Top 18 Apps Similar to Pochet RH

RRHH 11.0.0
RRHH. Aplicación destinada a los técnicosderecursos humanos, abarcando desde el reclutamiento, entrevistasdetrabajo, contratos, nóminas, bajas, permisos, tipos dedespido,legislación laboral, manuales, formación o requieranorientaciónlaboral. De utilidad para trabajadores que quieransaciarcuriosidades laborales y de utilidad para llevar siempre enelmóvil para todos aquellos compañeros de RRHH y estudiantesderelaciones laborales y recursos humanos.Incluidas calculadoras de sueldos y finiquitos así comovariosmanuales.Incorporada noticias de actualidad económica.HR. Technicalapplicationspecially designed for human resources, ranging fromrecruitment,job interviews, contracts, payrolls, low, permits,types ofdismissal, labor legislation, manuals, training oremploymentorientation required. Useful for workers who want tosatisfycuriosities and utility work forever carry on mobile for allthoseHR colleagues and students of labor relations and humanresources.Including salary calculators and settlements as well asseveralmanuals.Built-news economic news.
Opti TPE - Ressources Humaines
La gestion des ressources humaines(GRH),ouplus anciennement gestion du personnel, recouvrel'ensembledespratiques mises en œuvre pour administrer, mobiliseretdévelopperles ressources humaines impliquées dansl'activitéd'uneorganisation.Thehumanresourcemanagement (HRM) or longest personnel management,coversallpractices implemented to manage, mobilize and developthehumanresources involved in the activity of anorganization.
HR Management 1.326.443.9979
This HR Management app will keep you at the forefrontoftoday'speople management strategies; including bestpractices,productnews and information on the following key sectorsin HR: ✔HRManagement & Strategy ✔ Technology & Software✔HROutsourcing ✔ Performance Management ✔ Staffing &Recruitment✔Remuneration & Benefits ✔ Training, Learning&Development✔ Leadership Development ✔ Organizational Change&Development✔ Employment Law & OHS ✔ Workforce Planning&AnalyticsInside you'll also have access to: ✔ Up to the minuteHRnewsheadlines, blogs and white papers ✔ The latest HRManagementvideos(and Podcasts, coming soon!) ✔ Real time HRManagement Jobpostingsfor all of the USA, UK, Australia and Canada✔ Plus a wholelotmore, including several exciting NEW developmentscoming verysoon!Packed with a ton of information for busy HRprofessionals onthego. Don't miss the opportunity to grab thisessentialHumanResources app. It's free and easy to startusingimmediately.Install this FREE HR Management App today !!
Sou Correios 4.0.4
O aplicativo Sou Correios, permite aos servidores dosCorreios,acesso de forma prática e ágil as informações de sua FolhadePagamento (contracheque) dos mês corrente ou de meses eanosanteriores. As principais funcionalidades √ Notícias √Campanhas √Podcasts √ Vídeos √ Consulta rápida e fácil docontracheque do mêse ano corrente. √ Consulta do histórico doscontracheques, de formasimplificada e detalhada; √ Consulta dadoscadastrais e funcionais;de acordo com o mês selecionado; √Visualização e impressão docontracheque; √ Compartilhamento docontracheque por WhastApp; √Envio do contracheque por e-mail; √Consulta de férias; √Notificação (push) quando a folha do mês(férias, décimo terceiro,antecipação, etc) estiver disponíveis; •Para acessar o aplicativoé necessário usar a mesma senha utilizadapara acesso a CorreiosNet(Rede interna dos Correios).
Portal de Administração de Empresas.Marketing,Finanças e Recursos Humanos. Conteúdo grátis e extensomaterial depesquisa.Portal ofBusinessAdministration. Marketing, Finance and Human Resources.Freecontent and extensive research material.
HR Management App 6.0.5
The HR Management app will keep you at the forefrontoftoday'speople management strategies; including bestpractices,industrynews, training and information on the followingkey sectorsin HR:• HR Strategy • Technology & Software •Staffing&Recruitment • Leadership Development • Training,Learning&Development • HR Outsourcing • Performance Management• Pay&Benefits • Organisational Change • Employment Law•OccupationalHealth • ...and so much more The app will expandyourcapacity toperform at the highest level, facilitate theexecutionof yourcompany’s HR strategy and help grow and manage yourmostvaluableresource, your people! KEY FEATURES INCLUDE: •Thebest-curated HRManagement news curated and delivered daily •Accessto the latesttrends, research reports and white papers •Access topresourcesfrom the world’s leading Human Resources coachesandtrainingorganisations • In-app courses, webinars andeducationalmaterials• Real-time HR Management Job postings for allof the USA,UK,Australia and Canada • Plus so much more, includingaccess toaselection of top podcasts, newsletters and digitalpublications.Weaim to cover a wide arrange of topics for HR leadersandpeoplemanagers of all kinds, from startups to executivesoflargemulti-nationals, the principles of cutting-edge HRManagementcanbe applied across the full spectrum ofbusinessesandorganisations. FREE DOWNLOAD Packed with a ton ofinformationforbusy HR professionals on the go. Don't miss theopportunity tograbthis essential Human Resources app while it’sfree to download.Andif you have any questions or feedback about theapp, pleasecontactus at [email protected]. DownloadFREE Today!
Reflexões do RH
Eliana Totti
Esta página tem por objetivo abrir espaçoparauma discussão aberta sobre os bastidores do RH, nossasalegrias,preocupações e pensamentos. Compartilhar nossos encontrosfora decena onde falamos de nosso aprendizado e aventuras nestajornadaque trilhamos como profissionais de RH.Também parapublicarmostemas inteligentes, criativos e envolventes a respeitodos sereshumanos e seus sonhos.
Através do RH 24 horas os servidores municipais desecretarias,departamentos e fundações, tanto ativos quantoinativos, podemconsultar contracheques e mensagens funcionais. Osusuários acessamo aplicativo utilizando o mesmo login e senha dosite RH 24 horas.É uma forma mais fácil e prática de acesso àsinformações por partedos servidores da Prefeitura.
RH Spec 1.0
Wagner Meters
This app, based on the ASTMF2170testingmethod, will allow flooring installers, generalcontractors,andarchitects easier access to acceptable RH%fromvaryingmanufacturers of finished floor products,adhesives,coatings, andremediation products. By having thisinformation atyourfingertips, Wagner Meters is trying to helpensure you havethecorrect information to make the mostinformedinstallationdecision.
BK Consultoria - RH Online 1.2.1
Acesso ao RH Online da empresa BKConsultoriaeServiços, apenas para colaboradores.Permite visualizar demonstrativos de pagamentos,recebercomunicadose informes de rendimentos.Requer sua senha de acesso ao RH Online, impressa em seucontratodetrabalho.Após o primeiro acesso no aplicativo, vocêreceberánotificaçõesassim que os holerites estiveremdisponíveis.Access to OnlineHRcompanyBK Consulting and Services only to employees.Allows you to view payment statements, receive newsandearningsreports.Requires a password to access the Online HR, printedinhisemployment contract.After the first access the application, youwillreceivenotifications once the payslips are available.
Job Search 3.8
Search jobs for free on neuvoo.Key Features- The most relevant results- New jobs added everyday- Flexible search: keywords, location, filters- Identify the job offers you've already viewed- Apply to a job or save/email it to apply later- Get the jobs before others do: create an emailalert/pushnotification for your search criteriaKeep millions of job offers at your fingertipsPlease send feedback to [email protected]
Mon appli RH 1.0
"Mon appli RH" est uneapplicationsmartphonequi a pour vocation d'informer, outiller etmettre enréseau lesdirigeants et Responsables RH de TPE et de PMEen matièredeGestion des Ressources Humaines : agenda RH, actuRH,Basedocumentaire RH, Partage RH, SOS RH,Vidéo-Candidathèque...autantde fonctions auxquelles lesutilisateurs ont accès en un seulclic!"My app RH" isasmartphoneapplication that aims to inform, empower andnetworkmanagers and HRmanagers of TPE and SMEs in the field ofHumanResource Management:HR agenda, HR news, HR DocumentDatabase,Sharing HR, SOS HR,Video-CV Bank ... many functions thatusers canaccess with a singleclick!
Village de la Justice
Legi Team
1er site de la communauté du droit enaccèslibre créé en 1997 pour les avocats, juristes,fiscalistes,notaires, huissiers, magistrats, paralegals, étudiants,métiers desRH...- La 2eme version de cette application vous permet d'avoirtoujoursavec vous les dernières actes juridiques, Management etCarrière,et de suivre en temps réel les annonces d'emploi et destage!- Vous pourrez mémoriser en local vos articles à lire plustard,même hors connexion internet;- Vous pourrez mémoriser les annonces d'emploi ou de stage survotreespace Candidat, pour pouvoir les retrouver et y postulerplus tard(mais pas postuler depuis l'appli, pour éviterl'automatisation troprapide des candidatures... Prenez le temps debien candidater!)D'autres fonctions seront proposées plus tard...The first communitysitewith free access of law created in 1997 for the lawyers,lawyers,tax experts, notaries, bailiffs, judges, paralegals,students, HRbusiness ...- The 2nd version of this application allows you to have alwayswithyou the latest legal acts and Career Management, and monitorin realtime the job advertisements and internship!- You can store locally your articles to read later, even offtheinternet connection;- You can store them for jobs or internships on your Candidatespaceto be able to find them and apply them later (but notapplying forthe app to prevent too rapid automation applications... Take timeAPPLY of good!)Other functions will be proposed later ...
Avec l’application DOCAPOST RH,découvreznotreoffre RH et optimisez la gestion des ressourceshumaines devotreentreprise.La fonction du DRH évolue chaque jour passantd’unemissiond’accompagnement à une fonction d’anticipationdesmutations.Acteur incontournable de l’entreprise, la DirectiondesRessourcesHumaines doit se doter d’outils à la foisflexibles,pérennes etinnovants pour relever les grands défis dedéveloppementetd’efficacité auxquels elle est confrontée.Bénéficier de la richesse des solutions DOCAPOST, c’estsaisirlaformidable opportunité offerte par les nouvellestechnologiespourvous aider à administrer, mobiliser et développerlesressourceshumaines de votre entreprise.Libérez-vous de vos contraintes métier grâce au meilleur dupapieretdu numérique.With theHRDOCAPOSTapplication, discover our HR supply and optimizethemanagement ofyour company's human resources.The HR function is changing every day from an accompanyingmissioninan anticipatory function mutations.A key player in the business, the Human ResourcesDepartmentmustdevelop tools that are both flexible, sustainableandinnovative tomeet the challenges of development and efficiencyitfaces.Benefit from the wealth of DOCAPOST solutions is tograspthetremendous opportunities offered by new technologies tohelpyoumanage, mobilize and develop your company'shumanresources.Free yourself of your business constraints due to improvedpaperanddigital.
O ABRH-SP APP é um novo canal de comunicação com os Associados.Aferramenta trará, semanalmente, CONTEÚDO EXCLUSIVO sobreatividadese outros projetos da ABRH-SP e também insights sobre omercado deRecursos Humanos. Além dos conteúdos, por aqui vocêencontra todosos associados e se inscreve em eventos e grupos deestudo daassociação. Sobre a ABRH-SP Desde 1965, estamos presentesnosegmento de Recursos Humanos e temos o objetivo de levar àspessoasinovação e tendências do setor, com propósito de auxiliarevalorizar as organizações e seus colaboradores na evoluçãodasociedade brasileira. A ABRH-SP possui atuação local e é afiliadaàABRH-Brasil, que reúne 22 seccionais nas mais importantesregiõesdo país. Desvinculadas juridicamente e independentes, asseccionaissão integradas na missão de promover o desenvolvimentodosprofissionais de RH e gestores de pessoas por meio deeventos,pesquisas e troca de experiências, assim como de colaborarcom asdemais entidades nos assuntos referentes à sua área deatuação.
Signature Electronique SUPPLAY 1.2
La signature électronique intérimaireSUPPLAYvous permet de signer vos contrats de travailtemporairedirectement depuis votre mobile.Les prérequis suivants sont nécessaires :- être inscrit chez Supplay- avoir demandé en agence la dématérialisation des contrats- avoir validé les paramètres de signature dans votreespacepersonnel sur le site www.supplay.frInterimelectronicsignature Supplay allows you to sign your temporarycontractsdirectly from your mobile.The following prerequisites are required:- Be registered with Supplay- Have requested paperless agency contracts- Have validated signature settings in your personal space onthesite
Software para Gestion deRecursosHumanosOnline.Pruebas de Personalidad y Factores MotivantesSoftwareforHumanResources Management Online.Personality Tests and Factors Motivators
R.H Devani Sales App 3.0
This app will allow you to1. Call Reporting2. Sales Reporting3. Location Tracking4. Shopping Cart