Top 15 Apps Similar to origami for children

Easy Origami Tutorial 2.0
We were able to make for you what canbeboldlycalled animation instructions of folding origami'light'version -without the 'heavy' 3D that's taking a lot ofmemory ofyour device.Animated instructions are an origami tutorialstep bystep.How to make an origami easily? Our origami animation willhelpyou:step by step animation schemes of simple origami makingwillhelpyou create your own masterpiece that can be colored andused asyoulike.Origami (? ? ?, from ori meaning "folding", and wemeaning"paper"in Japanese) is a folding art that originated inJapan. Thematerialsused are paper or cloth that is usually asquare. Anorigami outcomeis a result of meticulous handwork andsmooth onsight.How to make origami is actually very easy, you can createavarietyof art as much as butterflies, animals, flowers,andmuchmore.Origami is useful: it can always create a good mood!With the help of origami you can cheer up a bored officeworkerbyjust writing a greeting on a wing of a paper plane andsendingitto the nearby desk while your boss isn't watching.If you forgot about your friend's birthday, make a little boxorabasket, put a surprise inside and your gift is ready!Fold a little house, place your address or a businesscardinside,write 'Welcome!' on the roof and your invitationwillbeanswered!You could even confess in love by folding a sweetvalentineheartand by writing your confession on it.Origami is a Japanese art of paper-folding. 'Ori' meansfoldingand'kami' means paper in Japanese. Although it is takenforgrantedthat origami must have originated in Japan; this is nottheactualcase. Origami originated in ancient China aroundfirstcentury ADand it was introduced in Japan by Chinese travelers.ThisChineseart of paper-folding soon caught fancy of theJapanesewhodeveloped various origami shapes.Origami was practiced only by the wealthy Japanese noblemen.Aspaperwas expensive during that period, it was used bytheaffluentJapanese to show their skill and wealth. The Samuraiwouldexchangegifts of folded paper with a strip of dried fish ormeat,known as'noshi'. This was considered as a good luck token.TheShintonoblemen celebrated weddings by wrapping glasses of ricewineinbutterfly shaped origami representing the bride andgroom.As time passed, paper became less expensive. Peoplefromdifferentsocial backgrounds could practice the art of origami.Theorigamiinstructions were passed on orally from mothertodaughter,generation to generation. There were nowrittenmanuscripts oforigami instructions due to high rate ofilliteracyand mostfamilies didn't want their ideas to be copied byothers.The firstbook, Hiden Senbazuru Orikata (The Secret of OneThousandCranesOrigami), containing origami instructions waspublishedin1797.Origami SwanOrigami PuppyOrigami Hat
Simple Origami Tutorials 3.0
As an ancient art, origami is the proofofwhatcan be done from a piece of paper based on onesimagination.It isthe ability to create shapes of animals, flowers,people andmanyother objects from a single piece of paper withoutthe useofscissors and glue.As a result of its evolution up until today,differentvariationshave emerged which are called modern origami. Inthemodernvariations of this art, cutting and sticking hasbeenreleased.As a hobby it is really exciting and fun tocreatemasterpiecesfrom a piece of paper. By folding the paper incertaindirections,it is possible to create flowers, animals, peopleandgeometricalshapes. It is a very entertaining art especiallyforkids. They canenjoy great time by creating shapes whiledevelopingtheirskills.How to Make Origami eBook: Learn To Make OrigamiHow to Make Origami eBook is designed for people whowantstolearn origami and become an origami master. The authorofthisunique downloadable instructions book is Scott Lloyd who isaworldclass origami master. In this tutorial guide he shareshisprotips, techniques and secrets with whoever interested tolearnandbecome a master just like himself.It is well written, presented, most of all wellillustratedandincludes both the basic and the complex models. Forthebeginners,especially the diagrams in this pdf tutorial willhelpyou learnthe basics of origami with ease. And the complex oneswillbe veryappealing for the intermediate and advanced users.Steps To Make Origami: Create Origami of Your Own ModelsWith the help of step by step instructions and diagrams,youwillbe able to make your favourite animals, flowers orhouseholdthingswith ease. Here are some of the information you willfindinsidethis pdf book.basic folding techniques and instructionstips for making creative modelshow to make origami flowerstips for making basic, intermediate and advanced modelscombining two or more modelshow to make origami boxes and containerstips for making your own model
Simple Origami Ideas 5.0
there are many kinds of origami ideas in this app!
Simple origami idea 3.0
in the event that you are looking toplanasimple origami idea or make their own simple origamiforanassortment of references to simple origami outlinethoughtsorsomething like that, perhaps this application would bethesolutionfor your issue, and can facilitate your pursuitofemployment forthe numerous references about different thingstrendof simpleorigami an ancient art, origami is the proof of what can be donefromapiece of paper based on ones imagination. It is theabilitytocreate shapes of animals, flowers, people and manyotherobjectsfrom a single piece of paper without the use a result of its evolution up untiltoday,differentvariations have emerged which are called modern andsimpleorigamiidea. In the modern variations of this art, cuttingandstickinghas been to make origami by simple origami idea is designedforpeoplewho wants to learn origami and become an origami master.Theauthorof this unique downloadable instructions book is ScottLloydwho isa world class origami master. in this tutorial andideaabout simpleorigami idea and pro tips, techniques and secretswithwhoeverinterested to learn and become a master justlikehimself.It is well written, presented, most of all wellillustratedandincludes both the basic and the complex models. Forthebeginners,especially the diagrams in this pdf tutorial willhelpyou learnthe design and ideas of origami with ease. And thecomplexoneswill be very appealing for the intermediate andadvancedusersassert, it doesn't need to hold up longer, rapidlydownloadthisapplication, since it references a significantmeasuregathering ofsimple origami idea for your gatheringconsiderationsthat willwind up being your simple origami .thanks all for your support :)
How to make Origami 1.0
Olive Sudio
How to make Origamistep by step tutorial how to make origamiOrigami is the ancient Japanese art of paper folding.Origamihasbecome increasingly popular in Japan and the rest oftheworld.Many people enjoy the challenge of learning tofoldtraditional andnon-traditional origami creations. Thisapplicationwill help youto get started.This art transforms a flatsheet ofpaper into asculpture through folding and sculptingtechniques.Origami ispopular in Japan and the rest of the world.This app willhelp youto get started with Origami and enjoy thechallenge ofmakingtraditional origami creations.Let this be the last search, this complete App whichbringsallthe origami tutorials you need to master your skills,Thisgetsupdated regular basis to cover more and more topics.How to make origami easy!• lots of different creative origami instructions• simple and advanced model of origami• best for your fantasy and creativityBelow you may find the list of other amazing features:- each model is divided into a number of steps which areeasytofollow.- starting to fold a piece of paper, you’ll end up withacompletefigure of animal, bird, or insect, etc.- compatible with all phone and tablet- never worried about this apps draining your battery- contains fullHD images- create your own origami with your friendsTake a piece of paper, make some folds and creases andcutedog,or cat, or flower is ready. 'Are you a magician?' -someoneisasking you. No, it's not a trick or magic. It's yourfantasyandcreativity.Enjoy and have fun!
Easy Origami Tutorial 3.0
Origami is a Japanese art ofpaper-folding.'Ori' means folding and 'kami' means paper inJapanese. Although itis taken for granted that origami must haveoriginated in Japan;this is not the actual case. Origami originatedin ancient Chinaaround first century AD and it was introduced inJapan by Chinesetravelers. This Chinese art of paper-folding sooncaught fancy ofthe Japanese who developed various origami shapes.Origami was practiced only by the wealthy Japanese noblemen.Aspaper was expensive during that period, it was used by theaffluentJapanese to show their skill and wealth. The Samurai wouldexchangegifts of folded paper with a strip of dried fish or meat,known as'noshi'. This was considered as a good luck token. TheShintonoblemen celebrated weddings by wrapping glasses of rice wineinbutterfly shaped origami representing the bride and groom.As time passed, paper became less expensive. Peoplefromdifferent social backgrounds could practice the art of origami.Theorigami instructions were passed on orally from mother todaughter,generation to generation. There were no writtenmanuscripts oforigami instructions due to high rate of illiteracyand mostfamilies didn't want their ideas to be copied by others.The firstbook, Hiden Senbazuru Orikata (The Secret of One ThousandCranesOrigami), containing origami instructions was published in1797. In1819, a woodblock print was made entitled, A Magician TurnsSheetsof Birds, showing birds being made from paper. Window onMidwinterwas published in 1845, that included 150 origamimodels.Origami creates interests in minds of people who lovecraftactivities even today. This art and crafts activity is enjoyedbychildren who love making their own special objects from paper.Afew easy origami for kids instructions are discussed below.The following are a few easy origami ideas that can be used asacraft activity for childrenOrigami SwanTake a square sheet of paper and fold the paper diagonally andpressthe paper to form a crease. Unfold the paper and fold theloweredges of the square into the crease. Flip the paper and foldpointedcorners over the crease. Now fold the pointed edge upwardsintohalf. Fold the pointed corner downwards about half an inch tomakethe swan head. Fold the swan into half over the crease. Yourorigamiswan is ready.Origami PuppyTake a square piece of paper, and fold the paper diagonally toforma triangle. Hold the triangle with the pointed edgefacingdownwards. Fold the tip of the bottom point to make thepuppy'schin. Fold the other pointed edges downwards to make thepuppy'sears. Draw eyes, nose and mouth to create the puppy'sface.Origami HatOne of the most easiest origami craft ideas is making a hat. Allyouneed is take a rectangular sheet of paper and fold ithorizontallyinto two equal parts. From the corner of the closedend, fold about2/3rd parts of the paper. This will bring the topcorners togetherat the center of the paper. Your paper will nowappear triangular inshape. With the help of your thumbs, fold thebottom end of thepaper upwards from the open end. Turn the sheetover and repeat thestep for the other bottom edge. Now, open yourhat from the bottomcenter and enjoy wearing it over
Paper Origami 1.0
There are many origami starterkidsavailable,and most are suitable for kids in the 8 to 10 yearagegroup. Somecare must be taken to provide your child with akitsuitable forthem; choose an origami kid that offers creationsthatmightinterest your child.Most children love to make origami cloud something thatmoves,andpopular origami creations in this area might include athumpingheartor a frog that hops. paper folding Most kids(especiallythose withpets) will enjoy making animals or animalfaces withtheir developingorigami skills. A dog or cat faceperhaps, how tomake origami ormore exotic animals such aselephants or the everpopular dragon. Anorigami dragon can be verycomplex indeed,origami instructions butmany are easy and simplyenough forchildren as well.When choosing an origami kit for kids, be sure that itcontainsagood deal of paper. best origami While origami figures canbemadefrom origami cloud nearly any paper, origami paperplaneslittlefingers need paper that is easy to bend and fold.paperfolding artTypical copy paper is origami ideas often too hardtowork with fororigami easy children as cool origami origamioftenrequires foldingseveral layers of paper at once paper foldingartand such paper isjust too stiff for them. Most origami paperisalso colored (oftenwith designs) on at least one side andthiswill add considerablypaper origami crane to thechild'sexperience. A good substitute maybe made by origami cloudcuttingChristmas wrapping paper into 7" or12" squares, butadditionalpaper is also readily available in manydifferent sizes,designsand quantities for when the child hasexhausted the supply intheirkit and wishes to continue as are manybooks dedicated toorigamicreations with plans andinstructions.These are some examples origami in my articeles ;1. origami heart2. origami animals3. origami swan4.origami dragon5. origami star6. origami bird7. 3d origami8.origami crane9. origami airplane10. origami rabbit11. origami for kids12. origami cloud
Origami Lazy Paper 0.2
Henry Phạm
Learn how to make awesome origami models,fromsimple to complexLearn Origami by following step by step video tutorialsFeatures:• Learn how to make pokemon, marvel character,cutefurniture..• New tutorials every week• Create your own world with papers• Have fun with your handmade gift for everyone you love_____________________________________Lazy Paper origami channelOrigami Artist : Henry Phạm_____________________________________youtube channel : : !
This type of craft that one mighthaveknownsince our grandparents at the elementary school, it'sjustthat itsdevelopment is now more advanced and diverse withthetimes, thepaper used was more varied. Speaking variations ofpaper,a lot ofvariants of paper that can be used to make craftsfromrecycledpaper that is home to a special paper crafts suchasorigami.beautiful flower beautiful and charming is an objectthatissynonymous with beauty and elegancebeautiful flower beautiful and charming is an objectthatissynonymous with beauty and elegance. Also of interest canalsobeused to represent a feeling. Usually so. Speaking offlowers,thistime Be Creative will be discussed with regard to theinterestthatmust not be separated from the creative value. Yep,this timeBeCreative will ngasih how to do make this beautifulflower of ausedplastic bags were already not kepake again.
Origami Sword Tutorials 1.0
origami sword tutorialsget the best origami sword tutorials here!origami sword tutorials is fun, easy, inexpensive andgreatforsharing with others. This is an activity that has beenpasseddownfrom one generation to the next, despitehugetechnologicaladvances. Origami fold gives parents a chance tositdown with thekids and interact while creating something.origamican also betaught in schools as part of the curriculum.Transform apiece ofpaper into something other than the experienceof adultsandchildren can truly appreciate. Origami is an art thatdoesnotrequire you to be an artist. Animated origami diagramswe'regoingto challenge your patience, however, as they are veryeasytofollow, even for a child. You do not need to remember anumberoforigami basis of each model starting from a blank page. Youdonotneed to know the names of the crease tips text does notcontainaspecific term.origami sword tutorials step-by-step is the easiest way tolearnhowto make a traditional origami animals, flowers, boxes andmanyotherinteresting things. By the way, origami developslogicalreasoning,attention span, spatial thinking and fine motorskills.Considerthat when you're trying to keep the kids busyrestless.Here youwill learn to make origami animals cute. For mostof them,you'llneed a pencil to draw a face. Lessons for makingorigamibirds ofdifferent species. Here you will learn to maketraditionalJapanesecrane, a symbol of peace and the most famousorigamimodels. Becauseeach bird has a beak, all subjects includingmasterthe smalldetails that are good for developing fine motorskills.Lessons formaking origami birds of different species. Hereyouwill learn tomake traditional Japanese crane, a symbol ofpeaceand the mostfamous origami models. Because each bird has abeak,all subjectsincluding master the small details that are goodfordeveloping finemotor skills.origami sword tutorials usually involves the creation ofentirelybythe crease. Animals, birds, fish, geometric shapes,dolls, toysandmasks is one model that even children who are veryyoung canlearnto make just one sitting. You will be able to learnfrommodels ofsimple origami to advance the people here. If youhavenot foldedorigami any previous models, you have to learnbothvalley andmountain-fold-fold. You have to know what thesetwofoldingtechnique before working on any model. Initially youhaveto startwith the easy origami models. The model thatistraditional and itis good to learn this model firstbeforetackling the moresophisticated
Origami Art 1.1
Origami is an art of folding that originatedinJapan. The materials used are paper or cloth that is usuallyasquare. An origami outcome is a result of meticulous handworkandsmooth on sight.Generally to make origami we can use plain paper, but mostoforigami in Japan using special paper for origami. Thedifferencebetween plain paper and origami paper just in terms ofdesign andcolor are very diverse so as to make origami became morebeautifuland completely unrelated to the technique as the paperfoldsbecomes easier and so forth.
Origami Heart Tutorials 1.0
origami heart tutorialsget the best origami heart tutorials here!origami heart tutorials are always a perfect choicefordecorationor accessory item. However, cutting hearts can wiltandlose thenatural beauty that is very fast, not to mentionhowexpensive heartsif you want to incorporate them intodecorationsfor a party, forexample. Fortunately, you can stillbring thebeauty and charm ofinterest without having to use anaturalinterest because we had someinspiration DIY craft paperheartsworth trying. It was awesome andinspiring craft ideas forkids andadults alike with a variety ofmedia used.One of the most popular and the easiest origamihearttutorialslikely. There are so many ideas of craft paper heartsyoucan see,such as those made from ordinary colored paper ortissuepaper. Ifyou are into origami, you can find lots of ideasandinspiration onhow to turn a simple colored paper intobeautifulcolorful heartsof different varieties, such as roses andhyacinth.If you are notinterested in origami, you need not worry.Try usingrolled stripsof paper to make a tutorial is not only funascreative crafts forkids.origami heart tutorials step by step? This is one methodthatyoucan do when you work with paper rolled up to make yourDIYheart.There are so many tutorials for paper quilling youcanfind,including free ones available on the internet. Loadingpaperofvarious colors to create an adorable paper hearts you canuseDIYgreeting cards or scrapbooks. If you are unsure ofyourpaperquilling skills, try to create quilling technique thatuses acombto create intricate designs with even shape.For something to wow your table decor, try the ideasheartsDIYcraft using punch hearts, scrapbook paper, styrofoamballs,andpearl corsage pin. Pomander kissing ball alias youcancreatematerials that can always instantly transform a coffeetableor aside table in the living room from drab to fab! Last butnotleast,you may not need to worry too much about finding theperfectheartshape for origami heart tutorials. There are severallots ofprinttemplates you can download it for free! Once thetemplateisprinted, all you need to do is cut, shape, and then gluethepaperhearts on every surface you like. DIY craft ideasbeautifulfloralsource of inspiration for those who want to combinethebeauty ofhearts without having to use a natural,providingcreativesolutions
Origami Beginner Instructions 1.0
The origami art comes from China orJapanmanycenturies ago and still is very popular among childrenandadults.What makes it so great? Maybe the simplicity of theshapes,theelegance and the beauty of the created crafts. Maybe thefactthatit's the most affordable and unpretentious craft for youoryourkids.If you want to learn how to make origami yourself, therearejustfew steps you need to take. The best way to start isbuybuying apractical origami book containing cut out sheetsforfolding. Butyou can get other way to learn origami is todownloadthisapplication and look the content.The only way to really learn origami is by practicing.Don'tjustread and look, but actually build the shapes that you see.Formostof them all it takes is just a sheet of paper so youarenotinvesting much. Just like when reading the books,startpracticingwith the simple models. If needed, learn the basicfoldsbeforedoing any complete figure - knowing the folds will helpyouevenfor the most complex origami in the future.Therefore, Download this application now and learnorigamiforbeginners.
Origami crafts 1.0
Most teachers usually give the child somewayinthe first place, but each child is motivated to showtheircreativityon craft projects mereka.Beberapa, using papercraftmaterials fordecoration, with by placing them in a giftbasket orusing them as acover gift. While others use it forrecreationalactivities like theUnited States known as thescrapbook.Make a scrapbook can be great fun if you let yourcreativityrunwild! This way of designing paper is very simple to dobecauseyoudo not have to stick to a particular design. Themainconceptbehind keeping a scrapbook is to keep a journal of yourlifeor thethings that you like and present them in the designandcraftforms. Another idea is to show your emotions, ideas,andfeelingswithout preparing a single term written text, but onlyusespaperand the image on the paper.craft paper also easily modified to meet any holiday theme.egforholidays such as St. Valentine's Day, one may be asked tomakeaValentine for a move into the family. St Patrick's Day onecouldbeencouraged to make craft paper green color. So, foryournextvacation no matter what that might be, would not be greattousepaper creatively craft your next craft project ideas?Last but not least there origami. The concept behind theartofthis paper is to pick up the paper and put the same shapeasthecreature. It is a tropical art that can be traced backhundredsofyears. origami that can be made in various shapes,dimensionsandcolors. All these features can be modified by simplymodifyingthetype of paper used. design documents are limited onlytoyourcreativity, which makes them one of the best artconcepts.
Origami 3D 1.0
This is an amazing collection ofBestOrigamiVideos , hand picked and resized for your phonesandtablets. Oneof the best Origami gallery video available onthemarket.You can find a lot of Origami videos with high quality (HD)The app has is a very simple application! This app has averyclearinterface. Easy to navigate and a joy to use.Install this application and you'll be given an access toThisgreatcollection of HD VideosWe hope you enjoyed our app,DISCLAIMER/LEGAL NOTICE:None of the content in this app was created or modified by us.Wearea curator providing direct access to content publiclyavailableonYoutube. The content of this app is powered by YouTube.This appisjust an organized in a way to browse and view theseYouTubeVideos tomake it convenient.We are not responsible foranycopyright issues asthe app gives access to YouTube videosasis.If you are an author of some photos posted in galleries orvideosofthis application and you don’t want those to be therepleasecontactus by email: [email protected]