Top 11 Apps Similar to Магия успеха и процветания!

Strongest Conspiracies, Prayer 4.45
Plots for all occasions! Prayers, privoroty, rituals,eyes,corruption, magic.
Привороты и присушки! 1.2.4
Если вы хотите найти свою половинку,томожетенайти здесь:Привороты и заговоры;Любовная магия;Магические привороты (присушки);Привороты на мужчин;Привороты на женщин;Заговор на встречу;Прикормка на еду;Любовные растения;If you want tofindyoursoul mate, you can be found here:Omens and charms;Love magic;Magic omens (prisushki);Privorot men;Privorot women;Conspiracy of the meeting;The bait for food;Romance plants;
Симорон, Ритуалы, Желания 1.0
Simoron - Technology / rituals for dreams, getting money,findinglove
Магия Денег 3.0
Примени Магию Денег в своей жизни. Позволь Вселеннойпомочьтебе.Применяй Магию Денег в своей жизни - и ни в чем себенеотказывай!Применяя простые действия Магии Денег, доверяяВселенной,привлекайДеньги в свою Жизнь. Если ты считаешь, что: -деньгидаются тяжелымтрудом и только РАБотая на РАБоте; - если денегвэтом мире на всехне хватает (тем более для тебя); - если тыневеришь в волшебство имагию... то это приложение не для тебя!Невздумай его загружать!!!Не засоряй свой телефон ненужнойинформацией!
Folk calendar 1.35
We offer the Russian folk calendar.Since ancient times, people watching nature, to noticecertainphenomena observed seasonal changes and to noticethecharacteristic signs by which one could predict the weather.Sothere are signs of people, from generation to generation,whichaccounted for the national calendar. Folk calendar could serveas aencyclopedia of peasant life, with its holidays and weekdays,as itincludes the knowledge of nature, understanding patterns ofhumanlife, agricultural experiences, rituals, norms of social lifeandworks of folklore. It was kind of a diary and encyclopediaofcountry life, with its holidays and weekdays.We very much hope that our application will be usefulandinformative - it's - life of our ancestors. This is onecalendar,in which lived our grandfathers and great grandfathers.Our program can be run in the "reminder mode", and then youwillreceive a reminders in the system tray. Do not forget to switchonthis feature in the settings.Please, leave your feedback, it is very important to knowyouropinion!
77 Снов Пресвятой Богородицы 4.0.0
Заговоры-обереги всегда были популярныулюдей.Сила этих заговоров велика. Пользуясь этимизаговорамиможноизбежать многих проблем. Среди сильных оберегов напервомместестоят обереги, которые в народе называют"СныПресвятойБогородицы". Даже простое ношение оберега с собойявляетсямощнойзащитой. Существует поверье, что сильнее этих молитвничегонет. Итот, кто соберет все 77 снов Богородицы, будетиметьнеограниченнуювласть над судьбой, у того человека будет всеговдостатке, и егоминует любая беда.В народе считается, что Сны Пресвятой Богородицыслужатоберегом.Некоторые люди их переписывают от руки на бумагу иносят ссобой.Сны Богородицы – это самые сильные обереги, какиетолькоможнонайти. Эти обереги называют в народе Охраннойграмотой.Всегосуществует 77 «Снов», все они чем-то похожи друг надруга,нодействие у них совершенно, различное.Читают их до 40 раз в день. Некоторые сны читают тольковопределеныедни.Charms, charmshavealwaysbeen popular with the people. The strength ofthesegreatconspiracies. Using these plots, you can avoid manyproblems.Amongthe strong wards in the first place are the amulets,whichispopularly called "Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary."Evensimplywearing a talisman with a powerful protection. It isbelievedthatmore of these prayers is nothing. And those who collectall77Virgin Dreams will have unlimited power over destiny,thatpersonwill be only in prosperity, and his pass anytrouble.The people believed that dreams serve as a guardian oftheBlessedVirgin. Some people have them copied by hand on paperandcarrywith them. Virgin Dreams - is the most powerful charms,whichonlycan be found. These charms is popularly called writ. Intotalthereare 77 "again", they are somewhat similar to each other,buttheeffect they have completely different.Read them up to 40 times a day. Some dreams are read onlyoncertaindays.
Солнечные дни. Астрология! 1.3
В этом приложении собраны материалы:Характеристика солнечных дней;Солнечные дни по астрологии;Тотем солнечных дней;Цвета дня;Камни солнечного дня;Приметы солнечного дня;Сны солнечного дня;Приметы и рекомендации солнечного дня;This appendixcontainsmaterials:Characteristics of sunny days;Sunny days on astrology;Totem of sunny days;The colors of the day;Stones sunny day;Signs of a sunny day;Dreams of a sunny day;Signs and recommendations of a sunny day;
Eyeshadow Tutorials 3.0
For the perfect look, the mostimportantaspectthat one must concentrate on, is the eye makeup.After all,it isthe eye that catches attention instantly. And due tothesamereason, makeup needs to be perfect.Makeup for the eyes is done in several steps and using quiteafewproducts, eyeshadow being one of the most important.Eyeshadowisnothing but a cosmetic which is applied on the eyelidandsometimesunder the eyebrows.The reason why eyeshadow is applied is because it adds akindofdepth to the eyes, giving them a dimension and makingthemstandout perfectly. In plain words, eyeshadow simply makes theeyeslookgorgeous!There are some many ways that the eyes can be made tolookgreatwith some eyeshadow. Have a look at all the optionsgivenhere, andtake your pick. You're gonna be spoiled forchoice!If you are going in for a neutral, not-so-jazzy look,keepitsimple and subtle by using only one shade of eyeshadow.Thislookwould be apt for office or a study institute. Useaneyeshadowprimer or dab on some loose powder to maintain thelooktill theend of your day. A single color is perfect for thosewhoare new toeye makeup, and also for those who do not liketoexperiment.If you want a more defined look, use two colors. Youcanchooseany one color (preferably a light color) and apply thattoyoureyelid. The second color (can be a darker shade of thefirstcoloror a contrast color) should be applied to the crease ofyoureye.This gives your crease a more hollow look. You can applythisin awinged shape to make your eyes look curvy.Using three colors can be a little tricky. Pick yourshadesorcontrast colors, well. Also be careful of the shape youwearyoureyeshadow in, as the shape completely changes the overalllookofyour face. The magic of being perfect at using three ormorecolorsis, choosing your colors correctly and blending themverywell. Youneed to use a soft dome brush for blending.If you want to play safe or can't figure out whatcolorwouldmatch your outfit, black and white can be yoursavior.Together, orindividually, they are neutral colors that gowithabsolutelyanything you wear. Black can be used for a deeplookwhich standsout, while white would make more of a bright yetsubtleandpeaceful look. If you choose to use both the colorstogether,thenyou would be creating a smokey effect.Like black and white, blue and green have theirownindividualimportance in the eyeshadow family. Different shadesofthemono-color (blue or green) can be used to match almostallthecolors you wear. Both the colors can be matched witheitherblack,white or both. Otherwise, they can be used withothercontrastcolors too.Talk about color, and rainbow eyeshadow has it all.Itincludesall the seven colors of a rainbow (VIBGYOR). If youdon'twant all,you can limit them to three or four colors as well.Theycan beapplied as slim, smudged lines or maybe patches fromyoureyelidtill your brow line. This look would be perfect for acasualmeetwith friends, or for the beaches.Nowadays, eyeshadow stickers are made available too.Theyworklike magic to get that perfect designed look, withoutanymanualeffort. You get them in different colors and designs.Forthose whodo not have time for blending and smudging ofeyeshadows,this canbe your solution. Just one stick and fourseconds - and youaresorted. Neither do you need a makeup artist,nor do you have tobeexceptionally skilled to use these. They aremade of drypowder,give a very natural look and are very safe touse.
Best Wedding Rings 1.1
Marriage is a commitment involvingtwopeoplewho choose to be deeply dependent on each other. Marriageisachosen act –a process involving the partners’ willanddesire.Wedding ring is a symbol of that covenant betweentheweddingcouple. To some people the wedding ring is supposed toworkasanti-cheating device because it signals to others thatthepersonwearing it is married and already in a relationship.Allweddingrings look similar because it is important that itiseasilyrecognizable for what it is and not mistaken for just apieceofjewelry. If you are happily married it should remind youofyourhappiness and love with your partner.Rings in general have a deeply rooted engagement rings.Enchantedrings figure in many ancient folk tales. peridotringsIncantationsand spells for the protection of the whitegoldearrings wearer ofrings are common motifs. gold ring Todayintraditional religiousceremonies, emerald ring Christianandotherwise, vintage rings thewedding rings are blessed byaminister or priest, diamond thuscontinuing the symbolicpracticeof nose rings imbuing rings withprotective powers.The widespread tradition of jewelry embellishing the plaingoldorsilver wedding band with various designs andweddinginvitationpatterns has been known since at least , Thequiteancient symbolof the ouroboros, wedding decorations theserpentwhich consumesits own tail, black diamond was a theme usedforwedding rings madeof iron in . gold chain The ouroboros itselfis asymbol of theoneness of creation and wedding gowns destructioninrenewal,claddagh ring and the life principle which timelesslyfeedson itsown inspiration. wedding shoes It also represents thehopefor alifelong marriage union that's continually renewed.Wedding rings have most commonly been worn on weddingcakesthethird finger of the left hand. wedding invitationsSpeculationhasit that this is because the believed that randirectly fromthisfinger to the heart. diamond earrings An alternatesuggestionforthis tradition is that each finger on the jewelleryhandisassociated with a planet in the ancient systems ofastrology,andthe ring finger of the left hand was associated withthe bands In this way, the wearing of a wedding ringonthatfinger signifies the public proclamation of the unioninthedaylight, ring in other words, the conscious andclearlyvisibleworld of human community. mens wedding bandsThiscorrespondence isperhaps even more strongly emphasized bythegeneral tendency tocraft wedding rings out of gold, promiseringswhich issymbolically the metal of the diamond rings Sunthroughoutfolkhistory belly rings and across cultures.Wedding rings capture the full range of theceremonial,symbolic,and antique jewellery communal aspects ofmarriage,wedding dressesand preserve these many levels ofsignificance as adurable andconstant reminder. Ancient yetcontemporary, steeped inlore andmystery yet almost universallyexchanged, wedding ringscombine theart of the jeweler, thereverence of the betrothed, andthe beautyof love and partnership ina single, resonantsymbol.