Top 17 Games Similar to Cedar Rapids Roller Girls CRRG

WFTDA Roller Derby Rules App 1.1
Now available on Android! Have all theWomen’sFlat Track Derby Association rules and standardofficiatingdocuments at your fingertips! The WFTDA Android Rulesapp includesthe complete text of the Rules of Flat Track RollerDerby, trackdesign, rules publications and Q&As, referee handsignals,officiating Standard Practices and Verbal Cues and theskaterMinimum Skills Requirements.- January 1, 2015 edition of the Rules of Flat TrackRollerDerby- Add and organize bookmarks for easy reference to documents- High-quality graphics- Powerful search engine allows you to quickly find any term inanydocument- Test your knowledge of referee hand signals with our handsignalflash cards
Skate Technique Roller Derby 1 1.0
Asha Kirkby
Learn how to skate really well fromaskilledand experienced instructor (Asha has been teaching fulltimefor 14years and on skates for 30 years). She is THE onlineskatingexpertand gives crystal clear communication of the exerciseswhichwillresult in you acquiring new and improvedtechniques.Thesestep-by-step video lessons show you the right wayto skateandpractice, as if you have an instructor with you,reminding youofthe important things to focus on while you skate.Eachskatetutorial breaks down the skill in a logical andsafesequenceenabling you to progressively achieve and perfectthemanoeuvres.The lessons work equally well practicing them soloorwith a friendor group.When you skate well, you feel alive, connected to yourbody,intune with your wheels and experiencing the flow and graceofgreatskating. Your skating (and Derby playing) willbecomemoresatisfying as you truly master those tricky techniquesandachievethe results you always wanted. Your skating willbetransformed.The changes these apps will create in your skatingwillbe longlasting and positive, enabling you to overcomefuturechallengesusing the wisdom you learn here.Most of the skills covered in the two apps are ontheWFTDA’sMinimum required skills list.• Quads 1 app provides step-by-step instructionsforvariousskills in each section of;o Introduction (Roller Derby Intro, WeightDistribution&Stance).o Movements (Stride and Speed, Acceleration).o Stops (Toe Stop Drag, Plough stop)o Speciality skills (Backward Skating, Backward Scissors).o Expert Demonstrations.o Common Problems and how to fix them.o Total of 35 minutes worth of teaching videos.These lessons are aimed at the following quads skaters;• Roller Derby skaters wanting improve their game byhoningtheirskating, stopping and special skills, while alsolearningincreasedstability and confidence on the track.• Roller Disco quad skaters and those who skate in rinksorleisurecentres.• Recreational quad skaters skating outdoors usingparks,tracks,seafront promenadesAsha is one of the highest qualified andexperiencedskateinstructors in the world. She is a trainer ofinstructorsworldwidefor the ICP (Inline Certification Programme)and hastaughtthousands to skate in her UK skate schoolSkatefresh.For free examples of Asha’s online teaching skills,pleasecheckout her YouTube channel ‘Skatefresh Videos’ containingbothquadand inline tutorials. In 2012 Asha launched acomprehensiveseriesof Inline skate Apps on iPhone and Android lastyear, socheck outthe reviews for those products on the App storeandGooglePlay(
Roller Derby Penalty Timer 2.0.0
Penalty Timer is the mobile app created specifically for nonskatingofficials.
Roller Derby Track Layout 1.3
Rowland Cook
The application displays measurements (Infeet,Inches and Meters) between any two selected points on aRoller derbyTrack.It displays a Roller Derby Track on the screen with 45 keyPointsas blue dots. By selecting any two blue dots the applicationwillprovide three measurements:1) The straight line distance in red2) The vertical distance between the two points in green3) The horizontal distance between the two points in blueThe horizontal and vertical distances are useful to getfrompoint A to point B if the straight line distance is notparallel /perpendicular to the hall walls but at an angle. Bynavigating viathe horizontal and vertical distance which areparallel /perpendicular to the hall walls, this will ensure a muchmoreaccurate result.The track displayed has also been rotated through 3.27degrees(as well as all the 45 key points). This results in a trackwherethe outside oval now has it's straights parallel with thehallwalls. This saves 2ft in width and is useful if the hall istighton space. It is the inside track that is now skewed. Thismeansthat the inside center line defined by the two inside trackmarkersis now at an angle of 3.27 degrees. It is the line betweenthe twoouter track centers that now runs vertically.Any key point can be selected by touching the screen near it.Youdo not have to touch the dot exactly. The software works outwhichkey point is the nearest to the place you touched. The firsttouchwill select the first point which will turn red. The secondtouchwill select the second point which will also turn red, butthesoftware will also display the three distances specific tothose twopoints. Another touch anywhere on the screen will clearit and youare now free to select any other two points.The application has been tested on a screen resolution of 320*480. It works but you have to be precise when selecting a pointonthe screen this small. Less precision is required on deviceswithlarger screens.The distances is meters is calculated / displayed to a 0.1 ofamm, or 0.0001 of a meter. The distances in Feet and inchesaredisplayed to the nearest 1/8th of an inch. I did try displayingthedistance to the nearest 1/64th of an inch. But I foundthisconfusing when most tape measures are marked in 1/8th ofaninch.
Roller Derby Lap Timer 1.02
Having trouble with your WFTDA minimum skills laps, but notsurewhere you're speed is tailing off? This app can help youbytracking your times for each lap and comparing it to therequiredaverage to reach your target. Although designedspecifically forRoller Derby use, this timer can be used for anytraining whichinvolves completing a certain number of laps or repswithin a timeperiod. The setup screen allows you to adjust yourtarget laps andtiming, giving you an average lap/min andseconds/lap as you adjustyour settings. Once the timer is active,your progress is trackedeach lap to tell you if you are over orunder your target. Allresults are recorded in a data table visibleafter timing iscomplete. The results can then be saved to your SDcard in a .csvformat for reading in any spreadsheet software.
Roller Derby JAM TIMER 1.2.2
Cronómetro General para uso enpartidosdeRoller Derby, apto para partidos oficiales.Aplicación Realizada para el 3er Torneo Roller Derby Colombia 2014.Esta aplicación se encuentra en su versión beta,agradecemosquenos informen los posibles fallos que puedanencontrar.Cambios:• Los Time Outs de los equipos se detienen automáticamentealpasarun minuto.• Corrección de error de contador de 30 segundos.• Inclusión del botón de restar puntaje.• Mejoras de interfaces.• Corrección de problemas.General timer foruseingames of Roller Derby, suitable for official games.Application Made for 3rd Roller Derby Colombia 2014 tournament.This software is in beta, we are grateful to report anyerrorsitcan find.Changes:• The Time Outs equipment automatically stopwhenpassingminute.• Bug accountant 30 seconds.• Inclusion score subtract button.• Improvement of interfaces.• Correction of problems.
Roller Derby PenaltyTimer Free 2.0.0
Penalty Timer is the mobile app created specifically for nonskatingofficials.
Roller Derby Referee Signals 1.1
Rowland Cook
This application contains videos ofthecurrentRoller Derby Referee hand signals as of 1st Jan 2013.There are three ways to view a hand signal.1) Select 'Play All' and all of them will be played oneaftertheother.2) Select 'Penalty by Type' will provide you with a listTypes.Inmost cases there will be one type per penalty, Thetypewillprobably be the same as the Verbal Cue. Howeverthereareexceptions such as 'Out of Play' and 'Illegal Procedures'aseachof these have multiple verbal cues. In these cases a submenuisdisplayed with each verbal cue.3) Select by Verbal Cue. Each penalty is listed separately.'NotLeadJammer' and 'No Pass No Penalty' although listed here havenoverbalcues. The videos for these penalties remain silent.In all cases the penalties are in WFTDA section order(sameorderas the manual).On most screen there are 2 banners at the top:1) Amsterdam Derby Dames2) All Derby Drillsif you select either of these it will launch the browserandtakeyou to there respective web sites.
Roller Derby Playbook 1.2
This app allows you to create images of Roller Derby plays andsavethem.
Roller Derby Fanatic 1.01
Route 80
There are over twelve hundredamateurleaguesdedicated to the sport of Roller Derby. Bouts areenjoyed oneverycontinent in the world. It's about time there was agreat apptoo!Roller Derby Fanatic is the perfect choice for anyenthusiastwhowants to keep up with the latest developments in thegame.Itfeatures the latest news, photos, videos, and more. There isalsoaconvenient list of upcoming bouts as well as the finalscoresforgames that have recently been played.Install it now and have the world of Roller Derbyatyourfingertips.
Sicarias del Cierzo 3.0.0
La principal intencionalidad de esta app esquetodas las personas puedan, a través de ella, formar partedelpequeño mundo sicario. Aquí va a poder tener acceso alainformación de sus jugadoras integrantes, tanto a lastitularescomo a las freshmeat, y saber un poquito sobre todas ycada una deellas. Vas a estar al día de todas las fiestas, partidosy eventosque organice el equipo. Por último y no menos importante,vas atener información, de primera mano, de aquellas personas quedeforma directa o indirecta apoyan a este equipo, comolospatrocinadores o almas caritativas que quieren que las SicariasdelCierzo dejen el listón bien alto y representen a suciudad,Zaragoza.The main intention ofthisapp is that all people can, through it, part of the smallassassinworld. Here you will be able to access information of itsmembersplayers, both starters as the freshmeat, and know a littleabouteach and every one of them. You'll stay on top of allfeasts,parties and events organized by the team. Last but notleast,you'll have information at first hand, of those who directlyorindirectly support this team as sponsors or charitable soulswhowant the Sicarias the Cierzo leave the bar high and representtheircity, Zaragoza.
Roller Derby Nation 1.1.6
Roller Derby Nation - Roller Derby Management Software
Roller Derby Call Generator 1.0.3
Wonder Zebra
Generate random penalty calls for the game of roller derby.
Bayswater Roller City 1.401
Apps Together
Roller City in Bayswater is arollerskatingrink that always has lots going on! From artisticskating,rollerderby, special functions, classes and hockey we'vegotsomethingfor every enthusiast!You should download this free app if you're already askaterorwant to become one and live in the Bayswater area.- Find out more about our services- View our timetables- Submit a photo to win prizes- Request an appointment- See & confirm event attendance- Read and leave reviews- Receive special offers
Maine Roller Derby 1.00
Maine Roller Derby (MRD) is Maine’sfirstwomen’s flat track roller derby league. They are a proudleaguemember of the Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA),and areone of the hundreds of leagues across the nation that haveembracedthe quickly-growing sport of roller derby as it is skatedon a flattrack.MRD seeks to foster professional, personal andathleticadvancement for all the league's members through trainingfor,promoting and playing the sport of roller derby. Theleagueregularly recruits new skaters and volunteers and hosts ahomeseason February-June, along with several fundraisingeventsthroughout the year.Nevermind these things down here...mrd, maine, roller, derby, rip tides, port authorities,calamityjanes, portland, skate Penalty Timer 1.5
WFTDA Roller Derby Penalty Timer, no ads
Roller Derby Penalty Box 1.1
Chronometers to manage penalty boxinRollerDerby matchesChronometerstomanagepenalty box in Roller Derby matches