Top 17 Apps Similar to ¿De Qué Compañía Es? México

Quien Llama - Who is Calling 3.1.0-20160204.1
Quien Llama - Who is Calling lets youknowwhich is the company of the cell phones in Chile. Yes, alsowiththe cell phones which changed their company.Remember synchronize portability periodically in theapplicationto update your contact companies.Doubts, questions and suggestions you can make it on ourtwitter
Caller ID Announcer 3.2.8
Are you looking for a way to figure out who calls youwithoutlookingat your phone ? Caller id announcer is a wonderfulcallernameannouncer that announces great quality voice fromphonespeakers.Caller name announcer is highly useful in manysituationslike youare studying and your smart phone is in anotherroom orduringdriving, phone is in your pocket and some one sendsyou anSMS.Ringer modes settings and other lots of customizations.Sayscallername, sms sender name and message body. Phone callernametalker ishere totally FREE of cost for you. Caller nameannouncersimply talksout caller name with your device speaker. Callername speakeris a call announcer and sms announcerwhich announcewho is callingor sent you a sms. Speaks out thecaller nameclearly in between theringtone reducing its volume.Caller nameannouncer announce the nameof the person who is callingyournumber. Caller name speaker speaksevery thing while some oneiscalling you or send you a message, youwill identify it withoutlooking to your phone. Caller name talkercan even readentiremessage for you. This is a caller name speakerwhich speaksoutincoming caller name , caller id, message sendername andmessagecontents so that you can identify who is calling orwho sentyouSMS without looking into your phone. This caller nametalkerwillalso gives notifications for call and SMS. Callernameannouncerannounce ♦ Caller name if exists in contacts elsecallthat unknown♦ Announce incoming SMS sender name andcontentsAvailable SmartFeatures of caller name speaker: Easilycustomize your callername talker with bundles of options ✔HighlyCustomize your callername announcer ✔ Enable/disablespeakingcaller name. ✔ Enable orDisable SMS Sender nameannouncement insilent or vibratory mode ✔Enable or Disable Callerid announcer insilent or vibratory mode ✔Turn off or on the callername alertfeature while other phone callis active. ✔ Enable/disableincomingSMS sender name and contentsof the SMS ✔ Choosing delaytimebetween announcements ✔ CustomRingtones settings. ✔ Manageyourvolume settings ( Ring, Media,Notification ) ✔ Multipletimescaller id announcements ✔ Turn offannounce while silent optionisavailable ✔ Text to Speech settings( Language, Volume, Speed,pitch) ✔ Decrease ringtone volume oncall while announcing callername ✔Press volume key up or down tostop sms reading announcement ✔Shakephone to stop caller namealert ✔ Customized message can beaddedbefore and after the callerid. Eg :- John Smith Calling ✔Callername announcer is completelyfree download. Caller NameAnnouncerwill not work if your smartphone does not havetext-to-speechlibrary but this is not aproblem you can easilydownload it fromplay store. If your mobiledo not have pre-installedtext-to-speechengine, caller name talkerwill redirect you to playstore downloadand install it. When youare driving or doingsomething important,you can’t just accept anyincoming call ortextmessages, that’s why a callerannouncement solution,it’svital. Identify who is calling youwithout touching the phone,byusing our speaker alertsystem. It’s so annoying to getcallsfrom telemarketer orspam calls while you are doingsomethingimportant and cannot bedistracted. The solution to yourpain isCaller name announcer.Facebook:
Mobile Number Locator 1.0
Are you getting calls from unknownnumber?Doyou want to find from where that person is Calling? Nowyou canuseMobile Number Locator App to find from whichState/Telecomoperatorand Mobile number belongs to.Displays Caller Location of every incoming &outgoingcallsover call screen. Mobile locator is the only appthatdisplaysCaller Location of caller and All callers on CallLogScreen withcustom made call log screen.The best thing about this Mobile Number Locator applicationisthat,you don’t have to worry about internet connection likeyouusuallyuse in tracking specific locations, because youcanactually use itoffline which means no hassle in lookingforinternet access beforeyou can use the app. It works anytime oftheday and anywhere yougo, as long as you have this app you willbeable to track anyonewho contacts you. It is way safer to knowtheperson who is callingyou and be able to prevent any troublethatstrangers may bring.Features of this Mobile Number Locator:- Works without Internet connection.- Track any Mobile number from overall INDIA,USA,CANADA,PAKISTANandview Location on Map.- Implemented with Google Maps.and full screen Map view.- It will show Caller Location information like Areaandoperatorduring Incoming and Outgoing calls.- View list of your Contacts with Area and operator name.- View list of your Call Logs with Area and operato name.- Easily Track Caller Location with this app.- Call and Message to your loved once directly from App.- Caller Location Tracker app is completely offline.- Shows Caller Location Information during incomingandoutgoingcalls.- Caller ID - Helps you identify who’scallingbeforeanswering.- Best Caller Location Tracker app for your Android device.- All Useful codes in your pocket.- Simple and Best Mobile Caller Location Tracker foryourdevice.Everything that you need for a locator app is withmobilenumbertracker, because it has useful features and it workseven ifyoudon’t have any connection to the internet. This meanswhereveryougo and whatever you do, you can always track the peoplethatyoulove.
Caller Name Speaker, Speak SMS 3.2.3
The feature was not available for Android users in themeantime.Whenyou receive a call, new text message, the speakerwill speakthecaller name or sms sender name. For Marshmallow andNougatusers :Remember to give the application privilege to accessyourphone. Alsodouble check your phone text-to-speech feature.Ifstill speakingissue, go to Settings -> Apps -> CallerNameSpeaker ->Permissions and check if all required permissionsaregrantedproperly.-------------------------------------------------Want tofind outwho is calling you or texting you without lookingat yourphone?Caller name Speaker speaks caller name each time youget acall andspeaks SMS text message, contents when someone sendsyou aSMS. Itjust announce the caller name clearly in betweenringtonereducingits volume! With Caller Name announcer it isreally easy tofind outthe incoming caller name and SMS sendername in differentsituationslike when you are driving and thephone is in your pocketor phoneis not in hands reach. This callername speaker willannounce it foryou without phone to look. CallerName talker usesthe built-inAndroid text-to-speech engine orGoogle Text-to-speechengine toannounce the caller or SMS SenderID with phone speakers.Tip : Touse Google Text-to-speech forannouncement on your Androiddevice,go to Settings > Language& Input > Text-to-speechoutput.Select GoogleText-to-speech Engine as your preferred engine.Onmany Androiddevices, Google Text-to-speech is already turnedonThisapplication is like a Caller Name Talker whichannouncescallername , announces SMS sender name and messagecontents so youcanidentify who is calling and who sent you sms textmessagewithoutlooking to your phone and you can easily choosewhetherreply to itor not! Caller name talker speaks the caller idof thepersoncalling over your phone’s ringtone. The applicationcanbecustomized based on the user requirements. With thiscallernamealert you can easily get precise, qualityverbalannouncementsimmediately since the app says caller name fastandclearly. CallerName Speaker will announce the following for you-✓Caller Name ifit exists in your contact list otherwise calls‘unknown ‘✓Incoming SMS Sender Name and announces the SMScontents.Imaginehow cool it becomes when your smartphone announcesthe nameof thecaller, SMS Sender or SMS Contents for you. Yourphonebecomes likea virtual personal assistant talking to you.ThisCaller nameannouncer is completely free to download. No needforphone to lookwhen you have Caller name Speaker. FEATURES OF THEAPPHighlyCustomize your Caller Name Speaker. ✓ Enable /DisableanouncingCaller Name ✓ Enable / Disable Incoming SMS SenderNameOnly ✓Enable / Disable Incoming SMS Contents also ✓ You canturnON/OFFthe feature over the device's status. (Ring, Vibrate,Silent,In aninteractive state) ✓ Multiple times Announcements✓GetNotifications in top notification bar while reading SMS ✓TaponNotification to Stop reading SMS contents ✓ Press VolumeUp/Volume Down to stop announcement ✓ Configure timeintervaltorepeat playing caller name ✓ Lower the ringtone volumeonincomingcalls ✓ Text to Speech settings ( Language, Volume, Speed)✓ Forbest voice quality, Download higher-quality voice ✓CallerNameAnnouncer is completely free download. ✓ Selectdifferentlanguagesfor text-to-speech ( 40 + Languages supported ) ✓Internalstringsare translated in 12 Languages ✓ Reset DefaultsFeedback Ifyoulike using Caller name talker, show love in reviews.If youfoundany issue, write to us. - Caller Name Speaker will notwork ifyoursmart phone does not have text-to-speech library butdon’tworry,you can download it from play store - Check the phonemediavolumesettings before blowing your mind and rating negative.Itmight bejust phone media volume is lower.
Automatic Call Recorder 6.34.2
The best way to record your phone calls.
Caller Name Announcer 3.3.6
Caller Name Announcer announces incoming callbyannouncementnotification.This is a powerful announcer app tohelpyou drivesafely & helps you interact with the deviceinsituations whenyou’re physically limited.The app is designedforwhen users aredriving or doing something important and whenyoucan’t just acceptany incoming call or text message.Thiscallannouncer & SMSannouncer app is ideal when you areworking,driving, or doingother things and you need to put yourphone onhands free modeCaller Name Announcer Features: - CallerNamespeaker & SMSAnnouncer speaks out the Incoming caller nameid.- Minimizesringtone volume and then speaks name of the caller-Hands-freeCall announcer & SMS announcer app lets you hearwhoiscontacting you. - Caller identification tool for SMS andcallsisboth FREE and powerful at the same time. - Speaks outfullcontentof SMS along with sender name or numbers. - CallerIDnumbercalling app can identify who is calling and who sent yousmstextmessage. - The app is battery friendly , it is designedtosavebattery with options that reflect your needs CallerNameAnnouncerNow with "Announce Caller Name" you can enjoyannouncingcallername notification without internet. With "AnnounceCallerName" youwill have great experience and fun by adding a newfeatureto yourdevice.Call name Talker & SMS announcer app isveryhandy.Announce SMS Sender Name: Whether you are driving,walking,runningor sleeping you will easily recognize who is callingortexting youby using "Announce Caller Name". Caller ID functiontoidentifyunknown callers & text message sendersin the mostuserfriendlyway.Caller Name Speaker speaks body of SMS &Readmessages fromsender name. Caller name talker is very smart.Alertswhen Phone isin silent mode. Speaks SMS sender name andsentalerts. Announcesany incoming call or SMS text messages.Identifycalls fromtelemarketer calls or spam calls and Speakssender nameof SMS.Caller Name ringtone with SMS Reader: This callannouncer& SMSannouncer app for Android is ideal when you areworking, •Our appidentifies caller and text message sender andannounce itloudly,servicing as a caller check but also caller namespeakeralertsystem. Caller Name Announcer Speaks Caller Name ofIncomingPhoneCall, SMS Sender Name & reduce its ringtonevolume. CallerNameAnnouncer:Hands-Free: • Identify unknown numbersand callers IDwhoare not on your Contact list with our Caller IDfunction.Smartcaller ID hands-free app, lets you hear who’s callingortextingyou while driving and support in situation whenyourphysicalinteractions with your phone are limited.
SIM Card 2.1
Information about SIM card with dual SIM support.
Mi Telcel 10.1
La app Mi Telcel es la manera más fácil de realizar recargas,pagos,compra de paquetes y de gestionar los servicios de tu líneasinnecesidad de acudir a un Centro de Atención a Clientes.Estádisponible para todos nuestros clientes con dispositivoAndroidcompatible. Descárgala, úsala y ahorra tiempo. Una vez queladescargues regístrate para acceder a todas las posibilidadesqueofrece. Si aún no estás registrado, puedes utilizar Mi Telcelpararealizar recargas y consultar tu saldo y consumo deInternet.¿Tienes Plan de Renta? En la pantalla de “Inicio” tepresentamos lainformación más relevante de tu línea; conoce tusaldo y fechalímite de pago. En la sección “Mi Cuenta” paga tufactura contarjeta de crédito o débito, descarga tus facturasanteriores yconsulta tu historial de pagos. En la sección“Servicios” puedesrecargar saldo a amigos y familiares con tarjetade crédito odébito, dar de alta/baja los Servicios Adicionales detu línea,comprar paquetes de Internet y paquetes para viajar alextranjero.¿Tienes Amigo de Telcel? En la sección “Inicio” temostramos lainformación más relevante de tu línea, puedes contratarPaquetes deInternet y Amigo Sin Límite y, si ya tienes uno, tedecimos cuál esy los MB disponibles. Consulta el detalle de tussaldos y realizarecargas con tarjeta de crédito o débito. En lasección “Servicios”también puedes recargar saldo, contratarpaquetes de Internet,administrar tus números gratis y frecuentes,cambiar tu esquema decobro y consultar tus suscripciones de Telcely de Terceros.
SIM Card Information and IMEI 1.1
Displays information of your SIMCard,including IMEI code and other parameters, if you need it,choosinginformation and sharing it is able by multiple options likeemail,clipboard or social networks.Thanks to our app you will be able to see contacts youhavestored in your SIM card too.-- Do you want to know what information about yoursimcard are you going to discover*? --*Depending SIM and mobile phone compatibility- IMEI code- SIM status- Serial Number- Operator code- IMSI- Voicemail number- Phone type- ISO country network- Network code- Network name- Network type (GPRS, EDGE, EGPRS, 3G, UMTS, HSPA, 3G+, HSPA+,4G,5G when available)We are checking this app on multiple network operators(Vodafone,Orange, TelMex , Movistar , China Mobile , Verizon , AT& T, NTTDOCOMO, Deutsche Telecom, France Telecom, AmericaMobile, SprintNextel, Telecom Italia, Softbank Mobile, MTN,Vivendi,China Unicom, Bharti Airtel, SK Telecom, STC, Telenor and etc.)Please, feel free suggesting us improvements youthinkappropriate.Thanks.
Libera Tu Cel Ya! 1.0.12
Free your cell fast and easy!
Mi Wifi Beta 1.9
Con la app Mi Wifi podrás gestionar yoptimizarla configuración de tu Wifi de modo sencillo ydirectamente desde tusmartphone.Mi Wifi está pensada para que puedas configurar las opcionesmásimportantes de tu Wifi de una manera sencilla e intuitiva:- Pon tu Wifi a punto y sácale el máximo partido a la velocidaddetu Fibra: Mi Wifi te permite comprobar la saturación de redesWifien tu hogar y optimizar tu router para evitarlasinterferencias.- Cambia el nombre y la clave de tu Wifi en tan sólounossegundos.- Conecta tus dispositivos rápidamente capturando el código QR delaetiqueta de tu router.- Comparte tu Wifi con tus invitados o configura rápidamenteotrosequipos de tu hogar.- Identifica qué dispositivos se conectan a tu router encualquiermomento y si lo hacen por Wifi o cable.- Configura opciones avanzadas como la selección manual delcanalWifi o la activación del WPS de tu router desde elpropiosmartphone.- Conoce la mejor manera de aumentar el rendimiento de tu Wificonnuestra sección de consejos.VERSIÓN BETA: la versión actual de Mi Wifi solo es compatibleconlos modelos de router Fibra Mitrastar y Askey (puedesencontrareste identificador en la etiqueta de fabricante bajoturouter).Próximamente estará disponible para todos los router de FibraÓpticaMovistar.Si tienes alguna sugerencia o dudas acerca de la app no dudesencontactar con nosotros a travé[email protected] app My Wifiwillmanage and optimize the settings of your wireless simplyanddirectly from your smartphone.My connection is designed so you can configure the mostimportantsettings of your Wi-Fi in a simple and intuitiveway:- Put your wireless ready and make the most of the speed ofyourFiber: My Wifi lets you check the saturation of wirelessnetworksat home and optimize your router to avoidinterference.- Change the name and password of your connection injustseconds.- Connect your devices quickly capturing the QR code on the labelofyour router.- Share your Wifi with your guests or quickly configureothercomputers in your home.- Identify which devices are connected to your router at anytimeand if they do by wireless or cable.- Set advanced options such as manual selection of wirelesschannelor activating WPS router from your own smartphone.- Know the best way to increase the performance of your Wifiourtips section.BETA: My current version only supports wireless router modelsFiberMitrastar and Askey (You can find this identifier inthemanufacturer's label on your router).Coming soon will be available to all Movistar FiberOpticrouter.If you have any suggestions or questions about the app nothesitateto contact us via [email protected]
Movispeed 1.3.1
Test de velocidad para líneas ADSL/GPONTest speed ADSL/GPON
Localizador Familiar 2.0
Locate your family and friends.
Parking Movistar 7.1.5
Erictel M2M
System that allows you to control your vehicle when you want it.
Find My Phone 21.3.1
Find My Phone! Find My iPhone & Android Phone istheessentialtracking tool for anyone who has experienced thestress,worry, andinconvenience associated with a lost or stolendevice.What’s more,it’s free for iPhone, and Android! Tracking youriPhone&Android has never been easier. Using thisstate-of-the-artGPStracker, you can instantly: • Find a lost,stolen or missingdevicewhether it belongs to you, your spouse oryour child • Keeptabs ona lost or missing device with real timelocation updates.When themissing or stolen phone is moved, itsposition is updatedinstantlyon the app’s map and our website. • Youcan even track& locateAndroid tablets, or an iPad Our app’snavigationalassistance canguide you to it, making retrieval quickand easy.Essentially,cellular companies know a mobile device’sdistance fromcellulartowers. Our app secures this data and displaysthewhereabouts ofyour cell on the app’s map. From there, it’s easyforyou toretrieve the lost device. We’ve been developing ourGPStechnologyfor over 5 years, making our app the most accuratemobilecelltracker you can find! Note: For the tracking featuretofunction,the app must be installed on the iPhone or Droidyou’relookingfor. Once you’ve installed the app on your iPhone,orAndroidPhone, simply log into our website. You’ll see a pin onthemapshowing the location of your phone. The mapalsofeaturesdirections to the device’s exact location. Anotherkeyfeature isreal time updates on both the app and our website.You’llsee themap instantly updated whenever the device moves.LocationHistoryYou can see where your Droid has been throughout theday,using thelocation history feature. As the Droid is moved, wetrackit.Later, you can just open the app and find out where ithas,andwhere it hasn’t, been!
Flash Alerts 2 2.4.0
Flash blinks when you got a call, a text and a notification.
Rastreo satelital celular 1.0.9
Plataforma de rastreosatelitaldewww.transporteseguro.comInstala nuestra aplicación, para poderrastrear/monitorearunteléfono celular con Android.En la plataforma de rastreo, crea geocercas yrecibiráscorreoselectrónicos (emails) y mensajes de texto (SMS) conavisosde losmovimientos del equipo que tienes registrado.Puedes agregar varios equipos en una misma cuenta,pruebanuestraplataforma gratis por una semana, y pregunta por elcosto deuso dela plataforma.Instala la aplicación, prueba el sensor de posición delcelular,yoprime el botón de Solicitar Registro para que recibas unenlacedela pagina de rastreo y los datos de tu cuenta deusuario,El servicio de mensajes de texto solo aplica para MéxicoManual crear geocerca / Manual create geocerca nueva cuenta de usuario / Create new user account telefono a cuenta de usuario / Add phonetouseraccount de aplicacion de rastreo /Trackingapplicationfunction pagina de la plataforma es: ver el funcionamiento de la plataforma de rastreoconlossiguientes datos:Usuario:demoClave:00000Entra y prueba como funcionaria el rstreo de tucelular.Tambienmanejamos equipos GPS para el rastreo de automovilesyequipossolares.Satellitetrackingplatformwww.transporteseguro.comInstall our application to track / monitor a cellphonewithAndroid.In the tracking platform, create geofencing andreceiveemails(emails) and text messages (SMS) with notices teammovementsyouhave registered.You can add multiple computers on the same account, tryourfreeplatform for a week, and ask for the cost ofusingtheplatform.Install the application, the position sensor test cell, andpressthebutton Order Registry to receive a link to the pagetrackingdata andyour user account,The text messaging service only applies to MexicoCreate geofence Manual / Manual create geofence new user account / Create new user account phone to user account / Add phone to user account function tracking /Trackingapplicationfunction page of the platform is: can see the operation of the tracking platformwiththefollowing data:User: demoKey: 00000And enters the test as an official rstreo your phone.Alsowehandle GPS tracking equipment for cars and solarequipment.