Top 14 Apps Similar to 박자은, 김랑의 슈스토 (슈퍼스타토익, 토익필수어휘)

英文法640問1 英語TOEIC®テスト リーディング対策 1.0.72
Toic / Toeic countermeasure app that was featured in theNikkeiShimbun! Thorough training on Part 5 format grammar, words,andidioms! With detailed explanation by TOEIC 990 / Eiken Grade 1.
YBM 어학시험 2.0.15
App that can be used conveniently from test scheduleinformation,test registration to grade verification for alllanguage testsadministered by YBM
TOEIC Reading 2.16
TOEIC test has set the standard forassessingEnglish-language listening and reading skills needed intheworkplace.This application intends to provide the free test samplesforyour TOEIC reading test.With thousand of question and samples that cover on almostTOEICreading test contents, it really brings you the bestpreparationfor your incoming TOEIC Reading test. In addition, itgoes withsuper friendly interface, easy to use, It is really can beyourbest friend on TOEIC reading preparation.Features:- It is FREE.- More than thousands of TOEIC reading samples can coveralmostTOEIC reading test contents.- It is designed with easy and friendly user interface.
해커스토익 기출보카 (토익 기출단어 30일 완성) 2.0.54
Hacker's Stoic Records the words of the previous Boca application
CM Prep for the TOEIC® Test is an application for TOEIC® testers.
[무료] 토익 영어 - 기초 영문법 1.0
성시경씨! 토익은 기술이라구요?하지만 아시나요?실력이 없으면 기술은 아무 소용이 없습니다.본 강의는기초가 약한 학습자를 위한기초 영문법 강의입니다.'이 정도는 알지?' 하면서대충 넘어가지 않고,언제나 자세히 설명합니다.실력을 바탕에 둔 기술이라야진정으로 파워풀합니다.Mr. Sung Si Kyung!TOEICis a technology, huh?But did you know?If you do not have any technical skills are useless.This course isWeak foundation for learnersIt is based on teaching grammar."This much you know? ' AndWithout going over rough,Always detail.Yiraya based technology based on skillsTruly powerful.
Ôn Luyện Thi, On thi TOEIC 2.8
"Luyện thi toeic - Học Tiếng anh" là ứngdụnghọc tiếng anh hoàn toàn miễn phí. Phần mềm luyện thi toeic hàngđầuViệt Nam. Phần mềm không thể thiếu danh cho những ai muốn dựthitoeic.✓ "Luyện thi toeic - Học Tiếng anh" bao gồm đầy đủ các phần, từlýthuyết đến bài tập, rất chi tiết. Số lượng câu hỏi đa dạng,phongphú và đầy đủ nhất hiện nay✓ Bạn có thể sử dụng "Luyện thi toeic - Học Tiếng anh" offlinebằngcác tải bộ tài nguyên của bài học trước✓ Phần bài tập: dữ liệu được thiết kế nhắm đến những level mongmuốncủa bạn:+ Level 250 -> 500+ Level 500 -> 750+ Level 750 -> 900✓ Mỗi level trong "Luyện thi toeic - Học Tiếng anh" đều có 7partđầy đủ. ngoài ra có một phần tổng hợp chung với số lượng bàitậprất lớn✓ Những bài test trong "Luyện thi toeic - Học Tiếng anh" đềucógiải thích đầy đủ, các lý do về ngữ pháp, từ vựngtạisao đúng, sai✓ Ngoài những bài test toeic. Phần mềm còn cung cấpnhữngphụ trợ giúp bạn có kết quả tốt nhất trong các kỳthitoeic:+ Ngữ pháp trong thi toeic: Tổng hợp những bài ngữphápchọn lọc, các bài tập ngữ pháp, cách tránh sai sótvềngữ pháp trong thi toeic+ Các tip và kinh nghiệm trong làm bài thi toeic✓ "Luyện thi toeic - Học Tiếng anh" sẽ giúp bạn học tiếng anhhàngngày tốt hơn, luyện nghe tiếng Anh tốt hơn.✓ Với những mục đích Learn English thì phần mềm cũnggiúpích rất nhiều cho các bạn learn english. Giúp bạn tăngcácskill về ngu phap, tu vung, listening ....Một ứng dụng Learn English không thể bỏ qua, mời bạn tải vềdùngthử.Chúng tôi rất mong nhận được những góp ý, ý tưởng của các bạnvềphần mềm Learn english này. Chúng tôi sẽ ngày càng hoàn thiện nóđểphục vụ việc Learn english cho người Việt được ngày càngtốthơn.Chúc các bạn học tiếng anh thật tốt, có kết quả thi toeictốtnhất với phần mềm Learn english này."TOEIC - Learn English"isthe English learning app is completely free. TOEIC testpreparationsoftware in Vietnam. Software indispensable list forthose who wantTOEIC.✓ "TOEIC - Learning English" includes the full range of parts,fromthe theoretical to the exercise, very detailed. The numberofquestions varied, plentiful and most complete✓ You can use the "TOEIC - Learning English" offline bydownloadingthe lesson of previous resources✓ The exercise: data is designed targeting the desired level:     + Level 250 -> 500     + Level 500 -> 750     + Level 750 -> 900✓ Each level in "TOEIC - Learning English" has 7 full part.Inaddition there is a general part common to very largequantitiesexercises✓ The tests in "TOEIC - Learning English" are fully explained,thereason for grammar, vocabulary why right, wrong✓ In addition to the TOEIC test. The software also providessupportto help you have the best results in the TOEIC exam:+ Grammar in TOEIC exam: Synthetic selective grammarlessons,grammar exercises, how to avoid mistakes in grammar inTOEIC+ The tip and experience in the TOEIC exam✓ "TOEIC - Learning English" will help you learn Englishbettereveryday, better learning English.✓ Learn English With these purposes, the software also helps alotto learn english you. Helps you increase the skill ofgrammar,vocabulary, listening ....An application can not be ignored Learn English, please downloadthetrial.We look forward to receiving suggestions, your ideas aboutthissoftware Learn english. We will increasingly perfected it toservethe Vietnamese Learn english to get better and better.Wish you learn English well, have the best exam results toeicLearnenglish with this software.
TOEIC Daily 2.5.19
Evo Labs
Let's study TOEIC every day1. It's for Korean only2. It give you 5 contents every month3. You can check your final score every week
[공지]* 어플에 오류가 발생 시, 기존 어플을 삭제하고 재설치 부탁드립니다.* 2017년 6월 1일부터 구토익 MP3 자료는 삭제된 상태입니다.YBMBOOKS.COM 홈페이지에서 자료 다운로드를 부탁드립니다.출제기관 ETS 토익, 토익S&W의 학습 콘텐츠를 ETS 토익 어플로 손 안에서 즐겨보세요!ETS TOEIC 어플리케이션의 차별화된 서비스* ETS TOEIC 교재 동영상강의, 토익 예비특강/후기특강 무료 다운로드* 적중률 높은 출제 예상 어휘 매달 업데이트(시험장 어휘 LC, RC)* 매일매일 토익 LC, RC, VOCA 데일리 학습 콘텐츠 무한 제공* 간편하게 토익과 토익S&W 시험 일정확인/성적관리/고사장 찾기ETS TOEIC 어플리케이션 하나면, 언제 어디서든 ETS 토익, 토익S&W 관련 학습 콘텐츠를 마음껏 누리실수있습니다!* 지원 가능한 OS : 안드로이드2.1이상(3.0대 허니컴 제외)* 사용 가능한 기종 : 갤럭시s, 갤럭시s2 (단, USIM이 들어가지 않거나 개통되지 않는 단말은 제외되며,검증된기종(갤럭시s,갤럭시s2)을 제외한 나머지 기기에서는 일부 기능이 지원되지 않거나 오동작 할 수있습니다.)* 6가지 테마별 학습 콘텐츠의 구성 및 활용방법1. ETS 교재학습ETS TOEIC LC, RC, VOCA 및 ETS TOEIC TEST 공식문제집(VOL 1~4),ETS TOEIC Speaking/Writing Test, Tactics for TOEICSpeaking/WritingTest의 책소개, 동영상강의, MP3 파일, 단어장, 학습 스케줄 등 교재 200% 활용학습. 향후 ETS TOEIC신간 교재도 지속적으로 업데이트 예정2. 동영상강의- 토익 학원계의 신예스타, 미친(美親)토익 최윤선, 안하나 선생님의 강의를 들으며 ETS TOEIC LC, RC교재를스피디하게 끝내기- 토익 명강사가 자세히 풀어주는 정기시험 대비 예비특강과 정기시험을 되짚어보는 후기특강3. 단어장ETS TOEIC LC, RC 교재 수록 어휘 학습과 더불어 매달 정기시험 직전 막판에 외워두면 학습 효과가쏠쏠한‘시험장어휘 LC, RC’제공4. 데일리 학습매일 문제를 풀기만 해도 성적이 가파르게 상승하는 주옥 같은 데일리 토익 LC, RC, VOCA 학습 콘텐츠평생제공.5. 토익 ZONE- TOEIC 공인성적 불러오기 및 성적관리 가능 (YBM Family 아이디로 로그인 후 이용)- 접수중인 TOEIC 스케줄 확인 및 접수 어플 링크- TOEIC 소개 및 일정 리스트(캘린더 형식)- TOEIC 점수환산기 제공- 고사장 검색 및 안내 기능- 섹션별, 파트별 시간 설정 토익 타이머 기능6. 토익스피킹 ZONE- TOEIC Speaking&Writing Tests 공인성적 불러오기 및 성적관리 가능 (YBMFamily아이디로 로그인 후 이용)- 접수중인 TOEIC Speaking&Writing Tests 스케줄 확인 및 접수 어플 링크- TOEIC Speaking&Writing Tests 소개 및 일정 리스트(캘린더 형식)- 시험센터 검색 및 안내 기능- Task별 시간 설정 스피킹 타이머 기능ETS TOEIC Book 공식카페(>YBM출판( 지원 >* 3G 환경에서 다운로드 시 사용하시는 요금제에 따라 데이터 요금이 발생할 수 있습니다. Wi-Fi에서 다운로드받으시길권장합니다.* 다운로드 데이터 삭제방법- 홈 우측 상단의 다운로드 파일 관리 메뉴(아이콘)로 이동하여 삭제/관리- sdcard/ybm/ETSbook에서 음성,동영상,이미지 파일을 선택하여 삭제(단, 용량 부족 등으로 어플 다운이나 다운로드 오류 등이 지속적으로 발생할 경우 ETSbook 폴더 및 설치된어플을모두 삭제 후 재설치 해 주시기 바랍니다.)----개발자 연락처 :(주)와이비엠넷경기도 성남시 분당구 대왕판교로 670 유스페이스2A 8,9층[Notice] * When an error occurs in the application, please deletetheexisting app and reinstall asked.* Obtain from June 1, 2017 TOEIC MP3 data is deleted state.Please download the data from YBMBOOKS.COM website. the learning content of questions agency ETS TOEIC, TOEICS& W ETS TOEIC application in hand!The ETS TOEIC differentiated service applications* ETS TOEIC textbooks video lectures, lecture preliminary TOEIC/review lectures free download* Updated vocabulary questions hit high monthlyestimates(vocabulary test site LC, RC)* Every day TOEIC LC, RC, VOCA provides daily learningcontentWuhan* Easily find the TOEIC and TOEIC S & W testscheduleconfirmation / grade management / test centerHanamyeon ETS TOEIC application, you can enjoy anytime,anywhereseal the ETS TOEIC, TOEIC S & W-related learningcontentfreely!* Supported OS: Android 2.1 or later (except forHoneycomb3.0)* Available models: galaxy s, galaxy s2 (however, USIM twoterminalsthat are not, or enter the opening are excluded, provenmodels(Galaxy s, Galaxy s2) The rest of the device except to, orsomefeatures not supported malfunction There is.)* 6 different configurations and usage of the theme oflearningcontent method1. ETS learning materialsETS TOEIC LC, RC, VOCA and ETS TOEIC TEST formula exercisebooks(VOL 1 ~ 4),ETS TOEIC Speaking / Writing Test, Tactics for TOEIC Speaking/Writing Test introduction of the book, lecture videos, MP3files,vocabulary, study schedules, and learning materials utilizing200%.NEW future ETS TOEIC textbooks also continue toupdatescheduled2. The video lessons- TOEIC hakwongye of rookie star, crazy (美 親) TOEIC choeyunseon,donot you listening to the teacher lecture speedy end to theETSTOEIC LC, RC materials- TOEIC myeonggangsa released a detailed review see revisitlecturesand regular periodic tests compared to pre-test tolecture3. VocabularyETS TOEIC LC, RC materials included leaving memorize themonthimmediately preceding routine tests last-minute addition tothevocabulary learning ssolssolhan 'vocabulary test site LC,RC'offer4. Daily LearningAlone solve every problem gem Daily TOEIC scores are risingsteeplyto LC, RC, VOCA provides learning content life.5. TOEIC ZONE- TOEIC score import and records management can becertified(available after login as YBM Family ID)- Check the schedule TOEIC is being received andacceptedapplications Links- TOEIC Introduction and schedule list (calendar format)- Provide group in terms of TOEIC scores- Search and guidance test centers- section-by-section, part-time by setting a timerfunctionTOEIC6. TOEIC Speaking ZONE- TOEIC Speaking & Writing Tests sexual import andcertifiedsexual manageable (used after logging in YBM FamilyID)- TOEIC Speaking & Writing Tests schedule confirmationandreceipt of application links being received- TOEIC Speaking & Writing Tests Introduction and schedulelist(calendar format)- Search and guidance test centers- Task speaking time set by a timer functionThe official ETS TOEIC Book Cafe (>YBMPublishing ( Support>* The Data charges may occur depending on the plan you usedfordownloading from the 3G environment. The recommended way toreceivefree Wi-Fi.* Download data destruction- Go to the download file management menu (icon) in the toprightcorner of the Home Delete / Manage- Select and delete voice, video, and image files in sdcard / ybm/ETSbook(However, if the continuously occur, such as application downloadordownload error such as lack of capacity, please delete andreinstallall ETSbook folder, and installed applications.)
29 Complete – TOEIC® Test With 2.55
More than 5000 questions TOEIC (toefl, ibt, ietls,bridge,Bulats,BRIGHT)
TOEIC Test - Hoc Tieng Anh 1.9.5
Honey Studios
You may want to try one free TOEIC test (hoc tieng anh) ?
Toeic Timer(Clock) 4.1
This Application help to control andchecktime. If you want to practice toeic test, this app canhelpyou!.In reading section (PART5~PART8), this app can help controlyoursolving time.
1000 TOEIC test; LC and RC 2.0.1
Mai Phi Hung
1000 TOEIC test – The best ways toincreaseYour TOEIC scoreWhy you should choose 1000 TOEIC test? Because this app willhelpyou know how to learn more effectively.What's different compare with another app?1. question will be selected randomly from over 1000 question,mean that every tests are difference.2. by using next question button, you have enough time torecognizewhich answer is correct and you also can think about whythatanswer is correct. so that you can remember, I believe thatit'sgood for learning.3.Used A, B, C, D button, you will get used to real test.4. Include RC and LC part5. has dictionaryThe “1000 TOEIC test” consists of:The LISTENING part I - II include 9 test and part III - IV include5test.The READING part V – VI with database over 1000 questions. Foreachtest, questions will be “Randomly” selected from our databaseofover 1000 different questions everytime you click. This meansYouwill have unlimited TEST for you to praticce. We hope that thisappwill help you not only improve your listening skill butalsoreading skill each day. And the most importance is you will getahigh score for TOEIC test.Come with us and prepare properly for the TOEIC test.v 1.1 update LC part 1v1.2 update LC part 1, enable move to SD card.v1.3 update LC part 34. RC part 5. fix force close forSamsungGalaxy S2. ROM 2.3.4 Infusionv1.4 update 100 question RC part 5 and change random methodv1.6 update some database, update LC part 1v1.8 update LC part 3 4v2.0 update dictionary