Top 12 Games Similar to てんしっちのたまごっちSP

たまごっち スマホで新種発見!! 1.0
【重要】サービス終了のお知らせ ※2016年2月29日掲載※平素より「スマホで新種発見!!たまごっち」をご利用いただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。サービス開始以来、多くの皆様にご利用いただきました「スマホで新種発見!!たまごっち」ですが、誠に残念ながら2016年4月25日をもちまして、サービスを終了させていただくこととなりました。本アプリをご愛顧いただきました皆様には、厚く御礼申し上げます。終了に関するスケジュールは、下記の通りとなります。◆サービス終了…2016年4月25日※サービス終了をもって、動作保証の対象外となります。※上記各日時は予告なく変更となる場合がございます。終了まで短い期間ではございますが、今後とも「スマホで新種発見!!たまごっち」を宜しくお願いいたします。その他続報がございましたら、ダウンロードページの説明文内にてお知らせ致します。------------------------------------------------------世界的に爆発的な人気を博した「たまごっち」の人気シリーズ「新種発見!!たまごっち」がスマートフォン向けアプリとなって登場!◆◆◆完全リニューアル!!!◆◆◆大好評の「スマホで発見!!たまごっち」から全キャラクターを総入れ替え!より個性的なキャラクターたちを育てよう!さらにミニゲームや図鑑に格納されている背景やたまごっち本体のデザインなど全面リニューアル!◆◆◆2つのモードでたまごっちを育てよう◆◆◆「たまごっち」の育成中に当時の玩具を再現した「トイモード」と、カラー画面&タッチパネル操作で遊ぶことができる「スマホモード」とを自由に切り替えて、好きなモードで「たまごっち」を育てていくことができます。スマホモードでは本サービスでしか見ることができないスペシャルカラーのたまごっちを育成することができます!◆◆◆育てたたまごっちを図鑑にコレクション♪◆◆◆育てた「たまごっち」を図鑑でコレクションしたり、写真に撮って端末のギャラリーに保存することが可能!たくさんたまごっちを育てると、ゲーム内で利用できる本体の柄や背景をゲットすることができます!さあ、たまごっちを育てよう!(c)BANDAI,WiZ (c)BNEI【免責事項】(1)推奨機種および、推奨OSバージョン以外での動作につきましては、サポートの対象外となります。(2)お客様のご利用状況により、推奨機種であっても動作が不安定な場合があります。(3)推奨OSバージョンに関して、「AndroidXXX以上」と記載している場合でも、最新バージョンへ必ずしも対応しているものではございません。【最新の推奨機種や、その他のお問合わせについて】【本製品に関するお問い合わせはこちら】【バンダイナムコエンターテインメント公式サイト】年4月1日より、社名が「株式会社バンダイナムコゲームス」から「株式会社バンダイナムコエンターテインメント」に変わりました。[Important] Noticeoftermination of service ※ The Feb. 29, 2016 ※We received your use of the "new species discovered !!Tamagotchiin Smartphone" from continued patronage, Thank you verymuch.Since the start of the service, but is a lot of whatsavailableto everyone "new species discovered !! Tamagotchi inthesmartphone",Womochimashite indeed Unfortunately April 25, 2016, became athingwhere I am allowed to terminate the service.To everyone that we received your patronage this app, weareextremely grateful.Schedule for completion is, it will be as follows.◆ service end ... April 25, 2016※ with the service end, it becomes the outside of the object oftheoperation guarantee.※ The above each date and time are subject to changewithoutnotice.Although there is a short period of time until the end,Thank you a "new species discovered !! Tamagotchi in Smartphone"inthe future.If you have any other follow-up, we will inform you at thelegendof the download page.-------------------------------------------------- ----Appearance gained worldwide explosive popularity popular seriesof"Tamagotchi", "new species discovered !! Tamagotchi" becomesasmartphone app!◆◆◆ full renewal! ! ! ◆◆◆The total swap all characters from "discovery !! Tamagotchi inthesmartphone" of popular!Grow a more unique characters who!Renewal, such as further background and Tamagotchi body ofthedesign that are stored in the mini-games and picture book!Grow the Tamagotchi in ◆◆◆ of two modes ◆◆◆It was reproduced at the time of the toys in the developmentof"Tamagotchi" and "Toimodo"It is possible to play with color screen and touch paneloperationand freely switch between "Sumahomodo"You can nurture the "Tamagotchi" in favorite mode.It is possible to develop a Tamagotchi of special color that cannotbe seen only in this service in Sumahomodo!◆◆◆ collection ♪ ◆◆◆ the Tamagotchi, which was brought up tothepicture bookOr collection brought up was the "Tamagotchi" in picture book,canbe stored in the gallery of the terminal to take thephoto!And grow a lot Tamagotchi, you can get the patterns andthebackground of the body that can be used in the game!Now, Grow a Tamagotchi!(C) BANDAI, WiZ (c) BNEI[Disclaimer](1) Recommended models and, regarding the operation in otherthanthe recommended OS version, it becomes the outside of theobject ofsupport.(2) With your usage, even the recommended models there is acasewhere the operation is unstable.(3) for the recommended OS version, even if that has beendescribedas "more than AndroidXXX", there is no one that isnecessarilycorrespond to the latest version.[Latest and recommended models, for other inquiries][Inquiry about this product is here][Namco Bandai Entertainment official site] April 1, 2015, has changed its name from "NAMCOBANDAIGames Inc." to "NAMCO BANDAI entertainment".
DiNostalgia Widget 3.4.3
R. Magri
Play again the popular '90s virtual pet game
Connegg - Virtual Pet Game 1.1.0
Adopt your own Connegg Now!- Application is similar to toy from years of 90'- Loads of Features!- You can have your own pet, feed him and let him grow!- Gain new Levels!- Get Experience!- Buy new Food!- Enchant things!- Decode Chests to get more Experience!- Buy Potions to have high levels of Experience Gained!DOWNLOAD & ENJOY! :)
たこやきコロタン ~秘密のレシピ~
Sorairo, Inc.
まさか「たこやき」を育てることになるなんて……◆◆◆予想外の累計70万人突破!!◆◆◆史上初!?お料理&たこやき育成ゲーム!『たこやきコロタン ~秘密のレシピ~』は、たこ焼をつくることで生まれる妖精コロタンやその仲間たちと一緒にたこやき生活を味わう、ちょびっと変わったお料理&育成ゲームだよ!-------------------★★持ち物入れ 大安売り中!★★「持ち物入れ」の値段を期間限定で1つ240円を150円に変更しました。※「大安売り」の期間は、6月30日までを予定しています。-------------------★★大幅バージョンアップ(Ver.2)しましたー!★★◇たくさんの妖精でも簡単にお世話ができるようになったよ!・ミヤッチが無料でお世話してくれる「ミヤッチチケット」をお世話している妖精がプレゼントしてくれるようになったよ。お世話が大変な人はまずはプレゼントを集めて、ミヤッチチケットをもらったら、ミヤッチにお世話してもらうといいよ!・ミヤッチの光速おせわが激安になったよ!お金に余裕があるときはミヤッチにお世話してもらうといいよ!◇新しい妖精のレシピを見つけたよ!・コロ海賊、コロナイト、コロ金魚、コロカラス、コロぞうなどなど、たくさんのたこやき妖精の仲間たちのレシピが発見されたよ。・コロ海女、コロインコ、コロずきん、コロカッパ、コロわらしなどなど、コロガチャの特別妖精レシピもたくさん追加されたよ!・レシピのカケラを集める期間限定の金ぴかたこやき妖精もこれからドンドン配信するよ!楽しみに待っててね!◇他にもたくさんバージョンアーップ!!・キッチンがニューアルしたよ。新しいキッチンでたこやきをいっぱい作ろう!・新しい妖精を作るための具材(明石だこ、三原だこ)を妖精たちがプレゼントしてくれるようになったよ!・新しい妖精の部屋の家具を入荷したよ。・アドベンチャーにとうとう黒コゲ一家の幹部たちが現れたよ、これは大変だー!-------------------★リアルにたこ焼つくりましょ!3Dを使って、たこ焼きのあのコロコロ感を再現!思い存分コロコロしちゃってくださいな!うまくたこ焼をつくると、とっても可愛いたこやき妖精にへーんしーん(変身)!!★たこやき妖精そだてましょ!生まれたたこやき妖精にごはんを上げたり、きげんをとったりすると、ハッピーポイントが溜まって、妖精はレベルアッープ!レベルが上げれば進化もしちゃうよ!★妖精バトルで腕試し!あなたの育てた妖精には、いろんなプレイヤーがバトルを仕掛けてくるよ!しっかり育てて、相手の妖精をやっつけちゃおう!バトルに勝つとGOLDや貴重なアイテムが手に入るよ!!★たこやき妖精コンプしよ!タコヤ先生をはじめちょっと変わったキャラクターたちが出すミッションをクリアして、新しい秘密のレシピを手に入れよう!そして目指すは、たこやき妖精コンプリート! ◆価格アプリ本体:無料※一部有料アイテムがあります。◆その他注意事項・セーブについてセーブは自動で行っています。セーブ中にアプリを終了、または電源を切ると、 セーブデータが破損することがあります。ゲームを終了するときは、キッチン画面からメニューを選び、その中の「保存して終了」を押して、タイトルに戻ってからアプリを終了するようにしてください。また、セーブデータ(ゲームのポイント、妖精やそのレベル、GOLD、具材、インテリア等)が、いかなる理由又は原因で破損、もしくは喪失したとしても、保証は致しません。予め、ご了承の上、ダウンロードをお願いいたします。※電池残量が十分にある状態でのプレイを推奨いたします。・通信について本アプリは、ゲームプレイ中に通信を行っており、通信環境の悪いところでは、ゲームをプレイ出来ません。通信状況の良い場所でプレイをしてください。・時刻設定について本アプリはサーバーと通信することで時刻を取得しており、お持ちの端末の時刻とサーバーとの時刻が異なりますとプレイすることが出来ません。日付と時刻は、一般設定より自動設定にされることを推奨いたします。・不正行為について本アプリでは、下記のような不正行為を行ったユーザーに対しては、しかるべき制裁措置をとる場合があります。 不正プログラムを使用する行為 不正プログラムを制作または配布する行為 詐欺行為を行い、不適切な利益を得る行為 不正な方法で、ハッピーポイントやGOLD等を獲得する行為 ゲーム内バグを悪用する行為 事実と異なる情報を入力してアカウントを生成する行為 その他、当社が不正行為と判断する行為・その他本アプリのルール、テキスト、内容等、キャラクターデザイン等、断りなく変更することがあります。予めご了承の上ダウンロードをお願いいたします。本アプリは、モデルデータや画像データが多いため、複数のアプリを起動されていますとアプリが突然終了することがあります。他のアプリを完全に終了させてから本アプリを起動するか、またはメモリの解放を行う等、十分なメモリの確保をされてから本アプリを起動するようにお願いいたします。特に以前の機種などをご使用の方は、予めご了承の上ダウンロードをお願いいたします。【お願い】不具合に関しましては、ゲーム内の「キッチン」画面の左下にある「メニュー」から「オプション」の中の「問い合わせ」からお問い合わせください。レビューにアップされましても、情報が足りない等の理由から対応が出来ない可能性がございます。出来る限り、お客様の要望を組み込み、より楽しいゲームを目指したく思っておりますので、ご協力頂ければ幸いです。 ◆推奨端末&対応OSAndroid 4.0以降。RAM 1GB以上搭載、ストレージ空き容量1GB以上のスマートフォン、及びタブレット端末。※一部の機種においては現在推奨のバージョン以上でも動かないことがあります。※現在ではAtom搭載端末での通信対戦は対応しておりません。Android2.3.3の端末においても動作することを確認しておりますが、一部の機種ではご利用になれない場合がございますのでサポート対象外とさせて頂きます。予めご了承の上ダウンロードをお願いいたします。※推奨端末以外のサポート、補償等は致しかねますので予めご了承ください。※本アプリのバージョンアップ等に伴って、推奨端末や対応OSのバージョンを変更する場合がございますが予めご了承ください。※OSのバージョンアップにより、本アプリに問題が出る場合がございますが予めご了承ください。...... Nante No waywouldbe to foster the "takoyaki"◆◆◆ unexpected total 700,000 breakthrough! ! ◆◆◆The first ever! ? Cooking & TAKOYAKI training game!"Recipe - of takoyaki Korotan-secret" is, taste the TAKOYAKIlifealong with the fairy Korotan and his companions born in makingtheoctopus grilled, but cooking and training game haschangedChobitto!-------------------★★ belongings put great bargain in! ★★The 240 yen one for a limited time the price of "belongings put"hasbeen changed to 150 yen.※ period of "bargain sale" is scheduled for June 30 days.-------------------★★ over which has been significantly upgraded (Ver.2)! ★★◇ now it can be easily taken care of in a lot of fairy!· Miyatchi fairy that is indebted to "Mi Yatchi ticket" us tocarefor free came to us to present. People care is very isFirstcollect the gifts, if I got the Mi Yatchi ticket, is good tohavethem take care to Miyatchi!· Miyatchi of the speed of light care has become super-discount!Itis good to get care in Miyatchi when there is room inthemoney!◇ found a new fairy of recipes!· Roller pirate, Koronaito, roller goldfish, Korokarasu, suchassuch as roller elephant, a fellow of the recipes of a lotoftakoyaki fairy was discovered.· Roller Ama, Koroinko, roller hood, Korokappa, such as suchasRashi I rollers, has been added a lot of special fairy recipesofKorogacha!- To the future delivery Don Don also Gilded takoyaki fairy foralimited time to collect the pieces of the recipe! I havebeenwaiting to look forward to!◇ many other version aah-flop! !Kitchen was renovating. Full Let's make the takoyaki in thenewkitchen!- Ingredients for making a new fairy (Akashi octopus,Miharaoctopus) the fairies came to me a gift!- Was stock the furniture of the new fairy of the room.- It finally black scorching family executives who appeared intheadventure, this is a very over!-------------------★ help make octopus grilled realistic!Using the 3D, reproduce that Colo sense of takoyaki!Do please you had a fully Korokoro think!And make a good octopus grilled, Hoehn scene in very cutetakoyakifairy (transformation)! !★ brought up fairy takoyaki!Or raise the rice born TAKOYAKI fairy, and or take themood,accumulated Happy point, fairy Reberuappu!Level would also evolve Raising!★ test your skills in a fairy battle!The fairy that your raised was, many players come to launchabattle!Firmly grow, Let's beat the fairy of the opponent!Win the battle with the GOLD and valuable items can get! !★ TAKOYAKI fairy Comp try!The beginning a little unusual mission that characters who issuesaTakoya teacher to clear, try to get a new secret recipe!The aim is, TAKOYAKI fairy complete!◆ priceApps body: Free※ There is some paid items.◆ Other notes• For saveSave is doing automatically.Exit the app during a save, or the power is turned off, you maysavedata corruption.When you exit the game, select the menu from the kitchenscreen,press the "Save and Exit" in the, please so as to exit theapp fromthe back to the title.Also, save data (point of the game, fairy and their level, GOLD,xi,interior, etc.), damaged for any reason or cause, or even aloss, itdoes not do is guarantee.In advance, on your note, thank you to download.※ It is recommended to play in a state in which theremainingbattery level is sufficient.• For communicationThis application is communicating during the game play, wherepoorcommunication environment, you can not play the game.Please refer to the play with good communicationsituationlocation.And time set for theThis application has acquired the time by communicating withtheserver, it will not be able to play and have different time andyouhave terminal time and the server of.The date and time, it is recommended that it is more generallysetin the automatic setting.- About fraudIn the present application, for the user who made the fraud, suchasthe following, you may take the appropriate sanctions.The act of using an incorrect programThe act of production or distribution of malware programDo the fraud, the act to obtain an improper benefitIn an unauthorized manner, act to earn happy points andGOLD,etc.Act to exploit the game bugAct to generate an account by entering the fact thedifferentinformationAny other activities that the Company is determined to be fraudAnd otherRules of this application, text, content, etc., characterdesign,etc., may be changed without notice. Thank you to downloadinadvance on your note.This application, for model data and the image data is large,itmay app unexpectedly quit and has been launch multipleapps.You can start this application from completely shut down otherapps,or the like are performed to release the memory, thank you tolaunchthis application from being a secure enough memory.Those who use and in particular the previous model, thank youtodownload in advance on your note.【Please】Regard trouble, please contact us at the bottom left ofthe"kitchen" screen in the game from the "menu" from "inquiry" inthe"Options".Even been up to the review, the information is there isapossibility that can not be correspondence from reasons such asnotenough.As much as possible, built-in customer demand, so we think wanttoaim a more enjoyable game, we would appreciateyourcooperation.◆ Recommended terminal and corresponding OSAndroid 4.0 or later. RAM 1GB or more installed, storage space1GBor more of the smart phone, and tablet devices.※ In some models may not work even in the currentrecommendedversion or higher.※ The communication competition in the Atom-powered deviceiscurrently not supported.We have to ensure that it works as well in the terminal oftheAndroid 2.3.3, but I will consider it as if you sounsupportedmight not be available in some models.Thank you to download in advance on your note.※ of support other than the recommended terminal,compensation,etc. I can not do Please note.※ with the version up or the like of the presentapplication,there are times when you want to change the version oftherecommended terminal and the corresponding OS, but pleasenote.※ the version-up of the OS, there is the case that inthisapplication problem comes out, but please note.
Bengal Cat Tamagotchi 1.3.0
Inspired by Tamagotchi of the 90s, inthisvirtual pet care game, you will adopt a pet, raise it, andtakecare of a virtual Bengal cat like a typical virtual petgame.Feed, Clean, Play and Love your virtual pet.The Bengal Cat Tamagotchi game is designed with old schoolgraphicsand brings you back to the 90s.Features of Bengal Cat Tamagotchi:- adopt a pet- Name your virtual kitty- Your virtual cat grows over time- Different Walls and Floors- Feed your Bengal cat Tamagotchi- Clean your virtual pet- Love your virtual cat- Play with your cat (Rock, Paper, Scissors, Mouse game)- SleepWarning: Cat will die if you leave your kitty alone fortoolong!Instructions for your virtual pet:First time you start Bengal Cat Tamagotchi, click on the redpresentand your new virtual kitty will appear.At the buttom of the screen there are 5 icons:- Lamp: click on it to send your virtual pet to sleep or wake itup.To load up the tiredness bar put your cat in sleep state.- Hand: move you finger over it to pick up the hand and movethehand over the cat to stroke it. This will affect thelovelinessbar.- Joystick: click on it to play Rock, Paper, Scissors withthevirtual cat. This will also load up the loveliness bar.- Food: If your virtual cat has hunger in this game you have tomoveyour finger over the food icon to pick up the food, move it tothefood bowl and release your finger. Your cat will go to the foodbowlitself if it is hungry. This will load up the hungrinessbar.- Water: move your finger over it to pick up the water, move ittothe food bowl and release your finger. Your cat will go to thefoodbowl itself if it is thirsty. This will load up the thirstinessbarof your Tamagotchi cat.- Scoop: move your finger over it to pick up the scoop, move ittothe litter and release your finger. This will clean up thelitterif it is full and loads up the cleanness bar.You can also click on your virtual pet. Sometimes itwillmeow.In the upper right corner the pet age is displayed. There afourdifferent ages: Puppy, Teeny, Adult and Senior.In this Tamagotchi game you don't have to earn coins like inothergames and will not bother you with notifications from yourpethealth. All you have to do is to look at your cat from time totimeand take care of your virtual friend to keep yoursweetyalive.To Name your virtual pet, click on "Preferences" at the HomeScreenof Bengal Cat Tamagotchi, put in the name of your cat anclick"save". Note: You can name your virtual pet if you havealreadystarted a new game.If there are any bugs in Bengal Cat Tamagotchi game or youjusthave suggestions for future versions, please send me anemail.
TamaDroid 1.0.7
A tamagotchi for android! Based on the old keychain pets fromthe90s.
Ocicat Virtual Pet 1.7.0
Adopt a cat, raise it and take care of your virtual pet
My Tiny Bear 1.0.3
Nobollel Inc.
Cute and funny!Care for your very own Tiny Bear and show your friends!Help your Tiny Bear grow into a multitudeofhilariousevolutions!More addictive that mail, chat, or forums! Kill your freetimewiththis free collection game!◆ Addictive, feel-good actions!Your Tiny Bear loves to eat apples! Harvest them from the treeinonefell swoop!Swipe, swipe, swipe! It feels so good!◆ Exciting Evolutions!As your bear levels up it evolves into many different forms!Familiar hair styles and motifs abound! There are somanydifferentlooks!◆ Complete your collection!There are 20 different Tiny Bears to be unlocked!Change the items in your Tiny Bear's room tochangeitsappearance!◆ Take care of your Tiny Bear each day!Don't leave your Tiny Bear for too long; if you don'tpayattentionto it, it will get bored and become distant!If you see hearts be sure to collect them!You'll earn PP (Pet Points) in doing so!Simple game system!Not that good at action games? Don't worry; this light gameissoeasy to pick up!Great for kids and adults of all ages; the healing feelingoflookingafter a virtual bear is simple for anyone!◆ How to raise your Tiny Bear ◆○ 1Your Tiny Bear loves to eat apples!First, harvest apples from the tree!Use Supa-Gro Tonic to increase the speed at whichyourapplesgrow!○ 2Return to the room and you'll see apples in the basket!Tap it to see your Tiny Bear eat some apples! How cute!If you run out of apples, head back to the tree toharvestsomemore!○ 3Play with your Tiny Bear!Petting your Tiny Bear and playing on the swing gains youPP(PetPoints) that allow you to buy new items for yourTinyBear'sroom!○ 4Change out the items in the room!Use PP to buy items for your Tiny Bear's room, and evennewroomstyles!Change around the items in the room, get your Tiny Beartoeatapples, and eventually…?!○ 5…your Tiny Bear will evolve!Change the items in the room feed your Tiny Bear apples tomakeitlevel up!There are lots of funny and surreal evolutions! Try tofindthemall!◆ Recommended for ◆Filling the gap on the commute to school or work, waitingforthetrain or bus…Want to have your own pet but can't? Why not keep a Kitten!People wanting the relaxation gained from owning a pet;takeabreak!ESPECIALLY if you love afros!Anyone wanting to play a free game!The Afro series of games has proven to be popular withmen,women,boys, and girls alike!Share the funny pictures on Twitter, Facebook, or LINE!Did you enjoy collecting Hamsters, Alpacas, Mushrooms,andotherFunghi? Remember those Tamagotchis from the 90s? You're inforatreat!
Widget Monster 2.1.0
Widget App
Widget Monster is a virtual pet game, whichcanbreeding monsters on widget!Breeding playing and training your monsters and battleswithothers!It is an app all about widget and monsters!Highlight:★ Take care of your widget monster to make it stronger★ Training and battle to make your digimon evolve!★ More than 100 type of widget monster!★ Make your home screen more energetic and full of fun!★ Colorful graphic, no black and white anymore!★ You can breed multiple monsters on your screen at thesametime.Conditions affect evolution:● The meat/vegetable feeding ratio affect the evolution.● Type of Food● Good care● Response for the monster's calls, including hungry, injuryorlight.● Winning Rate20+ battles and 50%+ win rate for Perfect stage.30+ battles and 60%+ win rate for Ultimate stage.50+ battles and 70%+ win rate for Ultra stage.NOTE:If you cannot see Widget Monster on the widgets list, try to dothefollowing things- Reboot your phone or restart your launcher. (it is theissuecaused by the launcher)Or you can contact me by email for any questions aboutthisapp- Make sure this app is NOT installed to your SD card(Androidbehavior)
天使と悪魔診断 3.0.0
Angel or devil lurking inside you... Angel or devil degree thatcanbe diagnosed by just answering 15 questions by intuition? Areyourheart clean or dark?
Art- Wonder animals & pet shop 2.4
Inspired by the Tamagotchi, Join the partywiththese wonder fluffy pets, you have the control of his life :hatchout, names id, food, meds, costumes, home design,supplies.make your own pet wonder resort to make your fluffy companionlifebetter.Art is waiting for an adoption, he wants names id, a nanny, ahome,petting, pose for the cam, a lover and more to have an full ofjoylife.Your lovable small Art is so cute, he looks like a netfluffyoctopuss but you have control to change his shape at store:costumes, clothes, supplies, unicorn horn, jewelry, jerseys,box,hat, sandals, octopuss color and much more.ideal for kids, boy and girl !FEATURES:➤ 10 funny mini games ideal to discover the world ofbabyArt!➤ 99 levels to unlock cute costumes, clothes, home like candyworld,airways, hotel villa, island, yard, jet and more➤ 20+ costumes, clothes, supplies, hat, unicorn horn,jewelry,jerseys, box, sandals, octopuss color for your virtualpets➤ 25+ charming decorations, hotel villa, island, yard, jet,airways,forest, beds, doors, wall etc.. for your cuddlycompanionGive names id and treat your new virtual friends as it isyourpuppy, duck, cat, bunnies, dog or cuddly cutest stuffedtoy.Art is waiting for an adoption, be a caring companion, food,cuddlyfriends, petting, caress, a lover, fondle and support .Make baby Art full of joy and sick, design you home, big land,hotelvilla, island, yard, jet, airways or room, beds, doors, wallcarpet,Tv according to your tastes kids, boy or girl will loveit.10 funny mini games to take care of your so charming fluffvirtualpets!➽ ADOPTION, Give names id and be caring !➽ FOOD, Go to a near store and buy food or catch free fruits inminigames world, your plushy Animals will be full of joy !➽ DRESS, The plushy small Art wants to have a lovely look, youhavethe control of costumes, clothes plus supplies plus octopusscolorat near store !➽ WASH, If the wonder baby Art is dirty take a bath and wash asitis your puppy, duck, cat, bunnies, dog or cuddly cuteststuffedtoy➽ MEDS, Learn to be a nice nanny, take care of your cutevirtualpets. If the lovable small Art is sick, buy meds atshop.➽ PLAY, Petting and caress or take pics with cam, your animalwilljump around➽ SLEEP, These little animales wants a beds to sleep,fondle,caress.➽ DESIGN, Lovable small Art room or house, land and world, gotoshop and buy a hotel villa, island, yard, jet, airways plusforestplus house wall plus beds, doors and moreFOR PARENTS:This Tamagotchi games is FREE.Instead of Tamagotchi games, the virtual companion animalneverdie.This game is ideal for kids, boy and girl of all ages andanimalslover. Ideal to develop kids creativity, be caring and learnwhilehaving fun.STORY OF my ArtWhat is that cute valu pets, this charming fluffytamagotchi?Baby Art is a (boy or girl) plushy species from a near petland,youcan't find in a shop, its ananimals from cuddly cutest stuffedtoyand puppy, duck, cat, bunnies, dog petland ! You are lucky tofinda hatch of these precious and valu animals.These little animales is a fluff ball like a octopuss, waitingtohatch out, names id, he needs a playpen and a valu friends ornannyall his life. Art is a precious friendly animal.This fluffy creature is love to wear fashion supplies hat,unicornhorn, jewelry, jerseys, box, sandals to be a wonderpet.These little animales favorite food is jam, popular in hispetland,but keep control of his weight and stay net!This lovable little animal love to play, be petting, fondleandcaress and pose for the cam.Now be caring with this sick little animal, to be valu friendlyasit is your puppy, duck, cat, bunnies, dog or cuteststuffedtoy.Download this game ideal for kids boy and girl !
RetroMon - Virtual Pet Monster 5.6.0
Join the digital world! Hatch pet monsters, make 'em strongerforonline battles