Top 10 Games Similar to Cделай сам своими руками

Вязание для всех 1.0
Приложение «Вязание для всех»поможетВамоставаться на пике вязаной моды, быть в курсепоследнихновыхмодных моделей в мире вязания спицами и крючком,следить налучшимииз них. В приложение представлены различныемоделивязания:кардиганы, пальто, жакеты, кофты, пуловеры,джемперы,свитера,платья, туники, юбки, шапки, шарфы, шали и такдалее.Научитесь вязать спицами, используя простые модели.Схемывязаниядаются сразу с описанием, и будут понятны дажедляначинающих.Освоив узоры вязания, вы потом сможетесамостоятельноразобраться вболее сложных схемах.Среди рукодельниц, особенно популярно вязаниеспицамишапочек,кофточек, носков, но это лишь малая часть того, чтовыможетесвязать. На сайте вы найдете как схемы вязания дляженщин,так имодели для мужчин.Вязание спицами – это не только красивая вязаная одежда, нотакжеи удовольствие от творчества. Вам остается только попробоватьискороваш гардероб пополнится новой красивой вязаной одеждой.Данный проект посвящен ручному вязанию, всемумногообразиютого,что можно создать своими руками из различных нитейкрючкомиспицами. Начиная путь от простого к сложному, мыхотимпогрузитьвас в большой и многообразный мир – мир вязания.Appendix "KnittingforAll"will help you to stay at the peak of knitted fashion, tokeepabreastof new fashion models in the world of knitting andcrochet,keep ontop of them. The app presents a variety ofknittingpatterns:cardigans, coats, jackets, sweaters,pullovers,cardigans, sweaters,dresses, tunics, skirts, hats,scarves,shawls, and so on.Learn to knit, using a simple model. Schemes of knittingarejustthe description, and will be clear even forbeginners.Havingmastered knitting patterns, then you will be abletounderstandmore complex schemes.Among the needle women, especially popular knittinghats,jackets,socks, but it is only a small part of what you cantie. Onthewebsite you will find a knitting scheme for women andmenmodels.Knitting - this is not only a beautiful knitted clothes,butalsothe pleasure of creativity. You just have to tryandquicklyreplenish your wardrobe a new beautiful knittedclothes.This project is dedicated crocheted, all variety of whatyoucancreate with their hands from a variety of crochetandknittingyarns. Since the path from simple to complex, we wanttoput you ina large and diverse world - the world of knitting.
Идеи Handmade 3.0.2
Рукоделие в наше время -определенносамоепопулярное хобби в мире. Чувство прекрасногоизначальноприсущечеловеку, но людям так же присуще истремлениексамосовершенствованию, стремление ставить цели идобиватьсяих.Рукоделие своими руками дает нам возможность соединитьэтидвафактора в единое целое.Как часто мы восхищаемся красивымикартинами,изящнымиукрашениями, элегантными вещицами и печальноговорим: "Жалья такне умею!" Мастер-классы от Мастеров Рукоделиядают Вамвозможностьсделать прекрасное самостоятельно, своимируками.Приложение "Идеи Handmade" - это мастер классы порукоделиюотизвестных и пока не очень мастероврукоделия:пошаговыемастерклассы с фотографиями, рукоделие для дома,рукоделие своимируками,авторские схемы вышивки, выкройки иописания, полезныессылки порукодельной тематике, интересные ипознавательныестатьи.Вы не умеете рисовать? Вышивайте дизайны,разработанныепокартинам великих художников! Это намного проще,вышивке крестомненужно учиться несколько лет, а эффект ничем нехуже!Мастер-классыпо вышивке помогут Вам буквально за несколькоминутпонять основныепринципы этой техники.Вы умеете вышивать крестом, но хотели быусовершенствоватьсвоёумение? Узнать что-то новое? Мастера рукоделияприглашают Васнафото и видео уроки по различным техникамвышивки:хардангер,ассизи, сашико, швальмская вышивка, вышивкалентами,мережки,гобелены и многое другоеВы не можете позволить себе купить золотые серьгисбриллиантами?И не надо! Сделайте себе серьги, колье, браслетыимногое другоесами - в это Вам помогут мастер-классыпобисероплетению и Мастерабижу с уроками по созданиюбижутериисвоими руками! Мастерарукоделия - рукоделие для дома вподробныхфото мастер-классахКак говорила великая Коко Шанель: "Украшений должнобытьмного.Если они настоящие, это отдает хвастовством и дурнымвкусом.Яделаю фальшивые и очень красивые. Они дажекрасивеенастоящих!"Вам нравятся антикварная мебель и раритетные мелочидляинтерьера,но они так дорого стоят... Значит Вамнужнымастер-классы подекупажу!Работы выполненные в этой технике достойныукраситьлюбойинтерьер! С помощью декупажа можно декорировать своимирукамилюбойпредмет: шкафы, комоды, тарелки, вазы, цветочныегоршки,шкатулки,подносы, вешалки и прочее, всё, что захочетвашафантазия.Стильные, изящные и роскошные изделия создаютсябуквальноизпустоты.Никаких особых приспособлений не нужно, обычные вещи,которыеестьпочти в каждом доме, а также несложные материалыдлядекупажа.С помощью мастер-классов по вязанию и мастер-классов пошитьювынаучитесь создавать эксклюзивные одежду и аксессуары,которыебудутвыполнены в единственном, авторском варианте.Также у нас Вы найдете мастер-классы: мастер классыпополимернойглине, мастер классы по скрапбукингу, мастер классыпокуклам,мастер классы по плетению, мастер классы по флористикеимногоедругое.Приложение предназначено для русскоязычных пользователей.Все материалы используемые в приложении взяты изгруппыВКонтакте in ourtime-definitely the most popular hobbies in the world. A senseofbeautyinherent in man, but men as well, and is inherent inthepursuit ofself-improvement, the pursuit of set goals andachievethem. Craftswith their hands gives us the opportunity tocombinethese twofactors together.How often we admire beautiful paintings,exquisitedecorations,elegant favors and say sadly: "Sorry, I do notknowhow!" Mastersof Handicraft Workshops give you the opportunitytoperfect theirown, with their own hands.Appendix "Handmade Ideas" - a master class onneedleworkfromknown and yet very much masters of needlework: thestepmasterclasses with photos, crafts for home, crafts withtheirhands,original embroidery schemes, patterns and descriptions,linksforhand-made themes, interesting and informative articles.You can not draw? Embroider the designs developed bythepaintingsof great artists! It is much easier to stitchembroiderydoes notneed to learn a few years, but the effect is noworse!EmbroideryWorkshops will help you in just a few minutestounderstand the basicprinciples of this technique.You know how to embroider a cross, but want toimprovetheirskills? Learn something new? Master crafts invite youto thephotoand video tutorials on various techniques ofembroidery:Hardanger,Assisi, Sachiko, shvalmskaya embroidery,ribbons frayed,tapestriesand moreYou can not afford to buy gold earrings with diamonds?Donotneed! Make yourself earrings, necklaces, bracelets andmuchmorefor yourself - this will help you to master classes inbeadingandmaster Bijou with lessons on creating jewelry withtheirhands!Master crafts - Crafts house in detailed photoworkshopsAs the great Coco Chanel said: "Jewelry should be a lotiftheyare true, it gives bragging and bad taste I do fake andtheyarevery beautiful, even more beautiful than this...!"I enjoy antique furniture and rare things for theinterior,butthey are so expensive ... Then you need the masterclassesfordecoupage!The work performed in this technique worthy decorateanyinterior!With the help of decoupage can decorate their ownhandsany object:cabinets, chests, plates, vases, flower pots,boxes,trays, hangers,etc., everything that your imaginationwants.Stylish, elegant andluxurious products are literally out ofthinair.No special tools are not needed, the usual things, whichareinalmost every home, as well as simple materials fordecoupage.With workshops on knitting and master classes in sewing,youwilllearn how to create exclusive clothes and accessoriesthatwill beperformed in a single, author's version.Also here you will find the master classes: masterclassesinpolymer clay, master classes on scrapbooking, masterclassesdolls,master classes on weaving, master of floral designclassesand muchmore.The application is designed for English-speaking users.All materials used in the application are taken fromthegroupVKontakte
Crafts from bottles 0.1
This application will help you createavarietyof crafts from the bottles by hand. Using thisexperience,you'll beable to come up with crafts. Our tutorial willhelp youteach yourchildren 3,4,5,6 years and older how to makecrafts outof bottles.Options are limited only by your imagination!Craftsfrom thebottles - it is a wonderful hobby!Guide contains photos and a detailed description of theprocess.Tryit and you will be surprised how easy it is tocreatecraftsmasterpieces of the bottles!Also you can find a lot of other topics for crafts and hobbiesinourapplication:• origami• Amigur• Bead crafts• kanzashi• clay crafts• Toys made of felt• bracelets gum• Toys made of polymer clay• origamiOur app is completely free!
Crafts cocks 0.1
This application will help you createavarietyof crafts cocks with their hands. Using this experience,inthefuture you'll be able to come up with the roosterscrafts.Ourtutorial will help you teach your children 3,4,5,6 yearsandolderhow to make crafts roosters. Options are limited onlybyyourimagination! Crafts cocks - it is a wonderful hobby!Guide contains photos and a detailed description of theprocess.Tryit and you will be surprised how easy it istocreatemasterpieces!Also you can find a lot of other topics for crafts and hobbiesinourapplication:• origami• Amigur• Bead crafts• kanzashi• clay crafts• Toys made of felt• bracelets gum• Toys made of polymer clay• origamiOur app is completely free!
Origami 0.1
Do you want to learn how to make craftsoutofpaper? Crafts made of paper, made by the hands, the best waytogeta charge of good mood and positive for a long time.Ourapplicationcrafts out of paper, created for parents andchildrenalike. You'llfind lots of interesting ideas on topics suchaschildren's art ofpaper with your hands, crafts forkindergarten,crafts, paper, aswell as:- Boat made of paper- Paper airplane- Paper Fish- Flower from paper- House from paper
Bead Crafts at home 0.1
This application will help you createavarietyof crafts from beads with your hands. Using thisexperience,in thefuture you'll be able to come up with craftsfrom beads.Ourtutorial will help you teach your children 3,4,5,6years andolderhow to make crafts from beads. Options are limitedonly byyourimagination! Crafts from beads - it is a wonderfulhobby!Guide contains photos and a detailed description of theprocess.Tryit and you will be surprised how easy it istocreatemasterpieces!Also you can find a lot of other topics for crafts and hobbiesinourapplication:• origami• Amigur• articles made of bottles• kanzashi• clay crafts• Toys made of felt• bracelets gum• Toys made of polymer clay• origamiOur app is completely free!
Creative Craft Design 2.0
creative craft an excellent artworksandcreatively made by skilled hands of its maker. by processingrawmaterials into a work of art that is very beautifulandextraordinary. even those who use a lot of items that arenotuseful and may be amended or recycled into items that havequalityand value of art and creativity. and can even make money outof thecraft. in order to foster creativity in terms of artandcreativity, we present the best reference for you in terms ofartsand crafts such creative craft ideas, arts and crafts forkids,craft ideas for kids, art and craft, craft supplies, craftsforkids, art and craft ideas, craft store, kids craft ideas,funcrafts for kids, kids crafts, craft making, christmas craftideas,craft shop, art & craft, craft projects, art craft,craftpaper, paper craft, paper crafts for kids, art projects forkids,craft activities for kids, kids arts and crafts, craftingideas,easy craft ideas, craft online, crafts to make, craft items,artcrafts for kids, craft websites and collection of creativecraftmore will always be delivered as material creative craft will give you a reference and inspirationonhow to create products of handicraft products to decorateyourhome, as education for children, recycling scrap materials,andturn it into a craft crafts like flowers, birthday gifts,dolls,and crafts more. with a search of the source of the bestsourcesyou will be given a reference about the arts and crafts forkids,christmas crafts, craft ideas, art and craft ideas, artprojectsfor kids, kids crafts, art activities for kids, papercrafts forkids, fun crafts kids , arts and crafts, art craft, artprojectideas, art crafts for kids, art activities, art n craft, artandcraft ideas for kids, arts and crafts for toddlers, creativecraftideas, creative arts and crafts, fun art projects for kids,funarts and crafts, kids craft ideas, art craft ideas, craft ideasforkids, art activities for children, arts and crafts forchildren,kids art ideas, art and craft activities, fun kids crafts,art andcraft work and collections other inspiring that we willprovide toyou. so by downloading this application we will give youall thebest for you and we will get the benefit of our own workmight evenmake a lot of money. so what are you waiting for. onlyfrom us youwill get what you need and do not miss this application.downloadnow free.
Step by step flannel flower 1.0
we will discuss about the craft anythingmadeofflannel. Materials crafts of flannel can be taken fromtextilewastethat has been unused. Of course this will giveatremendousadvantage. It's easy to see this flannel cloth, youcanget aroundwhere you live because a lot of creative people whousethismaterial to create a work of art that has a high salesvalueandunique. One of the reasons why the flannel is used asamaterialartwork is due to the type of material that is very easytobeformed into a wide variety of crafts beautiful eyes.Flannel has a texture very similar to wool fabrics. By doingso,thetexture is a little stiff material makes this fabric iseasilymadeinto a wide variety of crafts. Flannel fabric also hasasoftmaterial and easily combined with other materials, and alsohasavariety of bright colors. There are so many crafts that canbemadewith flannel base material. Well, of course you mustbeconfused,right? Therefore, here we will give some refernsicraftsof flannelthat have a unique shape. Live you just choosewhich onewill youtry to create first.Coupled with the simple idea of ​​high creativity, flannelcanbeprocessed into crafts attractive and also unique.Especiallyforbeginners, you might be confused as to what craftfavored bymanypeople. Therefore, here we've gathered some uniquecrafts madeofflannel.Crafts from Felt that Shaped Buds of RosesFlannel is one of the materials to make a hand creationsarepopulartoday. From the soft texture of the material and thecolorsareinteresting to make flannel as one of the mainingredientsformaking crafts are widely used.Not only that, the fabric is also very easy to get falnelinnearbyshops. Therefore, chances of handicraft businesses arenowstartingogled from various circles, especiallyforhousewives.Crafts from the Form Felt Keychain Frog
10-Minute DIY You NEED to Try! 4.3
Cool DIY Projects to Spark Your Creativity. Mind-BlowingCreativeIdeas You Can Start Right Now. Pinterest DIYS Tested! AllHandmadeideas are illustrated with detail photos withstep-by-stepinstructions. WHAT YOU GET: ■ Easy Homemade DIYProjects you canmake for less than 10 minutes ■ Discover newcreative ideas withinstructions to try every day of the year. ■Share any guide onFacebook, Twitter or any favorite social media. ■Bookmark yourfavorite DIY crafts, and return to them at any time. ■You can savephoto-tutorials at SD-card. TAKE IT NOW! ■ Theapplication issmall, so it is fast to download. ■ Just click at anyDIY projectand you’ll get full instructions. ■ New inspiringhandcrafted giftprojects added every day. ■ Choose the Handmadeproject you want totry and save it at MY FAVORITE tab. HAPPILY USEBY THE WHOLE FAMILY■ Easy and cute crafts for kids, parents andfriends. ■ Familyfriendly projects to try: seasonal décor, DIYgifts, party ideas. ■Even simple projects develop new skills andimprove creativity.PERFECT FOR HANDMADE LOVERS ■ Love DIY andCrafts? Tones of newhandmade projects with instructions for FREE! ■Every day morecreative and challenging handmade ideas. SIMPLE ARTPROJECT FOR ANYSKILLS ■ There are enough easy art crafts for tomake. ■ You candécor your home in easy original and budget way.Here you findhandmade ideas to all your experience, both large andsmall. Thereare also many ideas for easy art projects. For any kindof DIYthere are multiply creative ideas, allowing you to choose theonethat will be most effective for your own particular budgetandtime. Information beneath each handcraft project indicate atglancehow much steps is involved. Handmade is almost alwayschallenging.Whether you are trying to design home décor or createspecial giftfor friend, you are sure to run into some unexpectedand puzzlingproblems. For most of us finding just the rightsolution tocreative ideas is sometimes more fun than enjoying theresults. Butno one can imagine every potential solutions to everyinspiringDIY’s. Sometimes you get stumped. When this happens, itcan behelpful to see how other people have approached a similarhandmadediy. Our solutions may inspire you to think about thehandcraftprojects in a new way or could be so relevant to yourparticularneeds that you try to copy them exactly. But even if youtried toduplicate diy or art project down to the last detail,yourmaterials, experience and personal preferences would maketheoutcome unique. Diy projects usually have more than onesolution.When faced with furniture makeover, for example, yourchoices caninclude such things as painting, restore old furnitureor makinggarden furniture with wooden pallets. It’s worthwhileconsideringas many of diy tutorials as possible before you act.That’s wherethis app comes in. It includes many of most popular DIYthemes andArt Projects: ■ home décor ■ interior art projects ■kid’s artprojects ■ gift ideas ■ repurposing and recycling ■ gardenideas ■seasonal crafts ■ diy furniture ■ paper craft ■ organizing ■easycraft projects. In some cases, using one particularhandcraftproject is enough for your needs, but in other cases youcan tryseveral approaches simultaneously. You can also begin withtheleast expensive, easiest or most temporary approach. Only youknow,of course, what the best diy crafts for you, because you onlyyouunderstand your whole home and what you want from it. We’vedevelopthis diy app as brain-storming tool. So look the variousDIYproject you’ll find here. Maybe you’ll find just the rightapproachto particular diy or be inspired by these diy ideas to comeup withyour own solution. Please do not hesitate email us withanyquestions or propositions about this diy app. If you enjoythesediy projects, would you mind leaving your detail feedback onGooglePlay? Thank you!
Weaving baubles 0.1
This application contains theschemaweaveBaubles, as well as master classes on weavingbaubles.Braceletmade with their own hands, will give you a warmmood andwill be anice gift for your friends. A useful applicationforneedleworkenthusiasts. Attached are diagrams for weavingbraceletsobliquebraiding, Kumihimo and direct, as well as schemesfortrinkets andbaubles weaving.Also you can find a lot of other topics for crafts and hobbiesinourapplication:• origami• Amigur• articles made of bottles• kanzashi• Crafts from clay• Toys made of felt• bracelets gum• Toys made of polymer clay• origamiOur app is completely free!