Top 17 Apps Similar to 去水印助手

快去水印--去视频水印、去字、去图片水印、找原图 1.6
Batch Watermark 1.4.7
Batch image watermark or text watermark generation
微商信 1.0.3
基于手机的商业广告,幻灯片,会议通告等宣传材料制作,管理及推送平台。Phone-basedcommercials,slides, meeting notices and other publicitymaterials,managementand push internet.
微营销工具箱 1.4.9
微商微店借助微信进行营销的全自动工具箱,简称微营销工具箱(具体使用方法请参考截图和下文的使用说明)。让微营销工具箱以各种方式帮您的微信自动加好友发消息,解放双手。使用前必看:1、应用要代替您操作手机所以需要Root权限。2、要自动生成通讯录所以需要操作通讯录权限。3、需要在手机安全设置中允许悬浮窗口出现以方便您启动和中止操作。4、某些超灵敏触摸的机型,可能需要点两到三下小悬浮窗口才会变大。5、本应用已经通过百度MTC验证。注意事项:1、最好在竖屏状态下使用本软件(横屏状态下可能会有兼容问题出现)2、当前兼容最好的手机屏幕大小是4.7-5.5寸3、当前兼容最好的手机分辨率是1280x720 (或1920x1080也可)4、其他屏幕大小和分辨率请自行测试,有不兼容的问题可以反馈给我们,一旦反馈成功可获赠至少价值180元人民币的商业版本(商业版本的特点是可以无限加粉,而不是像当前免费版一样只能加两页)5、如果使用免费版本后确认和您的手机完全兼容,可以到淘宝(购买商业授权以取得无限加粉权限。使用说明:1、要给附近的人打招呼,请先输入要打招呼的内容并保存,然后去设置手机的默认输入法为“微营销输入法”,此时回到工具,就可以全自动添加附近的人。添加完成后记得把输入法切换回你喜欢的输入法,以免影响您的输入。2、要添加手机通讯录的联系人,请自己先手动添加一次并输入验证消息。我们承诺:绝不包含广告,不在后台偷偷安装垃圾软件。软件介绍:1、自动生成通讯录,并查找添加为微信好友。2、自动给您设定位置附近的所有用户打招呼,方便您定点定位加好友。3、……
客源宝 加粉神器 一键加粉 自动加粉 v3.0
Xiamen Studio
直接使用官方微信操作,安全。1 秒速获得客源,有区域客源,精准客源,大量群客源,个人名片等等2 全自动加人,解放双手,有一键添加附近人、一键添加群成员、一键添加通讯录朋友,自动搜索手机号码,QQ号码加粉3 一键转发朋友圈小视频,图文。4 一键分批群发5 微信互粉、微信加群免费使用。6 苹果安卓全网免费升级。Direct use oftheofficialmicro-channel operation, safety.One second speed to get tourists, there areregionaltourists,accurate source, a large group of tourists,personalbusinesscards, etc.2 people plus automatic, hands free, there is a button toaddpeoplenearby, a key member of the group to add a button toaddcontactsfriends, automatically searches the phone number,QQnumber pluspowder3 small circle of friends to forward a key video, graphic.4 a key batch bulk5 micro-channel cross-powder, micro-channel plus groupfreeofcharge.6 Apple Andrews network-wide free upgrade.
小Q画笔 1.5.0
!!最好用的图片标注工具 !!产品经理走查必备神器 !!腾讯最强大的图片处理团队出品===产品功能===小Q画笔拥有最简洁的界面,极小的体积,提供箭头、形状、涂鸦、文字、剪切、马赛克6个标注功能,并可一键分享至微信或QQ好友,帮助你用图片进行最流畅的沟通。产品走查]不装小Q画笔不是好产品经理,截图标注分享讨论,快速搞定不加班。[教咱妈用手机】远程教学不用愁,让咱妈学用手机工具,从零到精通。[拍照标注]拍照、标注,两步标出身边的奇葩人和物品。
日本購物掃一掃-去日本旅遊購物的必備 1.3.2
出發去日本自助遊前,你還在為沒有人氣商品清單而苦惱嗎?日本復雜的交通體系,你有信心找到想去的商店嗎?面對日本店鋪中滿眼的日文,你還會為找到適合自己的商品而不知所措嗎?導遊騙你買買買,你還hold住嗎?日本旅遊翻譯神器——日本購物掃一掃,讓你輕鬆搞定旅行和購物行程。*快速掃描,隨身翻譯:只需掃描日本商品背後的條碼,便可快速查詢該商品的用途及使用方法等訊息。自備中文翻譯功能,幫你解決語言不通的問題,猶如在國內購物一般,暢通無阻。*熱門商品推薦:小編秉承神農嘗百草,要死我先死的精神各種親身嘗試,定期良心力薦幾十款熱賣日本商品,藥妝電器百貨應有盡有,讓小夥伴隨時了解最新商品資訊。*店鋪導航:熱門商品附帶日本店鋪導航功能,LBS定位功能,幫你找到最近的店鋪,提高緊張行程中的購物效率,合理安排旅遊購物行程。*比價、匯率換算:窮遊的精髓就在於買到最值得買的商品,提供日本亞馬遜、松本清、淘寶等多種渠道的商品的價格;同時提供實時匯率的換算工具,輕鬆計算所在店鋪價格,各種貼心功能讓你在購物時一手掌握商品價格。*掃碼識貨,辨別真偽:熱賣日本商品不斷被山寨,怎麽分辨商品真偽?日本購物掃壹掃收錄日本本土商品大圖,條碼掃一掃辨別商品真假。Before departure toJapanTours, you are still not popular merchandise inventoryanddistress? Japan complex transportation system, you havetheconfidence to go find a store? Faced with Japanese shop eyefulofJapanese, you will find their goods to and overwhelmed it?Guidescheat you buy buy buy, you also hold live it? JapanTravelTranslation artifact - Japan Shopping sweep swept away, letyoueasily get travel and shopping trips.* Fast scanning, portable translation: simply scan the bar codeofgoods behind Japan, you can quickly find purpose and methods ofthecommodity message. Owned Chinese translation function to helpyousolve the problem of the language barrier, like shopping inthecountry in general, unimpeded.* Hot Product Recommended: Xiao Bian uphold Shen Nong tastedahundred herbs, die I die first person to try a varietyofspiritual, regularly conscience force recommended dozens ofhotJapanese goods, electrical appliances department store drugstoreeverything, so that small partners to keep abreast of thelatestcommodity information.* Shop Navigation: hot commodity incidental Japan storenavigation,LBS positioning function to help you find the closeststore toimprove the shopping trip tense efficiency, reasonablearrangementsfor tourist shopping trips.* Parity, currency converter: the essence of travel is that thepoorbuy the most worth buying goods, providing price AmazonJapan,Matsumoto, Taobao and other channels of goods; whileprovidingreal-time currency conversion tool to easily calculatewhere theshop price, a variety of thoughtful feature allows you toshop inone hand when commodity prices.* Know what's scan code, identify the authenticity: HotJapanesegoods continue to be the cottage, how to distinguishtheauthenticity of goods? One Japanese shopping sweep sweepincludedthe Japanese mainland larger picture, sweep the bar codetoidentify genuine and fake goods.
Magnum4D 大伯公千字图
听书神器--一款能够听任意txt的本地听书神器 1.2
听书神器是一款革命性听书看书产品,彻底改变本地TXT,UMD,EPUB听书模式。不用看文字,就像听音乐一样听书,并且是彻底离线(不需要联网)听书。任意支持的本地TXT,EPUB,UMD都能想听音乐一样听书。没有文字的干扰,让您享受**的听书体验。TXT听书体验*优。特点:1、颠覆传统tts听书方式,不用看,直接听。2、声音音调音速随便调节,满足不同用户需求。3、不用流量,不联网照样听任意本地图书,内容完全私人定制。4、用户可以直接参与产品设计,你的想法可能是缔造神器的关键。Listen to booksartifactisa revolutionary listening to books read productrevolutionizedlocalTXT, UMD, EPUB listen to the book mode.Do not see the text, like music, like listening to the book, andisacompletely offline (no Internet) listen to the book.Anylocalsupport TXT, EPUB, UMD can listen to music to listen tothesamebook. No text of interference, allowing you to enjoylisteningtothe book ** experience. TXT listening experience *Excellentbook.Features:1, to overturn the traditional way tts listen to the book,donotlook directly listen.2, Sonic sound casual tone adjustment to meet the needsofdifferentusers.3, no traffic, no network can still listen to anylocallibrary,fully private custom content.4, the user can directly involved in product design, whatyouthinkmay be the key to create artifacts.
Painter-手繪存取 1.0
利用手繪功能將自已的想法表達在照片上,並且利用簡易的圖形與效果來增強自已的說明手繪後的圖片可以儲存並且利用mail傳送出去The useofhand-paintedfeatures will express their own ideas in the photo,andthe use ofsimple graphics and effects to enhance theirownexplanationAfter hand-painted pictures can be stored and sentusingthemail
锁屏宝 1.3.0
FP sDraw (Drawing app) 7.4
FP sDraw - is your sheet that is always at hand.
手机写小说 1.9.7
最受欢迎的小说创作神器,支持小说创作、发布、签约,海量热门小说免费阅读。1,用手机写自己的小说,可随时随地创作小说,是你的写书神器、写作神器、创作神器,支持设置密码保护隐私,更有超多小说写作教程和指南,让你迅速从新手晋级成大神。2,支持语音输入、特色草稿箱、章节排序、首行自动缩进、自动排版、小说预览、快捷标点、夜间模式、字体大小调节、导出TXT文件等众多功能。3,支持一键发布小说到书城、支持定时发布新章节,让千万读者阅读您的小说。可以和读者交流互动,可以得到读者的打赏和支持。符合签约条件的小说可以直接和我们签约。4,支持在线和离线阅读热门小说,支持导入本地小说阅读,支持将文字转换成声音,支持普通话和各种方言朗读,解放双眼、保护视力。5,支持云端备份和恢复到本地,不用担心小说丢失,更支持手机和电脑同步写作,同时兼顾方便和快捷。6,支持换肤和换背景功能,可以选择系统内置主题皮肤或者自定义主题皮肤或背景,夜间模式随心设。7,自带小黑屋功能,无视任何干扰,强制码字,专注懒癌。8,支持关注、粉丝、发布动态等社区功能,可以支持和关注自己喜欢的作者,和作者互动。官网:http://www.cdyt8.comThe most popularnovelsartifact, support novels, publishing, contracting, masspopularnovels free to read.1, using a mobile phone to write his novel, fiction can beanywhere,are you writing a book artifact, writing artifact,artifactcreation, support for password protected privacy, moresupermulti-fiction writing tutorials and guides, allows you toquicklyadvance from novice National Cheng Kung UniversityGod.2, support for voice input, features Drafts, sorting section,thefirst line of automatic indentation, automatic layout,fictionpreview, quick punctuation, night mode, font sizeadjustment,export many features TXT files.3, support for a key to publish fiction bookstore, supportscheduledrelease new chapters, so that millions of readers to readyournovel. And readers can interact, readers can get a rewardandsupport. Meet the conditions for signing the novel can bedirectlyand we signed.4, support for online and offline reading popular fiction,fictionreading into the local support, support convert text intosound,support Mandarin and dialects reading, the liberation ofeyes, toprotect their eyesight.5, support for cloud backup and recovery to a local, do notworryabout the loss of the novel, more support for the phoneandcomputer simultaneously writing, taking into account the easeandconvenience.6, support skin and change background feature, you can selectthesystem built-in themes or a custom theme skin or skinbackground,blossoms night mode setting.7, comes the dark room function, ignoring any interference,forcedcodeword focus lazy cancer.8, support for attention, the fans, dynamic publishing andothercommunity functions, support and attention their favoriteauthor,and author interactive.Official website: http: //
B360 - Beauty Camera Overlay 1.0
Availability of luxury facilitieselegant,suchas: Enrich shades of light, filter effects, cropdifferentshapes,sizes, and adjust (brightness, exposure,contrast,warmth,saturation, vibrance, highlights, shadows, shadesof color,fade),orientation (left, right, vertical , horizontal),along withtheaddition of text color, simple paint to beautify yourphoto.Not only that, also available: the sharpness of theimage,makingfacilities blur part that you want, Getting a goodfocus,settingvignettes, Sticker (Oui, Rock on, Censored, TypePlus,Pastel, andothers), as well as a variety of frame shape luxuryandcurrent.It is a mainstay in the apk are facilities overlay,whichinclude:Patterns, linework, grids, wreaths, element,vida,countdown, adora,cut outs, organic, sail on, meters,roasted,adventure, runner, andmuch more. is it Camera B612 BeautyCameraOverlay.
Whiteboard 【add text,paint】 2.4.2
Each tool is only one tap whiteboard for explanatory diagramaddtext and paint
艺术签名极速版 10.5.7
Whistle Photo Camera 1.0
Fera Mobi
Whistle Photo CameraWhistle Photo Camera applications through you make yourphototonew and mordent style.You take your photo from camera and gallery and make yourphototowhistle effect.Also you take photo from your camera and take photoformfrontcamera and back camera and give your photo tostylisheffect.Also this photo share with your friends or familiesthroughsocialapp.