Top 8 Apps Similar to Pembelajaran Nahwu & Shorof

Nahwu Shorof 2 versi Lengkap 3.0
Nahwu Shorof 2 versi Lengkap dengan Terjemahan BahasaIndonesiaKitab Nahwu Versi Terjemah Alfiyah Ibnu Malik dan TerjemahTashrifal-Izzi - Data App OFFLINE , Aplikasi ini dapat berjalantanpaadanya koneksi internet - Aplikasi ringan - teks dapat di zoomAyosebarkan aplikasi ini Barang siapa mengajarkan suatu ilmu, makaiaakan mendapatkan pahala orang yg mengamalkannya, tanpamengurangipahala orang yg mengamalkannya
Akrab Nahwu Lengkap 1.2
AKRAB NAHWU LENGKAPBuah karya Ustad Abu MuhammadNahwu adalah bagian dari pelajaran bahasa Arab,yangkaitannyadengan kedudukan suatukata. Dengan ilmu ini insya Alloh seseorang akan mampumembacakitabyang berbahasaArab. Namun juga harus di tunjang dengankaidah-kaidahilmushorof.Tulisan ini ditujukan untuk pemula yangbenar-benarmenginginkanbisa mengenal danmemahami kaidah-kaidah dasar dari ilmu nahwu. Untukmerekayangmempunyai azam yangbesar, niat yang kuat, dan tekad yang bulat, serta usahayangoptimaldalam mempelajariilmu nahwu. Sehingga tatkala menjumpai hal-hal yang mudahdariapayang dia pelajari,maka hal itu menjadi penyemangat baginya. Sebaliknyatatkaladiamenjumpai hal-hal yangterkesan sulit atau berat, maka hal ini menjaditantanganbaginya,yang harus bisa diapecahkan. Dengan memahami kembali permasalahannya,ataudenganmenanyakan kepadapembimbingnya. Bukan justru menjadikan dia mundurkebelakang,denganmeninggalkandan tidak jadi belajar ilmu nahwuAKRAB NAHWU semoga yang membacanya menjadi orang yangakrabdenganNahwuFAMILIAR Nahwu FULLFruit of the work of Ustad Abu MuhammadNahwu is part of learning Arabic, which is to do withthepositionof asaid. With this knowledge Insha Allah someone will be abletoreadbooks that speakArab. But must also be supported with the rulesofscienceshorof.This article is intended for beginners who really wanttoknowandunderstand the basic principles of science nahwu. For thosewhohavethe intention thatbig, strong intention and determination, as well astheoptimaleffort in studyingnahwu science. So that when encountered things are easierthanwhathe learned,then it is an encouragement for him. Instead whenheencounteredthingsseem difficult or heavy, it becomes a challenge for him, thatmustbehimsolve. By redefining the problem, or by askingguardian. Not exactly make him backward, leavingand not so studied nahwuFAMILIAR Nahwu hope that reading becomes a personfamiliarwithNahwu
Kitab Imriti Nahwu Shorof
Nadhom Kitab al Fawa'id Imriti or book an Nahwiyyah
Nahwu Shorof Tata Bahasa Arab 1.0
Moslem Way
Aplikasi Nahwu Shorof IniBerisiPelajaranGrammar Bahasa Arab dalam bentuk rangkuman ygsingkat danjelas.Aplikasi nahwu shorof ini, membuat pelajaran nahwudan shorofyangdianggap sulit menjadi pelajaran yang mudahdipahami.bahasa arab pemula sharafbahasa arab lengkappercakapan bahasa arabbahasa arab indonesia offlineFitur :- Dapat Dijalankan Walaupun Tanpa Akses Internet ( Offline )- Free Download / Gratis DownloadSemoga BermanfaatApplicationsNahwuShorofIt Contains Arabic Grammar Lessons in the form ofsummariesreplybrief and clear. Shorof nahwu this application,making lessonsandshorof nahwu deemed difficult a lesson thatiseasilyunderstood.Arabic beginner sharfArabic FullArabic conversationArabic Indonesian offlinefeatures:- Can Run Even Without Internet Access (Offline)- Free Download / Free DownloadMay be useful
Learn Arabic Tutorial 1.0
Learn Arabic Complete. LearnArabicComplete..Learn Arabic Complete.Quick and Easy Ways to Learn Arabic CompleteAssessing the full method of learning the Arabic languageeasilyandquickly.- Understanding Nahwu and Shorof- Type of words in Arabic- Isim- Isim Muannats and Mudzakkar- Isim Mufrod, Tasniyah and Jama '- Kinds Jama '- Ficil- Ficil Madhi and Mudhori '- DhomirLearning Arabic General This application contains theintroductionofArabic commonly used in daily life, it is importantfor us toknow asa provision for us in the future.Can be used as a media education of children to know Arabic.Nahwu Science Books For Beginners, As its title suggests,isdesignedspecifically for beginners. We have attempted such awaythat thematerial we present in this book has been adapted tothelevel ofunderstanding of people who have never studiednahwualtogether.Science nahwu is one branch of the Arabiclanguagewhich is veryimportant to master after sharf science. Withnahwuscience, we canknow the rules about the structure ofArabicsentences which manyhave differences with Indonesian.This book is used in BINA Program (Learning SciencesNahwu)organizedby the Foundation for the majority of participantsCANreally blindnahwu science. Therefore, we do everything possiblesothat this bookis easy to understand. To achieve this goal,thereare some effortsthat we do, among others
Nahwu Shorof Terjemahan 1.0
Matrama Group
Aplikasi Nahwu Shorof Terjemahanberisiberbagaikumpulan informasi mengenai pembahasan tentangbentuk katadankeadannya ketika belum tersusun (mufrod) , semisalbentuk IsimFa’ilmengikuti wazan فاعل, Isim Tafdhil mengikuti wazanأفعل,berikutkeadaan-keadaannya semisal caramentatsniyahkan,menjamakkan,mentashghirkan dll. Juga pembahasankeadaan kataketika sudahtersusun (murokkab) semisal rofa’nyakalimah isimketika menjadifa’il, atau memu’annatskan kalimah fi’iljikasebelumnya menunjukkanMu’annats dll.Semoga dengan Aplikasi ini kita dapat mempelajari tatabahasaarabdengan mudah dan sistematis. Kami akan terusmenambahinformasimengenai aplikasi ini. Jadi terus installaplikasinyayah. TerimakasihDISCLAIMER :Content like Articles, Pictures and Video in thisapplicationwerecollected from all over the web, so if I haveviolatedyourcopyright, please let me know and it will be removed assoonaspossible.All copyrights and trademarks are owned bytheirrespectiveowners. This app is not endorsed by or affiliatedwithNetworkStudios or any other affiliated entities.TranslationNahwuShorofapplication contains a collection of information onthevariousdiscussions on the shape of words and keadannya whennotarranged(mufrod), such as the shape Isim fa'il follow wazanفاعل,IsimTafdhil follow wazan أفعل,thefollowingcircumstances-circumstances such as howmentatsniyahkan,pluralize,mentashghirkan etc. , Also the discussionof the state ofthe wordwhen it was composed (murokkab) suchrofa'nya isim when itbecomesfa'il sentence, or sentencememu'annatskan fi'il ifpreviouslyshown Mu'annats etc.Hopefully, with this application we can learnArabicgrammareasily and systematically. We will continue toaddinformationabout this application. So continue to installtheapplicationwell. Thank youDISCLAIMER:Content like Articles, Pictures and Video in thisapplicationwerecollected from all over the web, so if I haveviolatedyourcopyright, please let me know and it will be removed assoonaspossible.All copyrights and trademarks are owned byReviewstheirrespective owners. This app is not endorsed by oraffiliatedwithNetwork Studios or any other affiliated entities.
Nadhom Al Fiyah Ibnu Malik 1.0
Matrama Group
Aplikasi Nadhom Al Fiyah Ibnu Malikberisiberbagai kumpulan informasi mengenai Tata Bahasa Arab.Alfiyah IbnuMalik suatu kata yang sudah tidak asing lagi di duniapesantren.Nahwu adalah ilmu untuk mengetahui hukum akhir dari suatukata,sedangkan Shorof adalah ilmu tentang perubahan suatu kata.Pengarang kitab ini yaitu Syaikh Muhammad bin Abdul binMalikath-Tha’ial-Jayyani atau di kenal dengan Ibnu Malik lahir diJaen,Al-Andalus pada tahun 600H dan wafat pada tahun 672H atau22Februari 1274 di Damaskus, Syam. Beliau merupakan salah satuImamdalam bidang Nahwu dan Bahasa Arab, juga di bidang syairArab,Qira’atal Qur’an dan Hadis.Semoga dengan Aplikasi ini kita dapat mempelajari tatabahasaarab dengan baik dan benar. Kami akan terus menambahinformasimengenai aplikasi ini. Jadi terus install aplikasinya yah.TerimakasihDISCLAIMER :Content like Articles, Pictures and Video in this applicationwerecollected from all over the web, so if I have violatedyourcopyright, please let me know and it will be removed as soonaspossible.All copyrights and trademarks are owned by theirrespectiveowners. This app is not endorsed by or affiliated withNetworkStudios or any other affiliated entities.Applications NadhomAlFiyah Ibn Malik collection contains a variety ofinformationregarding Tata Arabic. Alfiya a word that is alreadyfamiliar inthe Islamic world. Nahwu is a science to determine thelegal end ofa word, while Shorof is the study of changes in a word.Author of the book, namely Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Malikbinath-Tha'ial-Jayyani or known by Ibn Malik was born inJaen,Al-Andalus in the year 600H and 672H or died in February 22,1274in Damascus, Syria. He is one Imam in the field Nahwu andArabic,also in the field of Arabic poetry, Qira'atal Quran andHadith.Hopefully, with this application we can learn Arabicgrammarproperly. We will continue to add information aboutthisapplication. So continue to install the application well.ThankyouDISCLAIMER:Content like Articles, Pictures and Video in this applicationwerecollected from all over the web, so if I have violatedyourcopyright, please let me know and it will be removed as soonaspossible.All copyrights and trademarks are owned by Reviewstheirrespective owners. This app is not endorsed by or affiliatedwithNetwork Studios or any other affiliated entities.
Nahwu Shorof 1.0
Nahwu Shorof merupakan salahsatupelajaranwajib yang harus dikuasai untuk dapat membacakitabkuning.Kitab kuning yang merupakan kumpulan dan rujukanilmu-ilmudalampondok pesantren hanya akan dapat dipahami dandipelajari jikakitatelah menguasai ilmu nahwu shorof. nahwu danshorofsendirimerupakan pelajaran yang dianggap sangat sulitbagisebagianorang.Dalam aplikasi nahwu shorof ini, kami membuat pelajarannahwudanshorof yang dianggap sulit menjadi pelajaranyangmudahdipahami.SEMOGA BERMANFAATNahwu Shorof is oneofthecompulsory subjects that must be mastered to be able toreadtheyellow book.Yellow book which is a collection and reference sciencesintheboarding school will only be understood and learned ifwehadmastered the science of nahwu shorof. nahwu and shorof itselfisalesson that is considered very difficult for some people.In this shorof nahwu application, we create lessons nahwuandshorofdeemed difficult a lesson that is easily understood.MAY BE USEFUL