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Bukhansan Dulle-gil 3.1.0
As a rare natural park within a city, BukhansanMountainwasdesignated as the 15th National Park in Korea topreservethebeautiful natural and cultural heritage of the area andtoofferpleasant services to visitors. With an area of 79.789㎢,theparkstretches over Seoul Metropolitan City andGyeonggiProvince.Bukhansan National Park is divided into twoareas:centering onWuyiryeong, Bukhansan Mountain area to the southandDobongsanMountain area to the north. The whole park isanecologicallyisolated island surrounded by the city,andsuccessfully performsas a ‘green lung’. Twenty million peoplefromthe capital andsurrounding regions love to visit and resthere.With approximatelysix million visitors per year (2010),BukhansanNational Park isrecorded in the Guinness Book of WorldRecords asthe most popularnational park per unit area. To protectthe uppermountain areaswhere important natural resources aredistributed,BukhansanDulegil serves to guide and disperse visitorsto lowerareas. Toafford convenience to children, seniors anddisabledpeople,Bukhansan National Park promotes itself with thegoal ‘Tocreatenatural and comfortable trails where both history andcultureandnature and humans coexist”. Furthermore, toprovideinfrastructureto meet the needs of a wide variety ofvisitors, thenational parkoffice has installed smartphoneapplications for somesections ofDulegil. The contents are availableat the officialwebsite ofKorea National Park Organization( andBukhansanDulegil(, English -.Service area: 21 courses ofBukhansanDulegil-.Service contents: General information includingmap,story-tellingcontents, augmented reality and sideroadsinformation -.Serviceguide: For more information, pleaserefer tothe application ‘How ToUse’. -.Planning: Korea NationalParkOrganization Korea Just