Top 18 Games Similar to Billionaire Quiz

Show do Bilhão Milhão Infinito 1.1.0
King J Games
Já pensou em ser um bilionário? Pois no ShowdoBilhão Milhão Infinito você pode ganhar muito mais do que ummilhão,você pode ganhar 1 bilhão!Aqui o desafio é infinito, pois após a pergunta de 1 milhãovocêpode continuar respondendo para ganhar muito mais. E asnovidadesnão param por aí, pois no Show do Bilhão você podedesafiar seusamigos para emocionantes partidas de 2jogadores:Os jogadores tem que responder ao maior número deperguntascorretamente, porém o tema da pergunta será escolhidoentre umalista de temas aleatórios. Quanto mais você demorar pararespondermais tempo você dará para o seu adversário responder apróximapergunta e ele também terá uma variedade maior de temasparaescolher. Cada jogador possui três pulos, mas nenhuma ajuda.Quemerrar primeiro perde.O Show do Bilhão Milhão Infinito também pode ser jogado comsomente1 jogador:Você terá ajuda das cartas, convidados e empresários e podeusartrês pulos. Cada pergunta deve ser respondida em 90 segundos eacada pergunta o seu prêmio aumenta e a dificuldade dasperguntastambém. Após ganhar 1 milhão você pode continuarrespondendo paratentar ganhar 1 bilhão ou mais, mas a cada perguntaa dificuldadeaumenta.O Show do Bilhão Milhão Infinito possui placar local (compontuaçõesconseguidas somente por quem jogou no seu aparelho) eplacar onlinecom pontuações de jogadores do Brasil e domundo.O Show do Bilhão possui dezenas de milhares de perguntas eelasnunca repetem. Divirta-se muito e aproveite o jogo!Have you everthoughtabout being a billionaire? For the show's Billion MillionInfiniteyou can earn more than a million, you can earn 1billion!Here the challenge is infinite, because after question 1 millionyoucan continue responding to earn more. And the news does notstopthere, because in the Billion Show you can challenge yourfriends toexciting matches of two players:Players have to answer as many questions correctly, but thesubjectof the question will be chosen from a list of random topics.Thelonger you take to answer the more time you give to youropponentto answer the next question, and it will also have a widervarietyof topics to choose from. Each player has three jumps, butno help.Who miss first loses.The show's Billion Million Infinity can also be played with onlyoneplayer:You will help the cards, guests and business and can usethreejumps. Each question must be answered in 90 seconds andeveryquestion your premium increases and the difficulty of thequestionsas well. After winning 1 million you can continue torespond to tryto win 1 billion or more, but every question thedifficultyincreases.The show's Billion Million Infinite has place score (withscoresachieved only by those who played on your device) andonlinescoring with scores of Brazil and the world players.The show's Billion has tens of thousands of questions and theyneverrepeat. Play hard and enjoy the game!
Qual Qual 1.7
A super fun game to play with your friendsandfamily!
Perguntas da Bíblia 2.0.0
Bible questions is the newest APP issues, and Bible quiz answers
Jogo do Milhão Show Crianças 1.0.5
King J Games
Jogo do Milhão Show ParaCriançasfoidesenvolvido com perguntas mais fáceis que ascriançasepré-adolescentes conseguirão responder. Os temastambémsãoespeciais para crianças e adolescentes. Alguns dos temassão:- Filmes infantis- Desenhos- Conto de fadas- Heróis- EsportesEducativas como:- Inglês básico- Ciências- Matemática básica- Sistema solar- AnimaisO Jogo do Milhão Show Para Crianças foi integrado comoGooglePlay services e possui placar online para vocêverificarapontuação de seus amigos e desafiá-los para ver quemconseguefazermais pontos. E também possui placar local para quevocê graveo seuplacar e de quem jogar em seu celular.O Jogo do Milhão Show Para Crianças também possuiconquistasetroféus para serem desbloqueados. Tente conseguirtodos!Baixe agora o jogo e seu filho se divertiráenquantoaprendecoisas novas.Game Million ShowForKidswas developed with easier questions that kids and tweensabletorespond. The themes are also special for childrenandadolescents.Some of the topics are:- Kids movies- Drawings- Fairy tale- Heroes- SportsEducational as:- Basic English- Science- Basic math- Solar system- AnimalsThe Million Show Game For Children has been integratedwithGooglePlay services and has online scoreboard for you to checkthescore ofyour friends and challenge them to see who can makemorepoints. Alsofeatures site lead to you to record your score andwhoplay on yourmobile phone.The Million Show Set For Kids also has achievementsandtrophiesto be unlocked. Try to get everyone!now download the game and your child will have funwhilelearningnew things.
Great Game Show 2.2
Super fun quiz game to play withyourfriends!
Quiz do Milhão 1.1.2
Este aplicativo, inspirado no famosojogo"Showdo Milhão" tem como base fortalecer os conhecimentos deumaformasimples e intuitiva.Contando com 16 níveis de perguntas, reserva um bomníveldeentretenimento para o seu dia-a-dia, contando com perguntasquevãotrazer gargalhadas, até perguntas que irãotrazerprofundasdúvidas.Os melhores resultados ficam armazenados,parafuturasconsultas.Chame a família e os amigos para esse divertida aplicação.Caso tenham algum comentário, sugestão ou reclamação,favorentrarem contato.Sua opinião vale muito para nós.Boa diversão!!-- Versão 1.0.4> Corrigido Bug no Ranking> Corrigido Bug de Seleção de Perguntas> Incluídas mais de 150 novas perguntas para suareservarmaiorentretenimento e diversão-- Versão 1.0.5> Otimização de Performance> Inclusão de novas perguntas-- Versão 1.0.6> Melhoria de performance em alguns dispositivos> Atendendo a pedidos, mostra-se a resposta correta ao errarThisapplication,inspiredby the famous game "Show the Million" is basedonstrengthening theknowledge in a simple and intuitive way.Featuring 16 levels of questions, booking a goodlevelofentertainment for your day-to-day, with questions thatwillbringlaughter, even questions that will have profounddoubts.The best results are stored for future reference.Call family and friends to this fun application.If have any comments, suggestions or complaints,pleasecontactus.Your opinion is worth a lot to us.Good fun!- Version 1.0.4> Fixed Bug in rank> Fixed Bug Selection Questions> Included over 150 new questions for your bookmoreentertainmentand fun- Version 1.0.5> Performance Optimization> Inclusion of new questions- Version 1.0.6> Improved performance on some devices> Upon request, show that the correct response to err
Millionaire USA 1
Millionaire Internationalon Mobiles nowisbasedon the famous Game Show TV Millionaire is the best ofgamesQuizwhich are being interested by many people because ofallwonderfuland useful things from it Millionaire International2017is not onlythe awesome game to entertain but also is ahugetreasure ofknowledge in the entire fields The game will helpyouimprove yourknowledge quickly. This is one of the mostawesomethings that thegame can bring for you all.If you loved to watch it, it’s time to play and beamillionairewhite Millionaire International 2017 Ever wonderedwhatit is liketo be in the hot seat of a TV show fighting for thegrandprice ofone million? With Millionaire International 2017 youhave achanceto play and experience the thrilling excitement ofclimbingup tothe top through 25 challenging trivia puzzles fromhistorytogeography and see if you have what it takes tobeamillionaire!Millionaire International 2017 is inspired by ToBeaMillionaireMillionaire International 2017 helps you get thewonderfulexperiencemore and more with the thousands ofquestionupdatedcontinuously.---Feature Of Millionaire International 2017 ---★ Free★★ Beautiful and Super Graphic.★ Good sound.★★ 5 help options for you choose.★ Support 11 languages: English, Vietnamese, Arabic,Russian,French,German, Italian, Spanish, Hungarian,,Romanian,andIndonesian.....★★ 4000 Brand new challenging trivia questions.★ More questions packs via in-app purchase checkin-gamequestionstore for availability!★★ Play your way up the virtual Money Tree & useyourclassiclife lines strategically to win the virtualMillion!★ Brand new life line 'Ask The Saviour' (via in-apppurchase).★★ Never seen before on mobile are new TV introandstudiovisuals.★ Customization your preference for optimum game play.★★ Play against the clock for added TV studio tension, orpracticeatyour leisure.★ Share scores with friends on Facebook/Twitter or post ascoreonthe leader board (against the clock only!).Millionaire New 2017 the miniature world of knowledge★★ We support the following languages in the game:-English-German/Deutsch-Italian/Italiano-French/Français-Spanish/Español-Russian/России-Hungarian/Magyar-Romanian/Român- And More ....
Less or More 1.1
Test your knowledge in this funny game
1000 Pirates Dress Up for Kids 2.1.1
Create your Crew! Choose from 1000 Pirates and PlayFunnyMini-Games!
ENEM Game 3.0.9
Mito Games
Get ready for Enem 2022 in a much easier and fun way!
Zapzapmath School : K-6 Games 5.0.0
Prep your kid for K-6 and beyond with our awesome math gamesforages 5 to 12.
Rodando a Roda Novo 2017 1.0.1
King J Games
No jogo Rodando a Roda Novo 2017 vocêterámuitadiversão jogando sozinho ou com os amigos. Aqui vocêtemplacar comas melhores pontuações, diversos temas diferentesemuitas palavrassecretas.Os temas presentes no Rodando a Roda Novo 2017 são:Frutas,Países,Objetos, Alimentos, Filmes, Animais, Marcas e muitosoutros.Regras do jogo:Tudo começa quando você roda a roda. A roda irá parar em umvalorqueserá sua premiação por cada letra que acertar. Depoisvocêclica emuma letra, se a letra existir nas palavras secretasoRodando a RodaNovo 2017 irá mostrar aonde elas estão. Paracadaletra certa o valorsorteado na roda irá acumular ao seuprêmiofinal.Você também pode jogar contra um amigo e as regras sãoquaseasmesmas. Você Roda a Roda, escolhe a letra e repete oprocesso.Vocêpassará a vez se errar a letra ou se a roda parar nopassar avezou no perde tudo.Rode a Roda e divirta-se!In the game RunningtheNewWheel 2017 you will have lots of fun playing alone orwithfriends.Here you have score with the best scores, manydifferentthemes andmany secret words.The themes present in the New Running wheel 2017are:Fruits,Countries, Objects, Food, Movies, Animals, Brands andmanyothers.Game rules:It all starts when you rotate the wheel. The wheel will stopatavalue that will be your reward for each letter hit. Afteryouclicka letter if the letter exists in the secret words TurningtheWheelNew 2017 will show where they are. For each letter acertainvaluedrawn on the wheel will build up your ultimateprize.You can also play against a friend and the rules are almostthesame.You wheel to wheel, choose the letter and repeat theprocess.Youwill miss time if the letter or if the wheel stops onspendingthetime or lose everything.Turn the wheel and enjoy!
Roda de Prêmios Roda Roda Kids 1.0.10
King J Games
O Roda de Prêmios Infantil foifeitocompalavras mais fáceis para que pré-adolescentes ecriançastambémpossam jogar.O intuito do jogo é divertir as criançasepré-adolescentesenquanto elas aprendem coisas novas e exercitamocérebro.Você pode jogar sozinho aonde você roda a roda e tentaacertaromaior número de palavras secretas possíveis. Após rodar arodaelamostrará um valor e para cada letra que acertar essevalorserásomado a sua premiação total. Caso saiba as palavrassecretas ejátenha atingido o mínimo de letras certas você podeclicaremresponder. Cuidado para não parar a roda no perde tudo!Ou você roda a roda e joga com seus amigos oufamíliaparadescobrir quem conseguirá fazer mais pontos após cincorodadasdeperguntas.O Roda de Prêmios Infantil possui placar online. Tentecolocarseunome entre os melhores jogadores do Brasil no placaronline edesafieseus amigos para ver quem consegue a melhorpontuação.As informações sobre pontuação, tema das palavrassecretaseoutras aparecerão na parte de baixo da tela derepostas.Não perca tempo! Aqui você roda a roda e se diverte!The Children'sAwardswheelwas made with the easiest words to that pre-teensandchildren canalso play.The game's objective is to entertain children andpre-teensasthey learn new things and exercise the brain.You can play alone where you rotate the wheel and try tohitthelargest number of possible secret words. After rotatingthewheelit will show a value and for each letter you hit thisvaluewill beadded to your total prize. If you know the secret wordsandhasalready reached the minimum of certain letters you canhitreply.Be careful not to stop the wheel loses everything!Or you run the wheel and play with your friends or familytofindout who will be able to make more points after fiveroundsofquestions.The Children's Prize Wheel has online scoreboard. Try toputyourname among the best players in Brazil in the onlinescoreboardandchallenge your friends to see who gets the bestscore.The score information, issue of secret passwords andotherappearat the bottom of the screen reset.Do not waste time! Here, you run the wheel and have fun!
Novo Roda a Roda 2017 1.0.5
EAS Games
Como jogar o Novo Roda a Roda 2017?O seu objetivo é descobrir a palavras secreta. A cadarodadavocêroda a roda e escolhe qual letra você acha que existenaspalavrassecretas. Se souber a resposta você pode clicar nobotão"Responder"e escrever quais são as palavras. Cada vez quevocêrodar a roda elairá parar em um valor, esse valorserámultiplicado pelo total deletras que você acertar daspalavrassecretas e o valor total seráadicionado a sua pontuaçãototal.No modo para apenas 1 jogador você terá direito a trêserrosporrodada, se errar mais o jogo acaba. Cuidado com o"PerdeTudo"quando for rodar a roda. Quanto mais pontos vocêconseguirmaisalto seu nome ficará no placar online. Você consegueser umdosmelhores de todo o Brasil?Jogando o Novo Roda a Roda com seus amigos as regrassãoasmesmas, mas após 5 rodadas de palavras secretas, quemtivermaispontos ganha.No Novo Roda a Roda 2017 existem troféus e conquistarparavocêdesbloquear (algumas secretas). Além disso, no placaronlinevocêpode ver quem são os melhores jogadores do Brasil ou quemsãoosmelhores no seu círculo de amigos.How to play theNewWheelto Wheel 2017?Your goal is to find the secret words. Each round yourotatethewheel and choose which letter you think there is inthesecretwords. If you know the answer you can click the"Reply"button andwrite what words are. Every time you turn thewheel itwill stop ata value, this value is multiplied by the totalnumberof lettersthat you hit the secret words and the total amountwillbe added toyour total score.In order to only one player you are entitled to threeerrorsperround if you miss more the game ends. Beware of the "LoseIt"whenyou turn the wheel. The more points you get higher yournamewillbe on the online scoreboard. You can be one of the bestfromallover Brazil?Playing New wheel to wheel with your friends the rulesarethesame, but after five rounds of secret words, whoever hasthemostpoints wins.New Wheel to Wheel 2017 there are trophies and win foryouunlock(some secret). In addition, the online score you can seewhoare thebest players in Brazil or who are the best in theircircleoffriends.
Super Fashion Show 1.1
Everyone deserves a new, fabulous look. Cute littlefashionista,what are you waiting for? Hurry up, the models arehere! Dazzlingcosmetics, luxurious dresses... Everything is ready.All we need isyou! Make and dress up these supermodels ready totake the stage.In spite of different skin tones and culturalbackground, they aregorgeous in their own ways. How to pick up themost suitable makeupand outfits that match with their skin tonesand personalities? Youlittle talent won't let them down, right?Customize their featuresand make them queens of their hearts. Wow~All the audience andcameramen have arrived now. Scream and shout,it will be awonderful sleepless night! Features: - A huge choice ofmakeup andoutfits for your free matching Since you got a knack forcolors,patterns and shapes, make the girls supermodels now. - Funstorylines reveal what's happening behind this big event Why isthisfashion show held? Who designed all these gorgeous outfits? Webetyou don't want to miss all these wonderful stories. - Youdecidewhere to shoot the magazine covers After the show, let's moveon tothe shooting scenes. Studio facilities or some natural light,whichdo you prefer? - Photo collection system captures eachexcitingmoment Freeze each wonderful moment while having a ton offun alongthe way. See, all of the models look like big stars. AboutLibiiGame: With over 500 million downloads and growing, Libiiiscommitted to creating innovative games for kids. We'll keepworkingon establishing a good relationship with both parents andtheirchildren and bringing a healthy, happy atmosphere for them.Visitus: Likeus: Contact us: Got anyideas?Suggestions? Need technical support? Please feel free tocontact us24/7 at [email protected] Need You Know: This app istotally free todownload and play, some basic items are also free touse, but someadditional items need you to purchase and pay tounlock. Therefore,if you do not want to use these items, pleaseturn off the in-apppurchase in your settings. Thanks.
Baby Panda Show
New "Baby Show" Updates!1. New scenes: Spring, summer, autumn and winter scenes receivedamakeover.2. New feature: Take a real-time picture of your child with KikiandMiumiu.3. New contents: New clothing items and niftyaccessoriesadded.4. New audio: Dress up the little pandas while learning the namesofclothing items and accessories.5. The bug that hindered clothe-changing has been fixed.Dress up the pandas any way you like as long as their clothesmatchthe season! You can choose from a wide selection of clothesandaccessories: colorful shirts, funky hats, stylish gloves andmanymore.Here, you will learn about the different types of clothes and howtomatch them to fit the season. Let's get started now and dress upthelittle pandas!___________Design Concepts:We focus on the learning and capacity-building of children.Board the Baby Bus for the fun and excitement of learning!It'swhere education meets digital entertainment!___________About BabyBus:BabyBus is the first brand in early childhood educationalsoftwares(field of mobile Internet), which are developedspecifically forpreschoolers. The series are divided into two agegroups, ages 1 to3 and ages 3 to 6 . The toddlers will combine themain concepts ofearly childhood awarenesses through games, songsand activities.For older children, an emphysis is placed oncomprehension,reasoning, and hand-eye coordination.Tips: Enter "BabyBus" in the search bar to find all ofourproducts.As parents ourselves, we at BabyBus take great importance onthechildren's privacy and health. Before you download our app,pleaseread our privacy statement here. [email protected]:
Talented Pets Show 1.3
In an apartment, near a bustling street, there live five dirtyandhungry pets. One day, when they are walking hopelessly on astreet,a car stops right in front of them. Look~ What's on the car?"Be abig star!" They suddenly come up with a brilliant idea - Jointheshow! They gotta change the awkward situation and live abetterlife. Wallpaper, carpet, wardrobe, sofa... tons of furnitureawaitsthem. Sweetie, it's time to help them compete in talentshows, andwin prizes that will make their rooms fabulous. If you'reready,let's get going right now! How to Play: Open the game, andyou'llsee five cuties in distress. Their rooms have really gottenalittle run down. You know, a little wisdom can make abigdifference. Now, let's click on one room, and then tap theiconwith a comb and a scissor. You need to wet the hair first, andthencut the strays. All right, you can pick any of the stylingtoolsand create a beautiful hairstyle. Of course, hair dye is amust forfashionista, choose your favorite color from the rightside. You'rereally talented, now it's time for colored contactlenses andmascara. Bravo, we finally come to the dressing room, whynot proveus your sense of fashion! Woo-hoo, let's walk up to thestage towow the audience. Oh, you'd better not forget to collectthe lovinghearts. Congratulations, the room becomes so much better.Wannaplay something different? Hurdle race, lotus jumping,dancingshow... Come and find out what you like the most! And wegotta tellyou a secret, your pet will get more outfits if you helpit levelup! Come on, you can do it! Features: - 6 different minigamesfilled with endless fun - 5 decoration styles for 5 cute pets-Enjoy the sense of achievement by helping the cuties - Changetherooms from shabby to glam About Libii Game: With over 400milliondownloads and growing, Libii is committed to creatinginnovativegames for kids. We'll keep working on establishing agoodrelationship with both parents and their children and bringingahealthy, happy atmosphere for them. Visit us: us: us: Got anyideas? Suggestions? Need technical support?Please feel free tocontact us 24/7 at [email protected] Need YouKnow: This app istotally free to download and play, some basicitems are also freeto use, but some additional items need you topurchase and pay tounlock. Therefore, if you do not want to usethese items, pleaseturn off the in-app purchase in your settings.Thanks.
Culture Quizzes
Do you consider yourself a cultured person?