Top 22 Apps Similar to Астрология камней!

AstroVizor 4.0G
Application for astrologers creates astrological (natal,synastry)charts.
Astrological Charts Lite 10.4.4
12 chart types, 13 asteroids, 23 fictitious points, interpretations
Horoscope of Birth 4.431
➕Daily information update ➕Types of horoscopes: general,love,career and horoscope health ➕Quote of the Day ➕Compatibilitycheckon the zodiac sign ➕Biorhythms and widget to themwithnotifications ➕Fast, easy and pleasant interface / design foruse➕Available horoscope for yesterday, today, tomorrow and for aweek➕All information in the application by birth date only ➕PageofNumerology ➕Themes for every taste ➕Customize the applicationforyourself ➕Smooth animation ➕Share button ➕A reminder of readingahoroscope ➕Widget showing the remaining time before the birthday+button for reading the horoscope────────────────────────────────"Horoscope of Birth" - a new uniqueapplication, which has noanalogues! 📣All in the application isavailable (free of charge) by100%, in it you can easily get thenecessary information about whenand in what area of life you needto pay attention, how to keepattractiveness for the opposite sex,to save health, good relationswith relatives and close people, tomake the right decision forevery day. 🎂 This application will letyou know how many days areleft before the birthday, and how manydays of your wonderful lifeyou have already lived. 💕 Love horoscope- will display the maintrends of the day and help build yourrelationship with a partner.And also allows you to look further anddevelop the plot of yourlove story. 💰 Horoscope career - willreveal to you many secretsthat you would like to know about theprospects at work, be able toplan your activities, relying onsuccessful and dangerous for youperiods. Money, experience andknowledge, relationships withcolleagues, career growth, the threatof fine or firing ... Buildyour future yourself! 🍏 Horoscope ofHealth - will giverecommendations on how best to monitor thehealth, what to look forfirst and for what to take care ofyourself. 💘 You can also checkthe compatibility of your zodiac signwith any other, and choosethe key to interact with it. 🔢 Thanks tonumerology you can findout your future, and also get a clue whenmaking importantdecisions. Allows you to determine the nature, lifeexperience andultimate goal. Astro forecast for all signs of thezodiac: ♈ Aries♉ Taurus ♊ Gemini ♋ Cancer ♌ Leo ♍ Virgo ♎ Libra ♏Scorpio ♐Sagittarius ♑ Capricorn ♒ Aquarius ♓ Pisces
Navamsha: Moon Phase Calendar 4.3.5
Navamsha LLC
Moon phase calendar, lunar cycles tracking, healingmantrameditations, quotes.
Daily Horoscope And Astrology 0.1
Online services, updated dailyChecking compatibility of couples zodiac signsQuick and easy interfaceA nice design for useGeneral HoroscopeLove HoroscopeCareer HoroscopeWellness HoroscopeThe best astrologer reading tarot cards, chinessecalendar,numerology, constellation and galaxy states to determineperfectforecasts for zodiac signs.Birthday Horoscope - a unique new application which has noanaloguesand was not!We have allzodiacsigns:Aries,Taurus,Gemini,Cancer,Leo,Virgo,Libra,Scorpio,Sagittarius,Сapricorn,Aquarius,Pisces.
Astrological Charts Pro 10.4.9
12 chart types, 13 asteroids, 23 fictitious points, interpretations
Aquarius2Go Astrology 4.6
Aquarius2Go is an Astrology chart application forprofessionalastrologers.
Astro Guru: Astrology, Daily H 3.7.8
Palm Reader, Daily Horoscope, Astrology, Tarot & Fortune Teller
Planetary Times: Astrology
Track planetary hours, moon progression and biorhythms withthisastrology app!
Astrological Charts 10.4.4
12 chart types, 13 asteroids, 23 fictitious points, interpretations
Planetdance Astrology 3.1
Planetdance is a technical astrology program for android.
Daily Horoscope | Fatum
Future Portal
Daily horoscope zodiac sun sign 2016-is a fortune forecast app with daily horoscopes, lovecompatibilityand other amazing astro facts and tarot carddetials.The best astrologer reading tarot cards, chinessecalendar,numerology, constellation and galaxy states to determineperfectforecasts for zodiac signs.Our astrology forecasts include love, friendship, businessandfamily aspects of every sign.We have all zodiac signs in horoscopes app for free:AriesTaurusGeminiCancerLeoVirgoLibraScorpioSagittariusСapricornAquariusPisces (pesces)The Chinese ZodiacRatOxTigerRabbitDragonSnakeHorseGoatMonkey 2016RoosterDogPigBe with horoskope every day. Determine with goroskop your futureandbe happy.Share your horoscope for friends via vk, snapster andothersocial networks.This goroskope is usefull, you can check here monthlyhoroscope,acquaintance prediction, acquaintances advices, futurehoroskope ofzodiac compatibility, amor love compatibility.What do you want in life? The Vision Love Tarot is a guide tohelpyou with this. Whether your personal opinion involvesromance,riches, or personal happiness, you will take giant stepstowardsuccess and fulfillment with this five-card reading. Find outwhatyou must focus on now to manifest your heart's desire! We willaddtarot cards next build.Our user-friendly multifunctional app provides daily, monthly,andyearly horoscopes for you, your friends, family, andacquaintancesfor each Zodiac sign: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer,Leo, Virgo,Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, andPisces. Forall interested in astrology forecasts. Forget aboutlooking forreliable astrology predictions for hours! With this app,you getaccess to daily horoscope 2016 any time and any place.Why is this app multifunctional? Along with horoscopes, italsoprovides moon calendar, zodiac sign compatibility, onlinetarotreadings, and further useful astrological information aboutyourlove life, health, body, career, money, relationships,etc.=======================================================App Benefits: 7 Good Reasons to Download this App Right Now======================================================= Accurate astrology forecasts. No amateurs! Our appofferspredictions and tips from top experts based onfundamentalastrological laws.Detailed horoscope. Find out your current and future horoscopefortoday and every day to stay tuned and be ready to faceyourdestiny.Your friends’ horoscopes. To read your friends’ astrologyforecasts,you just need to enter your friend’s date of birth (day,month, andyear).Love horoscope (compatibility report). A new charmingacquaintancetouched your heart? With this app, you can find outwhether you andyour love interest are a perfect match.Expert tips. Along with astrology forecasts for Zodiac signs,ourapp provides useful tips from leading astrology experts.Mystery of birth. Check out our structural horoscope basedonaccurate time of birth.Moon calendar. Use our moon calendar to learn about moon phasesandget accurate predictions on possible life events. ====================App Features==================== Our app features user-friendly and intuitive interfaceandtasteful low-key design. Take advantage ofregularlyupdated astrology forecasts from knowledgeable expertsand::Clean and simple control panelCustom settingsFriend list with dates of birthTime breakdown: horoscope for today, tomorrow, week, month,andyear.Option to share your forecasts in social networksMoon, love, and women’s calendar Want to stay tuned? Then download this amazing app right now!Youropinion matters to us. We are looking forward to your feedbackandsuggestions to keep making our app better!
Солнечные дни. Астрология! 1.3
В этом приложении собраны материалы:Характеристика солнечных дней;Солнечные дни по астрологии;Тотем солнечных дней;Цвета дня;Камни солнечного дня;Приметы солнечного дня;Сны солнечного дня;Приметы и рекомендации солнечного дня;This appendixcontainsmaterials:Characteristics of sunny days;Sunny days on astrology;Totem of sunny days;The colors of the day;Stones sunny day;Signs of a sunny day;Dreams of a sunny day;Signs and recommendations of a sunny day;
Yodha My Astrology & Horoscope 8.12.9
Get astrology predictions, daily love compatibility, horoscopesbyzodiac signs
Астрология: AstroManta 5.2
Belousov Oleg
AstroManta это программа дляастрологическихрасчетов в Android. Универсальный инструмент дляисследовательскойработы астролога экспериментатора. Если у вас естьпроблемы иливопросы пишите мне на email- Без рекламы- Бесплатно- Не нужно подключение к интернет- Расчет точек гороскопа:Планеты солнечной системы с Солнца по Плутон, Лунныеузлы,астероиды.Произвольно вычисляемые точки (жребии, мидпоинты)Оси Asc/Dsc, Mc/Ic, Vx/AVxРасчет момент восхода, заката планеты или астероидаРасчет момента смены направления движения планетыилиастероидаРасчет момента пересечения экватора или эклиптики планетойилиастероидом- Расчет карт:Одиночная от заданной даты (наталы, хорары)Карта возвращений планет солнечной системы иглавныхастероидов.Карта на заданные угловые расстояния между планетамииастероидами.Дирекции по эклиптике с произвольным ключомДирекции по экватору с произвольным ключомПрогрессии с произвольным ключомКарта на среднюю дату между любым количеством карт (средниекартыДевисона)Карта на момент смены направления движения планетыилиастероидаКарта на момент пересечения эклиптики или экватора планетойилиастероидом- Одновременный расчет и отображение произвольногоколичествакарт и произвольного их набора- Куспиды домов:Placidus, Koch, Campanus, Regiomontanus, Equal, Vehlow,Porphyrius,Whole Sign, Axial Rotation, Azimuthal, Polich,Alcabitus, Morinus,Krusinski-Pisa.- Расчеты аспектов:Угловые по эклиптике. Любое количество аспектов, орбисыдляконкретных пар точек или груп точек. Произвольная отрисовка(цвет,толщина и стиль линии)Угловые по склонению - параллели и контрпараллелиПо знаку (без учета орбиса)- Встроенные рабочие столы:НаталПрогноз (дирекции, прогресии, соляр, лунар, расчет фирдаров)Карт затмений,Карт фаз Луны,Синастрий (наложене карт и расчет средней Девисона)Хораров (с расчетом управителя часа)- Атлас:Встроенная база данных на 13.000 городов на английском ирусскомязыках.Доступна для скачивания база на 66.000 городов.- Сохранение данных карт в базе с использованием категорий- Расширение возможностей через скрипты BeanShell. Созданиесвоихрабочих столов, аспектов, расчет статусов, жребиев. Сохранениеичтение данных из SQL баз данных. Отрисовка произвольныхсхем,графиков и проч.- Работа в режиме live wallpaperAstroManta is aprogramfor astrological calculations in Android. Universal toolforresearch astrologer experimenter. If you have problems orquestionsplease contact me by email- Without advertising- Is free- No need to connect to the Internet- Calculation of the points of the horoscope:  The planets of the solar system with the sun atPluto,Moon's nodes, asteroids.  Arbitrarily calculated points (lots, midpointy)  Axis Asc / Dsc, Mc / Ic, Vx / AVx  Calculation of the time of sunrise, sunset planetorasteroid  Calculation to changing the direction of motion ofaplanet or asteroid  The calculation of the moment of crossing the equatororthe ecliptic planet or asteroid- Calculation of cards:  Single from a given date (Natal, horary)  Map returns planets of the solar system and themajorasteroids.  Map to the specified angular distances betweenplanetsand asteroids.  Directorate of the ecliptic with an arbitrary key  Directorate of the equator with an arbitrary key  Progression random key  Map of the average date between any number ofcards(average Davison map)  Map at the time of the change of direction of motionofa planet or asteroid  Map at the time of crossing the ecliptic or equator ofaplanet or asteroid- Simultaneous calculation and display of any number of cardsanda set of arbitrary- House cusps:  Placidus, Koch, Campanus, Regiomontanus, Equal,Vehlow,Porphyrius, Whole Sign, Axial Rotation, Azimuthal,Polich,Alcabitus, Morinus, Krusinski-Pisa.- Calculations aspects:  Corner on the ecliptic. Any number of aspects orbsforspecific pairs of points or groups of points. Arbitrarydrawing(color, thickness and line style)  Corner in declination - parallelsandcontraparallel  According to the sign (excluding orb)- Built-in desks:  Natal  Forecast (Directorate progression, Solarium,Lunar,firdarov calculation)  Maps of eclipses,  Maps of the moon phases,  Synastry (cash cards and payment medium Davison)  Horarov (counting steward hours)- Atlas:  Built-in database to 13,000 cities in EnglishandRussian languages.  Available for download at the base of 66.000cities.- Storing data in a database maps using categories- Empowerment through BeanShell scripts. Create yourdesktopsaspects payment statuses lot. Storing and reading data fromthe SQLdatabase. Drawing arbitrary charts, graphs, and so on.- Work in live wallpaper mode
Yaastro 1.5.1
A small astrology program tocheckplanetpositions in regard of birth card.
Astrology, Fortune 1.6
Sinin Studio
Professional astrology. Calculation of lifetimes.
Tarot Cards 2.4.7
This program is indispensable guide in the difficult situations.
Lunar calendar Dara-Lite 9.12
Free lunar calendar with daily advice. GPS location. Widget.
Planetus Astrology
A revolutionary approach of realtime astrology!
Love widget 1.6.2
Simple & nice widget that shows how long you've beentogetherwith your partner
Journal with password 3.8.1
Handy Journal, your free secret journal with lock password