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CFB - Город Строителей 1.7
CFB — Город строителей—интерактивныйурбанистический дайджест журнал.Здесь собран тщательно отредактированный и отобранныйматериалоархитектуре, строительстве, инновационных технологияхиматериалах,дизайне интерьера и ландшафтном дизайне.Шикарные проекты домов, невероятные здания исооружения,инновациии дизайн не оставят никого равнодушным. Журналвыходит ссентября2014 года ежемесячно на платформах Android и IOS.Каждыйномерпосвящен отдельной тематике и включает в себясамыеактуальные иинтересные статьи, написанные авторами совсегомира.Приятного прочтения,Команда журнала CFB - Город Строителейp.s. Журнал создан при помощи издательской платформыEastMedia,вытакже можете бесплатно создать свой журнал. Всеподробности насайтеeast-media.ruThe CFB - CityBuilders-an interactive urban Digest magazine.Here assembled carefully edited and selectedmaterialofarchitecture, construction, innovative technologiesandmaterials,interior design and landscape design.Luxury house designs, incredible buildingsandfacilities,innovation and design will not leave anyoneindifferent.Themagazine is published with the September 2014monthly onAndroidand IOS platforms. Each room is dedicated to asingle topicandincludes the most relevant and interesting articleswrittenbyauthors from around the world.Enjoy your reading,Magazine Team CFB - City Buildersp.s. The magazine was created using EastMediapublishingplatform,you can also create your magazine for free. Allthedetails on thewebsite
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BIGMOSCOW Magazine 2.0
How Can One Make Money In Moscow?or Russia Through Eyes of Foreigners Who Conduct TheirBusinessThereEntrepreneurs from America, Germany, France, Britain, andItalytell us about their life and businesses there. . . It seemsthattens of thousands of foreign citizens are already running theirownsmall and medium-sized businesses in Moscow.Screen resolution requirements: not less than 720x960BIGMOSCOW is an abbreviation for the Business Investment GuidetoMOSCOW. An magazine in English, German and Russian, availableforfree download from the App Store.At the heart of BIGMOSCOW are the success stories, andotherwise,of American and European small and medium-sizedbusinesses inMoscow; the personal experiences of Americans andEuropeans tradingin Moscow; tales and advice from foreignersbuilding their careersin Moscow. Not to mention: ideas for doingbusiness in Moscow;start-ups and existing infrastructure ripe forinvestment; companiesinterested in cooperation.The aim of this magazine is to provide advice and assistancetoinvestors expanding into the Moscow.