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Egyptian Book of the Dead 1.0
The Book of the Dead is the common name fortheancient Egyptian funerary texts known as The Book of Coming[orGoing] Forth By Day. The name "Book of the Dead" was theinventionof the German Egyptologist Karl Richard Lepsius, whopublished aselection of some texts in 1842.Religion guided every aspect of Egyptian life. Egyptianreligionwas based on polytheism, or the worship of many deities.TheEgyptians had as many as 2000 gods and goddesses eachrepresentingcharacteristics of a specific earthly force, combinedwith aheavenly power. Often gods and goddesses were represented asparthuman and part animal.They considered animals such as the bull, the cat, andthecrocodile to be holy. Their two chief gods were Amon-Ra andOsiris.Amon-Ra was believed to be the sun god and the lord oftheuniverse. Osiris was the god of the underworld and was the godthatmade a peaceful afterlife possible. The Egyptian "Book of theDead"contains the major ideas and beliefs in the ancientEgyptianreligion. Because their religion stressed an afterlife,Egyptiansdevoted much time and energy into preparing for theirjourney tothe "next world."The text was initially carved on the exterior of thedeceasedperson's sarcophagus, but was later written on papyrus nowknown asscrolls and buried inside the sarcophagus with thedeceased,presumably so that it would be both portable and close athand.Other texts often accompanied the primary texts includingthehypocephalus (meaning 'under the head') which was a primerversionof the full text.Books of the Dead constituted as a collection of spells,charms,passwords, numbers and magical formulas for the use of thedeceasedin the afterlife. This described many of the basic tenetsofEgyptian mythology. They were intended to guide the deadthroughthe various trials that they would encounter before reachingtheunderworld. Knowledge of the appropriate spells wasconsideredessential to achieving happiness after death. Spellsorenchantments vary in distinctive ways between the textsofdiffering "mummies" or sarcophagi, depending on the prominenceandother class factors of the deceased.Books of the Dead were usually illustrated with picturesshowingthe tests to which the deceased would be subjected. Themostimportant was the weighing of the heart of the dead personagainstMa'at, or Truth (carried out by Anubis). The heart of thedead wasweighed against a feather, and if the heart was not weigheddownwith sin (if it was lighter than the feather) he was allowed togoon. The god Thoth would record the results and the monsterAmmitwould wait nearby to eat the heart should it proveunworthy.The earliest known versions date from the 16th century BCduringthe 18th Dynasty (ca. 1580 BC–1350 BC). It partlyincorporated twoprevious collections of Egyptian religiousliterature, known as theCoffin Texts (ca. 2000 BC) and the PyramidTexts (ca. 2600 BC-2300BC), both of which were eventuallysuperseded by the Book of theDead.The text was often individualized for the deceased person - sonotwo copies contain the same text - however, "book" versionsaregenerally categorized into four main divisions – theHeliopolitanversion, which was edited by the priests of the collegeof Annu(used from the 5th to the 11th dynasty and on walls of tombsuntilabout 200); the Theban version, which contained hieroglyphicsonly(20th to the 28th dynasty); a hieroglyphic and hieraticcharacterversion, closely related to the Theban version, which hadno fixedorder of chapters (used mainly in the 20th dynasty); andthe Saiteversion which has strict order (used after the 26thdynasty).It is notable, that the Book of the Dead for Scribe Ani,thePapyrus of Ani, was originally 78 Ft, and was separated into37sheets at appropriate chapter and topical divisions.
Древние боги Египта 1.0
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Общество времен фараонов возникло наруинахгораздо более древней цивилизации - цивилизации древнихбоговЕгипта. Историки считают богов сугубо мифическими персонажамиикатегорически отвергают версию их реальности. Однако в Египтеиныне сохранилось очень много свидетельств существования вглубокойдревности мощной и высокоразвитой цивилизации, уровенькоторой поцелому ряду параметров даже превосходил уровеньсовременногочеловечества. Фараоны же лишь ремонтировали ииспользовали древниесооружения, доставшиеся им в наследство; атакже пыталисьпроникнуть в "тайное знание богов", организуя тысячилет назадпроведение археологических работ в государственныхмасштабах.Company Pharaonictimesarose on the ruins of a much older civilization - civilizationofthe ancient gods of Egypt. Historians believe the godspurelymythical characters and categorically reject the versionofreality. However, in Egypt, and now there is very much evidenceofthe existence in ancient times powerful and advancedcivilizationwhich level on a number of parameters even surpassedthe level ofmodern humanity. Pharaoh only repaired and used by theancientstructures he inherited a legacy; and tried to enter the"secretknowledge of the Gods" by organizing thousands of yearsagoarcheological work on a national scale.