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Psaltikon Tonarion - Isocrater (FREE VERSION) 7.13
"Psaltikon Tonarion" is a program that can be used as atunerand/oras an isocrate. THE ONLY TUNER / ISOCRATER PROGRAM THATCANDETECTTHE TONE FROM THE MICROPHONE !! Some of the benefits oftheprogramare: -Beautiful environment with respect to tradition.-Ithas theentire physical scale from the bottom Di to the UpperPa.-Verynatural transition from one note to the other. -Abilitytoselectthe smoothness in the transition between the notes.-Naturalsound.-Ability to display music PDF files and use isocrateat thesametime -Many different voices pre-installed. -Ability tousetwovoices at the same time -Ability to create new sounds andvoicesbyimporting audio files. -Change voice volume inside theprograminreal-time. -Change the voice pitch in real-time. -Abilitytoeditthe tonality of each music note separately. -Ability todetectthetonality from the microphone! -The tonality can be changedbythestep of one point or several each time. -Abilityofselectingmaximum and minimum tonality. -Ability to balance lowandhighfrequencies (equalizer). -Easy to use. You don't have topressaseparate button to stop the voice. -Different behavior initsuseas a tuner and as an isocrate. As a tuner, the voice stopsassoonas you release the button. As an isocrate, it stops whenyoupressthe same note again. -In isocrate mode, only usefulnoteswithlarger buttons are displayed to make it easier tohandle.Optionalyou can view all the notes. "Psaltikon Tonarion" isa toolthat webelieve and hope will help the chants and studentsofourecclesiastical music. THIS IS THE FREE EDITION. Inthisversionsome notes are initially off. To activate all notes andusetheprogram fully, you can purchase operating time throughtheprogram.You can also download the unrestricted versionfromhere: