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Catalan Norwegian Dictionary 22
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Norwegian Catalan dictionary / phrasebook–travel dictionary to translate Norwegian to Catalan displayingalist of words in Catalan. The dictionary also translatesfromCatalan to Norwegian. Copying a word from the translated listfor areverse translation can be used to find synonyms and tounderstandthe broader use of the Catalan word in the Norwegianlanguage.Although the Norwegian Catalan dictionary does notprovidedefinitions or examples, the use of the translation softwareinthis way provides you with a mechanism to better understandCatalanwords in the Norwegian context without the need fordefinitions.25K references but very small and fast.Learning games help to build vocabulary, using flashcard,multiplechoice, spelling and word matching.Play the classic Hangman game.The word to guess is represented by a row of dashes, givingthenumber of letters. If the suggested letter occurs in the word,itis displayed in the correct position. If the suggested letterdoesnot occur in the word, one element of the man it drawn. Thegame isover when the word is complete, or the hanged man isfullydrawn.View the history of words used in the games and click on the listtoshow synonyms.Ideal for travelers, business people or students.May require paid TTS voices.Ideal for travelers, business people or students. (EasternSpain,Barcelona, Majorca, Minorca, Ibiza, Andorra andPerpignan)Combine the phrasebook with the dictionary for more than 50usefulphrases.No need for an internet or network connection.FAQQ. How quick are the dictionary searchesA. This app takes up a small amount of space on your device andisvery quickQ. Are there definitions in the dictionaryA. No, but if you touch on any of the found words synonymsaredisplayed helping to show its use in a broader contextQ. How do I play the flashcard learning gameA. Select the language for the head word and select thematchingword from the list below and select Submit.Q. I am a more advanced learner can I play a harder setofwordsA. Yes, tick the Advanced box to play against the full dictionaryoruntick to play against the 1500 words needed for high schoolQ. Can I type an answer for the head word intead ofhavingmultiple choices, for the flashcard gameA. Yes, this is for more advanced learners. Untick theMultipleChoice box, type your answer and select Submit.Q. How do I play the Word Match gameA. Select New, then touch the head word in the left column andit'smatching word in the right column. Its colour will change.Repeatthis for all words and then select Submit to check theanswersQ. Can I use the Word Match game as a revision aid or word ofthedayA. Yes, select Revise to see the left and right words inmatchingorderQ. Can I see synonyms in the word gamesA. Yes, touch any word in the game, after you have submittedyouranswer, to see synonyms and the broader meanings for eachword.Q. Can I see a list of words that have been used inthegamesA. Yes, select Review History from the main menuQ. Can I see synonyms in the HistoryA. Yes, touch any word in the history list to display synoymsQ. Can I clear the game historyA. Yes, use a long touch on the list of word to be prompted toclearthe history
Enjoy Menorca 1.0
Está guía de viaje está pensada conlaintenciónde dar a conocer la isla de Menorca (Baleares)alturismo.Está enfocada a proporcionar información sobrelasdiferentesplayas, calas, puntos de interés y losdiferentesrecorridos deCamí de Cavalls, ya que estos son los puntosfuertesde la isla ylos más buscados por los visitantes.It's travelguideisdesigned with the intention to publicize the islandofMenorca(Baleares) tourism.It is focused on providing information on thedifferentbeaches,coves, points of interest and the different routesof CamídeCavalls, as these are the strengths of the island andthemostsought by visitors.
Menorca en tu mano 7.3.1
Nuestra aplicación se basa en daraconocerMenorca a través de cualquier dispositivo consistemaoperativoAndroid.Reúne toda la información que pueda necesitar durante suestanciaenmenorca.La aplicación funcionara a través de tarifa de datos, wifiogps.Podrá conocer los puntos de interés de la isla, el usuariodelaaplicación sabrá dónde está en todo momentoobteniendoinformaciónde los puntos de interés o comercios máscercanos.En cada población podrá elegir la opción deseada,dóndecomer,alojarse, ocio, cultura... La aplicación estarádisponibleeninglés, catalán y castellano. Los usuarios podrán verenloscomercios adheridos las sugerencias en un radio de 200metrosquela aplicación irá avisando una vez pasen porlosestablecimientos,incluso en los restaurantes podrán ver la cartaomenú.Esta aplicación ha sido desarrollada por personas quequierendara conocer Menorca, una preciosa isla.Our application isbasedonMenorca disclose through any device withAndroidoperatingsystem.Gather all the information you may need during your stay inMenorca.The application worked through rate data, wifi or gps.Youcanvisit the sights of the island, the application userwillknowwhere he is at all times to obtain information orpointsofinterest nearby stores.In each population may choose the desired option, wheretoeat,housing, leisure, culture ... The application isavailableinEnglish, Catalan and Castilian. Users will seeatparticipatingstores suggestions within 200m warning thattheapplication will gothrough once establishments,includingrestaurants may see theletter or menu.This application has been developed by individuals whowanttopublicize Menorca, a beautiful island.
Guia Menorca Medio Ambiente 5.0.0
IDE Menorca
Es una herramienta orientada adivulgarlosvalores del patrimonio natural de la isla con el fin depromoverunuso público responsable al medio natural. El visor esunencargodel proyecto LIFE + Reneix del Departamento deMedioAmbiente delConsell Insular. Los extensos contenidos,elaboradospor lostécnicos del proyecto LIFE + Reneix constituyen unmaterialde muyalta calidad que da a conocer algunos de losvaloresambientales dela isla, especialmente en lo que se refiereavegetación.It is astrategytodisseminate the values ​​of the natural heritage of theislandinorder to promote public use responsible for thenaturalenvironmenttool. The display is a custom Reneix LIFE +EnvironmentDepartmentof the Consell Insular project. The extensivecontentdeveloped bythe technicians of the LIFE + project Reneix area veryhighquality material which discloses some of theenvironmentalvalues​​of the island, especially as regardsvegetation.