Top 16 Apps Similar to Pilze 123

Myco - Mushroom Guide 1.4.0
Myco contains information about 300+ types of mushrooms.
Pilze sammeln & bestimmen PRO
Das Standardwerk für Pilzsammler und Genießer!Wir präsentieren Ihnen die wichtigsten essbaren Arten mitihrengefährlichen Doppelgängern und geben einen Überblicküberklassische Speisen, die sich daraus zubereiten lassen. MitdieserApp wird Ihnen jeder Pilzausflug einen kulinarischenGenussbescheren.Denn endlich hat man die Möglichkeit, die Arten direktunterwegsauch ohne Buch zu bestimmen und gleichzeitigumfassendeInformationen aus einer Bibliothek voller Daten, Faktenund Bildernzu erhalten. Anfänger lernen Pilze anhand äußerer undinnererMerkmale zu bestimmen, wie z.B. Hutform oderGeruch.Fortgeschrittene profitieren von der umfangreichenBeschreibung undmessen Ihr Wissen in der Online Pilzberatung.Der Rezeptführer macht Ihnen klassischeZubereitungsvorschläge.Haben Sie beispielsweise nur Morchelngefunden, können Sie nachRezepten mit Morcheln suchen. Fürüberraschende Riesenernten zeigenwir auch Möglichkeiten Pilzehaltbar zu machen, so dass Sie langeZeit von Ihrer Ernteprofitieren.Wir wünschen viel Erfolg beim Sammeln und einengutenAppetit!INHALT* 100 Pilze - 450 Bilder* 100 klassische Rezepte und Zubereitungsvorschläge* Anschauliche Einführung in die Pilzkunde* Umfangreiche Beschreibung der Arten* Artennamen in Deutsch und Latein* Wissenschaftliche Pilzbestimmung* Online Pilzberatung* Quiz - SpielBESTIMMUNG VON ARTEN ANHAND VON* ESSBARKEIT- Giftig, Essbar, Allergen, etc.* AUSSEHEN- Hut, Lamellen, Poren, Stiel, etc.* VORKOMMEN- Laubwald-, Nadelwaldboden, etc.* GESCHMACK- Süß, scharf, bitter, mehlig, etc.* GERUCH- Fruchtig, würzig, mehlig, etc.* FAMILIE UND ORDNUNG- Champignonartige, Pfifferlingartige, etc.ONLINE PILZBERATUNGHobby-Mykologen und App-Benutzer aus aller Welt helfen Ihnenbeider Pilzbestimmung. Reichen Sie Fotos von Ihrem Pilz-Fundus einundbekommen Sie in Kürze erste Vorschläge.TRAINIERE DEIN WISSEN* Errate Bilder einer Art* Lerne die verschiedenen Pilzarten voneinander zuunterscheidenNATURE MOBILE auf YouTube:ÜBER NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht spannende Themenausder Natur und anderen Bereichen einem breiten PublikumausInteressierten, Liebhabern und Experten auf anschaulicheundattraktive Art näher zu bringen. Sie sind Autor oder Fotograf,siehaben interessante Ideen oder Inhalte, dann sprechen Sie unsbittean [email protected] SIE MEHR APPS VON NATURE MOBILE.Themen: NATURE MOBILE, fungi, funghi, suchen, lexikon,atlas,mykologie, pilzsucheThestandard work for mushroom collectors and connoisseurs!We present the most important edible species with theirdangerousdoppelgangers and give an overview of classic dishes thatcan beprepared from it. With this app will bring a culinarydelight eachmushroom trip.Because finally there is the possibility to determine thetypesdirectly go even without a book and at the same time getacomprehensive library full of facts, figures and images.Beginnerslearn fungi based on external and internal characteristicstodetermine, such as Hat shape or smell. Advanced benefit fromtheextensive description and measure your knowledge in theonlinemushroom advice.The Recipe Guide makes you classic preparation suggestions.Forexample if you only found morels, you can search for recipeswithmorels. For surprising giant harvests We also show ways tomakemushrooms durable, so you will benefit long time ofyourharvest.We wish you success in collecting and a good appetite!CONTENTS* 100 Mushrooms - 450 images* 100 classic recipes and preparation suggestions* Descriptive Introduction to Mycology* Extensive description of the types* Species names in German and Latin* Scientific Mushroom determination* Online fungal advice* Quiz - Game IDENTIFY SPECIES OF* Edibility- Toxic, edible, allergen, etc.* Look like- Hat, lamellae, pores, stem, etc.* OCCURRENCE- Deciduous forest, coniferous forest soil, etc.* TASTE- Sweet, tart, bitter, mealy, etc.* ODOR- Fruity, spicy, mealy, etc.* FAMILY AND ORDER- Mushroom-like, chanterelle-like, etc.ONLINE CONSULTANCY MUSHROOMAmateur mycologist and app users from around the world willhelpyou determine the fungus. Submit a photo of your fungal fundusandget you in the near future initial proposals.TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE* Guess images of a kind* Learn to distinguish the different fungal species fromeachotherNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE is to bring themselves to present excitingtopicsfrom nature and other areas to a wide audience ofinterestedpeople, enthusiasts and experts in a clear and attractivewaycloser. You are an author or photographer, you havefascinatingideas or content, then please contact us at [email protected] OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE.Theme: NATURE MOBILE, fungi, funghi, search, encyclopedia,atlasmycology, mushroom seeking
MushtoolPro - Mushroom
Mushtool is an application for all the mushroom finders.
iKnow Mushrooms 2 PRO
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to MUSHROOMS, all in the palm of yourhand!They grow in large numbers in forests and fields. Millionsofthem are hiding in the protective thicket and many withstandaneager collector. The common mushroom, dearly loved treasure inmanykitchens. But once it's found, fundamental doubts replacetheinitial euphoria. What kind of mushroom is this actually? Isitedible, perhaps toxic, even hallucinogenic?Finally, you have the option to identify species without thehelpof a heavy book. You get a comprehensive library full offacts,figures, and images. Learn where to find mushrooms, look upif theyare edible. Find inspiration and experience nature in awhole newway.CONTENT* 300 species - 2000 images* Extensive description of the species* Species names in 11 languages* Scientific identification* Online Mushroom Consultation* Quiz gameSEARCH AND IDENTIFY SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE AND SCENT- size, color, hat, gills, stem, etc.* EDIBILITY AND TASTE- toxic, edible, allergen, etc.* FRUIT BODY TYPE- belly mushrooms, gilled mushrooms, truffle, etc.* HABITAT- deciduous or coniferous forest floor, etc.* FAMILY- Agaricaceae, Boletaceae, Clathraceae, etc.* MEDICINAL BENEFIT AND POISON- antibiotic, Psilocybin, Muscarin, etc.QUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Learn to distinguish different speciesNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topicsfromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are anauthor orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content,please contactus at [email protected] OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILETopics: mushroom hunting, collect, fungi, grow,funghi,collecting, growing, identification, vegetables, trees,plants,recipes, vegetarian, vegan, cooking, collecting
Picture Mushroom - Mushroom ID 2.9.18
Identify mushroom & fungi by photo, mushroom guide forhunting& foraging
Fungus - Identification of fun 1.0.4
The application instantly recognizes the mushroom based onthephoto.
Edible mushroom - Photos
Edible mushroom - Photos The free application "Edible mushroom-Photos" is very friendly, it has a beautiful and simpleinterface.The best choice for a pocket dictionary that is always athand.From which you can learn a lot of new and interesting things,forexample, that: Tricholomopsis rutilans Tricholomopsisrutilans,known by the unusual but apt common name of Plums andCustard or,less commonly Red-haired agaric, is a species of gilledmushroomfound across Europe and North America. Helvella elasticaHelvellaelastica, commonly known as the flexible Helvella, or theelasticsaddle, is a species of fungi in the Helvellaceae family,Pezizalesorder. It is found in Asia, Europe, and North America. Ithas aroughly saddle-shaped yellow-brown cap atop a whitish stipe,andgrows on soil in woods. Another colloquial name is the brownelfinsaddle. Chicken of the woods The chicken of the woods is atiny butvery tasteful mushroom. As the name already says, it tasteslikechicken. You can find the chicken of the woods in theforest.Truffles Truffles grow and live underground just like apotato. Itis a bit difficult to spot truffles, but with some helpof a dogyou can find them in the forest. Dig the truffle out of thegroundand use it for pasta dishes. Only a very small piece issufficient.You can also buy truffles from upmarket delicatessens,howeverthese are notoriously pricey. Portobello mushroom Thetexture andtaste can be compared to meat and has an intense smokeyflavour.Portobello mushrooms are mostly used as main dish replacingmeat.This type of mushroom can be grilled, roasted or boiled.Whitebutton mushroom White button mushrooms has a nutty taste andatender taste when cooked. This type of mushroom is highlyavailablein supermarkets and can easily be used for pizzas andpasta dishes.Shitake mushroom A combination of woody, earthy andslightly smokyflavour. Ideal for soups and can easily be added tostir fry.Shitake mushroom tastes really well in a pork or chickendish.Enoki mushroom Enoki mushrooms look similar to a cluster ofbeansprouts, white coloured and taste sweet. The mushroom has acrunchybite, perfect for salads and sandwiches. Oyster mushroomBlue,brown, grey coloured mushroom which tastes like anoyster.Favourite uses for the oyster mushroom are to roast or sautéthemin olive oil with garlic and fresh herbs. Morels The elegantanddelicate flavour makes this type of mushroom unique. Toemphasisthe flavour you can roll morels in egg wash then in crackermealmade from saltine cracked and shallow fry them. PorciniExtremelypopular mushroom which is mostly used for gourmets and canbe driedto last flavour. Chantrelles Unique in its kind, thearomaticfleshy wild mushroom an exotic beauty which can be found intheforest. Features: • The dictionary works offline - you do notneedan internet connection. Access to articles (descriptions)offline,without an Internet connection (except for photographs); •Veryquick search for descriptions. Equipped with a quick dynamicsearchfunction - the dictionary will start searching for wordsduringinput; • Unlimited number of notes (favorites); • Bookmark -youcan add descriptions to your favorites list by clicking ontheasterisk icon; • Manage bookmark lists - you can edit yourbookmarklists or clear them; • Search History; • Voice search; •Compatiblewith modern versions of Android devices; • Veryefficient, fast andgood performance; • An easy way to share withfriends; • Theapplication is very easy to use, fast and withextensive content; •Automatic free updates every time new terms areadded; • Thedirectory "Edible mushroom - Photos" is designed tooccupy aslittle memory as possible. Features Premium: ✓ no ads; ✓photos,images of access offline; ✓ Clear browsing history.
Mushroom Identify - Automatic 2.82
Automatically identify species from photo, save where youfoundmushrooms
iGräser 2.5.6
determine the 111 most common grass species in SwitzerlandreliableWith iGräser.
All Birds Germany - A Sunbird Field Guide
Sunbird Images
*** Do you want to go birding in Germany? Then this is the appforyou! Find information no other app has: bird populationsize,abundance, migration and breeding status - for all 514 specieseverrecorded incl. all irregular visitors in Germany! *** Comeswithdistribution maps and 2.411 premium photos in HD-qualityand>900 bird songs. You can map birds with GPS, makeyourbirdwatching own lists+ explore 5 search modes, all bird namesin19 languages. This exceptional nature field guide includesallspecies which have been listed by the GermanOrnithologist'sSociety and the German Rarity Commission. It hasbeen developed bypassionate field ornithologists and publishedecologists. Speciescan be sorted in several ways: – A-Z bird names- choose between 19(!) languages: Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch,English, Finnish,French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese,Latin, Latvian,Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, andSwedish – Sortby group – through gallery view or foldable list – Inall casesirregular visitors can be faded in or out A simpleidentificationkey narrows the species down (e.g. by foot colour,bill shape,length of tail etc.) leading to the bird searched forand a choiceof similar species. You can also look for fragments ofa speciesname – the search for “finch”, for example, shows all thespecieswhich include the word “finch”. Despite the abundance ofspeciesprovided: in order to precisely identify a bird nopreviousknowledge in bird watching or ornithological expert skillsarerequired. Of decisive help here are the qualitativelyhigh-classlarge-scale images which show all bird species in theirnaturalenvironment and, amongst others, originate fromrenownedphotographers of the wildlife foto agency SUNBIRD IMAGES.Thepictures have been chosen from thousands in order to allow themostreliable identification. The choice of photos is essentialforidentification: Bird pictures which only show the bird fromfront,like it is the case for many of the sloppily developed appson themarket today, are of little use for birding. This appprovidesextensive texts and data for each bird species withinformation to:Description, ecology, population size, frequency,habitat, birdsongs and much more. Texts for this app haveespecially beenwritten for Germany. This especially holds forpopulation size,abundance, breeding status, local distribution,status ofprotection as well as migration. Special features: –Includes all514 species recorded in Germany – Detailed distributionmaps ofEurope – Compare function to compare photos, maps, eggs& birdsongs – Irregular visitors are marked in red –Extensivedescriptions to every species with 25 sub-features each! –2.411well selected photographs, all in the size of 1024 x 678Pixels –Photos to each species, including female as well as summerandwinter plumage for nearly every bird species – All imageslabeled –Sort and display species: A-Z, 19 different languages,taxonomic –Egg photos of 80% of all German species – 911 bird songsand callsof 90% of all German species – Spectrograms of all birdsongs andbird calls – Create sighting lists and sort by place,date, group,and name – Automatically plots all spots on a map viaGPS, whichcan be edited – Make notes for each bird spotted ***Agraphicallywell-designed layout – easy to use with largelettering.*** “AllBirds Germany” is very well suited for keepingpersonalised birdwatching lists. The development of this app took 2years. It willbe continuously developed further. In the future,more photos andbird songs will be added constantly as well as newidentificationfeatures. Once downloaded no internet connectionneeded – justdownload the app + start birding! Visit our internetsupport sitefor more information. We are happy, if you like ournature apps.Please don't hesitate to email us if you haveanyquestions,suggestions or comments at: [email protected]
Ebben TreeEbb 2.0.2
Digital tree library with thousands of plant species.
Flora Capture 2.4.1
Take pictures of plants and become part of the FloraIncognitaresearch project.
iForest - Trees and shrubs 6.1
Garzotto GmbH
Plant book for the most important kinds of trees and bushesinCentral Europe
Heilpflanzen / Heilkräuter 3.6
The herb book in the APP Format
Ornithopedia Europe 1.3.6
All 1144 birds of Europe with sounds,images,video and much more
Nature My - North America 44
Over 2500 plant and animal species of North America.