körpermussnur folgen...“Deine Halle bietet dir unzählige Boulder, die nur daraufwartenentdeckt zu werden.„Äh... weißt Du noch wie der Boulder ging?“ - Wer kenntdasnicht? Man lässt seiner Kreativität freien lauf, bastelteinenwirklich geilen Boulder und eine Woche später weiß mandieKombination nicht mehr. Man kann ihn nicht mehr zeigen undbekommtauch kein Feedback.Wir haben die BoulderApp entwickelt damit Du deineBouldereinfach und schnell teilen kannst.Mit der BoulderApp bekommst Du das Tool an die Hand,welchesDeine Boulder unvergessen macht... und noch vieles mehr:- Erhalte aktuelle Informationen aus der Boulder-undKletterszene, von deinen Lieblingshallen oder überdieBoulderApp.- Die integrierte Karte gibt dir direkt einen Überblick überdieHallen in deiner nähe.- Jede Halle hält Informationen für Dich bereit, die vondenBetreibern direkt bereitgestellt werden können.--> Boulder- und Kletterfläche--> Öffnungszeiten (bei teilnehmenden Hallen)--> Eintrittspreise (bei teilnehmenden Hallen)--> Zugangsbeschränkungen (bei teilnehmenden Hallen)--> Adresse und Telefonnummer--> Sternebewertung durch User- Finde neue Bouder in den Hallen:--> Jede Halle hat eine eigene Boulderliste--> Jeder User kann Boulder erstellen.--> Jede Halle kann Ihre Boulder präsentieren.--> Sortiere die Boulder nach Datum, SchwierigkeitoderSternebewertung.--> Filtere die Boulder für einen Schwierigkeits-oderBewertungsbereich deiner Wahl.--> Bewerte selbst die Schwierigkeit der Boulder.--> Bewerte die Boulder mit Sternen.--> Teile tolle Boulder mit Deinen Freunden.- Erstelle eigene Boulder:--> In vier einfachen Schritten erstellst du deineneigenenBoulder:1. Mach ein Bild2. Markiere die Griffe des Bouders3. Wähle eine SchwierigkeitOptional kannst Du auch einen Namen vergeben, etwas zudeinemBoulder schreiben und eine andere Halle wählen.4. Kontrolliere deine Eingaben und lade den Boulder hoch.--> Du kannst das Erstellen jeder Zeit abbrechen undspäterweiter machen.- Behalte den Überblick über deine Boulder in deinem Profil- Sieh wie andere User deine Boulder Bewerten.- Speichere Hallen und User in den Favoriten, damit hast Dusieimmer zur Hand und kannst dich über Neues informieren.- Du kannst auch die Suche verwenden um aus über 400 HalleninDeutschland zu wählen.- Mit dem Shortcut-Menü hast du die nächste Halle oder einenneuenBoulder immer nur zwei Klicks entfernt.- Wir arbeiten jetzt schon daran Dir bald neue Tools undFeaturesbereitstellen zu können.Also leg los und zeig uns Deine Boulder!The BoulderApp is afreetool with which you can find, create, and share Boulder can.Wehave saved to start already over 400 warehouses in Germany, ontheyou can access about you to inform."... The best moves arise in your mind, the body must followonly..."Your hall offers you countless Boulder, to be discoveredjustwaiting."Uh ... you know you still like the Boulder went?" - Doesthissound familiar? You Give creativity free run, tinkering areallyhorny Boulder and a week later you can not rememberthecombination. You can not show it and also receives nofeedback.We have developed BoulderApp so you can share your Bouldersimpleand fast.With the BoulderApp You can get the tool at hand, whichmakesyour Boulder forgotten ... and much more:- Get the latest information from the Boulder and climbingscenefrom your favorite halls or on the BoulderApp.- The integrated map gives you an overview of the halls directlyinyour vicinity.- Each hall provides information for you ready to beprovideddirectly by the operators.-> Boulder and climbing area-> Opening times (at participating halls)-> Ticket prices (at participating halls)-> Access restrictions (at participating halls)-> Address and Phone Number-> Star rating from users- Find new Bouder in the halls:-> Each hall has its own list of Boulder-> Each user can create Boulder.-> Each hall can present your Boulder.-> Sort Boulder by date, difficulty or star rating.-> Filtering the Boulder yours for a difficulty rating orrangeselection.-> Rate yourself the difficulty of Boulder.-> Rate the Boulder with stars.-> Parts great boulder with your friends.- Create your own Boulder:-> In four simple steps, you create your own Boulder:1 Take a picture2 Mark the handles of the Bouders3 Choose a difficultyOptionally, you can also assign a name, write something toyourBoulder and choose a different hall.4 Check your entries and edit the Boulder high.-> You can cancel creating any time and return later.- Keep track of your Boulder in your profile- See how other users your review on Boulder.- Save halls and users in the browser, so that you have themalwaysat hand, and can inform you about new.- You can also use the Find button to select from over 400 hallsinGermany.- Using the shortcut menu you have the next hall or a newBoulderalways just two clicks.- We are already working on now you be able to provide new toolsandfeatures soon.So go ahead and show us your leg Boulder!