Top 8 Apps Similar to Octavesonline

SWIFTSCALES - Vocal Trainer 2.5.0
Learn to sing, warm up, and train your voice with your ownvirtualvocal coach.
THROGA: 7 DIMENSIONS OF SINGING If you can talk, you can sing!Webelieve in celebrating the vocal qualities that makes usallunique, while working hard to improve our skills to achieveahealthy, strong and well-balanced instrument. This philosophyhasled THROGA (throat-yoga) to be one of the fastest growingvocaltraining methods in the world, with vocalists applyingitstechniques in over 100 countries around the globe. Whetheranaspiring singer, touring artist, public speaker, actor oreducator,THROGA can lead a vocalist to their full potential. Appfeaturesinclude: - THROGA TOOLS: Reference guide to the 7Dimensions ofSinging and THROGA Guidelines to maximize your vocalpractice time.- VIDEO LESSONS: The complete collection of THROGAThursday videos,full of vocal tips, lessons and exercises. -PRACTICE SCALES:Various piano patterns to vocalize with whenwarming-up andtraining your voice. - CERTIFIED TEACHERS: Directoryof currentteachers who are THROGA Certified and available forprivate lessonsboth online and in-person. - 7DS Book Exercises:Vocal exercisesreferenced in the upcoming book, THROGA (7Dimensions of Singing).- EVENTS: List of THROGA events, workshopsand product releases. -VOCAL SUPPORT: Get your vocal relatedquestions by our CertifiedTeachers and share with the THROGAcommunity.
Voice Training Pro Improved Smoothness
Become a better singer with voice training. Learn to singwithperfect pitch.
Singing Lessons 1.0.1
I'm glad to see you Here! I'm theItalianVocalCoach Mylena and this is my app!The app contains many suggestions and tips for everyone,beingasinger, a speaker or someone with voice problems.I will add more contents very soon, but if you haverequestosuggestions, you can contact will find all the privacy
Speech Trainer 1.04
Mixed Bit
Immediate feedback on the sound of your voice.
Raga Master 1.6
For those who are familiar withwesterninstruments like Guitar or Piano, getting to know the worldofCarnatic ragas and Hindustani ragas is now made easy. RagaMasterhelps you visualize playing patterns for Indian Classicalragas onthe Guitar fret board or on Keyboard instruments like PianoandHarmonium. With an exhaustive list of over 1000 ragas, RagaMasteris all you need to explore how any raga sounds, and alsofigure outhow it can be played on a guitar or piano.Learning ragas, made simple: Just select the raga youneedfrom the list, and you immediately get to see where each ofthenotes appear in the instrument of your choice.Automaticallygenerated playing patterns ensure that you can startplaying theraga right away, without worrying about how each raganote maps tothe western notation and this makes the app a perfectcompanion forthose experimenting with fusion or world music.All the Ragas you need : Get started with a list of35popular ragas for free, and then decide if you want topurchaseadditional ragas that include the fundamental ragas (the72melakartas & The 10 Thaats) and also the complete listofHindustani & Carnatic ragasSound playback : You can also playback the patternandhear how the raga notes sound. The app will play the displayedraganotes one by one following the vakra structure. (This is justaliteral playback and does not simulate the "feel" usinggamakas,pakads etc). Note: needs an in-app purchaseCompare ragas with western scales : The westernscalestool let you get a note-by-note comparison of any raga with12 ofthe standard western scales. This helps highlight the noteandinterval commonalities that allow you to try out fusionmusic.Note: needs an in-app purchaseDesigned for tablets: Raga Master works, no matterwhatkind of device you own.Learn more: For usage details, some video tutorialsetc,check out
Solte a Voz 16.0
O #solteavoz é um aplicativo feito paraajudarvocê a treinar o máximo do seu potencial vocal. DesenvolvidopelosVoice Coaches Fernando Zimmermann e Luiza Lobo, do FullVoiceStudios, o app tem recursos que farão você sentir queestácarregando os seus professores de canto no seu bolso e paratodosos lugares.No #solteavoz você encontrará módulos de:- Aquecimentos Vocais: Com rotinas e treinamentos prontosparaaquecer sua voz guiados por vídeos pelos Voice Coaches doFullVoice Studios;- Treinos Vocais: Com diversos áudios para você realizarosexercícios de sua preferência ou aqueles determinados peloseuVoice Coach. Você pode ainda utilizar exercícios sugeridosnosvídeos do canal Full Voice Studios no YouTube;- Grave Sua Performance: Tão importante quanto melhorar sua vozésaber mensurar a sua evolução. Por isso, no #solteavoz épossívelgravar todas as suas performances para análise e aindaavaliar asua evolução;- Conheça seu instrumento: Entenda como sua voz é formadaatravésde um infográfico sobre a produção da voz;- Teoria Musical: Aprenda conceitos básicos de teoriamusicalpara saber como entender melhor a sua atuação comocantor(a);- Entrevistas: Saiba mais sobre a Vida de Cantor e sobreoMercado Musical através de entrevistas com cantoresatuantes,músicos e produtores musicais.The #solteavoz isanapplication designed to help you train the most of yourvocalpotential. Developed by Voice Coaches Fernando Zimmermann andLuizaLobo, Full Voice Studios, the app has features that will makeyoufeel you are loading their singing teachers in your pocketandeverywhere.In #solteavoz you will find modules:- Warm Vocals: With routines and training ready to warm uphisvoice guided by videos by Voice Coaches Full Voice Studios;- Training Vocals: With several audio for you to performtheexercises of your own or those determined by your Voice Coach.Youcan also use the suggested exercises videos Full VoiceStudiosYouTube channel;- Record Your Performance: As important as improving yourvoiceis how to measure its progress. So in #solteavoz you canrecord allof your performances for analysis and further evaluateitsprogress;- Know your tool: Understand how your voice is formed throughaninfographic on voice production;- Music Theory: Learn basics of music theory for how tobetterunderstand your role as a singer (a);- Interviews: Learn more about Cantor's life and theMusicalMarket through interviews with active singers, musicians andmusicproducers.
Learn Carnatic 1.0
This is an app for learning Carnaticmusic.Itincorporates the key concepts of music (i.e. pitch andrhythm).Italso simulates a student-teacher interaction bygivingreal-timefeedback while learning. The app has 3 modules:Pitch,Rhythm andVoice training in beginner and advanced levels.The pitch training part trains the user for thetwelvebasicswaras in Carnatic music. There are twelve pitchrangesoffered,which can be practiced for varying time durationsasselected bythe user. While practicing, the user’s pitch isshowngraphicallyand the percentage accuracy is specified.The rhythm training part trains the user to tracktherhythm/beats per unit time at three different tempos.Onlinefeedback isprovided for the same to indicate if the beatisright.The voice training part trains the user for thedifferentlessonsin Carnatic music which includes the varsais,alankaramsand thegeethams. Each lesson can be practiced at 3differenttempos and 12pitch ranges. Online feedback is provided asthe useris practicingthese lessons.Currently the look and feel of the app is being workedoutindifferent phone models. If it is not working for yourphone,weregret for the inconvenience.