Top 13 Apps Similar to 滿文小學堂

ABC英文字母小學堂 4.2
Happy Learning ABC English Alphabet
英文數字小學堂 1.9
日常英文 - 英文數字小學堂繁體中文版,這是一款生活英文的數字教學軟體,(另有一款遊戲英文序數小學堂是英文序數教學軟體)可以讓玩家在遊戲中學習英文數字,裡面提供英文朗誦、書寫練習、測驗練習、我問你答、數字接龍、學習方法以及小小畫家等許多功能,可以讓玩家邊遊戲邊學習增加學習樂趣,適合所有想要學習英文的人來使用,大家一起來學英文數字吧。一、英文朗誦:英文數字的語音朗讀。二、書寫練習:提供英文數字的書寫練習,       可以直接在螢幕上進行書寫練習,       不只提升學習興趣,       更可以省去購買書寫練習簿的花費。三、測驗練習:請玩家回答題目中的英文數字是多少?四、我問你答:真人發音隨機出題,請玩家回答題目中的英文數字是多少?五、數字接龍:真人發音隨機出題,請玩家回答接下來的數字是多少?六、學習方法:提供英文數字各種學習技巧,可以藉此提升學習能力。七、小小畫家:提供玩家塗鴉畫圖,自由練習的空間。Daily English -Englishnumeric Traditional Chinese school,This is a living teaching English digital software,(Another game English ordinal ordinal number of small schoolEnglishteaching software)Allows players to learn English numbers in the game,Which is available in English reading, writing exercises,practicetests, I ask you to answer,Digital Solitaire, learning methods as well as a small painterandmany features,Side game allows players to increase the learning funwhilelearning,Suitable for all people who want to learn English to use,Everyone will work together to learn alphanumeric bar.First, the English recitation: English voice reading numbers.Second, the writing exercise: provide alphanumericwritingexercises,You can write directly on the screen exercises,Not only enhance the interest in learning,More dispensed later spent writing exercise books.Third, the practice test: Please answer the title of Englishplayersis the number?Fourth, I am asking you: the human voice out of randomquestions,please players to answer the question in English isthenumber?V. Digital Solitaire: live pronunciation random out ofquestion,please answer the following players is the number?Six, learning methods: Provide a variety of learning Englishdigitalskills, can take to enhance learning ability.Seven Little painter: providing players graffiti drawing,freepractice space.
Happy learning adds, subtracts, multiplies and dividesfouroperations.
好試達滿分小學堂 1.0.125
除法小學堂 2.3
幼兒教育, 學前教育, 在學練習, 課後輔導, 自主學習, 小朋友快樂學習數學除法。
注音學堂遊樂篇 2.7
Early childhood education, preschool education, learningexercises,after-school tutoring, independent study, Bo-po-mo happychildrenlearning phonetic symbols.
乘法小學堂 2.5
幼兒教育, 學前教育, 在學練習, 課後輔導, 自主學習, 小朋友快樂學習數學乘法運算。
資訊小學堂 1.14
關於「資訊小學堂」行動教材,它是全國第一本最完整數位教材。課程內容包含「資料庫」、「數位學習」、「程式設計」、「計算機概論」、「資料結構」。影片內容包含授課教學與動畫教學等不同的教學方式。它是由正修科技大學 資管系 李春雄 博士主持的計畫研究團隊:1.李秀容大學生:影片錄影 影片上傳。2.陳家華大學生:美工。3.謝易諷大學生:影片錄製。4.盧君龍大學生:程式。5.洪瑞展研究生:協助。
時鐘小學堂 2.4
Happy Academy
Clever kids know the clock operation.
分數小學堂進階篇 1.6
幼兒教育, 學前教育, 在學練習, 國小數學, 上課教材, 自主練習,分數小學堂《進階篇》繁體中文版,這是一款關於分數運算的教學軟體, 可以讓小朋友在遊戲中快樂的學習分數,裡面提供進階說明、擴分練習、約分練習、最簡分數、通分測驗、小小畫家等許多功能, 可以讓小朋友邊遊戲邊學習分數,增加孩童學習分數運算的樂趣, 培養兒童的基礎數學能力,適合學校學生學習分數使用, 也可以當作學前教育軟體,分數小學堂是給寶寶們學分數的最好工具, 讓寶貝們贏在起跑點,想進行分數基礎認識與學習的玩家們, 請您安裝分數小學堂《基礎篇》,學習順序《基礎篇》->《進階篇》,感謝您的愛用與支持,謝謝。一、進階說明:提供關於分數的介紹說明,包含程式介紹、分數擴分、       分數約分、最簡分數、通分計算以及基礎補充等單元。二、擴分練習:分數擴分運算的測驗練習。三、約分練習:分數約分運算的測驗練習。四、最簡分數:最簡分數的的計算練習。五、通分測驗:請玩家將題目中通分前與通分後的分數相連在一起。六、小小畫家:提供小朋友塗鴉畫圖,自由練習的空間。
注音符號小學堂 3.3
幼兒教育, 學前教育, 在學練習, 課後輔導, 自主學習,注音符號小學堂繁體中文版,這是一款ㄅㄆㄇ注音符號教學軟體,可以讓小朋友在遊戲中快樂的學習37個注音符號,裡面提供注音介紹、注音朗誦、筆畫練習、圖片教學、注音拼圖、順序排列以及小小畫家等許多功能,可以讓小朋友邊遊戲邊學習ㄅㄆㄇ注音符號,增加孩童學習注音的樂趣,培養兒童國語發音的基礎能力,適合當作學前教育軟體,注音學堂是給寶寶們學注音的最好工具,讓寶貝們贏在起跑點。一、注音介紹:提供注音符號的的基本介紹,包含注音列表       、結合韻、聲調符號以及拼音方法的說明。二、注音朗誦:ㄅ到ㄦ,37個注音符號的真人語音朗讀,       可以依學習熟練度調整語音播放間隔,       適合小朋友邊聽邊念快速學習。三、筆畫練習:提供注音符號的筆畫教學,       可以直接在螢幕上跟著教學進行書寫,       不只提升小朋友的學習興趣,       更可以省去購買書寫練習簿的花費。四、圖片教學:利用生活中常見的物品和水果,       以及小朋友最喜歡的動物圖片,       進行國語名詞拼音和發音練習。五、注音拼圖:用37個注音符號做成的拼圖遊戲,       利用拼圖遊戲提升小朋友的學習興趣。六、順序排列:系統會隨機排列注音符號,       玩家需在限制的時間內,       將注音符號搬移到正確的順序位置,       大人們可以和小朋友比比看誰能最快完成       是個兼顧學習與增加親子間互動的好幫手。您好:如果小學堂 & 遊樂園 & 三國系列作品,有帶給您還是小朋友助益或歡樂,您想要給作者一些贊助與鼓勵,您可以在Google Play上購買小學堂贊助程式,0.99 美元贊助的Google Play連結: 美元贊助的Google Play連結: 美元贊助的Google Play連結:有您的支持才會有更新更好玩的軟體推出,謝謝。小學堂 & 三國志系列臉書粉絲網頁 :作品簡介:一、幼兒學習:1.動物小學堂水果小學堂 時鐘小學堂 顏色小學堂 形狀小學堂二、數學類:1. 數字小學堂 123數數小學堂 九九乘法小學堂 加法小學堂 減法小學堂 乘法小學堂 除法小學堂四則運算小學堂三、英文類:1. ABC英文字母小學堂建議與英文字母拼圖小學堂一起使用2. 英文字母拼圖小學堂建議與ABC英文字母小學堂一起使用3. 英文字母書寫體小學堂 KK音標小學堂 KK音標小學堂發音篇 KK音標小學堂範例篇 英文數字小學堂 英文序數小學堂四、注音類:1. 注音符號小學堂 注音學堂發音篇 注音學堂遊樂篇五、日文類1. 五十音小學堂平假名篇 五十音小學堂片假名篇六、遊戲類:1. 三國志草船借箭 聖誕拼圖遊樂園 動物拼圖遊樂園 水果拼圖遊樂園 ABC英文字母順序排列比賽 childhoodeducation,preschool education, learning exercises, after-schooltutoring,independent study,Traditional Chinese phonetic symbols small school version,This is a bo-po-mo phonetic symbols teaching software,Allows children to learn in a fun game 37 phonetic symbols,Which provides phonetic descriptions, phonetic reading,practicingstrokes, images of teaching,Phonetic puzzles, small order and painters and manyotherfunctions,You can let the children bo-side game while learning po-mophoneticsymbols,Increase children learn phonetic funChildren's ability to develop basic Mandarin, andSuitable as a pre-school software,Phonetic School is the best tool for babies learningphonetic,Let the kids win at the starting point.First, the phonetic description: Provides a basic introductiontophonetic symbols, including phonetic list, Combined with rhyme, tone symbols and phonetic description ofthemethod.Second, the phonetic reading: bo-to ㄦ, live voice reading aloud37phonetic symbols,By learning proficiency can adjust the voiceplaybackinterval,For children to listen and learn quickly to read.Third, stroke exercises: providing stroke teachingphoneticsymbols,Directly on the screen along with teaching to write,Not only enhance children's interest in learning,Eliminates the need to spend more to buy exercise bookstowrite.Fourth, the picture of teaching: the use of common life goodsandfruits,And the children's favorite animal pictures,Spelling and pronunciation of Mandarin nounsconductexercises.Five phonetic puzzle: with 37 phonetic symbols made ofpuzzle,Use to enhance children's interest in learning puzzle.VI order: the system will randomly arranged phonetic symbols,Players need to limit the timeThe phonetic symbols in the correct order to movethelocation,Adults and children to see who can be the fastest to completeIs a balance between learning and increase parent-childinteractionis a good helper.Hello:If the small school & Amusement & Three seriesofworks,You still have to bring the children vote or joy,You want to give the author a number of sponsorshipandencouragement,You can buy small school sponsorship program on Google Play,$ 0.99 Google Play sponsored links:$ 2.99 Google Play sponsored links:$ 4.99 Google Play sponsored links: your support will have more fun software updatelaunch,thank you.Small school & the Three Kingdoms series Face bookfanpage:, the children learn:1 Animal small school small school fruit small school clock small school colors Shape small school, the math class:1 small school figures Number of primary school small school Jiujiuchengfa Addition of small school subtraction Primary School Multiplication small school small school division four arithmetic small school, the English class:1. ABC Alphabet Primary School with advice and letters of the alphabet puzzle school2 small school English alphabet puzzle in conjunction with ABC Alphabet recommended small school3 letters of the alphabet and writing of small school KK phonetic Primary School KK phonetic pronunciation small school papers KK phonetic example of a small school papers alphanumeric Primary School English ordinal number of small school, the phonetic categories:1 small school phonetic symbols phonetic pronunciation school papers phonetic play school papers Japanese class1 small school hiragana syllabary articles small school katakana syllabary articles games category:1 Three Kingdoms Caochuanjiejian Christmas Puzzle Amusement Animal Puzzle Amusement Fruit Puzzle Amusement ABC tournament in alphabetical order
九九乘法小學堂 5.6
Want to learn the multiplication table, The best way is to learnthegame Hello.
動物小學堂 3.0
Please come to the animal primary school to know aboutvariousanimals.