Top 19 Games Similar to 用力打三國:就叫你用力點

掛機吧兄弟-三國英雄一鍵輔助Q版 1.4.0
掛機吧兄弟,輕鬆打造屬於自己的三國世界。挑戰boss怪物,PK挑戰競技場玩家,參加每日公會戰。所有的這一切活動無需要您像打MMORPG那樣熬夜打通關,做任務,只需要投入極少的時間便可以獲得極其豐富的任務獎勵,獲得不錯的世界排名。同時遊戲開通了全新聊天室,你可以隨時隨地和其他玩家聊天,互加好友。▼全天候離線掛機,成為史上最輕鬆的主公!▼徹底解放你的雙手,讓你輕輕鬆鬆玩,絕對不落人後!!打怪、升級、爆裝備永不停歇!遊戲適合所有玩家,無論你是忙裡偷閒,還是想打發時間。無論你在逛商城、查看傭兵、熔煉裝備還是關機睡覺,24小時都在幫你推副本。即使不上線,還是可以一直升級哦!▼一键开启辅助,上线即可获利!▼遊戲自帶遊戲助手,雙倍攻擊、召喚魔神、自動索敵、掛機戰鬥,主公一鍵就能開啟!自動幫打世界BOSS,挑戰BOSS無CD,雙倍攻擊buff,再也不用怕趕不上BOSS了。▼實力萌將助戰,扭轉乾坤!▼Q版三國武將文臣出場助戰,萌翻天。助戰技能必定幫助主公扭轉乾坤!爭霸天下,借力各路武將,推倒一眾三國BOSS,张角、吕布、李儒、董卓不再是你的威脅,群雄逐鹿誰能比我硬,統一天下不再是奢望。▼三國來了,玩法多多▼世界BOSS、公會副本、魔神挑戰、降妖伏魔、押送糧草,各種有趣玩法,根本停不下來!FaceBook粉絲團:客服郵箱:[email protected]
真雄霸三國online-全球同服三國志英雄經典策略戰爭遊戲 2.6.0
This is a Three Kingdoms game that can be played for tenyears.Let's make friends with the Three Kingdoms brothers! The lordledthe brothers of the Three Kingdoms, furious at Dangyangqiao,andthe brave army was invincible. The World Channel Taoyuanisrighteous, millions of soldiers are ready to go, the fate oftheThree Kingdoms is up to you!
三國演義志online-全球同服三國志經典策略遊戲 2.6.0
Take the Three Kingdoms era in the late Eastern Han Dynasty asthetheme strategy RPG mobile phone online game, the gamereproducesthe famous historical battles in the Romance of the ThreeKingdoms,all the stunned generals in the Three Kingdoms appear onthe stage,Wei, Shu and Wu are the three pillars of the power, asthe master,you choose which power to enter. Woolen cloth?
吞食天地之三國外傳 懷舊版 1.2
智冠經典PC名作『吞食天地之三國外傳』於Android經典再現,遊戲是一款以三國為背景的角色扮演遊戲,為第一屆金磁片獎的得獎作品,其沉穩的劇情及多樣化的系統受到衆多關注,推出後深受玩家的喜愛,為華人遊戲界中首款將三國遊戲擺脫策略,改以RPG做為主要玩法的遊戲,是許多華人心中經典的三國遊戲。本作就是『吞食天地』系列的原點,曾得到首屆金磁片獎,遊戲在發售之初就得到了諸多好評,玩家將在遊戲中化身爲歷史人物,爲了復興失去的漢帝國光輝而踏上冒險的旅程。遊戲操作簡單、給玩家再現過關斬將、三顧茅廬、赤壁之戰等經典場景。在廣闊的世界中你可以丟掉歷史的包袱,在戰場上决策千方百計。非但如此,亦能够隨時根據狀况變更當前職業,只要從隊伍中搭配最適合應戰的陣容與謀略,其出神入化的計謀,不但敵人難以幸免,就連孫子再世也自嘆不如。遊戲耐玩性高,全體出場的文武奇才共達177人之多,只要你魅力够、能耐大、天下英雄盡可歸于掌中。對于現在的社會亂象你或許感到極度無奈而力不從心,不妨來到吞食天地的世界創立屬于你自己的蓋世霸業吧。『吞食天地之三國外傳』產品特色:*移植手機介面特色遊戲附加操作說明與繁簡體攻略,並將過去鍵盤的繁雜操作方法改用虛擬按鈕進行遊戲。*經典場景任你遨遊身處三國時代,各路英豪任你選,各處霸王任你當,不必重蹈歷史覆轍,也不用遵守時代規範,透過記憶時光和時光倒流等功能,穿越各個由您創造的不同歷史中,讓你重現過關斬將、三顧茅廬、赤壁之戰等經典場景。*操作簡單,縱橫沙場任你行遊戲操作簡單,提供了休閒、玩家、狂熱、癡迷四種讓玩家自由選擇適合自己的難度。讓你帶領數以千計萬計的兵馬,以你的熱血作為一統天下之勢。*拋開職業包袱,成就千秋霸業允許玩家對自己的隊伍選配,能够隨時根據狀况變更當前職業,武夫亦可作帶頭做軍師,讓你面對不同的挑戰應用出神入化的計謀。*品味遊戲名曲遊戲中各名曲可以在開頭的音樂選單內聆聽收錄中的BGM。加入十大經典粉絲團: ClassicPCmasterpiece "Three of heaven and earth swallowed rumor" inAndroidclassic reproduction of the Three Kingdoms game is arole-playinggame background, as the first session of the GoldenDisk Awardwinning, its calm and diverse story The system has been alot ofattention, after the launch by the player's favorite fortheChinese game industry in the first three games to get rid ofthepolicy change as a major gameplay with RPG games, the heartsofmany Chinese classic three games.The work is "heaven and earth devour" the origin of the series,hadbeen the first Golden Disk Awards, on sale at the beginning ofthegame will get a lot of praise, players will be transformed intoahistorical figure in the game, in order to revive the lostglorywhile riding the Han empire on the risky journey. The gameissimple, the player to reproduce through, Highlighting, BattleofRed Cliff and other classic scenes. In the wide world you canthrowaway the burden of history, to do everything possibledecisions onthe battlefield. Not only that, but also be able tochange at anytime based on current occupational status, as long asthe fightwith the most suitable lineup and strategy from the team,itssuperb strategy, not only the enemy spared, even thegrandchildrenand then the world is also strange enough. Highlyplayable game,all played a total of 177 civil and military geniusas much charmas long as you enough, the ability of big hero in theworld canrest attributed to the hands. For now the social chaos youmay feelextremely helpless and powerless, the world might come tothecreation of heaven and earth devour your own unrivaleddominanceit."Three of heaven and earth swallowed rumor" Product Features:* Transplant Mobile Interface FeaturesAdditional instructions and traditional and simplified gameRaidersand complicated methods of operation in the past to switchthevirtual keyboard button for the game.* Classic scene no matter how you travelLanguage Three Kingdoms era, Geluyinghao your pick,eitherthroughout the Overlord when you do not have to repeatpastmistakes, they do not comply with the norms of the times,throughtime and memory functions back in time, crossing each of youtocreate a different history, let you reproducethrough,Highlighting, Battle of Red Cliff and other classicscenes.* Simple to operate, any aspect of your battle lineThe game is simple, provides a casual player, fanatic, obsessedwithfour to allow players the freedom to choose their owndifficulty.Let you lead thousands of thousands of troops andhorses to yourblood as a potential world domination.* Aside the burden of occupational achievementChiakidominanceAllowing players on their own team matching, can change at anytimebased on current occupational status, Beowulf also domilitaryadvisor for the lead, so you face different challengesapplicationsuperb strategy.* Taste game songsEach game can listen to songs included in the beginning of theBGMmusic menu.Join Ten classic fan group:
機甲三國online-中文三國志英雄經典大戰策略戰爭網絡遊戲 2.0.1
三國演義:吞噬無界-小霸王FC系列單機版RPG遊戲 4.7.40
FC classic running picture RPG game, the wild history, thespit-typedialogue, the new romance!
真三国猛将传 1.7.6
活动一:给我们游戏五星好评,并且在游戏内该角色>=20级。留下您昵称。我们会赠送您“极品六星武将卡”。活动二:单次充值的额度达到648元,赠送您“极品六星武将卡”。活动三:累计充值额度达到1000元以上,送您价值"1000元"高级装备“绝世神兵”礼盒。让您的武将与众不同。说明:活动期间,您达到某一活动标准,请及时联系客服QQ,我们会24小时内邮件发送。◆◆◆游戏风格◆◆◆◇ 三国类史实背景和题材◇ 写实风格,自动回合制MMORPG◇ 画面硬朗,玩法硬核,在烽火硝烟之中,只有强者才能立足◆◆◆游戏简介◆◆◆以三国史实为主线,玩家通过选择3个不同的职业:猛将(物理)、谋士(法系)、飞羽(远程)在游戏中参与三国历史时期的各个主要阶段,招兵买马、探寻宝物、培养武将,最终声望和名誉达到一定程度,去建立属于自己的阵营势力范围,群雄逐鹿,不断将游戏激情延续。◆◆◆游戏模块◆◆◆◇ 300余名三国历史名将,等待与您共创大业!◇ 各路诸侯,携带奇珍异宝,只待您去开启!◇ 残酷激烈的战斗,胜利失败于反掌之间,一切皆有可能!◇ 阵法配置、武将技使用千变万化,瞬间可翻云覆雨!◇ 璀璨珍贵的宝石,有缘者方可得之!◇ 千里难寻的宝物,助您过关斩将!◇ 紧张刺激的竞技场,英雄惜英雄,排名奖励丰厚!◇ 军团大战!群雄争霸,谁与争锋!◇ 更多精彩,尽在真三国!◆◆◆客服支持◆◆◆◇ 客服QQ 1420508866◇ 客服邮件 [email protected] One:      Give us five-starpraisethegame, and the character in the game> = 20. Leaveyournickname.We'll Get You, "the best six-star generals card."Activity Two:      Single recharge amountedtoabout648 yuan, giving your "best six-star generals card."Three activities:      Cumulative rechargeamountofmore than 1000 yuan, to send you the value of"1000dollars"advanced equipment "magic masterpiece" gift. Letyourgeneralsapart.Explanation:During the event, you reach a certain activitystandards,pleasecontact customer service QQ, e-mail within 24 hourswewillsend.◆◆◆ ◆◆◆ game style◇ Three class background facts and themes◇ realistic style, automatic turn-based MMORPG◇ screen tough, play hard core, being in the War, onlythestrongfootholdThe game ◆◆◆ ◆◆◆Three facts to the main line, the players byselectingthreedifferent occupations:Reggie (physical), advisors (law), feathers (remote)Participation in the game, the main stages of theThreeKingdomshistorical period, recruiting, explore thetreasures,traintroops,Final prestige and reputation to a certain extent, to buildtheirowncamp sphere of influence, crowded, to keep the gameofpassioncontinue.◆◆◆ ◆◆◆ game module◇ more than 300 famous Three Kingdoms history, wait andyoucreatea great cause!◇ dysfunction, carrying treasures, just waiting foryoutoopen!◇ brutal fierce fighting between victory defeatinsupination,anything is possible!◇ tactical deployment configuration, the generalsusetheever-changing technology, and instantly be blowinghotandcold!◇ bright precious stones, destined to give the person before!◇ Trinidad hard to find the treasure, to help youthroughthetrials!◇ exciting arena, but unfortunately the hero a hero,rankingrichrewards!◇ Corps War! S game, rival!◇ more exciting, all in really three!◆◆◆ ◆◆◆ Customer Support◇ Service QQ 1420508866◇ Service Mail [email protected]
臉紅心跳幻三國 1.0.22(Android_External)
夜夜三國 1.1001.0
◎遊戲介紹◎《夜夜三國》中有著大家耳熟能詳的呂布、關羽、張飛或趙雲外,更有像貂蟬、甄姬、小喬等等女中豪傑們及上百位的名將等你收錄旗下,並且由眾天宮仙女下凡帶領你一同征戰中原!遊戲中加入了挑戰異界天魔、仙宮定期收益及競技對戰等等核心玩法,再透過招喚武將、武將升星培養、裝備進階強化、三階段副本還有試煉戰場等等活動,讓你除了收集知名武將之外,更能夠體驗豐富主線劇情及死神級關卡帶來的征戰樂趣,同時享受與其他召喚師互相逐鹿中原的刺激快感。立即下載五大理由:☆☆☆ 三國歷史萌將【經典再現】☆☆☆☆☆☆ 策略機智對戰【逐鹿中原】☆☆☆☆☆☆ 絕美天宮仙女【最高品質】☆☆☆☆☆☆ 屬性排兵佈陣【策略爭霸】☆☆☆☆☆☆ 試煉副本尋寶【豐富活動】☆☆☆◎遊戲特色◎★免費取得!超萌武將輕鬆召喚!★除了系統贈送召喚次數外,更可透過任務及副本免費收集3星級超萌武將!火、水、風、神、魔!5種屬性,可收集500多種豐富武將!★最萌武將!日系畫風不打折!★重量級畫師完美打造,為了1%的細節通宵達旦精心繪製,每位歷史名將都以最高品質呈現!超萌療癒系人物造型、震撼的戰鬥體驗、絢麗的武將技能,打造屬於的自己的戰鬥陣型!★培育養成!超絕頂實力進化!★武將進階,全新技能,屬性相生相剋,一百萬種技能任意搭配!沒有不會殺敵的小兵,只有不會育成的主公,只要細心培養,張飛一樣能打趴呂布!★自由發揮!上千武將裝備組合!★内容豐富的裝備套装系统!讓你的武將如虎添翼,更加強化!八大套裝加上六種裝備,人見人怕的最殺攻擊陣還是魯小小最硬鐵龜陣,全都由你來決定!★獨特絕技!技能搭配千變萬化!★每位武將都各自擁有獨特技能,不同屬性則技能也不同,千變萬化的搭配運用,享受絕技發動的樂趣!超華麗戰鬥技能,如電影般的流暢畫面將帶給你最震撼衝擊的視覺享受!★完美均衡!戰鬥節奏盡在掌控!★正統回合制RPG,精心設計的戰鬥系統,化身召喚師控制武將釋放技能!手動控制技能釋放和選擇攻擊對象,讓你隨心所欲!★教學完整!一指輕鬆簡單上手!★仙女姐姐下凡引導,手把手親口一步步貼心教學!操作介面簡潔明瞭,功能按鈕皆有提示教學內容,不必浪費時間摸索系統!★圖鑑收集!500位三國名將參上!★三顧茅蘆或微服私訪,挑戰收集全武將圖鑑傲人成就!豐富的活動內容及高額的獎勵任務,讓你從一級就很威,過關斬將不手軟!────────────────加入《夜夜三國》台灣官方臉書就可以參加官方舉辦的精彩活動, 贏取更多的禮物和重要訊息。(在Facebook搜尋:夜夜三國)────────────────攻略,活動等最新資訊!!請點擊官方網址☞官方粉絲團:☞LiNE ID: Doravip☞《夜夜三國》客服信箱:[email protected],支援最新APK下載哦我們會認真聽取每個玩家的心聲,感謝您的支持。Game description ◎ ◎"Every night Three Kingdoms" has the familiar Riboud, GuanYu,Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun or outside, more like Diao Chan, Chen Ji,Missyand the like of the boys are waiting for you hundreds ofstar'sincluded, and by the congregation Temple fairy lead yourcampaignwith the Central Plains!Game added challenge demons outsider, Asgard regular incomeandcompetitive battle, and so the core gameplay, and then throughthestrengthening summon the generals, the generals RisingStartraining, advanced equipment, as well as a copy of thethree-stagetest of the battlefield and so on activities to inaddition towell-known generals you collect, the more can experiencethe richstoryline and death level crossing campaign to bring fun,whileenjoying each other Summoner Zhuluzhongyuan stimulatepleasure.Download Five reasons:☆☆☆ history of the three classic reproduction] [Meng will ☆☆☆☆☆☆ Policy wit Battle Central Plains [] ☆☆☆☆☆☆ beautiful fairy Temple [highest quality] ☆☆☆☆☆☆ property policy formations [hegemony] ☆☆☆☆☆☆ Trial copy of the treasure hunt activities [rich] ☆☆☆◎ ◎ Game Features★ for free! Super Meng easily summon the generals! ★Get in addition to the system call number, but also free tocollect3 stars Super Meng generals through task and a copy!Fire, water, wind, gods, demons! Five kinds of property,collectmore than 500 kinds of rich generals!★ most Meng generals! Japanese style does not discount! ★Heavyweight artist to create the perfect order of 1% of thedetailscarefully drawn through the night, every famous historyarepresented to the highest quality!Super Meng healing system character modeling, shockcombatexperience, brilliant generals skills to create their ownbattleformation!★ cultivate develop! Extremely super strength evolution! ★Generals advanced, new skills, attributes allelopathy, onemillionkinds of skills any combination!No enemy soldier will not only not bred lord, as long ascarefulcultivation as Zhang Fei play Riboud lie!★ free to play! Thousands of generals and equipmentcombinations!★Rich equipment package system! Let your generals even morepowerful,more intensive!Eight suits plus six kinds of equipment, the most feared Attackorkill Lu little hardest iron turtle array, all up to youtodecide!★ unique stunt! The ever-changing mix of skills! ★Each generals have their own, unique skills, thedifferentproperties of different skills, with the use ofever-changing,enjoy the stunt to launch fun!Super gorgeous fighting skills, smooth cinematic screen willbringyou the most shocking impact visual enjoyment!★ perfect equilibrium! Battle rhythm in control! ★Orthodox turn-based RPG, well-designed combat system,Summoneravatar generals controlled release skills!Manual control skills and release objects chosen to attack, sothatyou arbitrarily!★ teaching complete! Means a simple and easy to use! ★Fairy sister descend guided, hands-on teaching himself step bystepclose!Concise user interface, function buttons Tip Jie teachingcontent,do not waste time to explore the system!★ illustrations collection! 500 parameters on threefamous!★Three consultants Mao or Lo Incognito challenge to collect allthegenerals illustrations impressive record of achievements!Rich activities and high reward tasks keep you from averyGranville, through the trials do not hesitate!────────────────Adding "every night three" Taiwan can participate in theofficialface bookExciting activities organized by the official to win gifts andmoreimportant messages.(In Facebook Search: every night three)────────────────Raiders News, activities, etc! ! Please click on theofficialwebsite☞ official fan group: https: //☞LiNE ID: Doravip☞ "every night three" Customer Service:[email protected],​​supports the latest APK Download ohWe will listen carefully to the voice of each player, thank youforyour support.
少年三國志:天下大戰 4.3.56
暴走萌三國 3.0.0
==遊戲特色==【革新策略戰鬥,即時大招自由連擊】全新戰鬥卡牌對戰系統,以簡單便捷的即時操作、恢弘壯麗的3D角色和場景、酷炫流暢的全屏大招,推翻傳統卡牌的單調乏味,引領卡牌+動作手遊新風潮。順滑流暢的操作,完美高清的戰鬥畫質,讓戰鬥更加純粹。【全程真人語音,爆笑劇情前所未見】遊戲以獨創的沉浸式劇情體驗、反轉穿越的惡搞對白,搭配全程真人配音,讓爆笑再升一級!無論武將出登場、劇情對白還是大招釋放,均有萌萌的配音。為玩家們展現出一個「殺敵只是輔助,賣萌才是真理」的全新三國歷史。【3D卡通渲染,純萌設計酷炫無雙】採用精美的卡通渲染,超流暢的骨骼動畫,即時的打擊演算等時下領先的開發技術,塑造出鮮活呆萌的3D人物。路癡加口吃的張飛、不善謀略的諸葛亮、嚴重犯二的貂蟬,遊戲中的每一個武將都具有最獨特的性格、酷炫的裝扮和亮眼的出場方式,保證讓你愛到無法自拔!【玩GAME不累不累,多樣玩法全新體驗】打造爽快史詩激戰,笑書三國一統天下!玩法多樣,玩點創新,《暴走萌三國》帶給你活力四射、好玩開心的遊戲世界,在扮傻耍酷的同時一統三國!點將玩法,讓你超越孔明,成為智慧戰略軍師救亂世;雙技能戰鬥,讓你突破極限武藝超群; 八卦石陣,英雄試煉最佳之地,還能達成快速斂財成就,其他更多新鮮玩法敬請體驗!【專屬福利】登錄即可獲得武將趙雲,次日送孫尚香,三日送馬超,七日再送小喬,三國名將盡收麾下!清新呆萌畫風,無厘頭爆笑穿越劇情,讓你盡情任性賣萌耍酷。逗趣的風格,反轉的故事,只為打造專屬於你的《暴走萌三國》。==官方資訊==FB粉絲團:遊戲官網:客服信箱:[email protected]我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題,請及時與我們聯繫。
今年夏天揪友一起三國齊打交吧!!想要擁有超多Q萌英雄?刺激的戰鬥?華麗的畫面?還要與好友一起打團嗎?「三國齊打交」一次滿足你!另外還有許多讓你流連忘返的超~好玩模式喔!真正的線上PK!讓你從單人打到多人,從國家打到天下,還加入了國與國的戰爭呢!「三國齊打交」遊戲場景採全3D引擎打造,讓你可以隨時調整視角,用自己最喜歡的角度爽快開戰!當然最後不能錯過走闖江湖必備的「國家養成」模式啦!想要知道怎麼玩?趕快一起三國齊打交吧!- 三國齊打交不只萌萌噠還有超多系統讓你玩不停~【戰役模式】操控Q版英雄走闖江湖,你就是最強!【烽火皇城】真正三國齊打交,國與國的輸贏操之在你!【軍團模式】建立一個強大的軍團,讓別的國家望之生畏吧!- 獨創戰鬥系統體會英雄無敵!【隨時PK】擺脫體力限制,「烽火皇城」三國交戰、你從來沒體會過這麼爽快的PK!【稱皇之路】只要你夠強,突破三國鼎立不是夢,成為大漢之王,接受萬人膜拜!【四大職業】首創戰鬥互刻系統,每個人都有機會打造屬於最強的陣容!-除了戰鬥,還有更多等你發掘!【礦場】【伐木場】【糧倉】【牧場】自己的資源自己產,行走江湖不求人!【後宮】成功的男人背後總有一個支持他的女人,打造後宮還可以提升戰力喔!百位Q萌武將現世,異域高手前來助陣!就在~三國齊打交!Pulling togetherthissummer, the Friends of the Three Kingdoms Fighter it !!Want to have more Q Meng super hero? Exciting battle?Gorgeousscreen? But also with friends to play with and there?"ThreeKingdoms Fighter" first meet you!There are many to keep you entertained super fun mode ~ Oh! Therealline PK! Let you from a single person to hit people, hit fromthestate of the world, countries also joined the war it!"ThreeKingdoms Fighter" game scene taken full 3D engine to create,so youcan adjust the viewing angle, the angle with yourfavoriterefreshing war! Finally, of course can not miss walkingKenshinnecessary "to develop a national" model it! Want to know howtoplay? Three Fighter together quickly it!- Three Fighter not only Meng Meng da super multi systemalsoallow you to play non-stop ~[Battle Mode] Q version of the hero go Kenshin control, youarethe strongest![Imperial] real flames Three Fighter, countries win or loseinspeaking of you![Legion] mode to build a strong corps, so that other countrieshopeit's awesome!- Experience unique combat system Magic![PK] at any time to get rid of physical limitations,"Imperialwar" Three war, you've never had such a refreshingexperience ofPK!Wong said the road [] as long as you are strong enough tobreakthrough the Three Kingdoms is not a dream, to become the kingofHan, to accept people worship![] The first battle four professional mutual lithographysystem,everyone has the opportunity to create their strongestline-up!- In addition to the fighting, and more waiting for youtoexplore![Quarry] [sawmill] [] [ranch] granary own resources ownproduction,running rivers and lakes - yourself![Harem] Behind a successful man there is always a woman tosupporthim, to build the temple can also enhance the combat powerOh!One hundred Q Meng secular generals, exotic master came tohelpout! Just three countries - Fighter!
《美人無雙》名將化身美女,完美的展現了三國時代的女神秀場,獨特戰鬥系統,九宮格佈局,玩家自行選擇下次出戰的武將,在領略美女武將英姿時,更可體驗豐富的策略樂趣。  【美女任你劃】戰鬥過程中,用指尖劃動你心愛的美女頭像即可釋放技能,不同的劃動姿勢會有不同效果,給你前所未有的戰鬥體驗。不僅有網紅韓國主播樸妮嘜代言,還有美玩堂美女主播們一起陪玩遊戲!妹子多多,福利多多,客官留步,子龍別走~  【名將收集】多樣的收集玩法,收集三國歷史上各大美女名將,呂布貂蟬環伺在身旁,劉關張整裝待發,總有一款你最愛!快樂遊戲,輕鬆收集,自由搭配,演繹不同的三國人生!  【玩法豐富】歷史情節幽默化,漫畫表現華容道捉曹,輕鬆愉快的氛圍,團體挑戰兇猛BOSS!熊貓妹子惹人愛!登錄大禮天天有!過關斬將戰沙場,競技場里分雌雄!激情演繹每場戰鬥!  【寫實美女任你挑】9名后宮美女武將同時上陣,戰鬥效果華麗,人物栩栩如生,極具策略性!!新穎的武將培養方式,增加武將收集和培養的樂趣,自由搭配,自由成長!重複的武將不再浪費!官方Facebook主頁:官方Line客服:mmsanguo
主公之野望-正统三国卡牌策略手游 1.1.0
爽三國-2016全球爆款經典RPG角色扮演動作卡牌策略手遊 2.0.0
絕無僅有!《爽三國》免費三國也能玩得很嗨!顛覆傳統,告別無腦!超級活動福利天天送,更有免費大獎iPad mini 4等妳拿!首款針對“親民”玩家的大型三國策略網遊,亂世經典RPG角色全體登場!硝煙戰場觸屏即發,隨時隨地都可以坐擁城池美人“一統天下”!還等什麽?快來不用花錢也很爽的爽三國!盡顯王者霸氣!【“親民”遊戲! 豪華福利天天送,領獎領到手抽筋】1.首日免費贈送橙將,上千元寶任你花!不花錢才能抽的爽!2.次日上線即送三國人氣帥哥“常山趙子龍”,擁有趙雲的主公才能玩的爽!3.通關副本,免費獲得燕人張翼德,不花錢也能培養最強傳奇武將!4.登陸滿7日,三大勢力,任意橙將任你選,不花錢也能任性點將!5.隨機贈送隱藏寶物,集齊即可召喚最美武將“小喬”!6.體力不夠怎麼辦,大量體力瘋狂贈送,絕對讓您玩到手軟!7.普通副本也能刷出極品裝備和海量元寶,免費玩家也能一統天下!8.“煮酒論英雄”,堅持答題,神奇驚喜每日不斷!9. 參加每日活動,頂級套裝無限送,玩的爽就能拿的爽!10.創建和諧遊戲氛圍,為其他玩家點贊,即可獲得大量銀幣!【遊戲特色】獨特微操:即時戰鬥,技能拖放、走位、集火,可操作改變戰局,告別無腦遊戲!裝備隨機屬性:殺怪掉極品,天天有驚喜,魯蛇也可以逆襲!主公天賦:多方向主公培養,瞬間切換輸出、肉盾、輔助,最強主公等你來打造!無盡組合:開場流、屬性流、控制流、自殺流…無盡的武將組合,超出你的想像,快來打造屬於你的最強流派!帶兵打仗:沒有帶兵也能叫三國?!在這裡你可以指揮千軍萬馬!隨著等級和能力提升,帶兵的數量和能力也會隨著提升!Q萌角色:顛覆傳統,騎野豬的張飛,騎老虎的孫堅,還有跟多妹子等你帶走!【聯絡方式】如果您喜歡我們的遊戲,歡迎隨時給予我們建議與鼓勵喔~如果在遊戲中遇到任何問題,也請隨時聯繫我們!謝謝!*官方粉絲頁*客服信箱:[email protected]
ファンタジードライブ【戦国/幕末/三国志/神話/ド迫力英雄無 2.5.3
[New Cheering Campaign! 7 Days Login & Lv Reach Bonus for20Gacha Diamonds & ★ 5 heads of Oda to get free and promoteyouto the highest rarity!]
三國戰出來 - 刪檔封測 1.0.20
本次測試為刪檔封測,封測時間為2016/9/24(六)中午12:00--2016/9/30(五) 中午12:00※刪檔封測結束後所有遊戲內的玩家等級、戰力、數據、相關紀錄皆不保留【目前已緊急關閉儲值系統,遊戲仍可正常進行。】粉絲團及線上客服:【遊戲特色】◆ 名將列傳每位武將都有專屬各他們的戰鬥故事,詼諧幽默的劇情,絕對顛覆你對傳統三國故事的感受!◆ 國戰系統保家衛國,守護邊疆地區,小心他國占領,快派出最強的陣容,為守護國土而戰吧!◆ 霸主模式守護你的洲城,建設你的城邦。獲取的資源,為國戰注入兵力,自己的國家自己救。◆ 回城系統戰鬥沒血不要緊,劃動一下就能讓武將回程補滿血再出來,又是好漢一條!
龍紋三國-最殺的三國 1.1.3
史上最強千人團戰的重度國戰手遊,體驗經典RPG,穿越三國亂世,化身真命天子,攜手三國名將並肩作戰!!===遊戲介紹===【108個系統】史上系統最多的遊戲,只有你想不到的沒有我們沒有的系統。玩法豐富多樣,運籌帷幄拚天下手指決定你的三國!【數百名將隨你養成】百位三國猛將任你召喚,快來組建你的最強大戰隊!橫掃千軍破敵萬里,一夫當關,萬夫莫敵!【勢力軍團跨服奪魁】三國勢力八方來襲,軍團競技開啟亂世時代,軍團貢獻值可換極品,更可裝備軍團秘技、火爆軍團戰,讓軍團勇士即時廝殺,激烈戰鬥令人血脈噴張!【結交盟友聯手出擊】組隊副本、符文爭奪等著你,速速號召親朋好友,攜手亂世,創造一段只屬於你們的三國史詩!搶親獻花,成就名將與美人緊密結合的遊戲體驗,享受遊戲中江山美人的霸王待遇!【千種道具任君收集】神鑄套裝、酷炫坐騎、超級神寵、稀世寶物搭配出史詩組合,高手如雲,【優厚福利無以倫比】新手福利、登錄簽到、每日闖關堪稱同類遊戲福利最多!體力、金幣、寶石尋寶獎勵爆棚!【超炫戰鬥體驗超激】風刃斬,狂刀亂舞、飛火流星、疾風穿甲技能特效,展現超炫的華麗效果。真人同步在線,即時戰鬥,讓你在三國世界中體驗天上地下唯我獨尊!Here comes the highly rated Role-playing Game!! ThreeKingdomsbackground plus millions of downloads!! Enjoy intensivebattleswith other players online! Train your heroes and developyourforces! Let’s see who will be the ultimate dominator!===Features==【108 Systems】Altogether 108 systems included! With such diversified gameplays,you will never feel bored!【Train Heroes】Recruit heroes and build a strong team to crush your enemies!【Legion Wars】Compete with other Legions and claim rewards! The contributionyoumade to the Legion can be exchanged for items used inbattles!【Build Alliance】Ally with friends to make a more stunning achievement! Therearealso beauties waiting for you in the game!【Collect Items】Collect equipment and pets to improve your fighting capacity!【Rich Rewards】Large quantities of Stamina, Gold, and Gems can be found intheNewbie Package, the Login Bonus, and the Daily Rewards!【Superb Visual Effects】Join battles while enjoying the superb visual effects!The way of conquest won’t be over until you claimthesupremacy!