Top 10 Apps Similar to Mnemonic Generator

Medical Mnemonics 1.0
A compilation of important selectedmedicalmnemonics for students and health professionals
Mnemonic Major Trainer 1.0
This very basic Mnemonic Major Trainerhelpsyou memorize numbers. The app comes with 100 predefined pegwordsthat can be changed to match your preferences.
Mnemonics PRO 8.0
This app is a visual reference codeswithtests.Designed for people who want to learn or already studymnemonics.Theword "mnemonic" is derived from the Ancient Greekword μνημονικός(mnēmonikos), meaning "of memory, or relating tomemory" and isrelated to Mnemosyne ("remembrance"), the name ofthe goddess ofmemory in Greek mythology. Both of these words arederived fromμνήμη (mnēmē), "remembrance, memory". Mnemonics inantiquity weremost often considered in the context of what istoday known as theart of memory.Ancient Greeks and Romans distinguished between two types ofmemory:the "natural" memory and the "artificial" memory. Theformer isinborn, and is the one that everyone uses automaticallyand withoutthinking. The artificial memory in contrast has to betrained anddeveloped through the learning and practicing of avariety ofmnemonic techniques.The Major System (also called the phonetic number system,phoneticmnemonic system, or Herigone`s mnemonic system) is amnemonictechnique used to aid in memorizing numbers.The system works by converting numbers into consonant sounds,theninto words by adding vowels. The system works on the principlethatimages can be remembered more easily than numbers.
A+ Major System 2.0
Magic Parcel
Boost your memory for memorizing numbers - including verylongnumbers!
Mnemonics for learning Chinese 1.3
Mnemonics for learningChinese,electroniccompanion is a companion software for the book"Learn towriteChinese by spelling with Chinese alphabets(中文字母寫字口訣)"published bySino Vista Systems (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd andGreenfieldEducation.In this application, you can practice writing charactersusingtheon-screen keyboard. This is a special versionspecificallyforlearning of characters, so all strokes must beenteredcorrectlybefore the character can be output.For daily use, please download CCIME Pro which is acompleteinputplatform.
Visual Mnemonics Dictionary 2.8
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B E S T A N D M O S T I N N O V A T I V E VOCAB APP \ (•◡•) / 
Mnemocon - Improve memory! 1.7.0
Learning methods for brain training. Cognitive exercises toimproveimagination
Mnemonic A-Z
provide a memory bridge for children to remember sounds and letters
Memorize iDi 1.0
★★★ Become a whiz at memorizing 50minutes!!★★★The Memorize-IDi, or Mnemonic Calculator, created bythecompanyIDI-Creative, allows automatically processing anynumberintosimple images, multiplying the efficacy of theoldHérigonemethod.This app allows turning any user into anumbermemorizationprodigy.Who needs Memorize-IDi?All levels of students.Civil service entrance examination candidates.People of all ages.In the society we live in, the numbers we have tomemorisehavemultiplied exponentially. Added to all the traditionalones:dates,sizes, articles, numbers, etc., we now have PINnumbers,accesscodes to our bank accounts, e-mail accounts,codesinwebsites…A lot of numbers that for safety reasons we have to memorise.Memorize-IDi is a technology app based on the development ofwhathaspossibly been the most efficient system for memorisingnumbersof alltimes.Created in 1644 by the French mathematician andastronomerPierreHérigone, the method named after him is still oneof the mostusedsystems by the great memorisation prodigies tocompete inworldchampionships.However, possibly due to how complex it is to carry out,theHérigonemethod has not been as widespread as it should beafteralmost fourcenturies.
Memory Palace 3.0
Train your mnemonics skills.