Top 2 Apps Similar to Kim's Photostream

Photo Stream 1.1
┏━━━━┓PhotoStream is a digital photo frame application.┗━━━━┛Shows photos on Flickr, Facebook, Picasa and Camera roll.No need for complicated operation or setting.Starts with photos of albums on SNS as soon as you login.*** Version 1.1 is now available ***● Download photos speed improves.● Selection of the photos gets more simple.● Some fatal troubles are fixed.You can also see photos open to public by searching withtag.Shows up beautiful nature or laughing partypicturebyphotographers on the Flickr or Picasa around theworld.What PhotoStream can do════════════════════════════════════════✔Show photos on the album uploaded to SNS services.✔Supports Flickr, Facebook, Picasa✔Search for photos by many of photographers around the world.✔Shows photos in Gallery.✔Disablea black out feature while displaying.✔Displays clock and calendar✔Supports 16 countries holiday✔Forward to next and previous photo by flicking.✔Supports screen rotation.✔Share photos displayed with your friends.✔Send photos displayed to Evernote.✔Show detailed information about photoWhat PhotoStream can't do════════════════════════════════════════✘Can't do complicated and special transition.✘Can't choice photos to show one by one.✘Can't display multi photos same time.Example usage of PhotoStream════════════════════════════════════════●You can collect excellent sunset photos.●Shows baby's photos while charging.●You can see beautiful landscape around the world sittingonthechair at home.●Shows family's picture on the tablet■Usage✱Tap to show menu at bottom of the screen.✱Flick to switch to next or previous photos.✱Send photo to other applications from Share menu.✱Show detailed information about photo from Detail menu.✱Select photos from Photo menu.✱Search photos with tag from SNS services.✱Show photos from SNS albums.✱Set options from Setting menu.■Required systemAndroid OS version1.6/2.1/2.2/2.3/3.0/3.1/3.2■SupportMail: [email protected]:
OurCam - Get your photos back 1.23.1
OurCam is the camera app for socialevents.Create a special album for parties, trips, birthdays,weddings,concerts, sports and tech events. Photos you take orupload areinstantly organized and shared on OurCam. Collect momentsfrom theperspective of all your friends. Comment right on thephotos.Relive your moments anytime. No more nagging for photos.HOW IT WORKS:1. Create an album - Start by creating a private album withyourphone contacts.2. Shoot. It’s shared! - As you shoot, photos are instantly senttothe group.3. Or add photos - Easily add large number of pictures, selectbydate.4. Chat - Chat with them about what you shared.FEATURES:• iCloud Photo Stream replacement app on Android• Create albums with your friends and instantly invite them usingQRcode, Whatsapp or SMS.• Photos taken with OurCam are instantly shared with theselectedgroup, automagically!• Organize photos by people you shared with.• Share photos privately and securely within the album.• Get notifications when your friends snap new photos foryou.• Be the first to comment on your own photo to add caption!• Chat with your friends about the photos shared.• Like photos by tapping the heart icon.• Add photos that have been taken previously oroutsideOurCam.• Share photos across multiple OS and social platforms.• Front-facing flashlight for clearer high quality selfies.GREAT FOR• Friends:Emma, 18 years old, San Francisco“I went to a party with my friends Anthony and Ethan. To makesureno one misses any group photos, we created a group on Our Cam.Thephotos show up instantly on our phones, and now we don’t needtochase for group photos anymore!”• Families:John, 28 years old, London“I am often on biz trips and I want to be in touch with myfamily.With my wife, we created our private group on Our Cam whereI canshare pictures with my kids and get to know what they are upto. Ioften reply them by sending pictures showing instantly where Iam.I am in touch with the ones I love seeing photos about whattheydo, and the app helps my kids discover the world as if theywerewith me.”• Coworkers:Mark, 43 years old, Singapore“As a mobile app developer, sharing images with groups on Our Camiseasy, fast and instant for me. I just need to tick thescreenshots Iwant to share and tap send. My coworkers would getthem instantlyand comment on any individual image for discussions.Unlike otherchat apps, I can get comments on specific images sothe wholeprocess is much more efficient now!”• Shoppers:Sarah, 22 years old, Los Angeles“I love shopping and often I am not sure which dress I shouldbuy.So I’d use OurCam to take selfies of me and my items in frontof amirror and usually I’d get at least a friend replying within3mins! I love Our Cam!”LIKE/FOLLOW US ON:• Google+ -• Twitter -• Pinterest -• Tumblr -• Linkedin -• Website: