Top 12 Apps Similar to Islamic Ruqyah

RUQYAH-Terapi Pelindung Diri 3.1.7
Paragraph Ruqyah is Endeavor To Protect Yourself FromCrashesCreatures Fine
Ayat Pendinding(Ayat Ruqyah)
Ayat Pendinding@Ayat Ruqyah adalah ayat penawar sihir &gangguanmakhluk halus
{MP3}Ayat Ruqyah(Pendinding) 1.0
Ah Lillah
{MP3} Paragraph Ruqyah (Barrier) seam For Jin Disorders And Magic
Rokia Charia - Full - | mp3 1.1
Adel INC
Download rokia Sharia ( رقية شرعية ) full,Free, with a high quality mp3, with the voice of the most famousquranreciters, to cure organic and psychological diseases also forzawaj( wedding ), cure from sorcery, The Evil Eye and ProtectionAgainstit, Pain; roqya char3iya in this application is moredetailed and itis legitimate, its source ,is the Quran and thesunnah ofProphet.This application contains the most famous reciters: Sheikh AhmedbinAli Al-Ajmi, Sheikh mashary bin al Afasi, Cheikh Nasser Alqatami ;Cheikh Nabil Al-Awadi, cheikh Yasser al doussari , CheikhSaadAl-Ghamdi, Cheikh Khalid Al Qahtani, Sheikh Ahmed al blehed ;CheikhMohammed Jurani,Cheikh abou alaia Jirani, Cheikh Abdullah al sadhan ,CheikhMohammed Jibril, Sheikh Maher Almaikulai, Cheikh Idriss abkar, lecheikh AbdullahKhalifa, Cheikh Khaled al-Habashi, Cheikh Mohammedal-Lahidane,Cheikh Mohammed Mhaisni, le cheikh Abdul-Wali Arkani,Sheikh AbdulRahmanSudais, Cheikh Nabil Rifai, cheikh Abou Bakr Shatri, le cheikhMajedAl-Zamil, Sheikh Abdul Mohsen Al-Obeikan, CheikhMohammedSuleimanHamouda, Cheikh Omar Agazzabri, cheikh Yasser Almnla, cheikhJassimAlqrtoba, Cheikh Karem Hariri, cheikh Sheikh Saud, cheikhAliAlhodaifi, Cheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan, Sheikh TawfiqAl-Sayegh.
Ayat Ruqyah-Pendinding Diri 1.0.5
Qalbu Insani
Ayat Ruqyah-Pendinding Diri juga dikenali sbg ayat penawarsihir& gangguan jin.
Nazar Duası Şifa Duası 1.0
Nazar Prayer and Healing Prayers you can find details onthisprogram Related
Nasser Al Qatami Quran Video - 1.2
Appschild Inc
Listen to the recitation of Holy Quran, Surah Kahf By NasserAlQatami Video
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الرقية الشرعية rokia char3ia 1.0
تطبيق رقية شرعية صوتية كاملة rokiachar3iyaيستعين به من له رغبة في رقية نفسه أو احد افراد اسرته منالاطفال والنساء من جميع الأمراض يشتمل على آيات الرقية من القرآنالكريموالاحاديث الصحيحة للنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وبعضا من الآدابوالشروطوالأحكام التي ينبغي على الراقي والمرقي أن يلم بها، كما انهذهالرقية موجهة لمعالجة مختلف الامراض النفسية و العضوية من مس وسحروحسد و عين و عمل و ابطال السحر و تيسير الزواج فهي رقية شرعيةبصوتللعين و الحسد بدون انترنت و للاطفال ايضا و الميزة الجيدة والقويةتطبيق الرقية الشرعية لهذا انه يحتوي على ابرز الرقاة المسلمينمنالشيوخ:- رقية شرعية بصوت مشاري العفاسي- الرقية الشرعية بصوت ياسر الدوسري- رقية شرعية ثانية بصوت ابو العالية الجوراني- رقية شرعية بصوت ناصر القطامي- رقية شرعية بصوت سعد الغامدي- الرقية الشرعية بصوت احمد البليهد- الرقية الشرعية بصوت ياسر الدوسرييمكن قراءة الرقية والاستماع لها بجودة صوت عالية جداا الديني فلاتبخلعلينا بتقييم بوضع خمس نجوم و شكرا.لقذ تم بذل مجهود كبير لانجاز و اتمام هذا التطبيقكلمات بحثية للتطبيق بلغات اخرى:-ro9ia char3ia kamila sans internet-rokya charia lilamrad- rokia char3iya 2016-rokya charya jadida gratuit- rokya char3iya mp3 gratuit 2016Applicationpaperlegitimate voice full rokia char3iya will use it from hisdesire topaper himself or one of his family members of the childrenandwomen of all diseases include verses incantation from theQur'anand the correct chatter of the Prophet, peace be upon him andsomeof the Arts and the terms and conditions that should be ontheupscale and upgraded be aware of them, and that thisincantationintended to address various psychiatric and organictouches andcharm and envy and eye and work and Champions magic andfacilitatemarriages are hard legitimate voice of the eye and envywithoutInternet and for children too, and good feature and apowerfulapplication roquia for this it has a prominent MuslimsAlrkah ofthe Senate:- Paper legitimate voice Mashary- Roquia voice Yasser Al-Dosari- Paper legitimacy second voice Abu high Jurani- Paper legitimate voice Nasser Al- Paper legitimate voice Saad Al-Ghamdi- Roquia voice Ahmed Alpeletd- Roquia voice Yasser Al-DosariSpell can read and listen to its high-quality sound religiousJaddaanot skimp we assess the status of five-star Thank you.Lqz been a major effort to accomplish and complete thisapplicationto makeKeyword research for application in other languages:-ro9ia char3ia kamila sans internet-rokya charia lilamrad- Rokia char3iya 2016-rokya charya jadida gratuit- Rokya char3iya mp3 gratuit 2016
Pengobatan Islami (Ruqyah) 2.1
Every disease has a definite drug
Ayat Ruqyah sebagai Pendinding 1.0
Al Muhaymin
Aplikasi ini menterjemahkan kepada kita semua tentangkepentinganayat-ayat ruqyah sebagai pendinding diri daripada segalabentukkejahatan sihir dan gangguan makhlus halus. Aplikasi yangmudah danpadat ini juga menyediakan bacaan-bacaan ayat Ruqyah olehqari yangterkenal seperti Syeikh Mishari Rashid al-Afasy danlain-lain, bagimemudahkan para pengguna. Aplikasi ini juga mengajarkita bagaimanauntuk memanfaatkan ayat-ayat al-Quran sebagai penawarsihir dangangguan. Semoga aplikasi ini dapat membantu danmemudahkan kitasemua :)
Abu Ruqya
The Abu Ruqya App is the first officialRuqyaApp aiming to provide a comprehensive guide to RuqyaHealingaccording to the Qur'an and authentic Sunnah, alongsideeducatingregarding the reality of Spiritual Afflictions and Jinnpossessionas well as teaching the fundamentals of Islam.Abu Ruqya is highly experienced in the field ofRuqyaspecializing in Human & Jinn behaviour providingpatientsworldwide with Ruqya treatment. Having treated thousandsofpatients at the top Ruqya Centre in the UK as well as a highdemandof international patients seeking treatment and help, thisapp isto be used alongside treatment and to teach and benefit.The App features include:• The Prayer (Salah) step-by-step guide• The Morning & Evening Remembrances (Adhkars) with audio• Spiritual Afflictions diagnosis & treatment• Ruqya Programmes & Self-Ruqya guide• Emergency Ruqya step-by-step guide• Black Magic, Jinn & the Evil Eye• Arabic reading teaching& much more!Ibn Al-Qayyim (rahimahullah) says: The Qur’an is thecompletehealing for all mental, spiritual and physical diseases,alldiseases of this world and the Hereafter. But not everyoneisguided to use it for the purpose of healing. If the sickpersonuses the Qur’an for healing in the proper way, and applies ittohis disease with sincerity, faith, complete acceptance andfirmconviction, fulfilling all its conditions, then no diseasecanresist it. How can disease resist the words of the Lord ofheavenand earth which, if He had revealed it to the mountains theywouldhave crumbled and if He had revealed it to the earth it wouldhavebroken it apart? There is no sickness, spiritual or physical,butin the Qur’an there is that which indicates its remedy, itscauseand how to protect against it for those who are blessedwithunderstanding of His Book. [Zaad al-Ma’aad, 4/352]