Top 33 Apps Similar to OkMenu - QR Ordering Menu

Price List & Menu Maker for Ca 4.10
Make Your Own Menu - Easy & Free
Didan pos - Restaurant pos order 2.223
Menu • Customizable features • You can specify the kitchen •Youcandefine ready order descriptions • You can set parametersfortheorder entry stage • You can set a barcode • Youcandefineservice(%). Tips, delivery fees, etc. purposes you can use•Youcan easily change the prices of all menu items. You can use +or-price or + or - percentage for this • Can create menuitemsbyimporting them with CSV(Excel) file Customers • Youcancreatecustomers from your contacts. Or you can transfer itfromyourcustomers to your contacts • You can create yourcustomersbyimporting them with a CSV (Excel) file • Includesshortcuts suchasCall, SMS, Whatsapp Order • It can create ordersfor thetableand/or customer • When creating an order for the table,itispossible to rename the table or select a customer •Thedate/timewhen it should be ready. Number of people. Custom taxratefor theorder. And you can add order note • You can quicklyaccesstheproducts by touching the categories • If you have set aBarcodeforthe product, you can add it by scanning the device'scamera •Bytapping the search icon. It is possible to search byproductname,price or barcode number • You can useready-madeorderdescriptions. • You can split order lines • You canapplyadiscount on the line and the total with numbers orpercentages•You can change the table. By dividing the order, youcantransfersome of it to another table. You can combine ordersfromtwo tables• It is possible to make partial payment by selectingtheorderlines. • You can use more than one payment type for theorder• Youcan create many payment types such as cash, credit card.• Youcanuse tax included price or tax exclusive price • You cancanceltheorder. When canceling, you can enter "reason forcancellation"ifyou want • You can take back canceled orders • Youcan createanorder for the customer (without Table, Bundle order) •Youcanconvert a table order to a customer order • You canspecifyadelivery person (courier) for the customer order • Youcansharethe order with your customers via whatsapp, sms, email •Youcansell fast Printing • You can use a Bluetooth, WifiorNetwork(Lan)printer to print from Android devices • You canprintfrom a PCusing the web application • You can customize thefieldsto beprinted for the order by selecting them • You can uploadyourlogoand print it together with the order • If your printersupportsit,you can use features such as auto cut, ring or open thecashdrawerUsers and authorization • You can use your Gmail accountoremailand password • You can create users for each androiddevicethatyou will use the application • You can makeverydetailedauthorization for users • You can stop your employeesfromtakingaction at any time with a single touch • Withthetransactionhistory, you can see all the transactions made ontheorders indetail Kitchens and bar • Audible alert • Status oftheorder.Preparing, Ready etc. • Customizable options • It ispossibletoprint orders automatically Inventory • You can make stockentryandexit transactions of your products. • You can seeyourremainingproducts • You can set alert amounts Expenses •Manageyourexpenses with customizable expense types • Youcanoptionallyspecify suppliers and taxes Reports • Contains alargenumber ofreports • You can filter the reports according tomanycriteria;Date range, Customer, Payment type, product,category,etc. • Manyreports have chart Supported languages Català ,čeština, Dansk,Deutsche , English , Español , Français , Indonesia,Italiano ,Melayu , Nederlands , Norsk , Polskie , Português,Svenska ,Hrvatski , Tiếng Việt , Magyar , Shqiptar , Latvian,Lietuvis ,Türkçe , Ελληνικά , ພາສາລາວ , Македонски , български,русский ,Српски , Українська , עברית , العربية , हिंदी , 日本人 ,한국어, ไทย ,中文
Waiter POS Restaurant POS Bar
Waiterio Restaurant POS is the fastest waytohandle restaurants' orders.Waiterio makes the life of waiters and cooks easier.Ordersof customers can be taken in seconds. The kitchen receivetheorders as soon as the waiters take them. The app is recommendedforany waiter and cook who doesn't want to fumble around with penandpaper.Waiterio is an affordable and easy-to-use Point ofSale(POS). It's perfect for every restaurant, bar, coffeeshop,pub, pizzeria, Deli, Bistro and other business in thefoodindustry.Waiterio is the most user friendly restaurant POS forAndroiddevices. The app doesn't require any initial long setup.Spendless time configuring the POS and more time making yourrestaurantand menu charming."Very cool. The app works splendidly, really saves you thehassleof writing everything"waiter from Franco's Little Italy restaurant► TAKE ORDERS FASTERA couple of taps and there you go, the customer's order wastakenand sent to the kitchen.► CREATE THE BEST MENUCustomize your menu with categories and extra toppings and shareitwith all the rest of the staff.► INVITE YOUR FELLOW CO-WORKERSInvite your colleagues to use Waiterio so orders and menuareautomatically shared.► RECEIVE PAYMENTSWaiterio is a fully functional POS system. Calculate the totalforan order and receive the payments by cash or credit card.► PRINT THE ORDER AND YOU ARE DONEWaiterio can print orders in the kitchen and invoicesforcustomers.► REPORTS TO REACH PERFECTIONCheck the revenues of the day/week/month. Discover which dishesaredoing great and which ones should be removed from themenu.► TABLET AT TABLEYou can leave a tablet at a customer's table. The customers willbeable to read the menu and order their food directly fromthetablet.MORE FEATURES:- note for item- extra topping for item- courses- split bill- service charge- tax- print daily report-export report to .csv- login with PIN- print using thermal printersWORKS AS:- Restaurant POS System- Restaurant Point of Sale Free- Restaurant Software- Ordering system- Table management system- POS Bar- Point of Sale Bar- Coffee shop POS- Coffee shop Point of Sale- Cafe Point of Sale'- pub POS- Bistro POSWaiterio works with all thermal printers that support the ESCPOSprotocol.Waiterio is also available for iOS: is also available for PC and Mac:Visit to download the installer foryourOS.Contact us at any [email protected] Waiterio on Facebook
Restaurant & Food Shop - KDS 1.23
Kitchen Display Service for Restaurant & café to Manage&Speed up Service order
r_keeper MobileWaiter 3.5.135
r_keeper MobileWaiter – приложениедляофициантов,современная замена бумажным блокнотам,позволяющеепринимать заказыоперативно и учитывать пожелания гостя.Значительносокращает времяна прием заказа, увеличивая приростоборотаресторана более чем на10% в пиковые часы. Терминал работаетчерезWiFi и идеальноподходит для летних площадок ресторанов илизалов,гденерационально устанавливать стационарный терминал.Какэтоработает? Приложение «Мобильный официант» работаетпопринципу«пейджинга», тем самым позволяя гостю вызывать официантаспомощьюкнопки, расположенной на столе, а также используетсядляпередачикоротких сообщений официанту от другихсотрудниковресторана.Существует также расширенная версияприложенияr_keeperMobileWaiter с дополнительными функциямидляменеджераресторана: изменение количества гостей за столом,закрытиепустогозаказа, удаление блюда из сохраненного заказа илиегоперенос вдругой заказ и др. Решение «Мобильный менеджер»позволяетизбежатьнепродуктивных потерь времени, например, какудаления,переносы,которые случаются ежедневно и требуют вызоваменеджеракстационарной станции для проведения той илиинойоперации.Преимущества r_keeper MobileWaiter: >увеличиваетскоростьобслуживания и оборачиваемость столов  >уофицианта всегдаактуальное меню с учетом стоп-листов >заказсразу поступает накухню  > удобство при расчете -официантможет рассчитатьзаказ со своего устройства  >возможностьработы с картамипостоянных гостей при подключенииспециальногомодуля >возможность считывания QR-кодов > работадаже принизком сигналеWi-Fi > использование комментариев взаказе, атакже добавленияблюда на компанию > настройка цветовойсхемыприложения >модуль доступен для использования наустройствах сОС iOS и AndroidКроме того, при запуске на smartPOSтерминалах(PayMob или aQsi)r_keeper MobileWaiter превращаетсявмобильную кассу.Мобильная касса – гибкое функциональноерешение,позволяющееосуществлять расчет не только в кафе, но такжевнестационарныхточках продаж, таких как: службы доставки,летниеверанды,фестивали, мобильные точки продаж в парках, фудтракии вТЦ. Эторасширение позволяет вести бизнес процессы такжеотлаженноиполноценно и не зависеть от локации, темсамыммасштабируявозможности и увеличивать выручку. Для того,чтобыначатьиспользовать данное приложение в качестверасширенияфункционала иобъема продаж, необходимо приобрестиспециальноеустройство, накоторое будет установлено решение, т.к.«Мобильнаякасса» нефункционирует на обычном телефоне. В системеr_keeperвозможнаработа с мобильными терминалами официанта,реализованнымина разныхтипах устройств с ОС Android 5 и выше с5-дюймовымдисплеем илиболее и разрешениями: 1270*720, 1920*1080.Приложениеработает наустройствах на архитектуре ARM
Mesereando - Restaurant TPV 486.0
Manage your restaurant or gastronomic business from the palm ofyourhand.
Restaurant Point of Sale | Cash Register - W&O POS 11.12.10
W&O POS - Restaurant Point of Sale is a phone/tablet POSbuiltfor restaurant to allow you easily use pos system.W&ORestaurant POS - Point of Sale is perfect for diningrestaurant,quick service restaurant, bar/nightclub, pizzeria andcoffee shops,food trucks and food events. No monthly or annualfees. No needInternet connection. Key Features ★ Support dinner in,takeout, taband delivery ordering ★ Print receipt, kitchen, bar,order, report★ Various discount, gratuity, surcharge and tax ★Flexiblepermissions ★ Sales reports ★ Table reservations ★ Pay in& payout ★ Expense management ★ Customer membership ★Inventorymanagement ★ Kitchen display ★ Delivery management How tosetupprinters Printer setupguide: Supportfollowingprinters: 1. W&O POS Printer Adapter (Support all kindofprinters) Download PC-PrinterAdapter 2.Wi-Fi/Lan orUSB (Support most thermal printers with ESC/POSCommand) Bestsupport printer:TSP143LAN( printer (Support specific printers with ESC/POSCommand)Best support printer: StarSM-L200( supports FireTablets about thehardware How to use withW&OKitchen DisplaySystem full version Tosupportmultiple phones/tablets taking order at same time, you willneedserver version, you can download the trial version fromourwebsite. To get userguide To report bugsorrequest features P.S.If you like theapp,we will love it if you could give us a good rating. It reallydoeshelp on our mission to making small business Point of Sale asfastand hassle-free as possible. Thank you for choosing our W&OPOSsystem!
QESS pro 3.6.1
This is a SPREADSHEET app focusing on effective entry byeditablekeypads.
TapPOS Inventry Sales manager 5.3.4
TapPOS is multifunctional POS (Point of Sales)application.Thisall-in-one package ofPOSregister/InventoryManagement/Statistics/Accounting/Bookkeepingappwill help tomanage your business efficiently and stylishly.-Goods/InventoryManagement - Goods register/search -Goodsmanagement by barcode -Stock number management -Inventory/Goodslist - POS - Paymentregister - Barcode scan onpurchase - Discount(percent or value) -Receipt printing (needbluetooth printer) -Receipt via Email -Payment method selection -Gift Voucher - Creditcard readerintegration - Statistics -Visualized sales data withgraph -Accounting/Book Keeping - Salespreview (Sum or by paymenttype) -Expense management - Expense list- Profit review - Setting- Taxrate - Tax include/exclude - Paymentmethods to offer forcustomer- Data backup/restore - Display dateformat - Displaylanguage(English/German/Japanese/Korean) - Passwordprotection forstatsand accounting - Receipt printer connection -Receipt template
W&O Restaurant POS Pro 12.10.2
Over 500k users, easy to use, save time and money, no monthlyfee,must try.
Store inventory management app
Inventory management, store control, sales orders. POSconnectionand control
MbCashStore fixed when purchase two position add error
Application for accounting for retail sales and control ofbalances.
DairyComp GO - Dairy Management Software 1.0.13
With DairyComp GO you can manage, track and perform allthetasksrelated to the production, reproduction and health ofanimalsontime; keeping all the information in one place.Trackingthereproductive states of the cows and the milk productionwillbemuch simpler and more intuitive, which will allow youtooptimizetimes and project farm production. DairyComp GO willhelpyou inthe analysis of data and the generation of reports so youcanmakedecisions based on historical information on theperformanceofyour animals. All these developed with the support andknowledgeofVAS, a company with more than 35 years of experienceinthedevelopment and monitoring of implementing bestpracticesforcattle management using software for family farms.DairyComp GOiscurrently available on the following languages: -English -Spanish- Portuguese - Swahili - Tamil (Sri Lanka) -Sinhalese
Cashier/POS IREAP PRO 3.19
POS (Point of Sales) Cashier and Inventory Application forMultipleBranches
MCOOK: Restaurant Management 2.0.33
Tibicle LLP
MCOOK Restaurant Management App is the fastest way tohandlerestaurants orders.
Stock and Inventory Online 1.0.12r4
Chester SW
Multi-user app for stock management and tracking salesandpurchases.Especially useful for small retailers or warehousesbutalso suitablefor wholesale business. You can controlmultiplestores and multipleemployees in a single application. Ouruniquetechnology allowsworking online or offline and syncing datawhen aconnection becomesavailable. Key features and capabilities:-Register Sales, Purchasesand Transfers between stores; -Defineaccess rights for your Users;- Import/Export data throughExcelfiles; - Track general Expenses:rent, salary, and others;-Minimum Stock Level alerts and Reorderreport; - Multipleimagesper item; - Use Barcodes - scan with yourCamera orexternalscanner; - Print to PDF: invoices, sales receipts,pricelists,catalogs, etc. There are more features to makeyourstockmanagement convenient and easy. Use the “QuestionorSuggestion”menu item in the application to send us a messageorsimply sendan e-mail to [email protected] if youneedany help.
LoMag Barcode Scanner 2 Excel stock inventory data 0.0.154
A completely free barcode scanner enabling you to save datatoExcelXLS, XLSX, CSV, JSON, XML. You can change your phone intoadatacollector without any limitations to the amount ofcollectedcodes,completely free of charge. An applicationusefulforinventory-making and other logistic processes at thewarehouse.Theoutput file may be quickly sent via e-mail or saved toSD card/Onedrive / Dropbox / Google drive or other cloud storageAppalsoenable to browse / edit / delete data. You can createandmanagemany files with data, continue to edit them later. Allfilescan bebackup or restore into 1 file, moved to otherphone.Manyconfiguration options: - blocking duplicate codes - sumupnumberof the same codes - automatic scanning of subsequentcodes-scaling photos in an Excel file The barcode readersupportsthefollowing code formats: - codes on products: EAN-13,EAN-8,ISBN,UPC-A, UPC-E - industrial codes: Codabar, Code 128, Code93,Code39, ITF, RSS - 2D codes: QR Code, Data Matrix Themostimportantfunctions of the application: - Continuous scanningofsuccessivebarcodes with quantity 1 - Barcode scanning and inputofquantityfrom keybord - Barcode scanning and input of quantityandprice -Scanning of barcode and serial number Support of manydatasets,which may be named and browsed. Data sets may be savedinMicrosoftExcel format compatible with version 97 and newer. Theappallowsyou to send files via e-mail or save them on an SDcard.There isalso a possibility of continuing the scanning intheselected dataset. The Excel files created by LoMag barcodescannerare fullycompatible with LoMag Inventory Management. Basingon thefiles,you can create the following documents in LoMag: -GRN(GoodsReceived Note), e.g. delivery of a given item tothewarehouse; -GIN (Goods Issued Note), e.g. sale of an item; -GRNcorrection(Return to supplier), e.g. return of a faulty batchofitems; - GINcorrection (Return from customer), e.g. return fromacustomer as aresult of a claim; - Stock level correction note,e.g.loss of itemat the warehouse; - Interbranch Transfer e.g.transferof a part ofa given stock to another building: - Discountdocument(Change inthe item’s value), e.g. a decrease in pricesresulting ina drop inthe value of a given item; - Internal GRN(Internal GoodsReceivedNote), e.g. reception of an item of ownproduction; -Internal GIN,e.g. issuance of a given item to anemployee; -Inventory sheet,which forms a basis for inventory-making-Inventory of the wholewarehouse - Opening Balance, i.e. theinitialstock level upon thecommencement of operations with theprogram.Please note: Toperform the scan, your device needs to beequippedwith a camerawith autofocusfunction.Privacy: Thebarcodescanner used in the app operates onZXinglibrary.
Mobile Inventory 4.6.5 - Breithorn - pr
*Recommended for Small and Medium-sized businesses Somefreefeatures available: - Stock management - Take stock - Takestockfrom Stock management - Locations management - Import in batchoradd items one by one - Barcode / QR code scanner & Searchtoquickly identify items - Filter items by category / counted /tags/ custom fields / locations - Built-in calculator - Userdefinedtags - Operations history - Custom fields - Change productslistdisplay - Switch Barcodes / QR codes between inventoriesPremiumfeatures: - Export data to .xls / .xlsx file - NFC support-External barcode scanner support - Backup & Restore dataMobileInventory is an easy to use application that helps you tomanageyour inventory and do from time to time "take stock"operations.Why Mobile Inventory? Because it's simple, intuitive anddoes itsjob! STOCK MANAGEMENT: 1) Populate your products list It'syourdecision how to do it: add products one by one, import fromanexcel / csv list or get the products from another inventory.2)Manage stock entries Beside products, inventory managementneedsentries to be added. In a very quick manner you can addinputs,outputs and movements between locations 3) Manage inventorybylocations Your inventory could have one or more locationstomanage. That why Mobile Inventory allows you to definelocations,manage transactions and extract reports by location. 4)Get realtime stocks and navigate easily through transactions Realtimeentries mean real time stocks ... Analyze the entries byusingfriendly tools: filters, sort, quick search, etc. 5)Exportinventory - stocks and entries Transfer your work to an excelfile(locally, on drive, shared via email, etc.) TAKE STOCK 1)Getproducts from Predefined lists / Stock management or Addproductsmanually Populate products list by choosing from thealternatives:importing from a predefined Excel (.xls, .xlsx, .csv)product list,taking over from Stock management at a certain date,addingproducts manually one by one. 2) Count items Addcollectedquantities by using: barcode scan, quick search, categoryfilter,calculator, tags, counting history, batching factor. 3)Exportcounting results (excel file) Capitalize your work andexportinventory list in a .xls /.xlsx format file. The exportedlist isespecially designed for following matching processes and canbesaved locally, on drive, shared via email, etc. Fordetailedinformation visit http://mobileinventory.netand . If you have additionalquestionsabout the application, improvement suggestions or feedbackpleasecontact our support team at [email protected]
Register of Customers, Orders, Services Budgets 7.12.55
Download now completely FREE and have the bestapplicationtoregister and control customers, products, stock,orders,serviceorders, sales, budgets, purchases and schedules. -OrderofService; - Order Control; - Sales order; - Purchaseorder;-Product Inventory Control; - Schedule Control; - Completebudget;-Full Registration of Clients with photo; - CompleteRegisterofSuppliers, Transporters, Business Partners andCompetitors;-Product Registration with photo; - ServiceRegistration;-Registration of bank accounts; - Register of chart ofaccounts;-Bills to receive; - Bills to pay; - Transfer betweenaccounts;-Financial movement; - Reports, Charts and Spreadsheets;-Birthdaysof the month; - Generation of work orders in PDF tosharewith thecustomer; - Generation of PDF orders to share withtheclient; -Favorite records; - Route tool (visit your customerwithjust onetouch); - Import tool for cell phone contacts; -Telephonecallsdirectly from the customer register; - Directmessages fromthecustomer registration to: WhatsApp, Telegram andE-mail; -Exportof registered data to Excel file; - Company logo;-Socialnetworks: Instagram, Facebook and Twitter; - Backupanddatarestoration; - Modern and easy to use application; Whoiseligibleto use: Self-employed, Self-employed,Entrepreneurs,Beautyconsultants, Retail in general, Distributors,Cosmeticscompanies,Mechanics, Manicurists, Hairdressers,Painters,Electricians,Plumbers, Lawyers, Engineers, Accountants,Teachers,Sellers,Barber shop, Small shops, Service providers ingeneral andmanymore. Premium Version Features: No advertising ads,nointernet, nomonthly fees, unlimited technical support,freeupdates, customreports, graphs and spreadsheets. Whenever youneedus, we areavailable through the e-mails below:Technicalsupport:[email protected]:[email protected]
Stock and Inventory Simple 2.1.12r1
Chester SW
If you need to keep track of your stock of any kind of items -thisapplication can help you to do it. It can be used as astockmanagement tool or inventory tracker at home or in awarehouse. Asmall shop can use it for sales and purchasesmanagement. Even bigcompanies use it mostly as a data collectionterminal to exchangewith back-office through Excel files import andexport. Keyfeatures: - Easy data input (either manually orimporting fromExcel files); - Add pictures to visualize items, takephotos or addimages; - Organize your products in folders (groups)with unlimitedhierarchy; - Scan barcodes to speed up your work(either withsmartphone's camera or external scanner); - RegisterSales andPurchases; - Track Customers and Suppliers; - TrackMultipleStores; - Set Minimum Stock Level and receive notificationswhenquantity drops below the minimum, reorder in time; - Print toPDFwith our sample templates or create your own to printcatalogs,price-lists, sales receipts, invoices, etc. - Run Reportsandcalculate profits, margin, and markup; - Track daily sales,salesby items or customers; - Export and Import to/from Excelfiles; -Use Google Drive for data exchange and backups; We makeinventorymanagement simple and we are always ready to help. Use“Question orSuggestion” menu item in the application to send us amessage orsimply send e-mail to [email protected]
Store Manager: sales record & inventory management 1.17.1
Are you looking for FREE sales, stock, and inventorymanagementappsfor small businesses? The store manager serves thepurpose ofordermanagement or sales tracker as well as stockmanagement. Youcancreate lists of products, orders, customers, andinvoices forfree.Additionally, a barcode scanner and low stockreminder willelevateyour experience one step ahead. The storemanager appprovides youthe convenient and compact solutions tomanage storeseffectivelywhich will save time and generates growthin business.Manage orderswith minimum effort while maximizingproductivity.Features: *Create unlimited orders, stocks, customers,andinvoices. * Managestocks and orders using a barcode scanner.*Manage multilevelcategorical products in stocks. * Nointernetconnection required. *Convenient customization settings.*Reminder for low stocks. *Import and export app data(settings,database, images). * Reviewdaily, weekly, monthly, oryearlyorders. * Pin Lock feature toprotect data. * Multiplecurrencysupport. * Customizable decimalformat for fractional part(0 to5). * Sales report generation. *And many more excitingfeaturesyou will discover on the go.In-depth Details: StockManagement:You can manage stocks inisolation or combined withordermanagement. Product listing iscustomizable from stocksettingswhere you can choose which item(images, description, buyingprice,selling price, etc.) should bevisible in the list item. Ifthemultilevel category is enabled fromsettings, then thecategoricallisting will be visible. You can setthe low stock limitandreminder for items that reach the limitaccording toyourpreference from stock settings. Furthermore, youcan createandsearch an item using the barcode scanner.Finally,producttransactions can be done from a different screen toadd orsubtracta specific quantity (whole number orfractional).CustomerManagement: You can create customers byproviding detailsor importcustomers from the contact list. Customeris displayedaccording totheir payment status (All, Paid or Due) andbookmarkedcustomer inthe marked screen. The number of totals, due,and paidorders aredisplayed in the listing. All of the ordersassociatedwith thespecific customer can be viewed and customizedfrom thecustomerscreen. The visibility of specific items on thelist can bechangedfrom customer settings. Order Management: You canmanageorderswith less effort by providing only your requiredinformation.Taxand discount can be used in multiple variations. Theproduct canbeimported in the order from stock by navigating throughthestocklist or using a barcode scanner. However, you cannotaddthequantity of a specific product greater than theavailablequantityin stock. On the other hand, a new product can becreatedonly forthis order without thinking of stock. Order listingisbased onall, due, paid, and marked. The default listing is basedona dailybasis; however, you can change this to weekly, monthly,andyearlyfrom order settings. When you delete an order or an itemintheorder, you will be asked to undo the changes of quantityinstock(If the item is imported from stock). You can savethissettingfrom order settings. Invoice Management: Invoice fromaspecificorder can be created from the order screen in thestoremanager.You can print, share, or save invoices according toyourneed. Thebusiness and payment information can be provided inglobalsettingsto make an impact on invoice generation. We areworkingvery hardto improve the features of the store manager thatmeet theneeds ofusers. Please let us know regarding anysuggestions,queries, orproblems you face while using the storemanager app. Oursupportteam is available to assist you. Do notforget to rate us ifyouenjoy this app.
Order Manager - PocketSell 1.18.3
Collect and Manage your customers orders quickly and on the go!
LoMag Barcode Scanner to Excel 1.41
A completely free barcode scanner enablingyouto save data to Excel. You can change your phone into adatacollector without any limitations to the amount of collectedcodes,completely free of charge. An application usefulforinventory-making and other logistic processes at the warehouse.Theoutput file may be quickly sent via e-mail.The barcode reader supports the following code formats:- codes on products: EAN-13, EAN-8, ISBN, UPC-A, UPC-E- industrial codes: Codabar, Code 128, Code 93, Code 39,ITF,RSS- 2D codes: QR Code, Data MatrixThe most important functions of the application:- Continuous scanning of successive barcodes with quantity 1- Barcode scanning and input of quantity from keybord- Barcode scanning and input of quantity and price- Scanning of barcode and serial numberSupport of many data sets, which may be named and browsed. Datasetsmay be saved in Microsoft Excel format compatible with version97and newer. The app allows you to send files via e-mail or savethemon an SD card.There is also a possibility of continuing the scanning intheselected data set.The Excel files created by LoMag barcode scanner arefullycompatible with LoMag Inventory Management.Basing on the files, you can create the following documentsinLoMag:- GRN (Goods Received Note), e.g. delivery of a given item tothewarehouse;- GIN (Goods Issued Note), e.g. sale of an item;- GRN correction (Return to supplier), e.g. return of a faultybatchof items;- GIN correction (Return from customer), e.g. return from acustomeras a result of a claim;- Stock level correction note, e.g. loss of item atthewarehouse;- Interbranch Transfer e.g. transfer of a part of a given stocktoanother building:- Discount document (Change in the item’s value), e.g. a decreaseinprices resulting in a drop in the value of a given item;- Internal GRN (Internal Goods Received Note), e.g. reception ofanitem of own production;- Internal GIN, e.g. issuance of a given item to an employee;- Inventory sheet, which forms a basis for inventory-making- Inventory of the whole warehouse- Opening Balance, i.e. the initial stock level uponthecommencement of operations with the program.Please note:To perform the scan, your device needs to be equipped with acamerawith autofocus function.Privacy: barcode scanner used in the app operates on ZXinglibrary.
Mobile for Jira 3.22.0
A Jira mobile solution for your enterprise supporting 3rd-partyappintegration
Zoho WorkDrive 2.99.8
English (United States) – en-US Zoho WorkDrive is afilesync,storage and content collaboration platform for modernteamsandbusinesses. Zoho WorkDrive lets you organize andmanageyourorganization/team files seamlessly. Files are organizedandstoredin dedicated Team Folders. Each Team Folder is createdbasedonproject, task, team, or department. Only permitted memberswillbeable to read, write, or comment on the files. And allthemembersof a Team Folder will be notified of changes to any ofthefiles inthat folder. A file in a team folder becomes visibletoeveryoneonly when it is marked as complete. Here’s what you candowith theWork Drive app: Create Team Folders Team Foldersareprivateworkspaces which are used for specific projects or tasksorbydedicated teams or departments. Add members to TeamFoldersStartcollaborating by adding coworkers to Team Folders. Youcanchooseto provide read, comment or write access.Setsub-folderpermissions You can choose which team member canaccesswhichsub-folder within a Team Folder. You can also choosetogranthigher permission to specific team member within a TeamFolderifrequired. Create Public Team Folders Anyone in theorganizationcandiscover and join public folders. Contextualandglobalnotifications Team members will receive notificationseverytime afile/folder is shared then, when they're @mentionedorinvited to ateam folder, and also about public team foldersthatare relevantto them. Contextual notifications indicate changesmadewithin ateam folder. Share externally You can share fileswiththose whoare outside of the organization aswell.Generatepassword-protected links and set expiry dates forsharingfilesexternally. If you have any questions or comments,pleasewrite [email protected]. We'll be happy to help.
MobiDB Database - relational d
Relational database app with cloud sync. Manage work,business,hobby
Table Notes - Mobile Excel 320
Manage Office Database with Excel Spreadsheets on Phone
MarketMan For Restaurant 9.1
Restaurant supply and inventory management. Marketmanoffersanyrestaurant or chain a full cloud based supplyandinventorymanagement suite. - Manage all your suppliers usingasingle, easyto use, app. - Track inventory usage. -Supervisevendors' pricingand bills. - Keep track of every supplyorderingand spending inyour business. - Count your inventory usinga mobileapp. Contactus for a free trial account.
Customer Appointments 3 1.8.92
GIMIN Studio
Business calendar for managing appointments of visits,meetingsandclients booking for offices, clubs, spa, and otherservices.Theclear presentation of terms prepared for small andlargetouchscreens. Grouping customers and management of groupbookings.Mainfeatures: - employee assignement, - employee schedule,-employeeabsence management, - no in-app purchases andnotime-limitedfunctions, - secure ! All data only in the device (nodata in theinternet/cloud ) - the ability to work offline(withoutan internetconnection) - add, delete, move, or edit termsagreedwith thecustomer, - different term search modes, - taking aphotowithdescription, - customer management: contactdata,groups,descriptions and notes, - presentation of differentcustomergroupsby colors, - send messages directly from theapplication, -callingcustomers directly from an application, -create a copy ofthe datato a file (backup), - week view and monthview -convenientoperation on the phone as well as tablet, -supportshorizontal andvertical screen orientation, - synchronizedatabetween Phone andtablet via Bluetooth. - quick ( single click )SMSmesssaginig tomany customers selected by group or by eventsdate. -instantnotification SMS on event set/cancel ( withconfigurabletext ) -event reminder. - SMS reminders (freeoption)©GIMIN Studio.
Purchase Order Generator -Zoho 4.0.1
Create professional purchase orders and share them withyoursuppliers.