Top 10 Apps Similar to NominaD

Contractor Payroll Pro 4.0
Payroll Software for ContractorsContractor Payroll is a software tool for your smartphonethatallows the generation of timesheets and payroll,processingsincethe capture of data until the calculation ofdeductionsandpayments to employees and the referral information tothebank,from anywhere, anytime, as well manage the basicinformationofcustomers, jobs, employees and crews.This application is available in both English and Spanishforyourconvenience.Contractor Payroll further includes:Special Functions1.Capture of the check-in and check-out of the employeeusingbarcode.2.Control of advances to salary.3.Calculation and Automatic Generation of the payroll.4.Address and route to your customers through Google Map.5.Rating System for employees and services.6.Sending proof of payment by email.7.Directory of employees and customers integrated withthefunctionsof the smart phone (sms, phone call, email)8.Definition and configuration of income taxesandotherdeductions.Facilities1.Historical and comparative information on bar charts.2.Full reports of payrolls.3.Files in excel format for payroll and attendance records.4.Support and recovery of all the data.Value-added1.Detail of labor cost per activity.2.Detail of labor cost by contract.The Pro version has no limit to the number of employees orratesandincludes the module of taxes and deductions.Contractor Payroll allows you to capture the time ofentryandexit of employees using dimensional barcodes (QR)printedondocuments of identification, with its own smart phone, andusethisinformation to then make the payment calculations.Contractor Payroll includes a complete directory ofemployeesandcustomers.Contractor Payroll allows you to definedifferentworkdays,tariffs for each shift and three forms ofpayment: bytime-fee, perhour-wages and salary, as well as paymentfor piecework forcontractors.In addition to the calculation of the worksheetsandpayrolls,Contractor Payroll allows you to assign the labor coststoeachclient and activity being performed, so that youadditionallyareport of costs per customer and/or work done to bringabettercontrol of your business.QR code can contain any information, but the last fieldshouldbethe code of the employee and this should start withthehashcharacter (#).eg: company name, employee name, #abc001.
Business@Mail Payrolls 2.2.0
¿Qué es? La solución simplifica los procesos de distribución delasnóminas de trabajadores a través un portal web privado.Laprivacidad del proceso está garantizada a través de sistemasdeencriptación y firma electrónica, y accesos segurosyconfidenciales al servicio por parte de todos los usuarios delasolución. ¿Cómo funciona? Notificación con disponibilidad denuevasnóminas: Cada vez que se publique una nueva nómina dirigidaausted, recibirá una notificación en su dispositivo móvil. AccesoaBusiness@Mail Payrolls Platform: Desde esa misma notificación,puede acceder a la aplicación para revisar las nóminaspendientesde revisión. Consulta y firma de nóminas: Una vez dentrode laaplicación, basta con utilizar los menús contextuales parafirmarelectrónicamente su nómina, o anotar disconformidades en casodeque no esté de acuerdo con algún punto de la nómina.
Payroll Spain 2021 1.98
Calculates monthly payroll based on gross annual salary(onlyforSpain) In accordance to spanish regulations in effect asofJanuary2021.
Incidencias de Nómina 1.6
Esta aplicación permite generar, autorizarorechazar Incidencias de Nómina de los colaboradoresdeCompuSoluciones de forma ágil y desde cualquier lugar.Algunas de las funcionalidades principales son:- Solicita días de vacaciones, home office o descuentosvariosfácilmente.- Revisa el detalle de las Incidencias para AutorizarlasoRechazarlas.- Revisa tu histórico de Incidencias Solicitadas y deIncidenciasAfectadas.- Recibe notificaciones cada que se genera una nueva IncidenciadeNómina.- Recibe notificaciones cada que se autoriza o rechazaunaIncidencia de Nómina.This applicationallowsyou to create, approve or reject Trouble PayrollcollaboratorsCompuSoluciones flexibly and from anywhere.Some of the main features are:- Apply vacation days, home office or discountsseveraleasily.- Check the details of the incidents to authorize or reject.- Check your history Affected Requested Trouble and Trouble.- Receive notification each impact a new Payroll isgenerated.- Receive notification each authorizing or rejects a IncidenceofPayroll.
MyPayRoll 4.24
STUDIO ZIVERI SRL has been working since 1996 on thedevelopmentofWeb applications and highly-innovativeintegratedsoftwareplatforms for the automation of Human Resourcesprocesses(WebApplication Service Provider and IntegratedSoftwareApplicationDevelopment, for Automation of EnterpriseHumanResources BusinessProcesses). The website my.studioziveri.ithasbeen designedexclusively for the benefit of the Employees ofourClientEnterprises. This website is unique; not only doesitmakeavailable “all” documents pertaining to theemploymentrelationshipbetween Employer and Employees, it alsooffers advancedandinnovative services to the Employees such aspersonalizedchecksand calculations on their individual income, tax,pensionandsocial security position. Moreover,my.studioziveri.itsuppliesautomated links to the PublicAdministration tostreamlineprocedures with INPS (Italian NationalSocial SecurityInstitute),INAIL (Italian National InsuranceInstitute forEmploymentInjuries), the Inland Revenue Service, TradeUnions andPensionFunds. It manages tax planning thus avoiding anysurprisesin thelast month of the year, and helps you understandwhetherthecontributions paid give you the pension you expect.Italsoprepares your family budget and warns you of anycashdeficits,schedules mortgage and loan instalments and helpsyouunderstandwhether your pay can cover it, calculates rises insalaryand therelevant personalized net amount taking into accountitemsof paysuch as overtime, shift increases, bonuses,recurrentallowancesand, through simulations, forecasts any changesin thesinglepayroll ledger in the months to come. So, you will nolongerneedto go to your Human Resources Department to ask forinformationordocuments. “Non-insiders” can also calculate andforecast theirpayand deductions, all through a streamlined and fastprocedure.Thisapplication also significantly streamlines links withPensionandSocial Security bodies as well as with the InlandRevenueServiceand Pension Funds, making all remote informationavailablethroughonly a few “touches”. Moreover, it has an automatedorcustomizedtext and e-mail messaging service between EmployerandEmployeewith confirmation of receipt keeping you updated inrealtime. Inaddition, the my.planner application is a completeandpersonalizeddue register recording future pay rises, the expiryofnational,provincial, corporate and individualcollectivebargainingagreements, pension due dates, mortgage andloaninstalments, taxeasements and payments to keep you up-to-datefor abetterrelationship with your Employer.
Pagas extras FCC valencia zona 19
calculo de las pagas extraordinarias delaempresa FCC en su contrata de limpieza de la zona IIdevalenciacalculo de nominascalculation of thebonusesof the company FCC in its cleaning contract zone IIvalencepayroll calculation
Calcula Salario Neto 1.3
Manel Cabezas
Calculate how cobraras monthly.
QualyNomis 1.2
Para los trabajadores de serviciosdeemergencias que su nómina se calcula en base al conveniodeteleoperación de 2015. Introduce unos valores básicos y sabráselvalor de la nómina que deberías cobrar.For emergencyserviceworkers that their payroll is calculated based on theagreementteleoperation, 2015. Enter basic values ​​and know thevalue ofpayroll you should collect.
TimeDock - employee time clock 2.3.7
TimeDock keeps you up to date withreal-timejob timesheets, forcing your team leaders into the habitofclocking staff in at the point of doing work.Stop chasing timesheets last minute before payday, and compileyourlabor positioning reports at the click of a buttonat (Premium Account or Trial required to usethisapp).Suitable for...Remote team-based workforceEach employee carries an ID card with a Barcode or NFC tag thentheyapproach the designated person when they start work who clocksthemin. Then, at the end of the day, they present their ID card toclockout. Great for construction crews, agriculture, service teamsandother wage-based organisations with designated personsresponsiblefor tracking hours worked.Fixed-premisesInstall a modular wall-mounted Wifi time clock that uses the sameIDcards as our mobile app. Or optionally install your own tablettothe wall with this app set to front-facing camera forself-servicecheck-in as employees arrive.Repeatable laborCleaners, healthcare workers, security staff and otherswhoregularly visit set locations can check-in by scanning a fixedtagat each location to create a new jobsheet entry with theirhoursassigned. Review in job-sheet format with total hours perrepeatedjob.Top reasons to choose• Scales from 1 to 1000's, without diminishing workflow.• Lets you react to labor fluctuation and project overrun beforeithappens.• Gives you real-time labor costing for keybusinessdecisions.• Eliminates the hassle of chasing timesheets andresolvingtimesheet errors.• Forces point-in-time workflow and actively fightstimesheetlateness and consistency issues.• Modular architecture lets you integrate as many mobile devicesandwall-mounted punch clocks as you need, across many locationswithdiffering internet connectivity.• Works seamlessly online and offline.How this app works:1. Download the app and connect to a TimeDock account asatime-tracking device.2. Optionally pre-select a job code or activity code (configuredbythe admin through the online web portal).3. Use the in-app camera to scan staff ID's as they arrive, orwavetheir NFC badges next to the NFC sensor, to clock into work.Repeatsteps 2-3 for switching jobs, then clock out at the end oftheyday.What you'll get from the online web dashboard:• Instant timesheets for each employee and job. Plustimesheetoverview.• Positioning reports and analytics for configurable costcodes,activity types, tasks.• Manually adjust or enter hours missed.• Configurable CSV exports for sending time data directly topayrollapplications.TimeDock's card-based interface is highly scalable, allowingtheissue of thousands of ID cards and eliminating the need formanualinteraction at the point of recording time.Designed for payroll administrators, TimeDock gives youinstantonline access to timesheets in real-time. Time can also beappliedto jobs on a job-sheet, allowing you to monitor in real-timetotalhours worked on a specific job or location.Install any number of attendance clocks on any number of devicesandthey all work together as employee time clock devices,collectingtimesheet information for your central TimeDock account.Unlike yourtraditional punch clock, employees can check in fromone device andout another.* TimeDock software subscription required to usethisapplication.
FusionMobi™ Resto POS / KDS
Are your customers complainingaboutslow service and delayed check? Get RanceLab®FusionMobi™POS for your restaurant. It speeds up customer service,fooddelivery and billing by using tablet or mobile for order takingandtender. You can choose to run it on Android, iPad orWindows.Unlike other mobile POS, it is easy to get started. Just downloaditand start taking orders. The KOT gets created automatically fortherespective kitchen and bar as soon as waiters take order. TheKOTsgets printed or shown on the screen at the kitchen.Yes. It also comes with a fully functional kitchen displaysystem(KDS). The KDS is used to replace the kitchen printers withascreen display to show the KOTs. Chef can also see the summaryofall the running orders at a glance.FusionMobi also serves youwithreal-time reports while you are on the move. It shows youfigureslike total sale or average-per-person that too for today,month todate and year to date."Superb! We just take order and the kitchen knows it.Earliersomeone had to run to kitchen for every order or changes.Now it isvery easy to place order and serve the customerfaster".Captain - Havmor RestaurantKey Features★ Take order at the table and the KOT gets printed or displayedonscreen at kitchen★ Adding up food modifiers like less-spicy or no-salt forefficientpreparation★ Forced question like chilled or room-temperature will surelysavetime and reduce errors★ Cancellation reason enables management to have due diligenceonthe employees as to why the items had been cancelled andrestrictany type of misappropriations★ Print bill, accept payment and settle the table without rushingtocashier★ It also takes care of item-specific-seasonal-offersandbill-value-based-offers seamlessly with promotion module★ Handles discounts and happy hour pricing★ No monthly fee. No cloud. You own your data. Even it workswithoutinternet★ Access from any device: smartphone, tab, laptop and desktop★ Choose from multiple platforms: Android, iPad or WindowsBenefits★ Serve the food the way your guests want and increase theaverageper person★ Eliminate the confusion caused by handwritten orders.Whenordering through a handheld device★Satisfied guests get you better reviews and refer yourrestaurantto friends and family.★ It saves time for captains, waiters, chefs, bartendersandcashiers★ It helps in quicker food delivery that provides amazingexperienceto your guests★ Awesome user interface reduces the training time to almostnil.First time user starts taking order in minutes★ The waiters spend more time with customer resulting inbettercustomer serviceor a POS system, orders are neatly printed or displayed atthekitchens and easily read★ Inventory wastage and pilferage result in considerable amountofloss. FusionMobi tracks exactly what was ordered, when, by whomandif it has been paid for★ FusionMobi saves orders offline if there is no network. Itmakesit possible to take order for those remote or outside tableswherewifi does not workImportant NoteThis application can be downloaded free of cost but it needsaserver with restaurant management software calledRanceLab®FusionResto™ 6. For single or chain of restaurants,it isrestaurant management software that provides billing,homedelivery, call center, loyalty program, table reservation,variancecontrol, food costing, menu engineering, recipe management,payrolland financial accounting.We have setup a demo server for your convenience. Afterdownloadjust press log in to experience the demo.Looking for user manual?Visit technical help?Visit to talk to sales? Call us now at +91-98319-26662