Top 7 Apps Similar to Акушерство

Recipes for children:baby food
Recipes for children: healthy, delicious meals from thefirstfeeding
Первый год жизни малыша
365 tips and ideas for each day for young mothers
МаМагеря 0.139
Yoga for pregnant women, watch how the baby grows inside you
Wachanga, Parenting Guide
Wachanga is your personal guide for yourkid'sup-bringing.The App includes lots of tasks for parents to assist them intheirkids comprehensive development: intellectual andphysicaldevelopment, socialization, emotional sphere, etc. Thetasks aregiven individually according to the child age.You will manage to save the report on the tasks execution, andthenin a while reminisce your kid early childhood developmentwithtender emotions. Photos of your little one's first events,heightand weight graphics, lists of favorite toys and fairy tales…Allthese and even much more will be kept in the colorfulkeepsakejournal of your child.Create the journal by the whole family, each on their own phone,andthen share interesting moments of your child developmentwithrelatives and close friends!Key features:• Timeline – post notes about interesting moments of yourkid'sdevelopment, add appropriate photos.• Metrics – fix your kid's height and weight as often as you cantoget graphics, pretty colorful lines and recommendationsforphysical development.• Tasks - are specially issued assignments for you nd yourchild.Executing the tasks with your little one, you'll help himtoacquire new knowledge and skills. Improve yourparentallevel!• Forms – answer the questions in the thematic forms to keepyourlittle one's important development periods.• Relatives – a list of your relatives and friends in Wachanga.Youwill never forget their kids names and miss theirbirthdays.• News – be aware of your friends' kids development!
Советы мамам 1.33
Maternity, advice for mothers, mother’s book, pregnancyandchildbirth, all about the baby
Доктор Комаровский – официальное приложение 3.0
Важно! Полные версии книг в приложении платные. Длявозможностиознакомления с книгами открыто начало каждой главы.Собрание семизамечательных книг детского врача Евгения ОлеговичаКомаровского:Здоровье ребенка, ОРЗ, Справочник, Неотложная помощь,Лекарства,365 советов на первый год жизни ребенка, Начало жизнивашегоребенка (аудиокнига). Книги переработаны и адаптированыдлямаксимально удобного чтения на телефонах и планшетах. Естьбыстрыйпоиск. Раздел "Тесты"!