Top 38 Apps Similar to John Gill Bible Commentary

Matthew Henry Bible Commentary 1.3.0
Igor Apps
Matthew Henry Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible with KJVBible- Free!
Bible Study with Commentary 1.3.6
The Bible Study app features online textswithnikkud and cantillation. offered freely download forpublicservice.Clicking on a verse directs to a page withcommentaries,translations and more biblical sources like Midrash,Talmud,Halakhah, Kabbalah, Chasidut, Philosophy, Parshanut,Liturgy,Musar, Quotation, Quoting commentary.Commentaries:Rashi, Rashbam, Ramban, Ibn Ezra, Shadal, Haamek Davar, Sforno,IkarSiftei Hachamim, Radak, Baal HaTurim, Kli Yakar, Ralbag,BereishitRabbah, Sepher Torat Elohim, Daat Zkenim andmore...Translations:Targum Onkelos, Targum Jonathan, Targum Jerusalem and more...The search button allows navigation through books, chapters,versesor parashah (Bereisheet, Noah, Lekh Lekha, Va'yera, HayeiSarah,Toldot, Va'yetzeh, Va'yishlah, Va'yeshev, Miketz,Va'yigash,Va'yehi, Shemot, Va'era, Bo, Beshalah, Yitro, Mishpatim,Teruma,Tezaveh, Ki Tisa, Va'yakhel, Pekudei, Va'yikra, Tzav,Shemini,Tazria, Metzora, Aharei Mot, Kedoshim, Emor, Behar,Behukotai,Bemidbar, Naso, Beha’alotekha, Shelah, Korah, Hukkat,Balak,Pinhas, Matot, Masei, Devarim, Va’ethanan, Ekev, Re’eh,Shoftim, KiTetzeh, Ki Tavo, Nitzavim, Va'yelekh, Ha’azinu,Ve-ZotHabrakha)The bible texts and commentaries are provided in HebrewandEnglish.The included bible books (Tanach):Pentateuch (Chamisha Chumshei Torah)• Genesis (Bereshit)• Exodus (Shemot)• Leviticus (Vayikra)• Numbers (Bəmidbar)• Deuteronomy (Devarim)Prophets (Nevi'im)Former Prophets (Nevi'im Rishonim)• Joshua (Yĕhôshúa)• Judges (Shophtim)• I Samuel (Shmû’ēl I)• II Samuel (Shmû’ēl II)• I Kings (M'lakhim I)• II Kings (M'lakhim II)Latter Prophets (Nevi'im Aharonim)• Isaiah (Yĕsha‘ăyāhû)• Jeremiah (Yirmyāhû)• Ezekiel (Yĕkhezqiēl)Twelve Minor Prophets (Trei Asar)• Hosea (Hôshēa‘)• Joel (Yô’ēl)• Amos (‘Āmôs)• Obadiah (‘Ōvadhyāh)• Jonah (Yônāh)• Micah (Mîkhāh)• Nahum (Nakḥûm)• Habakkuk (Khăvhakûk)• Zephaniah (Tsĕphanyāh)• Haggai (Khaggai)• Zechariah (Zkharyāh)• Malachi (Mal’ākhî)Writings (Ketuvim)Three poetic books (Sifrei Emet)• Psalms (Tehillim)• Proverbs (Mishlei)• Job (Iyyôbh)The Five Megillot (Hamesh Megillot)• Song of Songs (Shīr Hashīrīm)• Ruth (Rūth)• Lamentations (Eikhah)• Ecclesiastes (Qōheleth)• Esther (Estēr)Other bible books• Daniel (Dānî'ēl)• Ezra (‘Ezrā)• Nehemiah (Nehemiah)• I Chronicles (Divrei ha-Yamim I)• II Chronicles (Divrei ha-Yamim II)
Bible Study with Concordance 2.3.0
Igor Apps
Study Bible Free w Strongs, Commentary, BibleConcordance,Dictionary, Devotion!
Commentary on the Bible 1.0
This App includes the complete ebook of Commentary on theBiblebyAdam Clarke. Adam Clarke (1760 or 1762-1832) wasaBritishMethodist theologian and Biblical scholar. Heisprimarilyremembered for writing this commentary on the Bible.Ittook him 40years to complete this work. Clarkeadheredtheologically to theMethodist founder John Wesley.Clarke'scommentary is largelywritten from an orthodoxMethodistperspective. The book is linkedto the King James Bible. Touse theKJV Bible simple click thelinks, to go back to theCommentaryon theBible use the returnbutton. The text version "Commentary ontheBible" is available asa HTML files (no ebook reader needed) andisoptimized for use onany mobile device. Please note: Withoutproperrendering support,you may see question marks, boxes, orothersymbols instead ofcharacters This is a FREE ad-supportedapp.***Disclaimer*** Thisbook has been published in 1831 and is outofcopyright and inpublic domain. Any content not owned bythisdeveloper belongs totheir respective owners and usesCreativeCommons License. If thereis an issue with this app contactus viathe email address and wewill look into it. All material inthis appshall only be used forpersonal, non-commercial purposes.
Expositor's Bible Commentary 1.2.2
The Expositor's Bible Commentary with King James Bible
Matthew Henry Bible Commentary 1.14
Introduction to Matthew HenryBibleCommentaryThis is the only complete and unabridged one-volume editionofMatthew Henry's famous work."First among the mighty(commentaries)for general usefulness we are bound to mention theman whose nameis a household word, Matthew Henry. He is the mostpious and pithy,sound and sensible, suggestive and sober, terse andtrustworthy . .. he is deeply spiritual, heavenly, profitable;finding good matterin every text, and from all deducting the mostpractical andjudicious lessons . . . It is the Christian'scompanion, suitableto everybody, instructive to all."" Charles H. SpurgeonFrom Genesis to Revelation, Matthew Henry successfullycombinespractical application, devotional insight, and scholarshipon theentire Bible. Henry has profound insights on the content,messageand nature of God's divine revelation. Perfect for allreaders ofthe Bible who want a convenient, comprehensivecommentary.-Includes the entire text of Matthew Henry's originalmulti-volumecommentary- Modern easy-to-read type- Portable-Attractive andaffordableOverview about app Matthew Henry Bible Commentary1. Rich contentThe app contains Bible Commentary of Matthew Henry. Eachbiblecommentary has link to King James Bible verses and you cannavigateto the King James Bible book.2. Beautiful design and great user experienceBeautiful design for Bible Commentary. It is easy to choosebiblebook and chapter for reading commentary.3. Link to King James BibleI added King James Bible, so you can read book and bible verseswithBible Commentary.4. Share verses with beautiful backgroundI choose the one of the most beautiful background for you toshareverses. You can spread the God's word to everyone.5. Bookmark and note colorfully with your loved versesYou can note your loved verses colorfully for reading later.6. User Friendly InterfaceThe app is designed with material design style. So theuserexperience is very good.Enjoy !And don't forget like Holy Bible facebookpage
The Pulpit Commentary 1.2.2
Igor Apps
Published in 1890, its 23 volume commentary covered the entireBible
Adam Clarke Bible Commentary 1.0.1
Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Whole Bible Contained in6volumes,consisting of nearly 1,000 pages each, it wasconsideredthe mostcomprehensive commentary on the Bible everprepared by oneman.Adam Clarke's monumental commentary on the Biblehas beenastandard reference work for over a century and has beenwidelyusedby men of all evangelical denominations. Itsthoroughandauthoritative scholarship has been recognized byArminiansandCalvinists alike, and has won for the author theaccolade,"Princeof Commentators." The eminent British scholar beganhis workon thecommentary with the New Testament on May 1, 1798.Thissection wasfirst published in 1810. Though hampered byfailingeyesight,Clarke continued with his work on the OldTestament, whichhecompleted March 28, 1825. The entire commentaryin eightvolumeswas published the following year. Clarke spent therest ofhis lifein revising his original work. At the close ofRevelationheinscribed these words: "Finished correcting for a newedition,Jan.9, 1832." Only a few months later he passed away. AdamClarke(1760or 1762 - 1832) was a British Methodist theologianandBiblicalscholar. He is chiefly remembered for writing acommentaryon theBible which took him 40 years to complete and whichwas aprimaryMethodist theological resource for two centuries.
Calvin's Bible Commentaries 11.0
Igor Apps
John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible A classic commentary ontheOldand New Testaments, complete and unabridged. Written inaclear,lucid style, it combines a profound reverence for theBiblewith arare objectivity in its exegesis. One of themostinfluential biblescholars of all time, John Calvin,althoughcontroversial, is a forceto be reckoned with. Hiscommentariesreflect an incredible commandof the Scriptures, as hesought tointegrate the entirety of itsteaching by combining asolidexegetical method with a pastoralinsight that is oftenneglectedin commentaries today. Calvin strikesa balance betweenpassion andrestraint, often infusing his writingwith a distinctquality ofcontrolled intensity. Scholars nowrecognize Calvin asabove allelse a teacher. He sought to open theWord of God inscripture tothe common people from whom, he believed,the Bible hadbeenwithheld by the scholastics, monks and priests ofthe Romanchurch.By recapturing scripture's simple, genuine andnaturalsense,Calvin returned scripture to its rightful place inthechurch. Hissole object as a teacher was "to lay down a pathwaytothe readingof sacred Scripture for the simple and uneducated."JohnCalvin(Middle French: Jean Cauvin; 10 July 1509 -- 27 May 1564)wasaninfluential French theologian and pastor duringtheProtestantReformation. He was a principal figure in thedevelopmentof thesystem of Christian theology later calledCalvinism.Originallytrained as a humanist lawyer, he broke from theRomanCatholicChurch around 1530. After religious tensions provokedaviolentuprising against Protestants in France, Calvin fledtoBasel,Switzerland, where in 1536 he published the first editionofhisseminal work Institutes of the Christian Religion. Calvinwasatireless polemic and apologetic writer whogeneratedmuchcontroversy. He also exchanged cordial and supportiveletterswithmany reformers including Philipp MelanchthonandHeinrichBullinger. In addition to the Institutes, hewrotecommentaries onmost books of the Bible as well astheologicaltreatises andconfessional documents, and he regularlygave sermonsthroughoutthe week in Geneva. Calvin was influenced bytheAugustiniantradition, which led him to expound the doctrineofpredestinationand the absolute sovereignty of God insalvation.Calvin's writingand preachings provided the seeds for thebranch oftheology thatbears his name. The Presbyterian and otherReformedchurches, whichlook to Calvin as a chief expositor oftheirbeliefs, have spreadthroughout the world. Calvin's thoughtexertedconsiderableinfluence over major religious figures andentirereligiousmovements, such as Puritanism, and somepoliticalhistorians haveargued that his ideas have contributed tothe riseof capitalism,individualism, and representative democracyin theWest.
John Gill's Bible Commentary 1.2.0
Igor Apps
John Gill's Bible Commentary - Bible Commentary on the Whole Bible
Bible Commentary (Adam Clarke) 1.1.2
Bible commentary (Adam Clarke) is the best Bible Commentary appwithdetailed information on the various books in the Bible. Italso haslinks to bible verses provided in the context of what youarereading. Get a daily bible verse notification to begin your dayfullof Scripture. Enhance your spiritual growth with Biblecommentary.
The Study Bible 2.0.11
Grace to You
Bible text with thousands of study helps—including sermonaudio—toexplain it.
Wesley's Notes on the Bible 1.0.1
Igor Apps
John Wesley's Explanatory Notes on the Bible Commentaries ontheWhole Bible Wesley’s Explanatory Notes on the Old andNewTestaments will give every reader essential information abouttheBible. The cardinal doctrines of the Christian life are setforthby Mr. Wesley in plain and simple language. The scholar,thepreacher, the teacher or the student will find a wealth offreshand invigorating material in this rare set of books. FEATURES-clickable links to KJV Bible verses! - smart design byAndroidGuidlines! - read King James Bible mode! - better perfomanceof thetext (supported italic words, bold, colours and so on) - full(eachelement) day/night support - easy navigation, 3 tap togetpaticular commentary of bible verse - red letter edition ofKJVBible - highlight/underline part of commentary -addnotes/bookmarks - convinient settings: changing font,fontsize,linespace, brightness, red letter - share part commentaryviaGoogle+, Facebook, Twitter, email, SMS and etc - new searchengine- landscape & portrait support - fast & easy to useJohnWesley John Wesley was a Church of England cleric andChristiantheologian. Wesley is largely credited, along with hisbrotherCharles Wesley, as founding the Methodist movement whichbegan whenhe took to open-air preaching in a similar manner toGeorgeWhitefield. In contrast to George Whitefield's Calvinism,Wesleyembraced the Arminian doctrines that were dominant inthe18th-century Church of England. Methodism in both forms wasahighly successful evangelical movement in the United Kingdom,whichencouraged people to experience Jesus Christ personally.Wesley'swriting and preachings provided the seeds for both themodernMethodist movement and the Holiness movement, whichencompassnumerous denominations across the world. In addition, herefinedArminianism with a strong evangelical emphasis on theReformeddoctrine of justification by faith. Wesley was a logicalthinkerand expressed himself clearly, concisely and forcefully inwriting.His written sermons are characterised by spiritualearnestness andsimplicity. They are doctrinal but not dogmatic. HisNotes on theNew Testament (1755) are enlightening. Both the Sermons(about 140)and the Notes are doctrinal standards. Wesley was afluent,powerful and effective preacher. He usually preachedspontaneouslyand briefly, though occasionally at great length.
Bible and Dictionary 310.0.0
Edson Deda
Bible and Dictionary Free
KJV Study Bible -Offline Bible 1.149
KJV Study Bible for offline use with audio and king james text
Scofield Reference Bible Notes 1.2.2
Scofield Study Bible is a brief but comprehensive reference tothewhole Bible!
Bible Commentary on Revelation 1.0.1
Igor Apps
Bonar Commentary on Revelation Commentary with Bible Verses(KJV)Revelation is one of the most difficult, widely argued book oftheBible. I hope this great commentary wil be a beneficial studytoolin your understanding the Word of God.
Bible Hub - Legacy 1.0
Legacy - Bible Hub app with quick access to the Bible Hub site.
Bible Encyclopedia, Holy Bible 5.7.0
Igor Apps
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia with Holy KJV Bible
Matthew Henry Commentary Pro 1.0
Igor Apps
Matthew Henry Complete Commentary ontheWholeBibleWithout AdvertismentFree version you can find in my applications - "MatthewHenryBibleCommentary"Originally written in 1706, Matthew Henry's sixvolumeCompleteCommentary provides an exhaustive look at every verseintheBible.Matthew Henry's well-known six-volume Exposition of theOldandNew Testaments (1708–1710) or Complete Commentary,providesanexhaustive verse by verse study of the Bible. coveringthe wholeofthe Old Testament, and the Gospels and Acts in theNewTestament.After the author's death, the work was finished(RomansthroughRevelation) by thirteen other nonconformistministers,partly basedupon notes taken by Henry's hearers, andedited byGeorge Burderand John Hughes in 1811.
Bible Study Bible Commentary 1.0
Joel Osteen Bible Study; The Complete Guide to the Bible;BibleStudy Guide Must-have for reading and studying God’sHolyWord.Take notes,Features a powerful Resource Guide that linksyourBibletext with outstanding study Bibles, maps, commentaries,andmorefor an in-depth Bible study experience. Start a Biblereadingplanand track your progress as you read through Scripture.Ouruniquesplit window allows you to create your owncustomizedparallelBible to easily compare Bible translations StudyallScripture:Every book is the inspired Word of God. And not justtheeasy ones.Song of Songs is inspired. Obadiah isinspired.Revelation isinspired. Because every book matters, ExploretheBible digs intoevery book. Understand the text in itscontext:Every passage ofScripture has a context that illuminatesitsoriginal intent. Inorder to have the most complete understandingofScripture, we mustunderstand the historical and culturalfactorsthat influencedScripture as it was written, as well as howit fitsinto Scriptureas a whole. Discover the world of theBible:Essential to ourknowledge of Scripture is the reality thatitactually happened.Explore the Bible presentsarchaeologicalevidence to illuminatethe very real people, places,and events inthe Bible. Develop adeeper knowledge of Scripture: Ina culturegrasping for any truth,it is more important we know God'sTruththan ever before. Explorethe Bible is committed tohelpingChristians of all ages develop adeeper knowledge of theBible, whatit tells us about God, and whatHe is asking us to do.ApplyScriptural truths every day: The Bibleisn't just somethingthathappened, it is a living text that stillspeaks, inspires,andcompels us today. That's why Explore theBible is committedtohelping us both know and live the Word ofGod.
Bible Summary 4.0
Bible Summary Outline, Sinner Prayer, Jesus in Every BibleBook,Chat Healing
Bible Summary 2.0
Igor Apps
This summary is combination of the introductions of BibleCommentaryby Matthew Hanry and John Gill. Short summary - M.Henry,detailed -J. Gill. So this Bible Summary app is trustful resoursefrom themost famous theologians presents short or detail Bibleoverview onyour choice.
Parallel Plus® Bible-study app 2.3.6
Parallel Plus offline Bible-study app with word studies,parsings,Hebrew, Greek
Bible Commentary on Psalms 11.0
Igor Apps
Spurgeon's The Treasury of David Bible Commentary onPsalmsSpurgeon's own commentary on every verse of the Psalms isextremelyinsightful, and by itself it would have been rich enoughforposterity. But there's much more in The Treasury of David.You'llfind a wealth of illuminating extracts and quotes fromhundreds ofcommentators - contemporaries of Spurgeon as well as thegreatPuritan expositors of the seventeenth and eighteenthcenturies.Preachers and teachers will appreciate the homileticalhints onalmost every verse, concise sermon outlines, andprovocative seedthoughts. Of all Spurgeon's writings, the one thatis his greatestworks is "The Treasury of David", composed andpolished over thespan of nearly half his ministry. First publishedin weeklyinstallments over a twenty-year span in the LondonMetropolitanTabernacle's periodical, The Sword and the Trowel,completedsections were released volume by volume, until the seventhandfinal volume was released in 1885. Within a decade morethan120,000 sets had been sold. The Treasury of David is asuperbliterary achievement. Eric Hayden, pastor of theMetropolitanTabernacle a century after Spurgeon's ministry beganthere, callsthis work "Spurgeon's magnum opus." Spurgeon's wifesaid that ifSpurgeon had never written any other work, this wouldhave been apermanent literary memorial. Charles Haddon Spurgeon(1834-1892)was born in Essex, England. After preaching his firstsermon at theage of 16, he became pastor of the church inWaterbeach at the ageof 17. His most fruitful years of ministrywere at the New ParkStreet and later the Metropolitan Tabernaclepulpit in London.Called the "Prince of Preachers," he had more than1,900 sermonspublished prior to his death.
Amharic Bible Commentary 3
የአማርኛ መፅሃፍ ቅዱስ ማብራሪያ* የተጨማሪ ማብራርያ ፅሁፎች በእያንዳንዱ ቁጥር ስር ቀርበዋል* የመረጡትን ጥቅስ ተጨማሪ የተረዱትን ሀሳብ በመጨመር ወይም ጥቅሱን ብቻውን በማስታወሻ መልክማስቀመጥይችላሉ* የወደዱትን ክፍል ወይም ማስታወሻ ለጓደኛዎ በቀላሉ ማካፈል ይችላሉቀላል የሆነ እና ለአጠቃቀም ምቹ የሆነ ገፅታ* በቃል፣በክፍል ወይም በምዕራፍ የፈለጉትን ክፍል በቀላሉ በመፈለጊያ ቁልፎች አማካኝነት ማግኘት*በየምዕራፎቹ ማጠቃለያ የመወያያ ጥያቄዎችን የየዘ* እንዲሁም ተጨማሪ ብዙ ፌቸሮችን ያካተተ •••
Treasury Scripture Knowledge Bible Cross Reference 1.0.1
Bible Commentary. Treasury Of Scripture Knowledge TheTreasuryofScripture Knowledge was, and still is, a Bible referenceworkfirstpublished around 1830, created by the LondonpublisherSamuelBagster (1772-1851). It is a set ofcross-references. Thatis, itconsists entirely of a book-lengthlisting ofcross-references,showing only the chapter and versecitations withno accompanyingtext. About the size of a completeBible, the TSK isalso organizedlike a Bible, beginning at Genesisand ending atRevelation. Eachverse of the Bible is cross-referencedto severalothers to enablethe reader to gain a true sense of eachword andphrase as it isused in the Bible. - 800,000cross-references,listing verses thatillustrate how words andphrases are usedelsewhere in the Bible. -Helps the reader interpretScripture withScripture. - Briefchapter summaries. - Dates andother notes. Theoriginal Treasuryof Scripture Knowledge is one ofthe most valuableBible referenceworks ever to be published. Unlikea typicalcommentary, the TSKconsists primarily of scripturereferences withvery little"comment." Of course, there are"illustrative notes" (assodescribed by the original publisher),which include booksummaries,chapter outlines, short explanations,and alternatereadings oftenfound in the margins of the AuthorizedBible.However, the TSKremains unique in that its primary purpose istopresent the readerwith copious cross-references so that theBiblestudent may allowScripture to be illuminated by the whitestoflights: Scriptureitself.
NKJV Bible App by Olive Tree
Study the Bible Offline. NKJV Bible & Daily Verses included.
Bible Stories OT 1.9
Bible stories of the Old Testament are theholychronicles of God's interaction with mankind and the worldbeforethe coming of Christ.If you enjoyed our story of Jesus Christ app, you will alsolovethis Bible Stories app of the Old TestamentFrom Genesis to Malachi with over 90 illustrated BibleStoriesincluding all the proper scripture references, for theenjoyment ofyoung and old alike.* The easy reading and informative Bible commentaryisnon-denominational and completely Bible based.* This free Bible Stories app works offline and does not need adataconnection to operate.* This android app contains no advertising and was compiled fortheglory of God and the enlightenment of everyone.
Blue Letter Bible 1.70.05 build 1974
Powerful Bible study tools linked to every verse in aneasy-to-useBible reader!
The Prayer Motivator Bible 1
The purpose of the PrayerMotivatorDevotionalBible is to encourage you to pray to the God ofthe Bibleeveryday,without ceasing, for His glory.We hope that this special prayer-focused edition of theBiblewillinspire, encourage, and motivate you to pray dailyandthroughout theday so that you can receive the benefitsandblessings of a prayerfullife. Remember, this was put togethertoinspire action on your part.If you have no interest inactuallydoing the sometimes difficultwork of prayer, then you donot needthis Bible. This simple volumeis designed to motivate youto pray.Because if you pray, all sortsof wonderful things willbegin tohappen for you, your family, andwhatever God has calledyou todo.Over 400 Verses on PrayerNearly 200 Passages on PrayerHundreds of Motivational Quotes on PrayerIn-Depth Bible Study Commentary from Matthew HenryOver 200 Podcasts from Prayer Motivator Devotional broadcastOver 200 Podcasts from Prayer Motivator Minute broadcastFull Text of the Editor's book, A Praying Time50 Princes and Princesses of Prayer...and Other Great Features
Total Bible Commentaries 1.2
Sand Apps Inc.
23 of the most well respected commentariesonthe Bible are included in this app along with 24 WorldLanguageBibles. Search these great works and browse wiseexplanations ofthe teaching of the Bible. All texts are included,there is no needto download or pay for anything else.
Matthew Henry's Commentary 1.0
**We appreciate all those whohavedownloadedthis app. By doing so, you have helped us maintainthisone andothers and have helped in supporting the Gospel.Thankyou.**Matthew Henry’s Concise Bible Commentary** CAUTION: may not work on Samsung Fascinate**Over 1,000 Pages of In-depth commentary on the entireHolyBiblefrom Genesis to Revelation by a noted scholar.Features:1. Bookmark: This feature ensures that you never loseyourplace.2. Notes: You can make and save your notesforfuturereference.3. Font size: You can adjust the font size by usingthefontadjuster.4. Search feature: You can Search for Keywords-You will find this Android version of our app packedwithtoolsrelevant for the ultimate Bible Scholar, devotional time,andguideas daily bread for life application.Compatible for Android Phones and Tablets (example,Xoom,andSamsung Tab).____________________________________________________________Get our Free app for Updated King James Version of theHolyBibleMore than 1800 pages in this Bible for Android App.____________________________________________________________*****As a companion app, you can download our Free UpdatedKingJamesBible on the Android Market. This app will be agreataddition toMatthew Henry Commentary.******The King James Version of the Bible has brought lightandlifesince its inception in 1611. It has brought hopetocountlessmillions around the world.If you like the way the King James Version of the Biblereads,youwill love the way the Updated King James Bible reads.ThisBible isgreat for daily bible reading. It is a great sourceforBible quotesas it reads and maintains the poetic flow of theKJVBible.The Updated King James Bible is not a new translation. Itisnotthe NIV or ESV Bible. It is simply the King James VersionoftheBible without the antiquated and archaic words.This is you version of the Bible in modern English. The swordoftheSpirit is the greatest weapon the believer has. Thevirtueofreading the Bible is essential to Christian growth.EveryBiblediscovery is worthwhile for building a strongfoundation.Today, new generations of Christians have emerged and theneedtoupdate the King James Bible while preserving the richpoeticflow ofthis most used version is necessary, and is the basisfortheUpdated KJV Bible. Bible verses come a live.As you can see, Matthew Henry for Android is aloadedoutstandingChristian Android App. You will find this versionofour app packedwith tools relevant for the ultimate BibleScholar,devotional time,and guide as daily bread for lifeapplication.Psalm 52:8 "But I am like a green olive tree in the houseofGod:I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever."
Mega Bible Commentaries 1.12
Sand Apps Inc.
17 of the most well respected commentariesonthe Bible are included in this app along with 24 EnglishBibles.Search these great works and browse wise explanations oftheteaching of the Bible. All texts are included, there is no needtodownload or pay for anything else.
Bible Study Commentary 1.0
Bible Study Commentary takes the study of the Bible to awholenewlevel. *It's filled with accurate description ofvariousincidentsin the Bible with their related verses. *Containsnames,places,words, events, and a whole catalog of otherinformationrelevant tounderstanding the Bible easily. *Get up tospeed withDaily BibleVerses from the amplified bible. *Add words toyourfavourite listfor easy access and study.
People's New Test. Commentary 1.0
The People's New Testament by BartonWarrenJohnson.* No Internet Connection required to read (off-line)People’s New Testament CommentaryA commentary that covers the entire New Testament! Thisfamous797 Page work by B.W. Johnson is an outstanding companion toanyonewho wants to know more about the Bible.People’s New Testament Commentary contains the followingtopicsto name a few:Books of the New TestamentHarmony of the GospelsOur Lord's MiraclesOur Lord's ParablesOur Lord's Discourses and ConversationsThe Discourses in Acts of the ApostlesTables of Time, Measures, Weights, EtcA Table of MeasuresA Table of WeightsA Table of MoneyMeasures of LiquidsMeasures of Dry ThingsThe Gospel According to MatthewIntroduction to MatthewThe Genealogy and Birth of ChristThe Wise Men and the Flight into EgyptJohn the Baptist and the Baptism of ChristThe Temptation, and Christ's Ministry in GalileeThe Sermon on the MountMiracles at Capernaum and on the SeaThe Ministry at CapernaumThe Call and Charge to the ApostlesThe Message from John the BaptistThe Pharisees Take Counsel Against and Seek to Destroy JesusSeven Parables of the KingdomThe Miracles Beyond and Upon the Sea of GalileeChrist and the Pharisees: The Woman of CanaanThe Foundation of the ChurchThe TransfigurationThe Greatest in the KingdomMarriage and Divorce; The Rich RulerThe Laborers in the Vineyard; The Ambitious MotherChrist Entering JerusalemThe Marriage of the King's Son; Attempts to Entrap the SaviorThe Last Appeal to IsraelThe Judgments on the Jewish NationThe End of the WorldThe Preparation for the Lord's DeathJesus CrucifiedThe ResurrectionThe Gospel According to MarkIntroduction to MarkThe Beginning of the Ministry of ChristThe First Conflict with the Scribes and PhariseesBlasphemy Against the Holy SpiritTeaching in ParablesHealing the AfflictedThe First CommissionMaking Void the Law of GodIn the Coasts of Cæsarea PhilippiThe TransfigurationChrist's Law of DivorceThe Royal Entrance into JerusalemA Day of ControversyChrist's Discourse on the Last DaysThe Seizure, Trial, and Condemnation of ChristThe CrucifixionThe ResurrectionThe Gospel According to LukeIntroduction to LukeThe Birth of JohnThe Birth of JesusJesus Anointed by the Holy SpiritThe Beginning of Christ's MinistryChrist Teaching and HealingThe Twelve Apostles ChosenThe Widow's Son Raised from the DeadSpeaking in ParablesThe TransfigurationThe Seventy Disciples Sent ForthChrist Still TeachingJoy of Repenting SinnersIntroduction to the Gospel of JohnThe Beginning of Christ's MinistryThe First MiracleChrist and NicodemusJesus at Sychar.Jesus in JerusalemChrist, the Bread of LifeJesus at the Feast of TabernaclesChrist Teaching in JerusalemThe Man Born BlindThe Good ShepherdThe Work of the Holy SpiritThe Lord's Prayer for His DisciplesThe Risen Lord at the Sea of GalileeIntroduction to the Acts of the ApostlesThe Day of PentecostThe Sin and Punishment of Ananias and SapphiraThe Martyrdom of StephenThe Missionary Labors of PhilipThe Conversion of Saul of TarsusPeter's Defence Before the Church at JerusalemMissionary LaborsPaul at AthensPaul's Address Before King AgrippaThe Epistle of Paul to the RomansDying and Living with ChristVarious Sayings of ChristParables Concerning PrayerThe Entrance into JerusalemThe Last SupperThe CrucifixionThe Risen LordPsalm 52:8 "But I am like a green olive tree in the house ofGod:I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever."You will find this Android version of our app packed withtoolsrelevant for the ultimate Bible Scholar, devotional time, andguideas daily bread for life application.Compatible for Android Phones and Tablets (example, Xoom,andSamsung Tab).
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