Top 23 Apps Similar to Diabetes

Diabetes:M License 1.2
IMPORTANT: This is a license key toremovethe advertisements from Diabetes:M application. You mustinstallDiabetes:M application separately and keep this licensekeyinstalled in order to get advertisements removed.Please don't rate and write reviews here. Do that on themainDiabetes:M application page.--------------------------------Designed for smart phones and tablets this application isintendedto help diabetics to manage better their diabetes and keepit undercontrol. The application tracks almost all aspects of thediabetestreatment and provides detailed reports, charts andstatistics toshare via the email with the supervising physician. Itprovidesvarious tools to the diabetics, so they can find the trendsinblood glucose levels and allows users to calculate normalandprolonged insulin boluses using its highly effective,top-notchbolus calculator."Diabetes:M" can analyze the values from the imported datafromvarious glucometers and insulin pumps via the exported filesfromtheir respective diabetes management software systems.Supports Android Wear smart watches.
BG Monitor Diabetes Pro 8.0.1
Diabetes management made so you can focus on what matters most
Diabetes:M - Blood Sugar Diary
Track, analyze and keep the diabetes under control!
Test Diabetes sugar-Joke 1.0.1
A glucose detector in free blood to measurethesugar levels in the blood joke.Scare your friends, just press your finger on the scanner andwaitfor the result.The color you like on the device means that everything is goodorbad.- Green color: It's normal.- Orange color: Pre-diabetes.- Red Color: High diabetes.Check now this application for your mobile phone and enterthis"joke".
Diabetes 5.0.8
The best application for diabetics. Your glucose levelundercontrol!
Diabetes 4.0
Medical Programs for Android.This program contains complete information for DiabetesMedicalconfrontation.Topics include epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis,treatment,complications, etc.This application is essential for all physician and peoplerelatedto medical and health field.
My Glycemia : Diabete tracker 1.8.2
Complete tool for diabetic glucose monitoring
Glucose Buddy Diabetes Tracker 5.36.8529
Azumio, Inc.
Track blood glucose, A1C, carbs, medication, exercise, and moreallin one app!
Diabetes Journal 2.2.9
Track glucose levels for you and others.
Diabetes Connect 2.6.5
DiabetesConnect - Your Documentation, Easy and Fast
Beat Diabetes 10.10.7
70+ Tips, Diabetic Diet and Safe Food Suggestions to BeatDiabetesNaturally
Habits Diabetes Coach 1.7.33
Jana Care
Your Personal Diabetes Coach, Anywhere, Anytime.
Diabetes Plus 1.0.5
DiabetesPlus lets you administer your readings on your device
mySugr - Diabetes Tracker Log 3.92.59
mySugr GmbH
Sync your blood glucose device, log values automatically andtameyour diabetes!
Diabetes Treatment 1.0
Revolxa Inc
This app will shows the informationaboutdiabetes treatment.Best comprehensive overview covers thesymptomsand treatment of diabetes. This app has been developedforeveryone, all topics has been made to make it usefulandinteresting.*** Don’t wait! Download this app and get the health tips andfactsyou need today! ***diabetes treatment app feature:- What Is Type 1 Diabetes ?- Warning Sign: Unusual Thirst, Weight Loss, Skin Problems.- What Causes Type I Diabetes ?- Who Gets Type 1 Diabetes ?- Diabetes Treatment: Insulin Shots- How Well Is Your Treatment Working ?- Hope for an Artificial Pancreasetc.*** Please Do Rate the APP and leave a reply on yourvaluablesuggestions and improvements ***
SocialDiabetes 4.17.110
Make your diabetes smarter, keep your glucose under control.
Prognosis : Diabetes 4.2.5
Prognosis: Diabetes is designed to bringyouthe latest therapeutic guidelines regarding the managementofDiabetes Mellitus and its associated complications.This app explores 15 different topics, from GestationalDiabetesto Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young and complicationssuch asPeripheral Vascular Disease and Ketoacidosis.All case scenarios are based on real-life patients, and havebeenreviewed by our editorial panel of 120+ specialistphysiciansspanning 27 specialties.Each clinical case can be navigated in a matter of minutesandthe comprehensive discussion will serve as an valuable updateforbusy physicians while being an educational tool forresidents,medical students and other healthcare professionalsstudying foracademic and licensure exams.Diseases Covered:1. Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young2. Secondary Diabetes3. Pregestational Diabetes4. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus5. Hypoglycemia6. Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar State7. Diabetic Ketoacidosis8. Diabetic Retinopathy9. Diabetic Neuropathy10. Diabetic Nephropathy11. Peripheral Vascular Disease12. Silent Myocardial Infarction13. Diabetic Foot Ulcers14. Vaginal Candidiasis15. Diabetic Mastopathy16. Diabetic Thoracic Radiculoneuropathy
Dokter Diabetes 4.1.18
Dokter Diabetes adalah aplikasi pertama di Indonesia yangmembantumenghubungkan antara anda dengan dokter spesialis dan ahligizidimana saja. Aplikasi ini kami ciptakan dengan harapanmempermudahpenyandang diabetes dan caregiver untuk menemukaninformasi seputardiabetes. Dokter Diabetes dapat anda gunakanuntuk: - Konsultasidengan dokter umum, spesialis, dan ahli gizitanpa biaya. - Membacainformasi terbaru sekitar diabetes di bagianartikel . -Mendapatkan referensi resep sehat untuk penyandangdiabetes. -Menghitung dan memantau jumlah karbohidrat yangdibutuhkan olehtubuh. - Mencatat dan memantau tingkat glukosa dalamdarah dan jugaberat badan ideal tubuh.
Is your Diabetes under control 44.0
Did you know that there are easy ways to keep your diabetesundercontrol?
SiDiary Diabetes Management 1.48
SiDiary — simple diabetes logbook for Android and PC
BG Monitor Diabetes 8.0.1
Healthline's Best Diabetes App of 2018
Diabetes diary, blood pressure 2.1.7
Assemble your organised medicalhistorytimeline on the web from your personal health records onmobile.Always be perfectly prepared for your next doctor's visitwith labresults, weight diary, blood pressure diary and diabetesdiary inyour pocket.It's a hassle to collect all your personal health records whenyougo to visit your doctor. This is why we developed a new featureinLaborom: medical records.Patients with chronic diseases like hypertension (highbloodpressure), diabetes (blood sugar), and patients who needtovisualize and store lab results and case/medication historyfortheir therapy can anonymously upload and gather theirmeasurementsby using laborom personalized test result organizer,diary.With the mobile application users can upload, organize, trackandchart medical measurements (eg. Blood pressure, blood sugar),andrecords of medication, drugs, diabetes diary, logbook. Charttestresults to discover trends over time. Wired in up-to-datedrugs,meds database with reminder setting option. Also laborom isadiabetes diary, logbook, pill reminder for smartwatches,andandroid wear. Blood pressure.Keeping tabs on diabetesEveryone with diabetes knows that keeping a logbook withyourblood glucose level, insulin intake and tracking your carbs isnotan option: it’s a must. With a diary of your diabetesmeasurementsyou can speculate the impact of the food you eat andthe insulinyou take. Using pen-and-paper methods is troublesome,inconvenientand oftentimes inaccurate in forecasting your bloodglucose levelor the units of insulin you need to take. Usinglaborom diabetesdiary and blood pressure logbook you can throw awayyour oldnotebook and use the device that is always at hand to trackand logyour vital measurements. See the trends view to check howcertainactivities affect your blood glucose level and makeeducateddecisions about the next insulin intake or food you eat.Set uppill and activity reminders so that you will never forget totake apill or upload your next glucose level measurement.What is blood pressure?When your heart beats, it pumps blood round your body to giveitthe energy and oxygen it needs. As the blood moves, itpushesagainst the sides of the blood vessels. The strength ofthispushing is your blood pressure. If your blood pressure is toohigh,it puts extra strain on your arteries (and your heart) andthis maylead to heart attacks and strokes. Tracking your bloodpressure ina logbook is essential to monitor your condition.What do the numbers mean?Every blood pressure logbook reading consists of two numbersorlevels. They are shown as one number on top of the other. Thefirstnumber is your systolic blood pressure. It is the highestlevelyour blood pressure reaches when your heart beats. The second(orbottom) number is your diastolic blood pressure. It is thelowestlevel your blood pressure reaches as your heart relaxesbetweenbeats.Before Checking Your Blood PressureFind a quiet place to check your blood pressure. You will needtolisten for your heartbeat.Make sure that you are comfortable and relaxed with arecentlyemptied bladder (a full bladder may affect your reading).Roll upthe sleeve on your arm or remove any tight-sleeved clothing.Yourarm should rest comfortably at heart level. Sit up straightwithyour back against the chair, legs uncrossed. Rest your forearmonthe table with the palm of your hand facing up. Measure yourbloodpressure.Features:- Medical Records: Store your medical history in one place!- Diabetes diary including:-> Estimated HbA1c-> Morning fasting, before meal glucose, after mealglucose-> Rapid, long and mixed insulin-> Food log including carbs tracking and photo log- Blood pressure diary- Weight diary- Medication diary- Detailed graphs for easy-to-understand trends- Pill Reminder (for smartwatch, android wear as well!)- Report anything directly to your doctor- Export your medical data
Easy Diabetes 2.0.1
Simple application to control the glucose diabetes mellitus type1and 2