Top 17 Games Similar to 聖騎士之歌-女神夏語心熱力代言!

《花千骨》仗打三生三世! 3.1.0
※ 破億觀看修仙玄幻網路小說,完美演譯宏觀仙俠世界!※ 全球破百萬下載量,10萬人同時在線,打屁打怪不亦樂乎!【改版内容】✦飛天坐騎 正面對決!多種坐騎威猛登場,小骨帶你換裝征戰三界!✦神威靈寵 PK王登場!隱藏版魔尊釋出,戰鬥力激升,殺個他片甲不留!✦寶寶來了 親子養成!畫骨夫婦修成正果,養成屬於你們的三界「靈寶」!✦小骨農場 隆重開幕!坐騎靈寵碎片任你收,休閒養成RPG再升級!【遊戲特色】她,世間最後一個神,出生時滿城鮮花盡凋零,故取名花千骨。他,一生不負長留,不負六界,不負眾生,不負任何人,惟獨負了她。✦ 交友互動甜蜜滿載- 獨家仙緣系統,炫耀閃光最新招,戀愛感滿點!- 師徒X鮮花系統,尋找屬於你的花千骨/白子畫!- 長留24H互動派對 小骨約你泡澡沐浴享盛宴✦ 多款爽快共鬥玩法- 全新門派群戰,組隊爭奪六界第一戰隊!- 眾仙爭鳴跨服PK,高手永遠不寂寞!- 三人群戰新體驗,同心擊魔狂飆友誼好感度!✦ 多種趣味變幻系統- 靈寵元神系統,弱戰逆襲奇招克敵!- 轉職幻化功能,掌握命運浴火重生!- 神裝系統破孔位升屬性,與神的境界更近一步!✦ HD高畫質視聽饗宴- 超過500套驚艷時裝,可愛搞怪隨你搭配!- 3D炫目戰鬥技能特效,電影效果身歷其境!- 療癒型Q萌迷你跟隨寵,隨時陪伴融化你心!✦ 姊妹閨密都愛玩- 師徒虐戀揪心上演,血吻醋吻完整公開- 超萌Q版人物造型,國民萌寵糖寶、霸氣殺姊姊陪你共闖天下- 全自動托管系統,簡單體驗『仙俠奇緣』《花千骨》繁體中文版官網《花千骨》繁體中文版粉絲專頁:《花千骨》繁體中文版Youtube頻道:《花千骨》繁體中文版客服回報:[email protected]《花千骨》遊戲論壇:
刀劍物語 3.0
《刀劍物語》采用全新的圖像引擎打造精美的遊戲畫面,再度展現了遊戲酷炫的畫面,並加入種類繁多的具有獨特技能系統,經典pvp玩法。不壹樣的英雄收集,不壹樣的策略戰術,是2015最值得期待的2D橫版回合制手遊。【日系畫風,唯美畫面】  《刀劍物語》憑借著獨特遊戲內核思維和日漫畫風美術畫面,以奇幻的故事背景構建了壹個宏大的“魔域”世界。在二次元的熏陶下,遊戲采用日系風格渲染出精美細致的人物造型,並根據角色設定采取貼合角色的裝扮和場景。遊戲內不同地圖的場景各不相同,既有日系簡單清新的畫工,又吸收了西洋畫的光色處理方法,善於通過對比和渲染的變化,精細刻畫了場景的聲色動靜,讓人猶如置身唯美場景之中,色調統壹,清新迷人。【排兵布陣 華麗戰鬥】  主角擁有七個不同的技能,合理的技能搭配是取勝的關鍵。戰鬥中通過攻擊來獲得能量,不同的技能需要消耗不等量的能量,在制衡遊戲的同時也加強策略性玩法。遊戲中主角和每張卡牌英雄的音效都會在戰鬥中展現,使遊戲代入感豐富。技能特效也讓人很驚艷,主角、怪物和英雄們的技能特效都各不相同,華麗而不刺眼,符合整個遊戲的畫風。指尖輕觸,即時釋放強力技能;簡單操作,輕松體驗排兵布陣,更可開啟自動戰鬥,解放雙手暢快遊戲!《刀劍物語》以“輕回合”為創新理念,獨家輕策略、輕任務、輕目標、輕社交等“輕”設定,將昔日讓玩家覺得心累的手遊設定推翻,將玩家從“任務式遊戲”中解脫出來。遊戲職業豐富,公會、坐騎、黑市、團隊、BOSS戰等玩法壹應俱全。英雄養成,打造最個性的無敵陣容;冰火爭霸,成就最巔峰的王者榮耀;神獸坐騎,樂享最炫酷的遊戲人生,還有魔典爭霸、奴隸爭奪、天使惡魔等諸多創新玩法。熱血激昂爭霸戰場,正邪交鋒壹觸即發。"Swords Story" with anewgraphics engine to create a beautiful picture of the game,onceagain demonstrated the cool game screen, and join a widevariety ofunique skill system, the classic pvp play. One kind ofhero is notcollected, not One kind of strategy and tactics, is themostanticipated 2015 cross-version of turn-based 2D mobile games.[Japanese style, beautiful picture]"Swords Story" with a unique core gaming cartoon style thinkingandJapanese art picture, in order to build a fantasy storybackgroundOne a huge "Demon" of the world. Under the influence ofthe secondelement, the game uses the Japanese style renderbeautifullydetailed character modeling, and to take the role of thedress fitand according to the role of setting the scene. Differentmaps ofdifferent scenes within the game, both simple and freshJapanesepainter, but also absorbs light and color processing methodWesternpainting, good contrast and rendering through changes,fineportrait of a sensual movement of the scene, people likeexposureto the beautiful scene among the hue EC One, freshandcharming.[Formations] gorgeous fightingProtagonist has seven different skills, reasonable mix of skillsisthe key to victory. The battle to gain energy byattacking,different skills need to consume varying amounts ofenergy in thebalance of the game while also strengthening thestrategicgameplay. Each game protagonist and hero of the sound cardwouldshow in the battle to make the game into a sense of wealth.Skilleffects also makes it amazing, the protagonist, monsters andheroesare different skills, special effects, dazzling gorgeous andnot inline with the style of the game. Fingertips, immediatereleasepowerful skills; simple, easy to experience formations, butcan beopened automatically fight, hands free fun game!"Swords Story" to "light round" of innovative ideas,exclusivelight strategy, task light, light target, light social andother"light" setting, will allow players to feel the heart of theoldtired hand tour set to overthrow the players from the "tasktypegame "freed. Rich professional game, guild, horse, black,team,BOSS warfare gameplay One should taste. Hero to develop, tocreatethe most personalized lineup invincible; Addict hegemony,thepinnacle of achievement king of glory; animal mounts, fun inthecool of the game of life, there Grimoire hegemony, slaveryfight,Angel and devil, and many innovative gameplay. Bloodpassionatehegemony battlefield confrontation between good and evilOne-touchinstant.
妖精的尾巴--最强梅比斯 0.0.17
最好玩的二次元卡牌手游《妖精的尾巴》,激烈的战斗,热血的友情,绚丽的魔法!感受最真实的魔法二次元《FairyTail》世界,感受妖尾最神秘的羈绊,最好玩的二次元动漫手游期待妳的加入!If you need the English Version,you can search 'DragonMage-GuildBattle' in Google Play store!《妖精的尾巴》是壹款精心研发的二次元动作卡牌游戏,最真实的还原《FairyTail》动漫的世界观、人物形象以及战斗效果,热爱动漫《FairyTail》的手机游戏玩家们不容错过哦!在《妖精的尾巴》中需要招募魔导士,完成任务,养成最强小队!近300位人物,超过100种道具装备,让玩家充满了乐趣和惊喜。剧情忠实《妖精的尾巴》原著,畅玩游戏过程中重温原著的精髓,找到记忆中那壹段段热血温馨的画面!最热血的动漫手游震撼出击!【游戏介绍】二次元战斗手游《妖精的尾巴》震撼来袭!原汁原味动漫手游,300+主角人物悉数登场,缘分羈绊丰富玩法,绚丽的魔法,世界BOSS全新登场,超SSS级魔导士和妳壹起组建自己的最强小队!全面丰富的公会系统,激情3V3真PK,超级Boss每天等妳来战,大魔斗演武激情碰撞,无限掠夺彰显梟雄本色,最棒的二次元魔导世界,妳还在等待什么!每天登入更有超级好礼放松,金币、鉆石、五星卡牌、装备送不停,快来壹起冒险吧!【游戏特色】--原汁原味 丰富多彩--二次元形象真实还原、故事情节尊重原著,犹如身临其境300位风格迥异的魔导士,总会有妳钟爱的壹位--自由控制 热血战斗--半自动的战斗系统,告别看游戏时代,手动释放最强必杀热血的PVP战斗,最强的小队亲手缔造--壹击必杀 天赋羈绊--华丽的魔法必杀特效、丰富的天赋羈绊系统天赋技能破封而战、神秘羈绊超强加成--农场锻造 激情公会--独创农场系统,战斗之余享受恬静生活,锻造梦幻装备丰富的公会内容,让妳找到自己的家--第二魔法 协力共战--第二魔法源开啟,强就一个字公会协力,共闯无限可能【游戏支持】如果队长在游戏中遇到问题请通过以下方式获取帮助:官方line id:3734895QQ群:376069840EnglishVersion: page: https: //
幻想神域 - 啟源女神
日系動漫手遊《幻想神域》,傳奇遊戲經典再現,打造全新MMORPG國民手遊,化身二次元動漫角色,進入幻想的英雄冒險世界啟源始者們開啟屬於你的異世界召喚吧►►►★ 轉動啟源方塊! 召喚命定源神末日龍王-巴哈姆特、九尾狐姬-玉藻前、月光女神-亞緹米絲、經典源神將陪伴玩家左右,輔助玩家進行戰鬥,快來與源神訂下契約吧!★ 攻略天空之塔即時多人在線,公會夥伴一起上線共鬥的地下城副本攻略,快與好友攜手一同熱血出擊。★與好友組隊副本玩家可選擇與好友、公會夥伴組隊,或是讓系統隨機配對,一起挑戰異界副本。★找尋你的冒險之路透過冒險之路系統,你可以學習各種被動技能來打造屬於自己的獨特能力,根據學習路線你將有機會學習到雙武器的強力組合技能,無論是培養暴力輸出或是攻防一體的角色皆能讓你自由選擇。★百變造型自由搭新增的「時裝收藏冊」功能中,玩家可以將獲得的時裝放入收藏冊中,並隨時切換外觀,不需要再放入背包內。「幻想神域」額外設計了釣魚、料理、採集、卡牌豐富有趣的小遊戲,提供玩家更多的遊戲樂趣,挑戰生產職人之路。【關注我們】官方粉絲團:《Android系統建議》支援CPU:SnapDragon 800以上內存:2G 以上作業系統:Android4.4以上存儲空間:推薦預留700MB剩餘空間
仙劍奇俠傳-全新經典逍遙遊-問情篇 3.0.1
仙劍史上首款3D MMORPG回合制手遊全明星集合、唯美古風畫面、3D飛行坐騎、即時語音、雙盟對抗、更獨家引入“仙劍之父-姚仙”訂制的專屬劇情,全新仙劍命運之輪將再次啓動,就由你我再續御劍乘風21年的經典!-遊戲特色-【仙劍全明星 才叫真經典】說起仙劍,你會想起誰?這一次收錄了1-5代仙劍系列經典人物,在全新的時空中復刻曾經的生離死別、更有熟悉的蜀山、唐家堡、仙靈島、鎖妖塔。一樣的配方,不一樣的味道,但卻同樣的經典!【仙劍史上 首款3D回合】21年仙劍史上首款回合制手遊大作,仙劍之父姚仙全力監製,唯一跨歷代、唯一全劇情、唯一全角色、唯一完整世界觀、唯一回合制的3DMMORPG手遊。勿忘初衷,感動回歸!【緣定三生 輕鬆交友】完善的社群系統,及豐富的聊天系統,同時遊戲中還收錄了雙陣營對抗、幫派、結婚、社交圈、關係表等豐富多樣的社交功能,讓你愛怎麼聊天就怎麼聊天!【特色座騎 華麗時裝】在仙俠世界中就是要能掌握飛行,遊戲中將同時擁有著蒼龍、仙鳥、飛劍、葫蘆、祥雲等多樣豐富的座騎等著你來收藏,此外遊戲中還加入了獨特的外觀系統、除了可改變造型之外,還能夠增添華麗視覺特效的造型時裝,打造屬於你自己的客制化角色!【同屏互動 實時直播】遊戲中也引進了直播的功能,讓你在閒暇之餘還能夠開啟直播介面,一邊遊戲一邊收看直播,並讓你在直播節目中學習高階玩家的技巧與心得,讓你更能增添遊戲樂趣!遊戲中如有任何問題可至遊戲內的客服回報系統來進行反應,或亦至客服信箱來進行提問。客服信箱:[email protected] of the historyofthe first turn-based 3D MMORPG hand tourAll-Star collection, beautiful antiquity screen, 3D flyingmounts,instant voice, two League confrontation, moreexclusiveintroduction of the "Legend of the father - Yao Xian"customexclusive story, the new Legend of the wheel of fate willstartagain, and then I just made you Sword 21 years of continuouswindclassic!- Game Features -[Legend of the All-Star is really a true classic]Speaking of Legend, who would you think? This time, a collectionofclassic characters Sword series 1-5 generations, life to deathhadengraved in the new time and space, more familiar Shushan,TangJiabao, fairy island, Suoyao. The same formula, not the sametaste,but the same classic![Legend of the history of the first round 3D]Legend of the first 21 years of the history of turn-handtravelmasterpiece, father of the Legend of Yao Xian full producer,theonly cross-ages, 3D MMORPG hand only full story, only fullrole,the only complete world view, the only turn-based tour. Donotforget the original intention of moving back![Edge set whose son] friends easilyImprove community systems, and rich chat system, while the gamealsoincluded a double confrontation camp, gang, marriage, socialcircle,relational tables and other diverse social functions, makeyou lovehow on how to chat chat![Features mounts gorgeous fashion]In Xian Xia world is to be able to master the flight, the gamealsohas a rich and diverse mounts black dragon, fairy birds,Feijian,gourd, clouds, etc. waiting for you to collection, inaddition tothe game also added a unique appearance of the system ,in additionto changing the shape, but also can add visual effectsgorgeousfashion modeling, create your own customizedcharacter![Live] real-time interaction with the screenThe game also features the introduction of live and letliveinterface you can also turn in her spare time, while the gamewhilewatching live, and allows you to learn higher-order player'sskilland experience in the live show, the game allows you to addmorefun!If you have any problems in the game can return to thecustomerservice system to react within the game, or also toCustomerService to ask questions.Customer Service: [email protected]
超世紀封神榜-御神競技手遊 1.0.17
每一段傳說,都跟一個傳奇人物有關——皓月大陸上,也同樣有著這樣一個傳說。他是第一個,也是唯一成神的人類。領悟了星辰運轉軌跡,人獸生老病死,草木繁榮枯萎,冷暖四季變換的他擁有呼風喚雨,撼天震地的異能。他通曉古今,預測未來,因此被尊為先知之神。然而皓月歷331年,炎魔現世,生靈塗炭!先知之神被打敗,靈魂被封鎖在地底深處。炎魔身上,有著什麼秘密?國王派遣了一匹部隊前往營救,隊伍中包刮前線勇者「魔劍士」,吟誦自然之力的法術使「元素師」與攻其不備的黑暗隱者「潛行者」,冒險者們阿!快拿起武器,跟上腳步,為榮耀而戰。遊戲特色系統介紹【全新組隊玩法,各職業出頭天】可以加入別人的隊伍成為隊員,也可以創建隊伍成為隊長。在隊伍中,您能自如地和隊友交流,團隊作戰,享受一起打BOSS的樂趣。【坐騎跑酷副本,搭乘拉風坐騎】操作搖杆移動來獲取金幣,寶箱來累計積分,同時還要小心避開路上的障礙物,要是被撞倒可是會受傷扣血的。【百層勇者之塔,挑戰自我極限】冒險者們逐級而上,站在塔頂便是無上的榮耀。勇者之塔無層數限制,只要你行,只要你敢,便給你無限挑戰。【獨特翅膀系統,搭配華麗裝飾】系統贈送翅膀達到10級後即可啟動穿戴,隨著等級上升還會越變越華麗呢!穿戴翅膀不僅僅是為了酷炫,還能為人物增加額外屬性。【勇闖遺跡金庫,實現千萬富翁】冒險者們打敗遺跡中的寶箱怪,可獲得大量金幣,俗話說出門在外雖然錢不是萬能,但沒錢卻萬萬不能阿~【金銀島大探險,搜尋珍貴寶物】金銀島是護送帆船,主要能獲得聲望和金幣,也可邀請好友協助或搶奪其他玩家,點擊刷新可以刷新出海的船隻,越好的船隻收穫越大哦~※依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔導12歲級:12歲以上之人始得使用。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。※遊戲情節涉及性情節、暴力,請注意使用時間,避免沉迷遊戲。
御劍:再續前緣 1.7.1
Meet the beautiful pure love MMORPG mobile game
Jin Yong's martial arts PK genuine new hand tour ─ "Kung Fu."HeavenDragon, Die Another Day; both a sword, who would not from!
Legendary-5v5 MOBA game 1.0.60
1. New main interface2. Add Player Clan system3. Open Ladder4. More new heroes and skins5.Optimizing other functionsThe best MOBA game in 2017. One minute to become legendary!“First Blood, GANK, Penta Kill, ACE… …”Yes! Legendary is the most popular MOBA game in 2016. Play5v5battles with the global players. Just one minute, you canbecomethe legendary in the game. Do not hesitate to show offyourstrategies and manipulation! GANG UP!! Gather your friends toplaytogether! Over 100 heroes’ skins are waiting for you to select.TheGroup Battle is on! What are you waiting for? Come and gettheFirst Blood![Game Feature]-5v5 battles10 Man Battles, 5v5 real-time battles against millions ofotherplayers! Strategically defeat your enemies on all newinteractivemaps!-One minute to become legendary.It’s so easy to play and will not take you a lot of time. You canbethe legendary within one minute. Eight minutes, you can finishthegame.-GANG UP. Fight with your friends.You can gather your friends in a team to fight againstotherplayers. Where are your bros? Bring them in!-Over 100 heroes’ skins are waiting for you to select.Mechs, Ancient defenders, Legend heroes… … There are somanygorgeous heroes’ skins are waiting for you-Not just PVP, but also PVE.There are also many combat modes for you to fight. It will neverbeboring![Contact Us]Offical Website:legendary.efunen.comOffical Facebook: Service:[email protected] Wechat ID:efunyxry
六龙御天(Loong Craft) 1.1.18
Been wondering why there are no equivalent PC version ofTheThreeKingdoms games in smartphones?! Why no real strategicbattlegamesof The Three Kingdoms game?!Here comes theLoongCraft.ExperienceThe Ultimate 3D MMO RPG Now! **Country warformillions ofplayers!Join us now! ** Multiple heroes!Chooseyourfavorite one!**Best 3D experience!Feel the rush! ** Unifytheempire of threekingdom! Fight against the heroes of legendandunite all in "LoongCraft". And become the new hero ofthisera!___________________________________________ Hundreds oftheThreeKingdoms heroes in your smart phone! Cao Cao "I throwtheworldthat does not bend. The world is not going to throw me!"ZhouYu"Heavens! Why must we have been placed here together?"ZhugeLiang"There is no eternal winner in the world of battle. CaoCaowill bedefeated one day. We will be the one to achievetheunification ofthis world!" Zhang Fei "I'm still waiting for arealchallenge!"Cao Hong "You can conquer the world without me, butwecannotconquer this world without my Emperor! " Three Kingdoms,apopulargame background, which was chased by many threekingdomsfans. 1800years ago, Warlords were tangled fight. Manythreekingdoms’ heroeswere famous at then. The Battle of GuanDu, CaoCaodefeated YuanShao army of 80,000 to 20,000 troops andestablishedthe basic ofunified of the north. Another less is morecampaign,red cliff, dueto the careless and proud, CaoCao weredefeated byunite of Shu andWu. Those historic heroes and campaignwill vividdisplayer in thegame. Come on, now join the game havechance to winamazing prizeand talking with famousattractivegirls.___________________________________________Fanpage:* Please NOTE: This isanonline game only. Your mobile device mustbe connected to WiFiinorder to play.
蜀山戰紀撼動天下 1.4.3
絕代武俠 撼動你的天下!哈燒戲劇正版授權《蜀山戰紀》撼動天下!戲劇與動作的完美結合,絕對超越的打擊爽感,原汁原味的劇情轉折,劍起興之所至,正邪唯你一念!【遊戲特色】《戲劇原版再現,極致視覺饗宴!》Unity3D打造磅礡世界,落花飄雨真實重視!原劇動畫引人入勝,小骨四爺聲聲入劇,給你一個劍起雲湧的新江湖!《陣營共生對峙,豪爽PK國戰!》逍遙天命縱橫各踞江山,策略聯盟獨佔先機,巧取轉換強者恆強,齊心幫戰浴血國戰,只為縱橫名門制霸蜀山!《大俠路不寂寞,捕捉Q寵GO!》經典玩法萌寵捕捉,百款寵物任君挑選,幻化成獸靈丹還童,共闖天涯隨侍幫打!劍俠戰力無敵可愛出陣!《真愛抱抱結婚,攜手愛戀雙修!》真人頭像一見鍾情,攬腰抱抱愛意滿滿!打王組隊愛在一起,攜手結婚愛不設限!許你專屬的劍俠情緣!《獨門絕技在身,乘劍馭風飛仙!》四系職業獨門絕技,攻守技能變化萬千,御劍飛行獨攬全景,乘風瓊樓唯我獨尊!無人能敵之武林任你行↓更多精彩活動請詳粉絲專頁:
Play an entirely new RPG made in classic FINAL FANTASY style!
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不思議旅程-日本人氣手遊 2.0.9
Fallen Hero 1.1.0
* A world of might, darkness, revengeandgreattreasure!* Millions of RPG fans and Turn-based strategyloversrighthere!* Reap rewards and treasures beyond your imagination!Come and start your unforgettable journey now!Fallen Hero is a magic world, in which 3 races includehumanfightagainst darkness for their homeland for years andyears.Enjoyfriendship and love, explore huge mountains and wildrivers,andfight for freedom & peace! Heroes never die!=== Features ===【Super image quality】The feast of vision,produced by the newest Unity 3D engine,useshighprecision 3D tomake the models, through the HDRI lighting system, bringsyoutheincomparable feeling.【3 Powerful classes】You can choose one class to join; there are human, orc andundead3races in this world.Everyone will do their best to protect their countryandfamily,whether he is a noble human or a mighty undead.【Gorgeous experience】Developed by COCOS2D engine, Fallen Hero shows you avividfantasyworld by high quality program. Real-time PVP andmultiplayerbattlebrings you great cool feelings and thrillsbyunlimitedoperation.【Various gameplays】Fallen Hero breaks the traditional limit, increasespecialrandomgame play, more than 1000 missions. Accept the taskbyrandom,enjoy the unknown pleasure in taking part indifferentevents!Thereare still heroic dungeons and epic bosseswaiting foryou tochallenge!【Fantastic PVP arena】PvP arena for powerful heroes to combat in! Climb its rankstothetop of the players. Cut down your opponents togetwonderfulrewards! You are the No.1!=== Contact us ===Email:[email protected]
Kingdom Warriors 2.7.0
Enter a chaotic world ripped apart by war and lead your forcestovictory!