Top 34 Apps Similar to SocialSchedules

YUNYOBO V2.4.3.1
YUNYOBO is an APP developed by YUNYOBO(Beijing)CommunicationsTechnology Co.,Ltd. , which is committedtocross-bordercommunication networking solutions. ProductAdvantages: · Surfingthe internet abroad Roam worry-free · 100+countriesnetworkservice supported · Freely select destinationtelecom planon theexclusive APP · One button switch to the localnetwork whenyouabroad · International Call (IDD) Enjoy the lowrates · Enjoythelow call rates just feel like home · Stay connectedall thetimewith high-qualified signal · Multinational phone numbersall inoneSIM card · One-button switching different numbers ofmultination·Bring you ultimate convenience with just one card ·Removetheindustry barriers, realizing unbounded communication
Telekom Mobile Protect Pro 4.18.3
*NOTE: Mobile Protect Pro is an enterprise solution.Pleaseconsultwith your company’s IT organization before downloadingthisapp.Mobile Protect Pro will not operate on your devicewithouttherequired Mobile Protect Pro license andinfrastructure.MobileProtect Pro enables users to view real-timelogs fromthecloud-based management console. Mobile Protect Pro iseasytoinstall and operates in user mode. The Mobile Protect Proappdoesnot collect personal information about the user orshareenterpriseinformation with third parties. This app usestheDeviceAdministrator permission. Mobile ProtectProActivationInstructions: 1. Download the app from Google Play2.Open the appand enter the credentials provided to you byyourorganization. 3.You are ready to go! DataPrivacyPolicy
AIRSIM 1.40.25
AIRSIM lets you manage your AIRSIM account, you can top up, buydatapackage
Dual Sim / Multi Sim Selector 1.270
Automatic selection of the SIM on Dual-SIM / Multi-SIM devices
GG Relationship Doubt & Obsessions (ROCD) 2.01.69
Ggtude Ltd
Created by Dr. Guy Doron (IDC), clinical psychologist andresearcherFeel like you're missing out on the perfectrelationship? Finding ithard to commit? Experiencing constantdoubts? Suffering fromobsessive thinking? Want to expand your mindand make it moreadaptive? GGRO is here to help! RELIEVINGOBSESSIVE THINKING ISPOSSIBLE Throw away negative thoughts.Approach positive ones. Learnto identify your inner self talk andrespond quickly. Train dailyand improve your wellness. SCIENCEBACKED New findings support theeffectiveness of the core mechanismused in GG apps. According toCBT models, negative self talk –individuals’ ongoinginterpretations of the self, others and theworld - maintainpsychological difficulties such as low selfesteem, mood, obsessive,ROCD and maladaptive thinking. HOW DO IMANAGE MY ROCD? Thefoundations of a healthy mind are built uponflexible beliefs. Ourbeliefs have the potential to bias and affectour ability to dealwith daily situations. For example, if Ibelieve that “my partnerhas to be perfect” or “I have to be 100%certain about my partner“ -I won't be able to live up to theseexpectations and my ability todeal with relationships willdecrease. BELIEFS AND SELF TALK Beliefsand self talk areinterrelated. Once we learn to embrace healthierand more adaptiveself talk, it can change our beliefs and help usget rid of theones that negatively affect our well being. HOW GGAPPS WORK Theapplication is designed to: 1. Increase your awarenessof negativeand obsessive thoughts. 2. Train you to identify andchallengenegative thoughts. 3. Increase your access to neutral,adaptive andpositive thoughts. 4. Increase the accessibility of theaboveprocesses. 5. Provide daily mood and self esteem boost. ISTHIS APPSIMILAR TO PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPY? Our app platform is notdesignedto be used as a therapy or treatment, however: 1. It isbeing usedby CBT therapists as a complementing tool. 2. It helpsinmaintaining healthy thinking during or after therapy. 3. Itisfound to relieve symptoms of anxiety, worries, obsessionsandrelationship OCD. TRAIN YOUR THOUGHTS The basic task in the appissimple - you will be presented with thoughts. If thethoughtpromotes negative self talk - throw it away by draggingiton-screen. If the thought promotes positive or neutralthinking,accept it by dragging it towards you. The longer we trainmaking ita habit, the more automatic this process becomes. HOW MUCHSHOULD ITRAIN EACH DAY? To feel better and improve your mind’sflexibility,start today! We believe apps allow us to learn andtrain quicklyand effectively. GG Apps are designed to be mosteffective in shorttraining sessions. You are advised to complete upto 3 levels perday, which should only take between 2-4 minutes.LEVELS AND TOPICSThe app's many topics and themes are broken downinto more than 40levels. Each level has a pool of self talkstatements (orthoughts). Users are required to complete a randomset of 'blocks'to complete the level. The topics include: selfesteem, belief inchange, self criticism, negative thinking, coping,positive boost,comparing, perfectionism, embarrassment,uncertainty, commitmentanxiety, social fears, self as an object,danger and threat,distrust, fear of abandonment, and more. Trainingusing thisapplication, allows for gradual, steady learning of moreadaptiveself-talk thereby helping to break the vicious thoughtcycle ofobsessive thinking. WHAT IF I COMPLETED ALL THE LEVELS? Thekey tousing the app is learning new topics, but even moreimportantly -training daily. There are levels designed as "dailytraining" foryou to play once you completed your base course. LEARNMORE ABOUTTHE FACTS BEHIND GG APPS Visit our website: OTHERAPPS BY GG GG OCD Training App GG Body ImageDistress &Preoccupation GG Confidence & Self esteem GoodBlocks
Zenput is a mobile app for retail,restaurant,and consumer packaged good brands to managing dailyoperationaltasks and projects. By centralizing the daily tasks oftheirdistributed teams, companies are able to analyze date inreal-timeand make more informed decisions.
finger POS(for Clothing Sales) 2.0.3
Use mobile phones to manage clothing stores. Applicable tosinglestorefront and single salesman. Clothing stores, shoestores,jewelry stores, bag stores and other types of stores,areapplicable. function: 1. Take a photo of the clothes, usethepicture to operate the system 2. Can operate the color and size3.Sales entry can use credit card or cash, automaticallyrecordcredit card fees 4. Query sales, which clothes to sell, howmanyare sold, which customers to sell, when to sell, etc..5.Customer's order and refund 6. Check inventory, Confirm thestatusof the store's clothes. 7. Use the purchase memo to querythereservation of the clothes 8. Automatic statistics and queryforeach customer's consumption and refund 9. Automatically countthesales performance of each vendor 10. Set income andexpenditurecategories, record revenue and expenditure details 11.Purchase,sales, Return to supplier, customer's credit card fees,etc.,Automatically record to revenue and expenses 12. Query salesprofitper month or day There are many features, waiting for youruse anddiscovery. Have found bugs, or suggestions, welcome topropose,continuously modify the system to perfection.
WE Connect by Windstream 5.2.5
Designed with you in mind, the WE Connect customer portalappputscontrol in your hands through enhanced managementandserviceconfiguration options. Use the WE Connect app toaccessyouraccounts through a secure, single sign-on interfacethatrespondsin real time and allows Windstream Enterprise customersto:• Viewand pay bills • Track orders • Create, update andtracksupporttickets • Repoint Toll-Free numbers • Setnotificationpreferences• Monitor network status, including theoperation ofSD-WAN EDGEdevices • Access the Windstream Enterpriseonlinecommunity •Utilize OfficeSuite UC services including voice,videoand instantmessaging
SPOTIO | Field Sales App 2.8.1
SPOTIO is a mobile-first solution for outside salesteamstoeliminate guesswork, and focus on the highest impactactivityinthe field. The platform provides outside sales teamswiththevisibility they’ve been missing to increase salesperformanceandimprove team productivity. Integrate SPOTIO with yourCRMandprovide your outside sales team with a mobile solutionthatworksthe way they do. Capture critical sales activity data andsenditback into your system of record as it gathers businessinsightstoenable your sales team to work smarter in the field.***TARGETEDSALES PROSPECTING *** Intelligent pipelinegeneration:On-demandprospect data to keep your pipeline fullCalendarmanagement:Intuitively set, manage, & updateappointments inthe fieldFilter prospects by attributes that mattermost to yourbusiness sotime is spent with the best prospect ***SALES ACTIVITYTRACKING*** Capture critical sales activity and getclearvisibility onwhat’s happening in the field Close business onthespot within-app e-contracts Field data entry: See a full historyofeveryaccount in real-time *** SALES TEAM MANAGEMENT***Executiveinsights: robust field specific analyticsandreportingcapabilities (best times to prospect, number ofmeetingsit takesto close, etc.) Sales leaderboard: Measureperformanceofindividual sales reps, teams, or your entirefieldsalesorganization Sales rep accountability withreal-timelocationverification ***SALES TERRITORY MAPPING***Robustterritorymanagement designed to fit your business (by zipcode, byhand)Territory permissions so they right roles see therightinformationOptimize sales routes for maximum time efficiencyWhyfield salesreps love SPOTIO: Easy to Use - Spotio recognizedthatit’s datawas only valuable if it was used. The platform isdesignedwith a“3-tap” methodology so that most of its key featurescanbeachieved in 3 taps. It Just Works! - SPOTIO increasesfieldsalesrep productivity by 46% and reduces turnover by 14%Repscanoptimize their routes in the fields to make the best useoftheirtime Fill Your Pipeline - Access targeted leads in yourareaWhyfield sales managers love SPOTIO: Real Time Visibility -Seewhatyour team is doing in real time The Metrics thatMatter-understand where you need to increase training and efforttogetbetter results Market Penetration - fully saturate yourmarketwithsmart territory management Shorten Sales Cycles - easilyworkwithyour team to move deals through the pipeline fasterReduceTurnover- good reps stay when they are enabled with the toolstheyneed tobe successful **NOTE - You do not have to have a CRMasSPOTIO canoperate as a standalone solution**
Hexnode UEM 18.0.1
Mitsogo Inc
Hexnode UEM companion app for Android devices.
HYPR 6.15.0
HYPR is the leader in Passwordless Multi-factorAuthentication.TheHYPR Cloud Platform makes it easy to eliminatepasswordsanddeliver lightning-fast login experiences that userslove.WithHYPR, businesses are finally able to stop phishing,reducefraud,and enable unrivaled security for employees andcustomersacrossthe globe. Welcome to The Passwordless Company®
My Tello 3.7.86
See balance, manage account, buy any Cell Plan or Pay As YouGo& call over WiFi
edukaan by Tradeling
edukaan brings you all the supplies for your shop at thebestwholesale prices!
Freshdesk Support Desk 7.1
Deliver exceptional customer support on the go. Unchainyourselffromyour helpdesk and make your customers happy withtheFreshdeskSupport Desk Android app. Streamline customer queriesfrommultiplechannels and answer them easily from your phone.FreshdeskSupportDesk is an online customer support software byFreshworksInc. thatlets you support your customers across channelslikeemail, phone,chat, Facebook, Twitter, and your website.KeyFeatures: 1. Get aquick overview of your helpdesk. Accessalltickets available toyou. 2. Prioritize the tickets that needyourattention withfilters before responding. 3. Manage your support-Set priorities,assign agents, change tickets statuses. 4.Racethrough routineactions with one-click scenario automations.5.Delete tickets andblock spam right from your phone. 6. Logtimespent on a ticket. 7.Stay informed about all updates andchangeswith pushnotifications.
Helpling Partner 3.3.0
Helpling Partner is the app for self-employed cleanersworkingwithHelpling to receive and manage cleaning jobs easilyviasmartphone.Whether at home on the sofa, or on the way to yournextjob, youcan manage your business anytime and anywhere.Withthenotification function, you receive live updates about yourjobsonthe go. The app is available for cleaners working withHelplinginAustralia, Singapore, France, Germany andNetherlands.FEATURES✔Manage Your Appointments: Choose to accept newbookingsand changerequests from existing customers. ✔PaymentsandTransfers: Claimpayments for completed jobs and viewpreviouspayments ✔Liveupdates about your jobs - including remindersaboutupcoming jobsand notifications of changes to any jobs.✔Pushcustomernotifications - you can now be notified about newcustomersbyreceiving push notifications. Click on the notificationto seemoreinformation about the new customer in the app andrespondquicklyand easily from the app without using your SMS quota.✔Chatfeature- you can now chat with your customers directly fromtheapp.Introduce yourself to new customers, ask questionsaboutthebooking and build better relationships by keepingtheconversationflowing. ✔Calendar View: See all your confirmedjobsand job offersin the calendar view, including customer address,tohelp youmanage your schedule. ✔Maps Integration: Individualjoboverviewscontain a map with the customer location, to helpyounavigatebetween jobs. For any questions about the HelplingPartnerApp,please go to or write [email protected].
Welcome to UGA 2023.2
Guidebook Inc
The official app for UGA First-Year students.
Datadog 2.2.4
The Datadog mobile app provides real-time visibilityintocriticalalerts, incidents, and application performancemetricsacross yourentire environment directly from your phone ortablet.Datadogseamlessly integrates with your on-call notificationandmessagingservices so your on-call engineers can quicklyevaluatetheconditions that triggered an alert, determine itsurgency,anddecide the next course of action—anywhere, anytime.WithDatadogfor Android, you can: - View Dashboards on-the-go: Checkthestatusof your key performance metrics, SLOs, cloudintegrations,and morewith mobile access to your Datadog dashboards- TriageAlerts fromyour pocket: Inspect your triggering monitorswith liveandhistorical data for additional context into activealerts-CreateIncidents from anywhere: Assemble a team andfollowincidentresolution without ever having to open your laptop -AddDatadog onyour Homescreen: Use our new Widgets and Sirishortcutsfor instantaccess to your key metrics and monitors fromyourhomescreen ADatadog account is required to use thisapplication.Setup aDatadog account for free at
Access Workable from anywhere and manage your recruiting on the go.
get2coin - Wallet - g2c 1.1.560
Bitcoin Wallet, Messenger, VOIP, Videochat, Encrypted filetransfer,cloud sync
Mobile Supply Chain for EBS 1.4.5
By installing this app you agree to the End User LicenseAgreementtermsat Supply Chain Applications for Oracle E-Business Suiteenablessupply chain transactions via a smartphone app interface,leveragingthe same setup and application validation as OracleMobile SupplyChain Applications. The app enables you to quicklyperform moves,picks, putaways, and related shipping and receivingtransactions formany Oracle E-Business Suite Supply Chainapplications includingOracle Warehouse Management, OracleInventory Management, OracleManufacturing, and Oracle EnterpriseAsset Management. Use thismobile app to: - Inquire about materialon-hand. - Print labels. -Perform inventory transactions likemove, count, issues, receipts,receive, pick, and ship. - Executewarehouse management transactionslike task-based pick, putaway,count, and LPN updates. - Performmanufacturing transactions likemoving; completing and rejectingassemblies; scrapping andrejecting items; flow completion; andcharging resources. - Performquality transactions like viewingspecifications and collectingquality data. - Perform enterpriseasset management (EAM)transactions like component issue and return.- Perform shop floortransactions like material issue and return,and negative componentissue and return. Oracle Mobile Supply ChainApplications forOracle E-Business Suite is compatible with OracleE-Business Suite12.1.3 and 12.2.3 and later releases. To use thisapp, you must bea licensed user of Oracle Mobile Supply ChainApplications, withmobile services configured on the server-side byyouradministrator. For information on how to configure mobileserviceson the server and for app-specific information, see MyOracleSupport Note 1641772.1 at
Bern Welcome 1.4.0
Bern Welcome
Your personal guide around the city of Bern and its surroundings.
Hive Keychain 1.5.2
Hive Keychain
The most secure mobile wallet for your Hive accounts!HiveKeychainlets you handle all your Hive related operations fromyourmobile!Your keys are kept safe by a combination of encryptionbypin codeand biometrics (fingerprint). From the App, you canimportyouraccounts via your private keys or QR code (fromHiveKeychainbrowser extension). You will then get access toyouraccount maininformation such as VP, balances, Hive Enginetokens,delegationsand transaction history. It also lets you handleHiveoperationswhile keeping your keys safe. You can broadcastyourtransfers,delegations and power up/down, as well as HiveEngineoperations.The App is entirely opensource and its source codecanbe found onGithub:
Rentman Mobile
Your rental job doesn't stop when you leavetheoffice. That's why we created the Rentman App. Crew members,Adminsand Freelancers can now use the power of Rentman on the roadand onlocation. Access your rental data wherever, whenever.The Rentman App offers the following options:- View project information- Download files- Register equipment- View personalized planning- View crew and transport planning- Add notes and photos to projects- Directly call crew members, locations and contact persons- Integrated navigation with Google Maps
Nudge for clients 6.6.3
Nudge Coach
The support you need to reach your goals is just one tap awaywithNudge.
MobiAudit 5.7.9
MobiAudit™ is a multipurpose online/offline survey anddatacollection platform.
TwiConnect 1.1.6
TwiConnect was born from a need of an easy to use app thatcanmakeoutbound voice calls and send SMS text messages usingTwilio.WithTwiConnect you can dial outbound calls through any ofyourownedTwilio number. You can easily switch between multiplenumbers.Whyuse TwiConnect? Cheap international calls (see Twiliopricingpage)Travelling or roaming abroad? Family and friends cannow reachyouon a local number without having to pay long distanceorroamingcharges. Business number in multiple countries? Makeyourbusinesspresence international with multiple numbers from80+countries.International sales campaigns? Make sales calls fromalocalnumber. Burner number? Dial from your cell phone usingadifferentcaller ID. Requirements: 1. Twilio account 2. At leastoneTwiliopurchased number 3. Additionally if you plan to makeoutgoingcallsoutside USA you have to enable calls to the desiredcountriesfromTwilio Voice Geographic Permissions page 4. YourTwilio AccountSIDand Auth token Key features: Make outgoingcallsInternationalcalls at cheap rates (see Twilio pricing page)Supportfor multiplecaller id numbers Import contacts from yourcontactlist Supportfor default country code prefix. Thisapplicationdoesn't store anyof your data, its just an API interfaceto Twilioand actual callcharges will be billed by Twilio.
Woocer - WooCommerce admin 1.77
Woocer Group
WooCommerce app to manage your online store. Our team isworkinghardto deliver the best and easiest solution to manageyourWooCommerceshop. Woocer is the fastest-growing WooCommercemobileapp. 🚀 We wantyou to have a complete WooCommerce admin appon yourphone, and thisis our goal.😊 How to use WooCommerce admin:🤔Youdon't need toinstall anything. Create the API keys fromtheWordPress panel. Enterthe keys in the app and enjoy it. Youdon'tneed to install Jetpack!!😉 What do we offer in Woocer: - Addandedit products - Add andedit orders - Real-time ordernotification- Multiple websites -Manage order note - Awesome darkmode -Manage customers - Managereviews - Add and Manage coupons -Managecategory - Manage tags -View website status and informationCheckthe latest update of yourWooCommerce shop from the what'snewpage. Your security is importantto us, With fingerprint login,youare the only person able to enterthe app. If you had anyquestionsor suggestions, please don'thesitate to contact [email protected]. So much more is comingsoon on Woocer.
Marmitek Smart me 3.35.6
Control all the devices in your home remotely using Smart meWi-Fiproducts.
Onsight B2B Sales App 3.3.25
The Onsight B2B sales app for distributors, wholesalers&manufacturers helps improve sales performance by speeding uptheordering process. Use a mobile device to quickly create ordersandquotes whilst on the road or at a tradeshow, even when youareoffline. In addition, you can give your customers access toyourproduct catalogue so that they can conveniently self-order atanytime. With the Onsight sales app you can easily create your ownB2Bself-service sales channel and impress your customerswithhigh-quality product images and full product descriptions.Onsightis used by manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors withoutsidesales teams to make their outside sales reps moreproductive. Anychanges made to customer contact details get syncedand sharedautomatically. Product and pricing updates are pushed tothe reps'mobile devices. Most importantly, sales orders areinstantly sentto your office or warehouse for quick fulfillment.Industries thatuse Onsight include: food & beverage, homeware,furniture,decor, electronic goods, hygiene products, medicalproducts,clothing and clothing accessories. Onsight also offersBrandedApps. Contact us at [email protected] Visit our websiteformore information:
Selfcast 2.1.1404
You can download the Selfcast app for free and usemostfeatures,including applying for Free jobs. If you want to applyforBasic orPremium jobs, you must sign up for a subscription.Selfcastis anapp that enables Talents – actors, models, dancers,extras andmanyothers – to connect with Producers in the film, TV,eventandadvertising industry without any intermediary. FeaturesontheSelfcast app include: Comprehensive Talent profilePersonalizeyourprofile Upload photos and videos See job postingsApply forPAIDjobs Apply for international jobs Receive individualjoboffersCommunication with the Producers Record SelfcastvideosSigndigital contracts Training and tutorial You cancastyourself,build your personal profile and receive job offers.Amongothergreat features you can communicate directly withProducers,whenthey want to book you for exciting jobs. When usingSelfcastyoudon’t need an expensive agency to manage your career.You canjustdo it yourself. Download the app today, create yourprofileandstart looking for jobs right away. See you on Selfcast!
MyRegistry- Universal Giftlist 4.0.88
Create a Baby Registry, Wedding Registry, or Gift List. Addgiftsfrom any store
Skeepers IM 1.51.7
Free shopping platform for Influencers
iVisit 3.1.27
TeleHealth Application