Top 14 Games Similar to 芙蒂希亞戰紀

誅仙傳(女神天痕 新章) 1.0.9
三大陣營爽快即時PK競技,技能、仙女、仙劍等多重搭配衍生豐富戰術。為了陣營強大及自身的榮耀,踏入修真世界瀟灑成仙!華麗渲染特效,緊張刺激的戰鬥感官盛宴。順暢華麗的戰鬥畫面,三界戰場的激烈廝殺躍然呈現於掌間!酷炫坐騎究極進化!尊貴視覺突顯神獸風采。豐富的坐騎養成系統,乘上外觀與能力不斷進化的坐騎,走出自己的修仙路!強大的角色養成系統,技能招式、仙劍和坐騎等多種培養路線。遊戲蘊含豐富的養成方式,進化ARPG角色培養的真髓!豐富副本玩法,等您來挑戰。多元多種類的副本玩法,一直玩一直玩一直玩,天天都有新挑戰!全新的語音聊天模式,讓你只需動口不動手。不再一個個文字輸入,透全新語音系統,讓你聊天交友更輕鬆!全新的操作設計理念,一根手指即可輕鬆遊玩的ARPG遊戲。跨世代手遊操作模式,隨時隨地輕鬆玩!===========================================================官方網站:官方粉絲團:客服信箱:[email protected]
戰殺曉online 1.0.6
☞ 仙魔幻境真人強PK,即時戰鬥,邀約野外!☞ 最豐富內容,每小時不同活動,讓你上線超好玩!☞ 華麗炫麗的技能,緊張刺激的戰鬥。☞ 豐富的故事情節,帶你進入不一樣的手遊世界。☞ 酷炫拉風坐騎,享受他人崇拜。☞ 最萌寵物養成系統,養眼不孤單。☞ 夢幻仙羽,視覺最高享受。豐富故事內容,任務超多解不完!眾多強大BOSS,三十幾種,讓你戰很大!無盡試煉副本,滿足你的戰鬥慾望。最簡易操作模式,一玩就上手!遊戲官網:客服信箱:[email protected]官方粉絲團:
로드 오브 크리쳐스(Lord of Creatures ) 1.3854
9Splay Korea
◆ 최고의 모바일 arpg 콘텐츠화려한 그래픽과 코스튬!쉬운 조작과 강력한 타격감!◆ 독특한 영수 육성 시스템함께 성장하는 게임의 동반자!다양한 보스를 통해서 획득할 수 있는 영수들!내가 육성한 영수들의 강력한 스킬을 사용하자!◆ PK 경기장진정한 영웅을 가리는 치열한 경쟁!당신의 강함을 증명할 수 있는 pvp전투!◆ 짜릿한 보스전유니크한 보스들과 화끈한 전투!친구와 함께 거대한 보스를 처치하자◆ Lord of Creatures 공식카페:◆ leading mobilecontentarpgColorful graphics and costumes!Easy operation and powerful hitting sense!◆ develop a unique alphanumeric systemCompanion to grow with the game!The receipt that can be acquired through a variety of bosses!Let me use the powerful skills of the foster receipts!◆ PK ArenaCompetition obscuring the true hero!pvp combat to prove your strength!◆ exhilarating boss battlesUnique boss battles and hot!Let's kill huge bosses with friends◆ Lord of Creatures official cafe:
フォルティシア SEGA×LINE 2.1.2
【サービス終了のお知らせ】この度、『フォルティシアSEGA×LINE』は、皆さまにお楽しみいただけますよう、より良いサービスを目指し運営を続けてまいりましたが、諸般の事情により2016年11月30日(水)をもちましてサービスを終了させていただきます。これまでのご愛顧に厚く御礼申し上げます。サービス終了までのスケジュールにつきましてはゲーム内のお知らせをご確認ください。SEGAから『マルチプレイ対応アクションRPG』がついに登場!仲間と協力して巨大な敵を討ち倒せ!ここは武器に宿る霊魂「フォルティス」と意思の疎通ができる特別な人間「フォルティシア」が存在する世界。プレイヤーはこの地に降り立ったひとりのフォルティシア。運命に導かれて一振りの剣と出会い、その剣に宿るフォルティスと共に探索の旅に旅立つ…【フォルティシアの特徴】▼最大4人同時プレイ可能やり応え抜群のリアルタイムアクションRPG!リアルタイムアクションバトルで楽しむファンタジーRPGの世界!仲間と協力すればどんな強敵も怖くない!マルチプレイでレア素材を獲得!▼ド派手な「フォルティス召喚」で一発逆転のチャンス召喚ゲージが一杯になると、武器に宿るフォルティスの「召喚」が可能!効果は武器に宿るフォルティスによって様々、意外な組合せが意外な効果を生み出すかも?キミはどんなフォルティスと出会うのか? 最高のフォルティスを秘めた武器を手に入れよう!▼両手剣、ハンマー、杖・・・ 武器を使い分けろ!手数が多く、最大5段のコンボ攻撃が可能な「両手剣」重い一撃、テクニカルだが使いこなせば強力な「ハンマー」遠くから敵を攻撃、華麗な立ち回りができる「杖」それぞれに特徴的な「スキル」を持つ、プレイスタイルにあわせて使い分けるのが勝利への鍵!▼装備を集めて強化、進化!「アドオン効果」も組み合わせて自分だけの装備を造れ!武器、装備には特殊な能力が秘められた「アドオン効果」が付いているものも! 効果を合成で組み合わせ、より強力な装備を造りだそう!▼物語を彩る豪華声優陣相沢舞、赤羽根健治、浅野真澄、井上喜久子、伊藤かな恵、内山夕実、大空直美、小野坂昌也、黒沢ともよ、桑島法子、斎藤千和、関智一、照井春佳、中井和哉、野島健児、朴璐美、久川綾、檜山修之、平野文、広橋涼、松風雅也、皆口裕子、三森すずこ、吉村那奈美(50音順)【対応OSについて】Android4.1以上【推奨端末について】推奨端末一覧はこちら
DemonSouls (Action RPG)
A stunning epic classic styled ARPG !
D'summoner 1.02
Yap Chee Hong
D’Summoner is a hack & slashARPGmobilegame which emphasizes on combat and adventure. Inaddition,playerscan acquire a variety of skills by collectingdifferent typeofdaimon. The story of the D’summoner is revolvesaround theValaronMainland. The dark evil intend to dominate theValaronMainland byreleasing all daimon which sealed long timeago.However, thedaimon is more powerful than expected andbeyondcontrol. At theend, chaos was brought to the whole mainland.In theD’summoner,player plays a part as Summoner’s descendantwhichpossess thespecial power. To accomplish the mission passeddownfrom ancestor,they have to equip up the weapon and continuetheadventure againstthe evil. During the journey, player willfightagainst strongerand stronger demons with the brave daimonarmy.This game will bemuch entertaining and thrilling than whatyouexpected.Characteristic-Exclusive card collecting & action mobile game.-Massive daimon skill combination and infinitecharacterbuild.-Uncountable play mode are waiting for you!-Wings, Guild, Weapon, Pet & Fashion. Everything is inside!GraphicsD’Summoner is an online ARPG mobile game which built on topof2Ddrawing. The battling scene which designed elegantly layerbylayerwill definitely satisfy your visual. Every daimon hastheirownunique and formidable skill, you can experience itpersonallyingame. Feast your eyes on the largest collectionofattractivefashion accessories, wings, pets as well asweapons.GamePlayClassic Horizontal Fighting Game, Show your skill,CollectDaimon,Daimon Relation, Strategy, Wise and brave. PvP withyourfriends,grab resource, defend base, limited time boss andmorewaiting foryou.If facing any issue in game, welcome to contact us.Facebook:微信(wechat):eyouxfxysEmail:[email protected]
芙亞妮Vuarny 1.3
Luke Wang
在一個位於坎特尼亞大陸的國家「米卡里歐」,原本是個崇尚符文女神、自然與魔法的國家。然而得到權力的貴族為了壟斷權力,下令禁止學習與使用符文魔法。過了百年,魔法已經漸漸從坎特尼亞消失了,然而隱藏在黑暗角落的魔物正悄悄的甦醒...芙亞妮是一款以手機圖形鎖畫魔法陣為概念的闖關遊戲。玩家藉著關卡學習新的魔法,擊倒魔物獲得金幣去商店買強力的法杖,一步一步的往前推進。In a countrylocatedinAlicante, Virginia continent "Mikaliou" wasoriginallyadvocatingRune goddess of nature and magic country.However, the power of the nobility in order to obtainmonopolypower,banned the learning and use of rune magic.After a hundred years, magic has gradually disappearedfromAlicanteVirginia, but hidden in a dark corner of the Monsterisquietlyawakening ...Fu Yani is a mobile phone graphics lock magic ofpaintingconceptinvented a game. By crossing the players to learnnewmagic, Monsterget down to the shops to buy gold powerfulwand,step-by-stepprocess forward.
ZENONIA S: Rifts In Time 3.5.1
The world’s most popular mobile RPG,ZENONIA®,is now online! !Travel across nine treacherous realms to uncover the mysterybehindthe portal.Assist the Celestial Kingdom and expose the horrifying truth.Chat and play with your friends in real-time! Join a co-opraidparty and fend off vicious monsters in Raid mode. EnterPVPmatchups to destroy your competition.[Real-time Action]Battle monsters, make friends, and punish challengers all fromyourmobile device.Explore the world of ZENONIA S: Rifts in Time across theninerealms.Test your survival skills in the Monster Wave mode.[Classes]Choose from your favorite ZENONIA® characters.Slasher/ Ranger/ Fighter / Magician / AssassinAwaken your hero and break the limit.[Customize]Customize you character with over 300 different piecesofequipment.Increase the effectiveness of your weapons, armor, andaccessoriesthrough various enhancementsPut your skills to the test in ZENONIA S: Rifts in Time.Becomelegendary!* This game requires the following permissions foroptimalgameplay.- Permission to sync your Address Book and access device statusforFriend Invites[READ_CONTACTS, READ_PHONE_STATE]- Permission to sync your Google account[GET_ACCOUNTS]- Permission to save necessary game data externally[READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE]** This game is available in English.** There may be additional costs when trying to obtaincertainitems.* GAMEVIL Official Website :* GAMEVIL Customer Support: ofService:
Yap Chee Hong
無雙劍姬 1.1.6
「無雙劍姬」是首款3D格鬥動作手遊,採用先進的KM3D引擎打造。4K高解析遊戲畫面,細膩的光源特效粒子,以及創新的Reality-Online同步技術,創造手遊史上最大規模PK系統!「無雙劍姬」擁有今夏最勁爆の生存對決,超動感水嫩萌系戰場,是2015年旗艦動作手遊。作為3DARPG的突破钜作,完美實現多人爆團競技的體驗!※遊戲特色※【突破動作束縛】無鎖定無限連擊尖端引擎打造,頂級4K遊戲畫面,真實物理反饋碰撞,拳拳到肉的戰鬥體驗,完美呈現硬直、擊倒、浮空、擊飛、牽引、晃動等多種物理效果。【突破單機束縛】百人團戰不是夢創新引進Reality-Online數據技術,零時差無縫同步互動,史上最大規模40人團戰系統,KM3D引擎極限效能,遠超其他遊戲之常規引擎,多人同場競技不是夢。【突破玩法束縛】多元玩法一次滿足競技場、公會戰、劇情模式、副本闖蕩、塔防TD、世界BOSS,超豐富遊戲內容,高自由度戰鬥核心,多元玩法一次滿足,手遊玩法創新聚變。【突破地域束縛】隨時隨地戰起來伺服器數據同步技術導入,隔服如隔紗,首創好友、公會跨服組隊,皇家鬥技跨服PK,永遠不怕找無人,隨時都能召集好友戰起來!【突破個性束縛】百變裝扮極致羽翼水手服、學生裝、俏秘書、沙灘馬甲,上百種時裝任意穿搭,自由打造獨一無二的個人潮流Style。※職業介紹※【無雙劍姬 GRAND DUELIST】職業特點:物理/火焰元素/神聖元素職業武器:騎士長劍戰術類型:劍術/神威職業介紹:使用騎士長劍,善於揮砍、戳刺、突刺,攻擊範圍較小。但身為戰鬥天才的她,練就出多種衝刺技巧,能快速接近對手造成致命打擊。她通過虔誠信仰獲得神力加持,將火焰和神聖的力量灌注到武器中,當連續使用技能後,能蓄力進行神威攻擊,對遠處敵人也充滿威脅。神聖信仰讓她嫉惡如仇,學會了運用各種手段限制敵人的行動。出色的攻擊技巧加上眾多控制技能,讓敵人手足無措聞風喪膽。【仙靈女巫 FAERY WITCH】職業特點:法術/雷電元素/火焰元素/冰霜元素/暗影元素職業武器:魔導法杖戰術類型:魔法/杖術職業介紹:擅長使用無需吟唱的自然元素魔法,用優雅至極的儀式與大自然溝通。唯一的缺點是持續動作比較漫長,容易給敵人可乘之機,但一旦儀式結束,釋放出來的魔法威力無窮。由於從小就孤身在外闖蕩冒險,學會使用體術彌補不足之處。能一邊舞動法杖一邊放出法球攻擊近身敵人,面對強大的對手能使用閃現迅速遠離危險,再運用威力強勁附帶各種控制效果的魔法折磨敵人。【未來守護 FUTURE GUARDIAN】職業特點:物理/雷電元素/火焰元素/神聖元素/暗影元素職業武器:雙持科技槍戰術類型:槍械/未來科技職業介紹:射擊範圍廣大頻率極快。還能使用各種威力強大的致命科技武器。多年從軍習慣,讓他善於使用靈活身法逃離險境。他是一台殺戮機器,既可使用威力強大的連環雷轟炸,又可運用無窮無盡的彈幕掃射。持有超遠距離威力強大的鐳射炮,可在移動中毀滅敵人,更可召喚異次元艦隊,使用毀天滅地的光束炮造成大範圍打擊。如果非要給他找缺點的話,那就是沒有控制技能,但能支配如此恐怖的毀滅力量,還需要控制嗎?★官方資訊★《無雙劍姬》官方網站:《無雙劍姬》FB粉絲團:《無雙劍姬》巴哈姆特:《無雙劍姬》客服信箱:[email protected]依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為:輔導15歲級本遊戲涉及角色穿著凸顯性特徵之服飾,有打鬥、攻擊等未達血腥之畫面本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務===關於手機許可權SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW使用的聲明===
RPG Machine Knight
For the world, and for its sin, a youngmanmeets betrayal and friendship beyond the “gate”!An authentic free-to-play RPG!* This game features some IAP content, such as powerful itemsandextra dungeons. While they require additional fees, you can playtothe end of the game without it.StoryThrough the excesses of science, a “black sun” was created,leadingto energy shortages. The world faced a certain doom.After tremendous effort, scientists discovered a chance tosavetheir world by acquiring an unknown energy source in anotherworldbeyond the “gate."The mission to research the new world fell to a youngscientistnamed Frain, in Schutzheim. He threw his body into the“gate”alone.The other world was filled with nature and mystery, things hehadnever seen.But what really awaited him was treachery and betrayal, by hisownworld.People were trampled by machine soldiers, chasers wereeverywhere,and monsters stood in every avenue of escape…Despite these hardships, though, he found new companions whotrustedand supported him.Another-world adventure fantasy RPG on an overwhelming scale!Adventure and deception, stretching into anotherworld!For the sake of his world, a young man named Frain traveledtoanother. However he was betrayed by his own people.Threatened by his own world, oppressed in the new world where hewastrapped, lonely and hurt. But two heroines reached out theirhandsto this young man, and the story went on.What is the truth behind the betrayal? Can Frain return tohisworld? What will happen between Frain and the twoheroines?The adventure of betrayal and friendship will start, withgreatfeelings and deception.Dot art work in a warm atmosphereExpressive characters and monsters stylized in dot artworkcreatewarm and pleasant to the eye atmosphere in the game. Anotherworldbeyond the “gate” is colored with dot art work.A challenging game systemThis game system is filled with challenging elements, includingthe“Machina Board” system through which you can learn various jobsandskills, creating weapons by collecting materials, playingvarioussub quests, and challenging extra dungeons, as well as themainstory!Who will you choose between the two heroines?Bell and Aulin are the two heroines who reach out their hands totheyoung man Frain.The generous sister Bell and the cheerful, spirited Aulin.During the adventure, these two heroines show theirdifferentpersonalities.Which one will you choose?[EULA]Your use of the application constitutes your acceptance ofthefollowing EULA:[Supported OS Versions]- 2.1 and up[Supported Screens]- HVGA (320x480) and above[Xperia(TM) PLAY]- Xperia PLAY Optimized[SD Card Storage]- Enabled[Supported Languages]- Japanese, English(This app has generally been tested to work on almost allmobiledevice distributed in Japan. Other devices are not guaranteedto becompatible.)Get the latest information![Newsletter][Facebook page] KEMCO/Hit-Point
《大主宰》遊戲特色◎小說意境經典還原!命運由你主宰!遊戲小說劇情高度結合! 每一個劇情選擇,每一個戰鬥操作都與小說人物命運息息相關!由你開啟屬於自己的主宰強者之路。◎炫酷卡牌!力求高度還原小說人物!千萬成本製作力求高度還原小說人物!立體卡牌,即時操作!讓你群壓全場!力拔山河!◎三合一技能!逆襲史上所有卡牌!遊戲首創多人合體技能,讓你戰鬥爽翻天!只求帶給玩家極致卡牌操作體驗!◎上古神獸降臨!合體作戰更無敵!小說中各大神獸盡數出場,不僅能幫你打小怪獸,更能與你合體發動技能!◎自創全自動掛機系統!全天候24小時自動推圖系統!讓你事情兩不誤!媽媽再也不用擔心我玩遊戲忘記吃飯了!客服信箱: [email protected]官方粉絲團:
RPG Grace of Letoile - KEMCO 1.1.3g
*Important Notice* Due to maintenance reasons, theappwilltemporarily be unavailable for 64-bit devices afterJuly31st,2021. Depending on the optimization for new devices,theremight bethe possibility to stop the distribution later on.Weappreciateyour understanding. Throw yourself into fierce battlestostealSertzes, the cores of automatas able to make wishes cometrue!Thetwelve numbers engraved on the Chronos Gauge are thekeytovictory! Vedley, who lost his parents in a sad incident,hearsfromAchieitz about the existence of the Letoiles, who are abletomakeany wish come true. In order to turn back time and try tosavehisparents, Vedley makes a pact with a Letoile andbecomesherMaschelle, and they throw themselves into the battlestostealSertzes from the other Letoiles. Control time, baffleenemies,andturn the course of battles! After all theferociousfighting...What awaits Vedley? Skill Plates and Gems SkillGemshave manydifferent powers, and when fitted into a Skill Plate,aGem makesit possible for a character to use magic or a skill.BycombiningGems, characters may also be able to use specialskills.Also, byflicking a Skill Plate, it can be rotated, and it iseasyto changethe positions of skills already fitteddirectlycorresponding tothe Chronos Gauge. The outcome of everybattlecomes down to thetactics you choose! During battles, thecharactericons are shownon the left-hand side of the screen, andnext tothem, a range ofeffects are sometimes displayed. These areknown asField Effects,and if a character’s turn comes while one ofthoseeffects is shownnext to their icon, the character can gainthebenefits of thateffect. However, Field Effects are notalwaysadvantageous. Thereare also disadvantageous effects. Also,effectsapply to apply toboth enemies and allies. However, byraising thelevel of theChronos Gauge to 100% or more, you canlaunch InterruptActions.When an advantageous effect is attached toan enemy, orwhen adisadvantageous effect is attached to an ally,you can useanInterrupt Action to change the order of thecharacters'actions,and avoid these unfavorable situations. TheChronos Gaugeholds thekey to victory! The Chronos Gauge isnecessary forcharacters to beable to use the Particular Skills theyeach have,or to be able tolaunch Interrupt Actions, with which theorder ofthe characters'actions can be changed. The Gauge has adisplay likea clock, withthe numbers 1 to 12, and at the start of abattle oneof thenumbers will glow. The glowing number will moveclockwiseeach timean ally or enemy performs an action. At thistime, if youuse askill corresponding to the glowing number, a JustTime Bonuswillbe triggered, and the level of the Gauge will recoverby alargeamount. Also, the level of the Gauge increases, althoughonlyby alittle, when enemies are defeated. The Gauge is sharedacrossallparty members, so it's a good idea to pay attention to thelevelasyou use Particular Skills and launch Interrupt Actions!*Thisgamefeatures some in-app-purchase content.Whilein-app-purchasecontent requires additional fees, it isnotnecessary for finishingthe game. *The actual price mightdifferdepending on the region.[Supported OS] - 2.3 and up [SDCardStorage] - Enabled [Languages]- English, Japanese[Non-SupportedDevices] This app has generallybeen tested to work onany mobiledevice released in Japan. Wecannot guarantee support onotherdevices. [IMPORTANT NOTICE] Youruse of the applicationrequiresyour agreement to the followingEULA and 'Privacy PolicyandNotice'. If you do not agree, pleasedo not downloadourapplication. End UserLicenseAgreement: Privacy PolicyandNotice: Get thelatestinformation![Newsletter][Facebookpage] (C)2014KEMCO/MAGITEC
RPG Record of Agarest War
To celebrate the opening of the holidayseasonHyperDevbox is announcing a special price on all titlesavailablefor Android (GooglePlay) and iOS. Right now, and until May9th ,you can capture all your favorite titles for 45% off ormore.Promotional Price is available on all titles from the listbelow:ExZeus ArcadeExZeus 2LoveCatchINDY 500 Arcade RacingSpectral SoulsBlazing SoulsGeneration of ChaosRecord of Agarest WarRecord of Agarest War Zero** NexusPlayer & AndroidTV supported ! Play this awesome gameona big screen TV ^^HyperDevbox is proud to announce that the massively populartacticalrole-playing game (J-RPG) for home video game consolesSony (PS3)and Microsoft (XBOX360), Record of Agarest War (Englishversion), isnow available for Android.Story:It was the end of the age of gods... An age that ended when thedoorto oblivion was opened.There were five continents in the world of Agarest, each onepiercedby a great pillar that towered toward the sky. Thesesoaringmonuments were the gods themselves.The beginning of our story and the end of the age of myth findtheirstart on the continent of Lucrellia when a young man namedLeonhardtsacrifices everything, even his future and his children,to protectan elven girl. At death's door, he pledges himself toacontract...This is the final tale of the gods; a story woven in soulsacrossgenerations...Game features :* 3D Battle Scenes.* Witness the Soul Breed system! Choose a bride at the end ofyouradventure and give birth to the hero of the nextgeneration!* Position your forces on the battlefield and wait for therightmoment to string together massive combo attacks usingmultipleparty members both in melee and at range!* Over 100 hours of gameplay packed into 1.8 GB of data* 59 outstanding soundtracks* Full 720p HD graphic assets* 40 cut scene videos* Fully voice acted with 16,000 character voices* Over 400 different Magic spells and Battle skills* Over 400 Enemies and Characters* Capture monsters to join your army* Story stretching 5 Generations of heroes* Enhanced battle system including combo system, breakandoverkill* Support for full touch interface, keyboard with key mappingandexternal controllers* Xperia Play optimized* Compatible with MOGA controllers .* Automatic save backup to Google Cloud through Google PlayGameServices.* Support for Leaderboards and Achievements through Google PlayGameServices.* Language: English text with Japanese voices.* Support for x86 android devices.* Android TV compatible (GamePad)** IMPORTANT NOTICE PLEASE READ **- 5 x Additional Dungeons DLC are available at no charge fromthestore, all the other DLC are not necessary to completethegame.- You need a with at least 1.8GB of free space.- There is a 1.8GB OBB additional data download to completetheinstallation so WIFI is "ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY" and a good doseofpatience too, the installation may take from 15mn to 30mntocomplete based on your Internet network configuration and/orourservers congestion, everybody will be served but pleasebepatient.- There is an "in-game" FAQ in case you have some trouble duringtheinstallation so please take the time to read it should youhaveproblems.- Game is set, by default, to use the HIGHEST resolution andgraphicsettings available so please adjust in the option screenshould yourdevice be a little "just" to support the full hiresdata.- A High-End device is highly recommended for the bestgamingexperience.- Visit our website and forum at formoreFAQ and information.©2013-2015 IDEA FACTORY/COMPILE HEART/RED, developed forAndroid,licensed and published by HYPERDEVBOX.Hyperdevbox website: