Top 12 Apps Similar to German children's songs

Mein Kinderradio 3.3.10
RADINO- the cheeky little dinosaur of my children now as RadioRadioAPP
Kinderlieder <Karaoke> 3.8
Singen macht Spaß! Diese karaoke-ähnliche App beinhaltetdieKinderlieder der Musikpiraten e.V und soll dazu animierendieseselbst zu singen. Man kann die Noten und Strophenansehen.Begleitet durch die abgespielte Melodie wird eskinderleicht dieLieder nachzusingen. Es ist möglich die Melodien ineinerEndlosschleife, oder einmalig abzuspielen. Folgende Liedersind inder App inbegriffen: - Alle meine Entchen - Alle Vögel sindschonda - Auf der Mauer auf der Lauer - Auf unsrer Wiese - BackebackeKuchen - Bruder Jakob E-Dur Akkorde - Das Wandern ist desMüllersLust - Der Kuckuck und der Esel - Der Mond ist aufgegangen -DieAffen rasen durch den Wald - Die Handwerker - Die Vogelhochzeit-Drei Chinesen mit dem Kontrabass - Ein Männlein steht im Walde -Esklappert die Mühle am rauschenden Bach - Es tanzteinBi-Ba-Butzemann - Es war eine Mutter - Froh zu sein bedarf eswenig- Fuchs, du hast die Gans gestohlen - Gedanken sind frei -Grünsind alle meine Kleider - Hoppe, hoppe Reiter - Hänschen klein-Hänsel und Gretel - Häschen in der Grube - Ich geh mitmeinerLaterne - Ihr Kinderleim kommet - Jack saß in der Küche -Jetztfahr'n wir über'n See - Kommt ein Vogel geflogen - Kuckuck,Kuckuckruft's aus dem Wald - Lasst uns froh und munter sein -Laterne,Laterne - Leise rieselt der Schnee - Lirum larumLöffelstiel -Mariechen saß auf einem Stein - Morgen, Kinder wird'swas geben - Odu lieber Augustin - O Tannenbaum - Sankt Martin,Sankt Martin -Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf - Schneeflöckchen,Weißröckchen - Still,still, still - Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht -Summ, summ, summ -Taler, Taler du musst wandern - Weißt du, wievielSternlein stehen- Wer hat die schönsten Schäfchen - Widele wedeleUpdate-History: -Version 1.1: berichtigt dieWiedergabegeschwindigkeit einigerLieder, In-App-Billing hinzugefügtals Vorbereitung auf In-AppZusatzdownloads - Version 1.2: 3Sekunden Wartezeit bis Liedbeginnt, Infodialog über VereinMusikpiraten, Schaltflächen fürStart/Stop u. Wiederholungen direktsichtbar, Vorbereitung aufzusätzliche Musiksammlungen, Speichernauf SD-Karte nun möglich -Version 1.3: Weihnachtslieder alsin-App-Kauf aktivierbar, Notenwerden sofort geladen, Musik nach 3Sekunden Wartezeit, DiverseBugfixes - Version 1.4: Bildschirmbleibt aktiv, Umstieg auf ThemeLight, Diverse Bugfixes - Version1.5: Löst diverse Probleme, diezu Programmabstürzen führen konnten- Version 1.6: Deutsche Umlautegerichtet - Version 1.7: grafischeVerbesserungen, Wahl derVorlaufzeit bis Lied beginnt, Info überMusiksammlung vor Kauf -Version 1.8: verbesserte Grafik beiLiederansicht, Umschaltenzwischen Noten und erster Strophe nur alsText - Version 1.9:Größere Schrift in der Liederliste - Version2.0: Diverse Bugfixes- Version 2.1: Neue Berechtigungenerforderlich, da Lieder nun alsMP3 heruntergeladen werden können(macht Internetzugang und Zugriffauf SD-Karte erforderlich),Verbesserungen am User Interface fürTablets - Version 2.2-2.4:Diverse Bugfixes, Gutschein-Feature fürnicht funktionierendein-App-Käufe, Download Absturz gefixt -Version 2.5-2.9: Bugfix beiin-App-Käufen auf älterenAndroid-Telefonen - Version 3.0: Bugfixfür in-App-Käufe beiAndroid ICS und Jelly Bean - Version 3.1:Integration derWeihnachtslieder als MP3 mit Gesang, Bildschirmschaltet beimAbspielen eines Liedes nicht mehr ab - Version 3.2:Integration derWeihnachtslieder als MP3 ohne Gesang, EinstimmigeLiedversion füralle Lieder - Version 3.3: Bugfix wegen Jingle Bells
Songs & music 2020 FREE
The best free songs and 2020 music selected for you.
Kids Sleep Songs Free
It's time for bed and you've run out ofideasfor soothing your kids and lulling them to bed? Try playing'KidsSleep Songs Free' on your mobile phone and you'll be surprisedtosee your children doze off in a few minutes! Best lullaby musicforyour "baby sleep"! Download this great combination ofrelaxingsounds for children and have a good night!Songs for kids on your mobile phone!Perfect sound to sleep to!Set time interval or let it sing constantly until your childrenfallasleep!These beautiful baby lullabies will help your child sleep likeanangel!'How do I get a baby to sleep' is a question that will never popinyour mind again!These beautiful melody songs are followed by cute wallpaperforbabies!You're having troubles putting your kindergarten children tobedevery night? You're fed up with listening to your toddlercryingevery night? Here's an effective solution for all parents!'KidsSleep Songs Free' is one of the best baby apps includingbeautifullullabies and soothing songs for little boys andgirls.A newborn's sleeping habit is very important so parents shoulddotheir best to secure their children's good night rest. Thesamegoes for adults as well. When we start sleeping, it helpstoenhance the immune system and stimulate the nervous system.Whenpeople dream, it helps to aid and enhance memory andlearning.Therapeutic music helps children fall asleep sooner andwithgreater peace of mind. Singing nursery rhymes with lyrics canalsoinduce sweet dreams for your little boys and girls.Incorporating this type of music in preschools has a positiveresulton the tempo of the environment. Lullaby songs that arerecognizedby children make them have an added enjoyment for music.Addingnature sounds to music makes the heart rate respond to aslower beatwhich in turn relaxes the body and mind. Kids need thistype oftempo to be calmed and relaxed. White noise can also be ofgreathelp in putting your babies to bed.Get 'Kids Sleep Songs Free' for your mobile phone and provideyourchildren with the best compilation of soothing music sounds.Rockyour baby and wish it a good night! Enjoy this great musicforsleeping any time!With this wonderful bedtime music for babies you will establishahealthy bedtime routine! Your little one will fallasleepimmediately, before you even say “it is time to go to bed”!Withthese amazing good night songs for babies your little angelwill bedreaming sweet dreams before you even say goodnightsleeptight!Legal info:=====This is a free application. Songs are originally designated tolulla child and they are believed to be in a public domain. If youarean author of a song or you are aware that copyright belongs toacommercial author, please report to us immediately.Thankyou!
Musica Infantil 1.1
Musica Infantil is a compilation of videoswiththe most educational and fun songs for your children.I promise you will love and keep your children entertained.
Adisebaba TV 7
ADİSEBABA ANİMASYON'un okul öncesiçocuklariçin geliştirdiği eğitici çizgi film çocuk şarkıları veklasikmasal videolarını bu uygulamada bulabilirsiniz.Uygulamaiçerisindeki şarkı ve videoları dinlemek-izlemek içinherhangi birücret ödemeniz gerekmiyor.SEVİMLİ DOSTLAR ile en popüler çocuk şarkılarının çizgi filmklipvideoları ve minik yavrularımız için hayatı kolaylaştırantemelalışkanlıkları öğreten ve pekiştiren eğitici çizgi filmliçocukşarkıları; İngilizce çocuk şarkıları; çocukların en sevdiğiklasikmasallar Rapunzel, Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız, KülkedisiSindirella,Bremen Mızıkacıları ve daha bir çok eğlenceli video, buuygulamaylaelinizin altında...Adisebaba'nın okul öncesi çocuklar için hazırladığı eğiticiveeğlenceli videolar son 1 yılda internet üzerinde100.000.000'danfazla izlendi. Tamamı Türkiye'de hazırlanan çizgifilm videolarTürkçe dışında İngilizce, Fransızca, Portekizce, Rusçave Arapçadillerine çevrildi. Uygulama ve içerisindeki tümvideolarınÜCRETSİZ olduğunu bir kere daha hatırlatarak tümyavrularımıza iyiseyirler diliyoruz :)Uygulama özellikleri:- Bu uygulama ile videoları mobil cihazınızdan HDkalitedeizleyin.- Gelen bildirimler sayesinde yeni videolardan anındahaberdarolun.- Video arama özelliğiyle uygulama içinde izlemekistediğinizvideoyu kolayca bulun.- Beğendiğiniz bir videoyu Facebook, Twitter veWhatsapp'taarkadaşlarınızla hemen paylaşın.ADİSEBAB developedforchildren in pre-school educational cartoon animatedchildren'ssongs and videos you can find classic tales in thisapplication. Towatch-listen to songs and videos in the applicationdoes not haveto pay any fee.CUTE FRIENDS cartoon video clips of the most popularchildren'ssongs and teaches basic habits that make life easier forour littlepup and extending the educational comic film ofchildren's songs;English children's songs; children's favoriteclassic fairy taleRapunzel, Red Riding Hood, Cinderella Cinderella,The Bremen TownMusicians and a lot more fun videos, with thisapplication at yourfingertips ...Adisebaba prepared educational preschool for childrenandentertaining videos were watched on the internet 100 millionoverthe last 1 year. All cartoon videos produced in Turkey otherthanTurkish, English, French, Portuguese, was translated intoRussianand Arabic. And in practice that all the videos we wish agood timerecalling once again that it is FREE to all our puppies:)Application features:- Watch videos in HD quality on your mobile device withthisapplication.- Thanks to incoming notifications will be notified of newvideosinstantly.- Easily find the video you want to watch the video callfeaturewithin the application.- A video you like Facebook, sharing with friends on TwitterandWhatsapp.
Pingu Videos for Kids 1.0
Pingu Videos for Kids contains 20 Pingu Episodes in highQuality.The app is really simple so that it can be used even bysmallchildren.Besides choosing to play individual episodes it is possibletoplay all videos randomly in an endless loop.
贝瓦儿歌家长版 2.0.0
儿歌家长版是在之前发布的儿歌单曲上进行进一步的开发,将儿歌打包发布,此版本包含了100首儿歌,有下载安装、网络播放、下载动画三种观看方式,支持动画的播放和暂停、顺序播放和乱序播放,支持查找功能。一、下载安装。下载安装是针对之前发布的儿歌单曲进行安装,安装之后就可以在“儿歌家长版”内进行本地播放,也可以通过桌面上的图标进行单曲播放(即以前发布的儿歌单曲版本,此种方式简单明了,方便的打开和关闭,没有繁琐的设置,小宝宝都可以操作,想听哪个点哪个,soeasy~~)。本地安装之后,一个图标对应一首儿歌,宝宝可以选择自己喜欢听的歌曲,通过桌面图标记忆歌曲大概内容,锻炼宝宝记忆力能力。二、网络播放。在有网络的环境可以用此项播放方式,本应用将从网络下载需要播放的歌曲进行播放,由于各地网络条件不同,播放之前会有一定的等待时间。三、下载动画。此种方式是最为完美的解决方案,用户可以选择下载自己喜欢的儿歌,保存到手机里,下载的儿歌不受网络影响可以无限制播放。下载速度快,普通家庭宽带几秒钟就能下载完成。Parents songspreviouslyreleased version of the songs in the singles on thefurtherdevelopment of the songs packaged and released, thisversionincludes 100 songs, downloading installation, networkplay,download, watch movies three kinds of ways to support theanimationplayback and pause , the order of play and shuffle play,supportssearch function.    First, download and install. Downloadsongsfor singles before the release of the installation,afterinstallation, you can "songs Parents Edition" within thelocalplayback can also be carried out via an icon on the desktopsingleplayer (ie, single version of the previously released songs,thisways simple, easy to open and close, no complicated settings,thebaby can operate, which point to hear what, so easy ~ ~).    Local installation, an icon correspondingtoa children's songs, the baby can choose to listen to theirfavoritesongs, memories through songs about the content of thedesktop icon,exercise baby memory capacity.    Second, the network broadcast. In anetworkenvironment, you can use this playback mode, the applicationfromthe network to download the songs you want to play to play, duetolocal network conditions are different, there will be somebeforeplaying the waiting time.    Third, download animation. This approachisthe most perfect solution, users can choose to downloadtheirfavorite songs, save to the phone, download songs fromnetworkeffects can be unlimited play. Download speed, averagehomebroadband a few seconds to download complete.
粤语儿歌MV 1.0
Karaoke - Popular Songs 3.1.1
Do you like to sing? Nothing better than Karaoke - Popular Songs!Itis a free app with which you can sing the most popular songsinkaraoke format! Live a karaoke party for all the ages withsongsthat will let it go your imagination. Enjoy a free popularsongskaraoke. You will try to get better and to show the voice tootherpeople! If you want to enjoy your time with friends orfamily,enjoy singing karaoke popular songs and let it go... is goodtosing! improve the voice with this free karaoke about popularsongs.You will not regret. Laughs are guaranteed!
kids English song videos 1.7
YY Center
kids English song videosProviding English lyricsYouTube Children song videosMore than 40 videos
WDR – Radio & Fernsehen 1.8.1
The WDR on your smartphone: news, entertainment, weather andtraffic