Top 21 Apps Similar to friDay音樂 | Podcast

經典台語老歌 3.1.1
Taiwanese Old Songs is a music, audio and video playbacksoftwarethat collects classic Hokkien songs from the 60s, 70s, 80s,and 90s
經典台語歌曲 5.4.1
Easy-to-understand MV player for Taiwanese songs, with manysongsand many singers
神好聽台語老歌 免費懷念金曲 最多免費 懷舊 台語歌 最好用的台語歌App 1.9.2
聽來聽去,還是台語歌值得一再回味千萬網友,一致感動推薦的經典台語歌。你都聽過了嗎?每天推薦一套經典台語神曲,有喜歡就趕緊收藏,才不會錯過。全屏觀看MV,就是爽。海量歌曲,無限收藏。 持續更新選集:台語新歌精選,八點檔鄉土劇主題曲 ,台語女歌手,台語男歌手。。。 支援台灣Line /Facebook 好友一鍵分享500多位台語歌 歌手江蕙、黃乙玲、翁立友、喬幼、葉啟田、陳雷、詹雅雯、龍千玉、陳一郎... 等本應用遵守YoutubeAPI使用協議 :不得將視頻與音軌分離(無法提供背景撥放功能)不得修改任何視頻內容(無法提供去除人聲功能)不得拷貝任何視頻內容(無法提供線下撥放功能)本應用為Youtube串流撥放器,並無販售任何實體或虛擬產品。==========DISCLAIMER==========Thisis NOT an official app from thevarious media services, and thisisonly an unofficial 3rd-partyclient that complies with their3rdparty API terms of service.This app is NOT an affiliatednorrelated product of thoseservices. Per their APIdeveloperterms:"Youdo not need special approval to use YouTube APIs or topromoteAPIfunctionality in your application" provided that theguidelinesarefollowed.==============================此應用為第三方的媒體撥放器,我們並未發佈任何視頻,也無意侵犯版權1.此應用是符合YouTubeAPI服務條款的第三方撥放器所有視頻都是透過官方提供的API撥放器進行撥放以ContentID系統維護著作權人的權益若有未經合法授權的視頻被搜尋到,權利人可以向YouTube提交版權下架通知如果您有其他疑問,請與我們昆仑工作室聯絡:[email protected]=====COPYRIGHTINFORMATION===== All videosare provided by the publicthird-partymedia service YouTube. Alltrademarks and copyrightsbelong totheir respective owners and areused here under the termsof FairUse and the Digital MillenniumCopyrights Act (DMCA). Sincethe appsimply links to content ontheir service via their 3rdPartyDeveloper API, the app does nothave any direct control oftheircontent. If there are any contentthat may infringe uponanyone'scopyrights, the following link canbe used to report thecontent:
懷念台語老歌 閩南語歌 1.9
Many nostalgic Taiwanese Hokkien songs is your best choice
經典粤语歌曲 2.2.2
Classic Cantonese nostalgic song MV player, miss Cantonesesongs,you will never tire of listening.
聽聽國語老歌 - 免費4萬首懷念經典國語歌聽到飽 1.2.2
◎ 人生中必定有一首歌,20歲覺得音樂動聽; 30歲能體會歌詞含意; 40歲聽使你感動落淚...你的那首歌,是哪一首呢?◎700位跨世代經典國語歌手,為您獻唱。 ◎40,000萬多首令你回想起年少青春歲月的歌曲,終生免費聽到飽!懷念國語精選:【天王歌星一人一首成名曲】、【三四年級懷念經典】、【五六年級經典國語歌曲】、【費玉清經典】。。。持續新增中。三四年級經典懷念歌手劉家昌, 費玉清, 姜育恆, 鳳飛飛, 謝雷, 張琪,余天, 劉文正, 姚蘇蓉, 江蕾, 歐陽菲菲, 張鳳鳳,龍飄飄, 楊燕,甄秀珍, 蔡琴, 于櫻櫻, 楊小萍, 王芷蕾, 鄧麗君,高凌風, 甄妮, 翁倩玉, 青山, 謝雷, 紫薇, 張魁,金燕, 劉藍溪五六年級經典懷念歌手 杜德偉, 金素梅, 譚詠麟, 葉蒨文,關正傑, 林憶蓮, 黃舒駿, 蘇芮, 許志安, 張雨生,劉德華,高明駿、陳艾湄, 羅大佑, 陳昇, 費玉清, 邰正宵, 黎明,周華健, 王傑, 王芷蕾, 蔡琴, 李茂山, 王傑、葉歡,城市少女,趙傳, 姜育恆, 鄺美雲, 林隆璇、周慧敏, 林良樂, 鄭怡,陳淑樺, 葉璦菱, 方季惟, 殷正洋, 甄妮, 張艾嘉,鄭智化,金智娟, 童安格, 林子祥、葉蒨文, 李宗盛、林憶蓮, 張信哲,成龍、陳淑樺, 關淑怡, 林淑容, 張信哲、劉嘉玲,吳宗憲,呂方, 金佩珊, 七匹狼, 曾淑勤, 梅豔芳, 齊秦, 鄧妙華, 小虎隊,草蜢, 萬芳, 紅螞蟻, 黃品源, 黃大煒,張洪量,林慧萍, 東方快車, 丘丘合唱團 支援台湾 Line / Facebook好友一鍵分享 本應用遵守YoutubeAPI使用協議:不得將視頻與音軌分離(無法提供背景撥放功能)不得修改任何視頻內容(無法提供去除人聲功能)不得拷貝任何視頻內容(無法提供線下撥放功能)本程序為Youtube串流撥放器,並無販售任何實體或虛擬產品。本程序按歌手發行專輯及歌曲名稱,在線即時搜索Youtube影片資料庫,並將搜尋結果最優排序。==========DISCLAIMER==========Thisis NOT an official app from thevarious media services, andthis isonly an unofficial 3rd-partyclient that complies with their3rdparty API terms of service.This app is NOT an affiliated norrelatedproduct of thoseservices. Per their APIdeveloperterms:"Youdo not need special approval to use YouTube APIs or topromoteAPIfunctionality in your application" provided that theguidelinesarefollowed.==============================本程序為第三方的媒體撥放器,開發團隊並未發佈任何視頻,也無意侵犯版權1.本程序是符合YouTubeAPI服務條款的第三方撥放器所有視頻都是透過Youtube官方提供的API撥放器進行撥放以ContentID系統維護著作權人的權益若有未經合法授權的視頻被搜尋到,權利人可以向YouTube提交版權下架通知如果您有其他疑問,請與我們昆仑工作室聯絡:[email protected]=====COPYRIGHTINFORMATION===== All videosare provided by the publicthird-partymedia service YouTube. Alltrademarks and copyrightsbelong totheir respective owners and areused here under the termsof FairUse and the Digital MillenniumCopyrights Act (DMCA). Sincethe appsimply links to content ontheir service via their 3rdPartyDeveloper API, the app does nothave any direct control oftheircontent. If there are any contentthat may infringe uponanyone'scopyrights, the following link canbe used to report thecontent:
經典國語老歌 懷舊國語老歌 流行音樂 點歌王 1.8.0
Wine is Chen Hong, a good song is old! Many classic oldiesnostalgiais your best choice
懷念粵語老歌精選 經典廣東歌 流行音樂歌曲MV播放器 1.6
Classic Cantonese Cantonese Cantonese Songs The first tofamiliarizeyourself with your earliest tastes
KKTIX Manager 2.3.8
*For event organizers*: check in attendees like a pro!Createeventon, get your attendees registering there, thenusethisapp to scan tickets / check the attendee information.*Checktickets from one or multiple events at the same time *Choosetheticket types that allowed to check-in with this device.*Linechart to show when your attendees checked-in Also checkouttheKKTIX app to register events faster, and show all yourticketswitha simple APP.
全民Party-語音聊天唱歌交友 3.1.2
Singing and dating software, a brand new voice chat room hasopened!
Hi Music -mp3&Music downloader
An elegant music player with all the features,whichprovidesmillions of songs.
經典國語歌曲 3.1.1
Classic Mandarin song MV player, more songs and more singers,easyto use
Enka Listening - Enka song 1.7.7
Sim Music
The collection of memorable enka songs. All functions are freeofcharge.
經典懷舊老歌 3.0.9
I miss the old songs in Mandarin, Cantonese and Taiwanese inthe70s, 80s, and 90s
KKTIX 3.0.8
Have a good day with great events!KKTIX, the online event registration service from KKBOX, isyourevent information center. With KKTIX you can discover eventsaroundyou, and get the tickets at your fingertip. This APP can alsohelpyou manage your e-tickets, and export event information toyourcalendar.
好听音乐 - 流行音乐 轻音乐 在线听歌 音乐下载 4.0.0
好听音乐是您消除工作紧张、减轻生活压力、敲开封闭的心灵,纾解忧郁苦闷的心情的理想选择。当你学习、睡觉、冥想、阅读、瑜珈时,它的效果也很好,它也适用于儿童和婴儿。聆听轻松的音乐可以减轻压力,陶冶情操,拓展你的胸襟,完善您的人格下载app,用你的精神与心灵触摸作者的精神和心灵。聆听轻松的音乐和悠扬的声音,放松心灵和灵魂。丰富的轻松的声音和旋律将帮助您平静下来休息。在您的手机上使用此应用程序,您可以随时随地享受轻松的音乐和舒缓的旋律。晚上睡觉时好听音乐是享受安宁睡眠和有效休息的最佳途径。戴上耳机,闭上眼睛,感觉就像面对大海、春暖花开。应用优点: ● 内置定时器 ● 高音质的声音 ● 能够在后台播放 ●能够在锁屏和通知中心控制播放 ● 自动播放模式 ●支持缓存,离线聆听,无需数据连接 ● 支持自创歌单 ● 支持搜索音乐睡觉:听着悠扬的声音,你会更容易入睡,唤醒更多的休息,开始你的一天更好的心情。音乐集中:好听的音乐使您免受噪音和环境噪音的干扰,从而更容易集中精力并提高焦距。冥想音乐:舒缓的音乐将让你冷静下来,实现内心平静。放松的时候会更加愉快。 试试吧...开始一段美好的心灵之旅。
手機版四季線上 4gTV 2.5.1
Provide users in Taiwan with more than 100 legal live TVchannels,including FTV, China Television, China Television,PublicTelevision, Zhongtian, Dongsen and other types of channels;freedramas, variety shows, animations, movies on-demandmovies,anytime, anywhere Look.
Shanling Music 2.3.0
Shanling Music is specially designed for Hi-Fi/End audiophiles
friDay影音 TV-院線電影、韓日劇、韓綜、動漫線上看
If you apply for friDay audio-visual services, you can watchvideosthrough smartphones, tablets, computers, set-top boxes andotherdevices.
經典國語歌曲 70 80 90 年代 全螢幕全收藏 1.3.2
Contains many famous songs missed by male and female singers