Top 2 Apps Similar to Labus Chem

Chemical Solution 5.1
Chemical Solution is a versatile toolforpreparation of simple and complex chemical solutions. App helpstocalculate the solution parameters upon mixing, dilutionanddissolution, and solve various problems, like finding solutemolesand weights and solvent volumes.Application provides users with personal support through aservice,which is intended to aid the undergraduate students withnumerouschemistry subjects. The involved students may submitquestionsdirectly to developer.The first activity calculates the concentrations, moles andmolarratios, etc. of the final solution formed by mixture ofseveralsolutions or by simple dilution with solvent.In most complicated case, user may input parameters of threeinitialsolutions, which are going to be mixed, and optionallyvolume ofsolvent (to dilute) and then press "Calculate" to findmolarconcentration and total volume of the final mixture, molesand molarratios of all solutes. Except that, this activity may beused forplenty of small things:•Simple dilution: add one solution (by filling all requiredfields)and pure solvent to get what portions of solution andsolvent youneed, to dilute solution from, let’s say, 2M to25mM.•When molar weight of solute is available, then finalconcentrationin mg per ml (mg/ml is equal to g/l) can becalculated, which ishelpful for actual preparation ofsolution.•When initial solution concentration is provided in mg/ml,thenmolar weights of solutes are required, and application willfindmoles and molar concentrations.•In the similar way, moles of solute can be found, just by usingonesolution row. Input Mw, concentration in mg/ml and requiredvolumeand press “Calculate”.The second activity deals with solid solutes (powders)dissolution.It provides total molarity, molality, mass/volumeconcentration,moles and molar ratios of dissolved solutes, basedupon molarweights, dissolved masses and final solutiondensity.This app is part of Chemistry and Biochemistry andChemicalEngineering Lab Pack including several apps dealing withchemicalsolutions, reaction equilibrium, kinetics, acid baseneutralisationreaction, titration, and liposome preparation.The preparation of the desired solutions may be furtherfacilitatedby using Chemical Solution Wizard app and deprotonationkineticsand equilibrium may be followed by using Chemical KineticsandChemical Equilibrium apps. Solubility and precipitationproblemsare targeted by Solubility Products app. Additionally, acidbasetitration and pH calculations are facilitated by Acid Base pHapp.pH values of the compounds having numerous functionalgroups(carboxylic and amino-derivatives, like amino acids) canbecalculated and plotted by means of Isoelectric Point app.
Molarity of a solution 1.6
"A majority of industrial processes occurinsolutions. A solution consists of at least two components,thesolvent and the solute. Is it important to keep a track of justhowmuch of the solute has to be dissolved in how much of asolvent?Well, Yes!So, how does one do that?Here is an app that makes an effort to address all your queries inamanner you will find highly engrossing and delightful.Beginningwith the relation between the colour of a solution anditsconcentration, it extends further and explains theintricaciespertaining to the calculations involved in measuringtheconcentrations of solutions in a very simple manner.To reinforce your knowledge on the topic, the video issupplementedwith a quiz, keyterms and relevant images. You can alsolink toother websites to expand your understanding ofthephenomenon.We, at Designmate, help you learn science better making it allalonga pleasant experience. Carefully-thought-out anduser-friendlytechniques are our forte which compel the learner toaspire for moreand more.Here is wishing you success in your exploration."Keywords: education,, molar, chemistry,concentration,temperature, Avogadro, molar mass.