Top 10 Apps Similar to 星路養成---橙光

橙光互动 2.25.2653.1124
已開放全部地區,快來體驗吧! 【橙光互動特色】1、可互動的創新式閱讀橙光互動是以文字、音樂、圖片以及選項等為基礎,通過不同選項來體驗不同劇情的互動式閱讀。不再是通過單壹的文字閱讀來了解故事劇情。更有各種炫酷的畫面效果、互動玩法,帶給妳身臨其境看故事的感覺。2、超全作品庫數10萬原創精品,包含現代、古風、架空、明星、非遺、光影6大類別,更有上百種細分小標簽(如:宮鬥、穿越、逆襲、娛樂圈、懸疑推理、大逃殺、諜戰、商戰、科幻、網遊、女尊、男性向、經營養成、戀愛等等),網羅當下所有熱門題材,男女均可暢玩。輸入妳感興趣的關鍵詞,快速檢索妳想玩的類型,優質原創作品等妳壹鍵翻牌!3、豐富的正版素材資源作品中的所有素材,音樂、立繪、CG等都正版化,每壹部分都是心血之作,只為更好還原精彩劇情。極其豐富的素材庫,無論妳想創作什麽類型的故事,都能滿足妳的需求,有興趣來挑戰嗎?4、人人都可以參與創作無需妳敲代碼,無需妳懂繁瑣的技術,無需妳有很強的專業背景,小白都能參與創作。只要妳有好故事,就有可能成為下壹個炙手可熱的作者,讓更多人暢玩妳的作品,分享妳的故事,快來加入我們吧!5、超多福利可享站內有大量作品均可無限暢玩,首次下載橙光互動的新用戶可無門檻領取試玩券7張,更有活躍度獎勵編推精選作品任意玩。超多優惠福利放肆領,等妳入坑來玩!歡迎下載橙光互動,讓世界看到妳的想象力!聯系我們:問題反饋QQ群:418732706官方粉絲頁:客服郵箱:[email protected]在線客服:
考上狀元就回來娶我吧 1.75
Otome antiquity to develop the game
熹妃Q傳-體驗後宮心跳之旅 1.1.7
"Xi Fei Q Biography" is a mobile game adapted from thebest-sellingGong Dou novel "Qing Gong Xi Fei Biography". Theclassic novel isreproduced in 3D animation, and the phone isupgraded. You can alsomolest the emperor and chat with your sistersabout gossip. You canexperience the happiest palace Fight life,enjoy the beautifulancient world!
紫禁繁花 96.0
This is a story that happened in the deep palace hundreds ofyearsago. I wonder if you have ever imagined that in the seasonofblooming flowers in the palace, it is the time of the cardamomageto have a romantic encounter with the gentle or the prince oftheworld?
Legend of Yan Queen - 深宮大燕 2.0.13
Taomee Game
" Legend of Yan Queen " is a romance simulation game basedonapalace romance novel. With exquisite ancientChinese-stylegraphicsand exciting story, it puts players in thevivid YanDynasty. Thegameplay in this game combines a lot offeatures thatare fun andrelaxing. In a stress-free environment, youcan meet andbefriendseveral pretty guys in ancient Chinese costumeandexperience yourexciting life in the palace with them. Comeandwrite a thrillingand romantic story with your soul mate!GameFeatures -Level UpThrough Auto-Play Are you worried thatplayinggames will take toomuch of your time and energy? Worry not,becauseupgrades aremostly done by auto-play in this game. You don'tneedto invest alot of time in upgrading your character or rackingyourbrains forstrategies. All you need to do is play the featureyoulike most inthe game. The vertical design of the game makesiteasier for youto play the game the way you like and dominateYanwith ease!-Interact with Your Male Confidants There is auniqueletterfunction in this game, allowing you to communicate withyourmaleconfidants or even receive gifts from them. You canalsosummonyour male confidants for one-on-one interaction. Getreadyfor themost enchanting palace romance ever! -Aesthetic2DCharacters andSpectacular Scenery of Yan Archaic graphicsandgorgeous 2Dcharacters in an ancient Chinese style present youwitha visualfeast and bring you back to the magnificent palace ofYan.-PalaceTactics Help You Start Your Reign as Queen. Asthestoryprogresses, you will encounter a variety of opponents.Defeatthemwith clever tactics and you will improve your status inthepalaceand become the queen in the end. Engage in a battle ofwitsandwrite your own legend as an empress! -CollectDifferentLooksThrough the Clothes Changing System A diverseclotheschangingsystem allows you to appear in different looks.There are avarietyof beautiful costumes in the game for you tocollect!Costumes canalso be a way to accentuate your personalityand makeyou a uniquebeauty in the palace! -A Mixture ofCultivation,Management andExploration The game features a widerange of gamecontent, such ascharacter development and cultivation,homemanagement simulation,flower planting, harem decoration, andmore.All of which will helpyou create the ideal palace of yourdreams!-Make Friends and LetThem Help You The game has a richsocialsystem that allows playersto form a guild and grow inpowertogether. There are also featuressuch as voice chat andemoticonsto provide players with a morecomplete social experience
聖靈召喚師 1.1.0
一箭穿雲,舉世無雙!2018新款療愈系手遊《聖靈召喚師》,融入DIY個性造型、時裝設計的時尚玩法,3秒組隊開團、坐騎野外狩獵上演絕地大逃生,新版新體驗,邀你來耍!【特色玩法】【超萌騎寶】個性坐騎、有顏有料,可騎乘、可跟隨、可賣萌,多級體形外觀變化,超炫特效,萌動仙界!【奇兵佈陣】百變功能性夥伴,助你戰鬥遊刃有餘,陣法信手拈來,策略變化無窮,給你煥然一新的策略體驗!【輕鬆交友】超便捷組隊機制,10秒內找到組織;“語音、表情、文字、動作”無束縛互動,輕鬆交友,快樂無限!【定制裝備】裝備屬性隨機生成,屬性養成你說了算,“洗髓、精煉、轉移”,屬性自由變換,走出不同風格的流派!※本軟體依遊戲軟體分際管理辦法分類為輔12級※本遊戲內容有打鬥、性、攻擊等未達血腥之畫面或有輕微恐怖之畫面。※本遊戲有設計促使使用者虛擬戀愛或結婚。※本遊戲設有商城加值區,請依個人興趣、能力進行體驗,應避免過度消費。※長時間進行遊戲,容易影響正常作息,宜適當休息及運動。我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題,歡迎聯系我們!Facebook:微信(weChat):eyouslzhsEmail: [email protected]
LoveBox Mobile 1.8.1
《LoveBox Mobile》Popular Loving Game!
櫻姬物語—日本戰國戀愛養成手游 1.0.1
我在后宫当皇帝-极品美女暖暖恋爱体验游戏,霸道天子陛下逆袭人生计划手游,朕即国王最新热门一品皇后帝国 1.0.5
古风唯美系宫廷经营养成类手游,享受极致宫廷体验。《我在后宫当皇帝》是一款独特的模拟养成类休闲游戏。在游戏中,你将扮演一名九品芝麻官,体验一步步升官发财最终成就无双天子的真实经历;你将拥有自己的国号和年号,治理自己的国家,收录名臣,扩充后宫,培养最强储君;你将碰到各种随机事件,根据你的喜好做出决定;你还将培养一代名将,或是御驾亲征,铁血手腕,征服天下!想怎么玩就怎么玩!【高品质宫廷画风】横版大场景,细致还原古代宫廷情境,多套场景皮肤免费切换; 【明君殿专属称号】跨服国力大比拼,称霸全服赢取专属称号+专属皮肤;【理藩院各国觐见】 征战世界,建立外交,获取大量侍女、宝石,增强国力;【升妃系统立皇后】 一个怎么够?喜欢多少就册封多少妃子;【男臣女将赐官品】 全新校场系统,女将名臣征战沙场; 【联盟盟战拼兄弟】全新联盟战,兄弟齐聚,攻城略地; 【良朋益友忠臣辅佐】社交系统畅所欲言,帮派联盟结交挚友,在这盛世不会寂寞!五虎谋士、五子拜将、巾帼女将伴您出征沙场,打遍天下无敌手!【过关斩将万人之上】 真实还原的升官系统,带您梦回大清体验最刺激的官场风云!仕途得意扶摇直上,平步青云万民景仰! 【绝世佳人夜夜笙歌】后宫佳丽妻妾成群,绝色美人尽拥在怀,官场情场双得意,仙乐飘飘处处闻! 【独立庄园休闲娱乐】东篱苑享受收获喜悦,膳房点亮烹饪技能,即可南下池塘垂钓,亦可北上丛林狩猎!前所未有的休闲玩法等你来体验! 【奇珍异兽伴君左右】宅府新增珍兽阁设施,孔雀花枝招展,熊猫憨态可掬,雄狮英姿飒爽,驰骋疆场辅左右! 【精美装扮唯美盛世】主城界面全新换装,车水马龙,莺歌燕舞,门客佳人旧貌换新颜,打造极致美轮美奂大清世界! 这太平盛世,等你来指点江山!