Top 3 Games Similar to 欢乐炸金花

炸金花-有乐扎金花真人在线兑换 1.0
“有乐.炸金花”可以随时随地与全球用户切磋牌技,在牌桌上斗智斗勇,比拼技巧与心理,你就是下一个金花之王!“有乐.炸金花”是一款技巧性与真实性较强的扑克类游戏,俗称三张牌;飘三叶,民间多人纸牌游戏,玩家按照规则以手中的三张牌来比输赢。简单易上手,好玩又刺激!操作便捷,界面干净简单,不管你是新手还是菜鸟,都可以体会一掷千金,万众瞩目的感觉!只需要轻点“安装”即可加入我们给力的棋牌世界,心动不如行动,您还在犹豫什么?游戏特色1.下载应用完全免费,不会额外扣除您任何费用;2.清晰简洁的界面让您耳目一新,为您免除一切繁琐的操作;3.登陆即送游戏筹码,让您免去白手起家的辛苦与辛酸;4.支持包括游客登录,QQ登录,微博等多平台登录方式,让您随心选择,自由切换;5.全球上万牌友在线切磋,彰显你王者的魅力;6.各种不同条件进入场次,让您更方便游戏;7.在线商城价格实惠,方便您冲击各种排行榜,体会一览众山小的快感;8.幸运大转盘,刮刮卡,轻轻松松赢得百万大奖;9.新增“财产系统”跑车,别墅,私人飞机,体验土豪生活,尊贵体验;10.互动表情卡,爱恨就要简单表达;11.独创百人场玩法,同场竞技,几张刺激!"There is musicFriedGolden Flower" anytime, anywhere with the global userDershowitz atthe table battle of wits, skill and mentalcompetition, you're thenext king of the Golden Flower!"There is music Golden fried." Is a skill and authenticitystrongpoker game, commonly known as three-card; floating clover,civilmultiplayer card game, players follow the rules in the handsofthree cards to more than winning or losing . Simpleandapproachable, fun and exciting! Convenient operation, theinterfaceclean and simple, whether you are a novice or a novice,you canexperience the big bucks, the highly anticipatedfeeling!Only need to tap the "Install" button to join us to forcethechess world, got it, what are you waiting for?Game Features1. Download the application for free, will not deduct any ofyouradditional costs;2. a clear and concise interface lets you refreshing, you removeallthe tedious operation;3. Login Jisong gaming chips, allows you to remove the hardworkfrom scratch and bitterness;4. Support including tourists login, QQ login, microbloggingandother multi-platform login, allowing you to chose freely, freetoswitch;5. The global ten thousand online poker buddies learn,demonstrateyour charm king;6. The various conditions into the screening, make it easier foryougames;7. The online store at affordable prices, so you attack a varietyofcharts, list of small hills experience pleasure;8. The wheel of fortune, scratch cards, easily won themillionprize;9. The new "property system" Gran, villas, private aircraft,Tyrantlife experience, distinguished experience;10. The interactive expression cards, simple expression of loveandwe should;11. The original hundred people play games, play together, and afewexciting!
宽立天天诈金花 2.0.2
国内用户请加客服QQ群: 543221539=============================逢年过节干什么?吃饭喝酒诈金花!诈金花,又称炸金花,扎金花,诈鸡,抓鸡,赢三张,三张牌,三跟等,是最风靡中国的智力博弈游戏;玩家以手中得三张牌定输赢,赢牌不但要靠运气,更靠胆量与计算。拿到小牌时,请勿气馁,别人牌可能比你还小;拿到大牌时,也不要高兴得太早了,对家牌可能还要大哦~运气好时,更有机会看到世纪豪赌,不是赢得盆满钵满,就是输得只剩裤衩。1 .游戏基本规则  游戏参与人数共9人,单机版包括一个玩家和多台电脑AI,网络版为全球在线,使用一副去掉到大小王的扑克牌,共 52 张牌  从庄家开始逆时针循环,每人可以选择看牌,跟注,加注,放弃等操作,第二轮后可以比牌定输赢。 每局游戏结束时,玩家只能看见未弃牌的所有玩家手中的牌。  2.游戏用语解释  庄家:上一轮赢的玩家是下一轮的庄家,第一局或者赢家离开的情况随机选一个玩家为庄家。  底注:游戏开始前每位玩家都要先投入游戏币,为3个筹码,从庄家的下一个玩家开始。封顶:单注的最大数目,目前是138个筹码  看牌:查看自己三张牌的花色和点数。  跟注:投入和当前单注一样数量的筹码。  加注:单注加倍,再投入跟单注一样数量的筹码。  开牌:第二轮后,可以开牌。投入当前单注两倍的筹码,所有剩下的玩家比牌定输赢。  放弃:放弃当前付出的所有游戏币,判输。3.游戏基本流程描述  投入底注:发牌之前大家先付出的游戏币。  发牌:从庄家开始发牌,第一次开局的话,随机选择一个用户先发牌。每人发三张牌,牌面向下,为暗牌。  游戏:从庄家先开始下注,其他玩家依次逆时针操作。轮到玩家操作时,玩家根据条件和判断形势可以进行加注、跟注、看牌、放弃、开牌等操作。  开牌:第二轮后可以随时选择开牌。  判断胜负:根据牌型比较规则来判断胜负。显示所有没有放弃的玩家的牌型。如果可以投入游戏币的玩家只剩下一个,则判此玩家为胜利玩家。4. 牌型说明  豹子:三张点相同的牌。例:AAA、222。  顺金(同花顺、色托):花色相同的顺子。例:黑桃456、红桃789。最大的顺金为花色相同的QKA,最小的顺金为花色相同的234。  顺子(拖拉机):花色不同的顺子。例:黑桃5红桃6方块7。最大的顺子为花色不同的QKA,最小的顺子为花色不同的234。 金花(色皮):花色相同,非顺子。例:黑桃368,方块123。  对子:两张点数相同的牌.例:223, 334。  散牌:三张牌不组成任何类型的牌。5. 牌面比较规则:豹子 > 顺金 > 金花 > 顺子 > 对子 > 散牌  豹子、金花、对子、散牌的比较,按照顺序比点的规则比较大小。牌点从大到小为:A、K、Q、J、10、9、8、7、6、5、4、3、2,各花色不分大小;顺金、顺子按照顺序比点。AKQ>KQJ>…>432。  顺金、顺子按照顺序比点。 AKQ>KQJ>QJ10 。。。  同种牌型,对子时比对子的大小,其它牌型比最大的牌张,如最大牌张相同则比第二大的张,以此类推。当两牌型大小完全相同时,主动比牌者负。在“诈金花”中有时明牌怕暗牌,睁眼的怕闭眼的,如果你手中的牌勉强能混着上,要是碰上一个世人独醒而我偏睡的主儿,那可能就会遭了大殃。相对而言,在“诈金花”中,“炸弹”是大贵,“金花”是顺势,“链子”是小康,而“对子”和“单牌”才是日常生活。  在“诈金花”游戏中应该没有常胜,但却有常胜,确有常胜,常胜者应该是不能始终如一坚持原则的人,是自己的叛徒,但常胜又是人人梦寐以求的。此游戏不仅仅是单靠运气,还要想方设法在心理上战胜对方,智力的运用是重中之重。用自己的气魄和胆量争取到每一次胜利吧,胜利的路上总是充满了曲折和艰辛。Please domesticusersincrease customer service QQ group: 543 221 539=============================Holidays to do? Eating and drinking fraud Jinhua!Fraud Jinhua, also known as Golden fried, bar Jinhua, fraudchicken,catch the chicken, win three, three cards, three with, isthe mostpopular Chinese intellectual game of chance; players getthree cardsin the hands of winning or losing , a winning hand notonly rely onluck, but by courage and calculations.Get a small card, do not be discouraged, others may be smallerthanyou cards;When to get big, and do not get too excited, on the home brandmaybe even more significant Oh ~Good luck, a chance to see the century gamble, not to win pours,islost, leaving only underpants.1 . The basic rules of the gameThe number of people involved in a total of nine games, includingastand-alone and multi-player computer AI, a global onlinenetworkversion, use to remove a king size cards, a total of 52cardsFrom the dealer counterclockwise circle, each person can choosetoread the cards, call, raise, giving up other operations, can besetafter the second round than winning or losing hand.At the end of each game, players can only see not to fold thecardsin the hands of all the players.2. Games GlossaryMakers: on a winning player is the next round of the dealer,thecase of the first game or leave the winner randomly selectedaplayer to the dealer.Antes: Before the game starts each player must first put themedal,3 chips, starting with the next player banker.Cap: a single injection of the maximum number of chipscurrently138Look Cards: view your three cards in the suit and points.Call: the current inputs and a single injection of the sameamountof chips.Filling: single note double, again with a single injection intothesame number of chips.Flop: After the second round, you can flop. Input currentsingleinjection twice chips, all remaining players cards thanwinning orlosing.Give up: discard the current pay all the medal, sentencedtolose.3. The basic flow of the game descriptionInto the bottom NOTE: Before you first pay licensing medal.Licensing: Licensing start from the dealer, the first start,thenrandomly select a first user licensing. Issued three cardseach,cards face down as a dark card.Games: First start from the banker bet, the other players inturncounterclockwise operation. Turn the player operation, theplayeraccording to the conditions and judge the situation canraise,call, read the cards, give up, flop and otheroperations.Flop: After the second round can always choose to open cards.Analyzing the outcome: according to card type comparison rulestodetermine the outcome. Show all the players did not give upthecard type. If money can be put into the game only one player,thepenalty for this victory for the players players.4. Description card typeLeopard: Three cards of the same point. Example: AAA, 222.Shunjin (flush, the color prop): Junko same suit. Example:456spades, hearts 789. Gold is the largest along the same suitQKA,the smallest and-gold suit for the same 234.Junko (tractor): different colors straight. Example: Hearts Spades56 7 blocks. Maximum straight to suit different QKA, a minimum of234different colors for the straight.Jinhua (skin color): the same suit, non-straight. Example:368spades, block 123.Pair: Two cards of the same number of points Example:223,334.San cards: three cards do not compose any type of card.5. Cards comparison rules:Leopards> Shun Gold> Golden> straight> sub>casualcardCompare leopards, Golden, pairs, scattered cards, compare thesizeof the order than the regular points. Licensing pointdescendingas: A, K, Q, J, 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2, regardless of thesize of eachcolor; Shunjin, straight in the order than the point.AKQ>KQJ> ...> 432.Shun gold, straight in the order than the point. AKQ>KQJ>QJ10. . .The same kind of card type, size pair of neutrons than theothercards than the largest type of a card, a card is the same asthemaximum ratio of the second largest sheets, and so on. Whentwoidentical cards type size, the active negative thanthedealer.In the "Golden fraud" are sometimes afraid of the dark cardwinningnumbers, open eyes closed eyes of fear, if you are in thehands ofthe cards can barely mixed, if people tried to say I runinto apartial sleep Zhu Er, it may It could have been a bigcalamity. Incontrast, in the "Golden fraud", the "bomb" is a bigexpensive,"Golden Flower" homeopathic, "chain" is the well-off, and"pair"and "single-brand" is the everyday life.In the "Golden fraud" game should not victorious, buttherevictorious, indeed victorious, victorious should notconsistentlyadhere to the principle of the people, a traitor to hisown, but isalso coveted victorious of. This game is not just relyon luck, butalso to find ways to psychologically defeat each other,the use ofintelligence is the most important. With their boldnessand courageto fight for it every victory, the victory on the roadis alwaysfull of twists and hardships.
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